A Charming Perspective of our Human Illusion: by Emmanuel

Alternative Healing

Simple yet powerful layers-deep truth, is my favorite flavor of reading these days.

Emmanuel’s Books by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton, channeled and compiled in the 1970s and ‘80s, overflow with these flavors.

Read on, to experience why these books have spent the last several years migrating between my nightstand, countertops, office, car and bathroom. They’re slightly tattered now, the most used books in my abundant library.

Though it is not “new” information, I open one almost every day to let a few sentences or pages entrain me to the treasures, mystery and awe of living a human life. Particularly as everything in and around us metamorphs into vast, fresh versions of itself.

From Emmanuel’s Book II; The Choice for Love by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton
Chapter 3 (pg. 23) “Illusion”.

“I would like to discuss illusion. The You in Oneness and the You in Duality seem to be vastly different. Yet they are not. You might view duality as a series of Chinese boxes. The greatest of the boxes is the Oneness. Within that Oneness is the world of illusion you have created from Oneness. Within the world of illusion is the duality. It is not hopeless. Your world is not opposed to Oneness. It is embraced by it.

The lenses of your human experience have altered themselves to the mind’s demand, to fear’s preoccupation, to the child’s education. There is another lens available to you, which sees even your moments of greatest stress, greatest division and fragmentation as simply part of the Oneness.

I am held in suspicion at times by my channel when I address all things disguised as tragedies as opportunities to choose love. One might say ‘Why, Emmanuel would walk through the very gates of hell itself and say that was an opening to love!’ Yes, I would. The moment you choose love, hell vanishes. It becomes just another remarkable structure in fear’s domain.

It is not required that you alter your world one iota. What will bring you peace is to alter your perceptions.

You are all ensnared in illusion, much as if you were walking through a field of brambles. You entered the field, called by the beautiful wildflowers there. As you began to walk, to pick the joys, the beauties of this world, you found yourselves more and more entangled in the thorns, until you became so focused on the thorns that you quite forgot why you went into the field at all.

Because your world is your schoolroom, you walk it with a certain amount of respect. That is appropriate, for unless you enter into the illusion, the illusion cannot serve you. At the same time, you must be aware that you have chosen this walk.

Even your bodies are not what they seem. What appears to be solid is, in fact, no more solid than air. It is only molecular structure spinning exactly as your solar system spins. The vastness of your galaxies is mirrored in the cellular arrangement of your bodies.

Your intuitive heart is the doorway that stands between the worlds. In your willingness to go against all reason, all defenses, all habits, all patterns, all superstitions, and many teachings to say ‘I will love’, you walk in the Light. You honor the illusion but you will never become lost in it.

As children you have played at putting your hands in front of a bright light and watching the shadow figures on the wall. This is a clear analogy of your life.

Do you choose to look at the shadows on the wall and say, ‘This is reality’, or are you also aware of how shadows were created and of the brilliant Light that stands behind all illusion?

Not only are you the shadow that is dancing on the wall,
but you are the hand that makes the shadow,
and you are the Light.”

Donna McMurtry offers online BQH and Quantum Connect sessions, and QHHT in person. For more information or to book a session please click HERE

(image by Edmund Lowe/Dreams time.com ID 28798870.)


Jackson Hawk

Jackson Hawk says:

p.s. I really need a new photo of myself, one that doesn’t look like I just sat on something sharp.

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Jackson Hawk

Jackson Hawk says:


Thank you for this post. Based on it, as well as reviews on Amazon, I ordered 2 copies of both Emmanuel’s Book and Emmanuel’s Book II; one for myself, and one for my wife. I have recently been introduced to Byron Katie’s “The Work”, and these books seem like another piece of the puzzle.

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