Hello Darkness My Old Friend

Alternative Healing

That One Time I Got Cursed in Cambodia.

The Light Needs the Dark as much as the Dark Needs the Light.

“Hello Darkness my old Friend. I’ve come to talk to you again.”

This brilliant refrain (from the song Sounds of Silence) plays in my head today as I contemplate Darkness. Which is to say, glean its gifts and extract its treasures.

I hear this tune when someone speaks of evil, or entities (a misnomer. We’re all “entities”! It’s like saying “emotion” to mean awe, or hatred, or affection, or disgust).

This melody wafts when I hear the latest about the great and powerful “they” who get all sorts of atrocities attributed to them (“they” reminds me of the Wizard of Oz; a wee frightened man, once you peek behind the curtain. All he has is an amplified voice, and people who believe him.)

I have a sign beside my coffee maker portraying a cup of coffee and “hello darkness my old friend.” An ode to that magical murky beverage. If I was forced to worship something…. nevermind, I digress.

In February 2024, I was in Cambodia. After three weeks of travel and energy classes in Thailand, I arrived in Cambodia a bit dehydrated, weary, and running on a couple days of junk food. Mostly the food was healthy, just not on travel days while we hopped between planes, boats, buses and tuk-tuks.

My physical state mattered because of frequency and resonance.

Outside Siem Reap we found a Lotus Farm tour that sounded delightful. And it was, despite a nagging un-ease I felt. Halfway through the tour my head started to pound. By the time I got back to our room, I had a fever. Diana ran down to the corner store and bought me $2 antibiotics. I’d muscle tested if the fever was viral or bacterial, and which mild antibiotics would knock it. We didn’t know where to find herbs and supplements, but meds are everywhere, OTC, for a few bucks.

Early the next day I joined the 4 hour van ride to tour ancient sites, but it wasn’t long before I could barely walk. Spent that long hot day curled up in the back seat, delirious. Spent the next 2 days in bed.

Of course, the very first night, I sought explanations from my HS and Team; They showed me an old woman at the Lotus Farm. I’d briefly stood beside her during the tour while she labored. She was bitter. Hated her life, hated all those who seemed luckier than her. Hated the unfairness of this world. She’d fixated on blonde, happy, “lucky” me, representing these things she hated, and she’d flung curses.

My aura was in shreds and had to be completely rebuilt.

The antibiotics knocked the fever and on the third day, I rose from the bed to see Angkor Wat. I was even able to eat a last sumptuous feast before traveling 29 hours home (if you know me, you know food is my love language). I followed my HS instructions; which involved contacting Brenda, our Naturopathic Doctor, who could help me cleanse my blood and repair my brain (which was noticeably… not right).

Brenda books out 3-4 months. But I emailed her that I’d had a fever in Cambodia, had taken antibiotics, and my brain wasn’t functioning right. So if she had any cancellations could she see me?

She emailed back immediately. “Can you come today? Tomorrow? The next day? I’ll get you in, when can you come?”

This raised my eyebrow. I drove my ill-functioning brain 2 hours to her office in Denver. Her face was… dramatic, when I walked in. “I don’t mean to frighten you,” she said, (I smiled. She doesn’t know what all I/we deal with in QH sessions) “but from the time you emailed me, all I’ve seen is… well, you’ve been cursed. It’s a death curse…” She went on to share her visions while my jaw continued to drop. She knew things I hadn’t mentioned to anyone.

I tend to minimize things. I had forgotten about curses and all that my HS explained, until it came out in Brenda’s words.

At the same time as my Brenda visit, a man we love dearly said jokingly to Diana, (when I couldn’t attend the meeting we had scheduled) “what, did she get cursed in Cambodia or something?”

Diana stared at him, “Why would you say that?!”

Cambodia is a land drenched in blood. Layered in dark histories (his-stories). Steeped in warfare and corruption and ancient ancestral dark arts. We did a session there on Valentines day, once I was semi-functioning, before the final feast and journey home. It had everything to do with hearts and blood and bringing in big Love. Powerful Beings did deep clearing work and anchored Light for that land and its precious people. We’ll transcribe and share the session eventually.

For years I used tools to “protect myself”. But my frequency stays higher now, which repels low frequencies like a good mosquito spray. Also my HS/Team takes care of protection. So where was my protection?

Here’s what’s important to say; there had to be resonance in me, to allow any impact of those curses.

Firstly, my physical systems were compromised at that point.

Secondly, this was meant to happen. Believe me, I had words with my HS along the lines of “why didn’t you warn me? Protect me? Put this on my radar in some way??” But some things serve the highest and best, even when it doesn’t seem like it. These things I planned. They’re part of my purpose. Darkness triggers bringing in the Light.

Thirdly, my DNA carried ancestral patterns of bitterness. Plenty of my ill-treated, abused and abusive Native American ancestors had hated their lives, hated the “luck of the draw,” hated their “fate in life.” There were Irish-Scottish ancestors who resented the hardships “god asked of them.” Loads of my ancestors, repressed and condemned by the religions they clung to, believed they needed to be saved.

All of this needed attention and healing in my genetics. And it was the right time.

This was how the curse served me… AND generations of Ancestors. And the country of Cambodia.
That Cambodian woman served a whole lot of us.
I Bless her.

Darkness triggers bringing in Light.

Light shines brightest against a dark backdrop.

Donna McMurtry offers online BQH and Quantum Connect sessions, and QHHT in person. For more information or to book a session please click HERE

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