Timothy Feeley

Helping People To Discover Their Own Creative Brillance Within Themselves

Office Phone: 718.646.8777
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Languages: English

Time Zone: EST

Address: 2083, East 19th Street, Sheepshead Bay, New York, 11229, United States.


Timothy Feeley

~ Member Since 2015

IF you are familiar with Dolores Cannon’s QHHT regression technique and are looking to experience the extraordinary and exhilarating process of communicating with your higher self, IF you are currently investigating Dolores’s technique, or IF you are curious and would like to find out more… WELCOME! A QHHT session is often a life changing experience for people who participate. During a QHHT session people experience a level of relaxation that allows clarity of thought and a level of self-analysis that can be emotionally charged. For some it is life altering. My first QHHT session as a client was a birthday gift. When I went to my session I was-open minded, curious and a little apprehensive. The immediate results I experienced at the session were interesting and provided me with some clarity on the questions I had brought into the session. It wasn’t until 3 weeks later (Due to work commitments and vacation plans) did I listen to the recording provided to me at the end of my session. Boy was I surprised when I heard what my subconscious said. The questions asked by the practitioner during the visualization portion of the session helped to guide me in understanding the details of what I saw in my mind’s eye. My subconscious mind explained the feelings I was experiencing as I was moving through each scene of the session. What was interesting to me was how seemingly unimportant details my subconscious mind shared with me 3 weeks previously, suddenly became important facts in understanding the answers to the questions I brought to my session. This first experience inspired me to investigate and become a certified QHHT practitioner. Participating in a QHHT session as a client was fun and the end results were both exciting and intriguing. My goal as a practitioner is to educate each client on each stage of this process, to ensure they fully understand what we will be doing and to help them achieve the greatest benefit from this exciting experience. I know some people may feel it will be difficult to put themselves in a relaxed hypnotic state, so I share techniques that will help guide them to more easily reach this relaxed state. As a QHHT practitioner I get the opportunity and privilege to ride along with you on your journey of self-discovery. Every client is different and every client session brings new insights from the client’s subconscious mind. I encourage you to review the material on my website. If you have any questions you can contact me with your questions. I always enjoy hearing from clients and potential clients, sharing information and answering their questions. When you complete exploring my website and you decide you would like to experience the excitement of a QHHT session – let’s talk. 


QHHT Level 2


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Audio Files

(1) Rick Delgado with Tim Feeley

(2) Rick Delgado with Tim Feeley

(3) Rick Delgado with Tim Feeley

(4) Rick Delgado with Tim Feeley

(5) Rick Delgado with Tim Feeley

(6) Rick Delgado with Tim Feeley

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