Brittany Aurelie

"There are no limitations, unless you create them for yourself. Anything is possible. You are only limited by your own imagination." Dolores Cannon

Consultation Type: Online
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: 9am - 2pm MST
Payment Options: Venmo, Zelle
Languages: English

Address: Phoenix, Arizona, United States.


Brittany Aurelie

Hypnotherapy, BQH, Past Life Regression

BQH Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, Registered Nurse

~ Member Since 2020

My name is Brittany Aurelie and I am a Registered Nurse, Certified Hypnotherapist, and BQH Practitioner. I became a BQH practitioner after I received a healing of my lifelong mitral valve heart murmur during an online BQH hypnosis session. This healing was confirmed by a cardiologist and sparked my curiosity in our ability as humans to heal our mind, body, and soul. I hope to awaken people to the innate wisdom and power that resides within them.

All My Love,
Brittany Aurelie


Certified Hypnotherapist, BQH practitioner, Registered Nurse



Michelle Vezilj

April 2022

My session with Brittany was multilayered and the healing that took place has surfaced in many areas of my life. I received the answers I had been seeking as well as discovered a new healing modality from a past lifetime. Britt is kind, soothing, and truly cares about her clients. I will absolutely be back for another session with her!


Nina E

April 2022

I can’t recommend working with Brittany enough. She has such a beautiful energy and calming presence that makes you feel at ease immediately. I had such a deep healing experience that I’m still processing months later. Her guidance is so clear and allows you to tap into parts of your psyche that you have never encountered before. I appreciate how thorough she is and the devotion she has to your healing.



September 2021

I had my first ever hypnosis session with Brittany. I was a bit apprehensive as I didn’t know what to expect. Brittany put my right at ease. She laid out clear expectations up front. After the session was complete, we thoroughly dissected my experience. I have gone back 3 times now and I have gone through tremendous growth during each session. I highly recommend Brittany.


Maverick N

July 2021

This was an absolutely amazing experience! Brittany ensured I was properly prepared for my session and comfortable throughout our session. Our session helped unlock powerful codes and remembrance of past and parallel lives. This is an experience I’ll never forget. I’m so thankful she recorded our session so I can listen back to receive more insight into my souls purpose and wisdom.



June 2021

Brittany was warm, inviting, and professional. It was very easy to feel comfortable and relaxed with her as she took her time to deeply induce and guide me throughout my journey. She was very patient and supportive of my process and helped me feel confident throughout my session. She was able to guide me into my own inner wisdom, leaving me feeling centered and strong. I highly recommend Brittany!


Colleen Orr

October 2020

Brittany was an amazing facilitator for my BQH session. Her calm and soothing voice easily took me into a hypnotic state so I was able to quiet my egoic mind. This allowed me to connect with my higher self and obtain some surprising and wonderful information that is already affecting me. I am going through a powerful healing and transformation because of Brittany’s healing abilities. Brittany gently led me through a tour of past lives and then through a list of questions I wanted to ask my higher self. I received insights, healing and clearing of blocks that are continuing after the session. Brittany gave me thorough information all along the way and answered all my questions. She was prompt and accessible. This is a life changing event to go through. I am so grateful for Brittany’s guidance. I encourage everyone to take this journey!



June 2020

I had an amazing guided session with Brittany! I understand much better now the details of a scenario that I was a little skeptical and reserved about .
Working with Brittnay was an amazing, enlightening and comfortable experience for me. She was able to create a wonderful multi-dimensional experience while in the comfort of my own home. She was easy to open up to, extremely grounded and balanced. She was very patient, kind and has
postive energy. I would definitely recommend her to anyone wanting a positive change in their life.


Noelia V. Amore

June 2020

That was an incredible Journey! Words are not enough to describe the feelings of gratitude and appreciation. So much joy for what the session brought to light, "a clear awareness of what my soul purpose is." Thank you for holding my hand, you are AMAZING !


What a BQH session is like with me!

In this video I share what BQH actually is and what a session with me entails. BQH is similar to past life regressions!

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis FAQS!

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