Tara Abele

Passionately helping people transform their lives!

Office Phone: (215)3595262
Consultation Type: Online
Best Contact Method: peacefulpathwaysQH@gmail.com
Available Hours: By appointment
Payment Options: Paypal, Venmo, Check
Languages: English

Address: Moorestown, New Jersey, 08057, United States.


Tara Abele

Peaceful Pathways Quantum Healing

Facilitator/ Medium

~ Member Since 2018

Welcome! I am honored to assist you on your journey of awakening. Nothing is a coincidence, and spirit has led you to me. As a Quantum healing practitioner, I will assist you to enlighten and heal yourself through gentle hypnosis. You probably don't even realize that on a daily basis you achieve this relaxed state of mind several times in a day. In today's world, we often forget the importance of taking time to go within, and are bogged down with real life issues.  Everything is energy, which western medicine does not acknowledge. Many people seek quantum healing when they have tried, unsuccessfully, traditional methods of physical and emotional healing.  The answers and healing are all right there, ready to be accessed when you are ready to receive them.  Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup.  Invest in yourself! Perhaps you or a loved one are simply looking for some energy maintenance, or having been feeling yourself. Remote Energy Sessions are done without having to show up for an appointment, and you will receive a recorded audio of the session.  As a medium, my guide will connect with your higher self and we will go through the RSR protocol, restoring, energizing, and removing any negative energy, as well as gain insights and advice from your higher self.


M.,Ed. 2015
Reiki Level 2 2017
B.QH. Certified 2018
A.U.R.A Certified 2019
R.S.R. Certified 2020
Angelfire Reiki Transfer 2020
IPHM Certified 2020



Monica P.

April 2021

Everyone really needs to have an RSR session one. You won't be disappointed with Tara and The Team!

WOW! I am just blown about how easy and how much benefit I received from having a RSR session done. Not only did I have one done for myself but also for my 2 sons (13 and 9). All three of us had significant improvements. For me there were two major improvements, although there were more but two I will share. The neck/shoulder/back pain that has plagued me for almost a decade has finally subsided. I have steroid injects, physical therapy and also saw several different chiropractors over the last decade. All helped temporarily (only weeks or maybe a month) and now after having an RSR session done I understand why those remedies were so shortly lived. Another major improvement for me was I always felt like I was walking around with a stack of books on my head weighing me down. The top of my head felt heavy and after reading and listening to my session I now know why. I now feel so light on the top of my head, I feel like a big weight has been lifted off my head as if I am almost floating.
I saw a 180 degree change in my 13 son. I cannot begin to tell you what a difference it has made to our life. I was worried he was starting to head down a path that could lead him in to another really bad path. Now I am no longer worried as Tara and The Team has given me some great advice to implement and I do so and can see it works like a charm.

I look forward to having other services done with Tara. She is so kind and friendly. You feel her warmth and love coming through in every communication.

I am absolutely grateful I took a chance on having an RSR session done and now I want everyone to have one as well.
You will not be disappointed! Don't wait, just go for it!



April 2021

That was a far more extensive and thorough healing than I thought you would do. (RSR session) Very interesting about the reptilian influence. Thanks for removing that. Also about the star connection. Here is something really interesting. You said there was a portal in the living room over the area rug (we do have an area rug in the middle). My wife was meditating in that room and she said her deceased brother came through the portal and they had a talk. So we were amazed at both her picking up on the portal and then your confirmation of it in the exact spot! Karen says she felt a lifting of a feeling of negativity. Also the left foot that you said was being pulled, she said that foot always felt kind of crooked but has since stopped hurting and straightened out.”



April 2021

Thank you so much Tara, I've just listened to the recording and in fact I've felt a massive difference this week!! I'd like to thank you both for your time working on me. I've been sorting through a lot of younger year trauma so I can identify with what was said...however a lot has been identified and I can now locate the root cause, and I can feel myself moving forward now.
.....now I know I'm capable of anything I'd like to create....so thank you, I'm grateful for the work you've done for me.



April 2021

I wanted to give feedback on the session you did for me, and thank you for sealing the portals, cleaning the chakras and dismissing the various entities attached to me, among other things.  I'm not surprised that you say my energy split towards a sub personality at age 19.  It was indeed as you say a (prolonged) time of great confusion. 

I have felt calmer, more relaxed and optimistic since the session.One thing that has made a major difference to my happier state was the message that you relayed m.to me from my higher self. The message that you relayed was: "HS says he is doing the right thing, and that he can move forward with confidence. There isn't anything wrong with the choices he has made  and can be assured that it will lead him in the right direction. He was having some qualms recently about some decisions that he made but he hasn't done anything wrong, nor should he fear. Take heart, all is well and he can be optimistic about his future. We can assure him of that. The higher self wants him to know." 

For the last two years I have deeply regretted emigrating, but have being unable to return because it is not what my wife wants. It has been a very trying time. The wise words from HS really settled me and made be more able to accept living here. A clairvoyant/clairaudient told me a few weeks before your session that we would return to / in a couple of years, but that I'm here for a reason and there's something I yet have to do here before I return. I was happy to receive that message but still wasn't fully accepting I had to be here.  Your message from HS convinced me and now I am accepting being here, and as I said I am feeling happier, more relaxed and accepting.



April 2021

The audio sounded great! Thank you.  I felt lighter in my body yesterday night & and feel the same way so far this morning too. It’s so nice.



April 2021

I had a BQH with Tara and I feel like my life has changed for ever!!
Tara's energy is divine and she is the embodiment of love and light into this world.
With excellent skill and loving patience she managed to lift all the sadness and dark energy that I was carrying around for many lifetimes.
I cannot find the appropriate words to express my gratitude and thankfullness.
My heart is finally light and joyful and I see the world with different eyes and it didn't take any time after the session for the swift to happen.
Please try it for yourselfs and you will understand what I'm talking about.
I recommend Tara with all my heart and hope her work be known widely , we need her work and energy in order to recover from the chaos all around.
God bless you Tara, you healed me!!!
Maria from Greece.



April 2021

This is the second RSR session I had with Tara, her colleague and guides, the first being a year ago. For the week previous to the session I had felt very tired, unusually so. On the afternoon of the session, my energy returned and I felt quite uplifted! I also received guidance and healing on a particularly difficult life situation, and on energetically protecting myself and my home, as well as healing, servicing and repair of the chakras, and so much more. This is an invaluable service for all that I can't recommend highly enough!


Tena Dodds-Waters

May 2020

I had an amazing AURA session with Tara! She helped me release many lifetimes of trauma, pain and suffering all with the same theme of control by the toxic masculine energy. I feel like this freed me to continue on my path of healing and helping others to heal as well. Her calm and peaceful energy was essential for holding the space of love that allowed me to fall in and open up. I'd recommend Tara to anyone who needs to dive deep. Her intuition is invaluable in helping to validate what you're experiencing and the energy work is essential to help clear your field of possible infringement. I can't thank you enough, Tara! So much love to you and your beautiful soul!❤️



May 2020

I had the pleasure of Tara conducting RSR sessions for myself and my 2 children. The information was spot on and really resonated with me on a deep level. I am just starting my journey and am very much looking forward to working with Tara as my path continues to unfold. She communicates well and made me feel comfortable!

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A Divine Set Up

A Divine Set-up

By Tara Abele & Guides  Quietly breaking the silence of my inner landscape were these words, “Greatness is not earned, it is... Read more »

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