Natalie Taxiera

Life is a concept, like the universeā€š that expands as soon as we reach what we think is its edge. - Kamand Kojouri

Office Phone: 406-223-0343
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: M-F 9-3 I can accommodate some sessions on weekends.
Payment Options: Cash, PayPal, VENMO
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Address: 228, West Callender Street, Livingston, Montana, 59047, United States.

Natalie Taxiera

~ Member Since 2020

Natalie is a BQH practitioner residing in the beautiful and wild state of Montana. I found myself on this path because the healing arts is something that has woven its way into my life over the years. I was determined to help myself heal from auto-immune issues and unprocessed traumas. As I explored different modalities for my own healing and enlightenment, I found Quantum Healing to be the most profound.

I believe we are all capable of healing and shifting, if we are open to it and are given the right tools, especially when we access these higher, energetic realms of ourselves. There we can understand where the source of the trauma is, the why, and release/heal it. I have witnessed many beautiful transformations within my clients. Doing this kind of expansive healing work within ourselves, allows us to shift into these higher states of consciousness and awareness, so we can strengthen our own inner knowing and intuition. Reuniting that body, mind, spirit connection, raising vibration and consciousness.

The end result? Feeling more peace and joy, more positive manifestation, more inspiration, seeing positive shifts in your relationships, dropping victim consciousness and stories on repeat, and instead embodying personal responsibility and sovereignty, having greater personal awareness, having a better understanding of your purpose, living with more heart-centered intention, softening, being more loving, open-minded, understanding and accepting of yourself and others.Ā 

We are collectively being called to heal, it is time.

In addition to BQH, I offer Healy* Resonance frequency healing either as an add-on to my sessions, or as an individual service. With these, I have the ability to do the work both remotely and in person, as they both work in the quantum field. It’s a powerful addition to my sessions whether itā€š just to help you settle into a more relaxed state before or during a session, or if you’re in need of extra healing on the physical/emotional level. One of the biggest things I hear from people who have had a Healy session with me, is how relaxed they feel afterward.

It is no accident I discovered BQH, as its no coincidence that you are here. My goal is to create a safe, loving, inclusive, supportive, heart-centered environment in my practice for my clients and myself. To help you connect with the higher aspects of your being, so that you may gain more insight and clarity. And to connect you with more harmony, peace, and healing in your life during this momentous time of change we are collectively experiencing.

Let’s take a journey together!

Infinite blessings wherever your path takes you,


*What is Healy? Healy is a microcurrent medical device that has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use individualized frequencies to help balance your mind and body and relieve stress.

In Europe Healy is a Grade II medical device approved for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders. And it does much more.



Andrea Downs

August 2022

Natalie is kind, compassionate and easy to talk to. In our session she helped me see things that were happening in my life more clearly. She guided me during our session with love and gentleness. She made me feel safe which helped me open up. I am grateful I had the opportunity to work with Natalie.


Natalie wysocki

December 2021

My session with Natalie was even better than I anticipated. I felt so comfortable with her and it was a bonus to be in her beautiful little cottage. Since my session, I have noticed new opportunities and experiences, in areas of my life which had previously felt stagnant. I am elated! Natalie is warm, very caring, and passionate about this work. Iā€šĆ„Ć“m greatful to have found her.



December 2021

Natalie, brought a comfort and beautiful space to allow us to explore, overcome, and release the past events that have played deeply on my life. She has allowed me to be set free from the chains that were holding me down and gave me tools to keep working towards the freedom i deserve and desirer. Thank you again



April 2021

I experienced a powerful journey within with Natalieā€šĆ„Ć“s facilitation. It started with a healing with my Native American ancestors. This was extremely moving and continues to comfort me.
Answers to my personal questions were answered. Iā€šĆ„Ć“m aware of helping hearts present everyday to help me follow through with what needs to happen within and around me to move forward.
Thank you, Natalie.



April 2021

I just have to say that Natalie's ability to facilitate healing is remarkable. She is truly operating from a self-evolved space and holds a knowing and wisdom that is capable of bringing all the aspects of what is presented back into focus and clarity. Her own vision is crystal clear, she listens from a space of non-judgement and with this skill is capable of expanding, encouraging and guiding you into the deeper parts of yourself and your experience. She, herself is operating from a place of high vibration, she is a visionary, she walks her talk and can see your own highest self, help you bring it forth, and manifest this part of your awakening.

Natalie can see the bigger picture, her insights are profound and my own healing from working with her has been deep, lasting, and I am still feeling the positive impacts rippling out into every area of my life. The approximate 6-8 hours spent with Natalie, divided into two separate sessions, have been like a catalyst to me...a beautiful stone (with all my greatest potential and love), has been cast out into the pond of the universe and these ripples are ever expanding and moving out both within my inner experience, own sense of self, and reflected in my outer reality. I have been changed, and am changing, I have connected to myself and the source, and am continuing to deepen and strengthen that connection. And my life is responding to what is happening within me. The opportunities that I have been needing are showing up, the people I need to attract into my life in order to achieve my goals are showing up, I am operating with such a sense of clarity that I feel like I have power over the course of my life once again.

I can not say enough good things about my work with Natalie. I knew right from the first conversation that she has found her purpose in this work. When you are working with someone who is fulfilling their own purpose, who is serving with love, light, hope and faith, who is passionate, who is gifted, who is living in their own highest self and is firmly flowing on their own path in actualizing their potential, you have come to the right place and the right person.

I felt at home with Natalie..and I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to be guided by her heart, knowledge, skill, presence and wisdom.



April 2021

Natalie is very warm and gentle... she helped me relax and feel my deepest heart comfort for unraveling divine truth and healing in my journey inwards of self evaluation! Thank you for helping turn rocks over of divine light and truth!!! ????????????????????


Jessica Kerr

April 2021

My healing session with Natalie was a profound gift that keeps on giving. She provided a beautiful, safe and nurturing space that helped unravel many mysteries, concerns, and traumas that I had been carrying for years! I brought a list of questions regarding my health, my relationships and my past, and each one unfolded in a beautiful answer. I was able to see myself in a new light and had the most beautiful experience with my great grandmother. The added bonus was being able to see my husband in a past life and being able to relate that experience to this life has enabled me to let go of a lot of hurts and misunderstandings. Since my session Iā€šĆ„Ć“ve been feeling more empowered and have been able to step forth in a new Light. Iā€šĆ„Ć“m forever grateful for this healing, and encourage anyone looking for answers to physical or emotional health, or to know themselves better, to get in touch with Natalie for a session. You will be so happy that you did and forever changed in all the best ways.


Tiffany D.

April 2021

I recently did a session with Natalie. I honestly didnā€šĆ„Ć“t have any expectations. The level of healing that occurred was mind blowing! Natalie truly is a beautiful, compassionate human who is passionate about helping others. The insights and sense of calmness I gained from her are priceless. If youā€šĆ„Ć“re ready to heal, I strongly encourage you to get an appoint with her.


Kiki C.

April 2021

Natalie is a gifted and caring BQH practitioner. Her intuitive guidance provides a safe and healing space where you can experience deep relaxation, an expanded consciousness and your own open heart. If youā€šĆ„Ć“d like to enjoy a deeper, more fulfilling connection to your soul/ higher self and guides or journey to a past life for some clarity in your present, Natalie will give you a wonderfully healing experience.


Riding the waves of consciousness- quantum Healers World Wide Regression Week

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