Carla Kohberger

All is well.

Mobile Phone: 407-291-9766
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Text
Available Hours: 7 days/week Usually begin sessions at 1 pm Sessions last anywhere from 3-5 hours
Payment Options: Cash / Paypal
Languages: English

Address: Orlando, Florida, United States.


Carla Kohberger

Soul Journey

~ Member Since 2014

Since 2013  I have had the honor of facilitating QHHT sessions to such a wide variety of clients.  It’s always been an exciting adventure with each session.  I never know what to expect, except to expect the unexpected!  My QHHT training, both levels 1 and 2, were completed in person with Dolores Cannon.  I am so very grateful to have met her and to have trained directly under her.  

In 2019 I had the honor of being trained in Beyond Quantum Healing by Candace Craw-Goldman who was one of Dolores Cannon’s key practitioners.   BQH is very similiar to QHHT.  The biggest difference is that QHHT is limited to speaking with the HIgher Self and BQH we can speak to your Higher Self or any member of your heavenly team (guides, angles, masters, future self, etc).  I feel it is the next generation of QHHT.  BQH is approved to be done via technology, so you can stay in your own home and have this amazing experience. My clients results via Zoom have been every bit as amazing as sessions done in person.

Additionally, I have been trained in clinical hypnosis from the Omni School of Hypnosis located in Deland, Florida as well as being a Reiki Master since 2010.  I hold a B.S. in Psychology from Northeastern University and a M.A. from Assumption College in Rehabilitative Counseling.  

Over the years I have learned that every session is sacred.  Your session will be very unique and chosen for you by your Higher Self or other team member and is always what you need to continue on your path at your highest possible level.

Many blessings to you.


Trained by Dolores in Levels 1 and 2 QHHT Practictioner
Trained by Candace Craw Goldman in Beyond Quantum Healing
M.A. Rehabilitation Counseling
B.S. Psychology (Experimental)


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