Olivia Sayward

Office Phone: +491746114089
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Flexible
Payment Options: paypal, cash
Languages: English, Spanish, German

Time Zone: GMT +1 Berlin

Address: Berlin, Berlin, Germany.


Olivia Sayward

White Rabbit Journeys

~ Member Since 2021

Berlin, Germany (Deutschland), and online.

My mission is to help empower you in reconnecting with the magic and power of your imagination, the wisdom of your body, as well as the gifts that you have brought to the planet. I help to facilitate self-healing and the release of emotional/physical/mental blockages and fear so you can achieve your dreams while helping the planet in your own specific way. 

I offer quantum healing sessions in English or German (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Beyond Quantum Healing or Introspective Hypnosis – online and in Berlin). This was the single most helpful healing modality I experienced during my healing journey and I want to share it with others. I also incorporate the placement of crystals on the body during these sessions.

I am passionate about the plant world and working with plants in various ways for healing, awakening, expressing creativity and creating connection. 

Meine Mission ist es, dich dabei zu unterstützen, dich wieder mit der Magie und der Kraft deiner Vorstellungskraft, der Weisheit deines Körpers und den Gaben, die du auf den Planeten gebracht hast, zu verbinden. Ich helfe dir, dich mit deinen Selbstheilungskräften zu verbinden und emotionale/physische/mentale Blockaden und Ängste zu lösen, damit du deine Träume verwirklichen und gleichzeitig dem Planeten auf deine ganz eigene Weise helfen kannst.

Ich biete Quantenheilungs-Sitzungen auf englisch und deutsch an (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Beyond Quantum Healing oder Introspective Hypnosis – online oder in Berlin). Dies war die hilfreichste Heilmethode, die ich auf meinem Heilungsweg erfahren habe, und ich möchte sie mit anderen teilen. Ich beziehe auch die Platzierung von Kristallen auf dem Körper in diese Sitzungen mit ein.

Eine meiner Leidenschaften gilt der Pflanzenwelt. Ich arbeite gerne mit Pflanzen auf verschiedenste Weise, um Heilung, Kreativität und Verbindung zu schaffen. 



Wild Fermentation Retreat with Stefania de Leo and Sandor Katz, Abruzzo, Italy – 2024

Reiki 2 with Visionary School of Reiki, Berlin, Germany – 2024

Introspective Hypnosis by Antonio Sangio with Alba Weinman, Netherlands – 2023

Transpersonal Crystal Healing®, Evolve Healing Institute – 2023

Permaculture for the Herbalist’s Path (200 HR), Tzununa, Guatemala – 2022

Elements of Natural Building with Ashley Mcdonnell, Tzunana, Guatemala – 2022

Soma Yoga Teacher Training (200 HR) with Kiekari Terra, Veracruz, Mexico – 2021

Cacao Guardian Training with Cacao Mama, Berlin, Germany – 2021

Beyond Quantum Healing – 2021

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®, Level 1 – 2021

Shamanic Healing (schamanische Ausbildung), Shamanic Berlin, Germany – 2021-2022

Reiki 1 with Visionary School of Reiki, Berlin, Germany – 2021

Certified Media Designer Apprenticeship, Berlin, Germany – 2017

Bachelor in Illustration, Falmouth, UK – 2014

Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, Falmouth, UK – 2011



Nina K.

May 2024

I'm grateful to have experienced a crystal healing session in Olivia's beautiful, sunny space. She is a deeply trustful practitioner with a very nurturing and familiar energy, and I found myself being able to relax fully into the experience. As a practitioner myself, I was really impressed with Olivia's active listening skills, professionalism, ability to hold the space so well, and also her deeply connected & highly accurate insights into what was going on with me energetically.

I will never forget how she saw dolphins during our session, and this dolphin energy was definitely a big theme for me even many months after our session, with me even drawing the dolphin card often in my medicine deck. So magical!! Warmly & highly recommended -- thank you so much, Olivia!


Dorothe Schmidle

April 2024

A space where I could move with my thoughts and memories to a place unknown to me. Thank you very much for this opportunity and the little journey to myself.


Kathi C

November 2023

Auf Empfehlung einer guten Freundin habe ich einen Tattoo-Termin bei Olivia vereinbart. Mein großer Wunsch war es, meine verstorbene beste Freundin auf meiner Haut zu verewigen. Ich selber hatte keine konkrete Vorstellung dessen, welches Motiv ich gerne hätte. Durch viel Einfühlungsvermögen und gezieltes Nachfragen entlockte mir Olivia Erinnerungen an meine Freundin, die bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt völlig in Vergessenheit geraten sind. In einem gemütlich eingerichteten Raum und einem frisch zubereiteten Kräutertee hat mich Olivia in Empfang genommen. Im Rahmen des "Einführungsgesprächs" bemerkte Olivia, dass der Tod meiner Freundin mich nach wie vor sehr stark beschäftigt und belastet. Sie schlug eine Rückführung vor, damit ich mit meiner besten Freundin nochmal in Kontakt treten kann. Diese Erfahrung war etwas ganz Besonderes - eine absolute Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle, aber absolut notwendig, damit ich den Verlust besser verkrafte und meinen Weg im Leben gehen kann. Ich bin sehr froh, dass Olivia durch ihre Erfahrungen und Weiterbildungen bemerkte, vor welchen Herausforderungen stand. Alleine hätte ich mich wohl nie ihnen gestellt. Nachdem die Rückführung beendet war, gab mir Olivia einige Zeit um wieder zu mir zu kommen. Die anschließende Tattoo-Session war wunderbar von ihr organisiert und ich fühlte mich jeden Moment sicher und geborgen. Olivia hat sich sehr viel Zeit für mich genommen, wodurch ich nie das Gefühl von Zeitdruck hatte. Alles hat so lange gedauert, wie es eben brauchte. Das war unglaublich angenehm. Die Zeichnung des Motivs traf absolut meinen Geschmack. Sie hat sofort verstanden, was ich will und brauche. Sie kann als eine ausgezeichnete Künstlerin bezeichnet werden, die das Handwerk perfekt beherrscht.

Ich möchte hervorheben, dass Olivia ein sehr geduldiger, empathischer und einfühlsamer Mensch ist. Sie besitzt eine ganz besondere Aura und man fühlt sich sofort bei ihr wohl. Darüber hinaus hat sie unheimlich viel Interessantes zu erzählen, wodurch die Tattoo-Session wie im Nu verging. Ich kann Olivia, ob für ein Tattoo, eine Meditation oder eine Hypnose wärmstens empfehlen. Olivia tat mir sehr gut und ich bin ihr unendlich dankbar, dass sie mich auf diesem Wege begleitet hat.



September 2023

This was my first quantum healing hypnosis and I felt very safe under Olivia's guidance. Olivia surely surrounds a calm and open aura where you can easily open up and really engage yourself in the hypnosis. Highly recommended! Thank you again and see you soon :)


Greta L

August 2023

The quantum session with Olivia was a pleasant, and at the same time deep experience. Olivia was very good at guiding me through my journey and made sure that I was always feeling comfortable. I've experienced the quantum session as a tool for understanding more of one's fears and doubts. It provided me with learnings about myself, my blocks and was overall a very positive experience. It gave me more confidence to trust in myself and gave me a new perspective on some issues I was aware of. Thanks!


Morgan N

August 2023

My guided quantum healing experience with Olivia was exactly what I needed in a time of uncertainty with myself and life in general. It gave me the insight into a deeper version of who I am and who I used to be. I went into the experience with zero expectations and only a slight understanding of what a past-life regression really was. I kept my mind and heart open for whatever was to occur, and I believe that allowed me to have the best journey possible. Olivia does a lovely job getting to know you before guiding you through the inward journey. Her presence is nurturing and welcoming and her voice is soothing as you enter the trance-like state of being. I would absolutely recommend a past-life regression to anyone! I constantly refer to mine when I come to times in my life where I need to reconnect with the core of who I am or understand what my soul has already experienced. We are all here to grow.



July 2023

Die Quantum Healing Session war meine erste begleitete Reise dieser Art. Olivia hat eine wunderbare Art eine geschützten und vertrauten Raum zu kreieren.

Nach einer Einführung und der Klärung meiner Fragen starteten wir mit meiner Reise. Diese war sehr intensiv. Olivia begleitete mich ruhig und entspannt, gab mir eine Sicherheit mich der Reise hinzugeben.
Die Session hat meine Wahrnehmung meiner inneren Stimme gestärkt. Viele Dinge sind jetzt klarer und fühlen sich sehr stimmig an. Insgesamt fühlte ich mich sehr zentriert und geerdet nach der Reise. Olivia hat das wieder Ankommen im Jetzt und Hier wirklich schön gestaltet. Olivia ist ein offener, sensibler und warmherziger Mensch. Ich kann sie jedem wärmstens empfehlen.



June 2023

It was a very nice moment and I experienced a high level of relaxation in all my body. We did it at her place and the atmosphere was very welcoming to get into the mood for it. Her vibes were super familiar and respectful, I enjoyed it :)



June 2023

Besides how relaxing and comfortable this session was, I was very positively surprised by how accurate Olivia was with her reading of the areas my energy wasn’t flowing as it should. I noticed changes soon after, so i can only recommend her!



June 2023

On the 9th of June 23, I had a session with Olivia. It was a fantastic/precious/ beautiful deep healing session. I found myself right away into a deep hypnotic transe. Olivia owns great skills and tools to drive the session perfectly for a real understanding, healing and recovery. The exploration was amazing, beyond what I could expect. She is very loving and caring. I came with some questions, unsolved situations of my life and we could bring a clear and definite answer to all of them. The energy that day was so powerful.
I can tell that this session brought me to a next level in my life. I felt after the session that deep in me, in my body and mind things are moving, changing, evolving, and still are…
Merci Olivia for the beautiful soul that you are !!



June 2023

Olivia is pure bliss. I was pretty nervous before the session, but with her calmness and the „open talk“ at the session, I was able to calm down and felt prepared for the session. The session on it’s own will be different for everyone. Mine was full of pictures and happenings, which lead me to unknown places. Afterward, I had new perspectives, which I could incorporate in my „real life“. Therefore, I liked the fact, that the session was recorded.
Olivia leaded me perfectly through the session, and i really felt supported by here energy and not disturbed at all. I could easily trust her and were able to dive deep. I loved the session. Thanks Olivia <3



May 2023

Olivia’s presence spoke to me immediately, and as soon as I learned that she does regression sessions I wanted to explore it with her. It’s been a topic of interest for a few years for me that somehow I wasn’t actively pursuing.
She’s been absolutely caring throughout with great communication. I felt really safe in her hands and amazed by how easily and quickly she got me into this powerful trance like state. Her space is full of magic just like she is, and she took great care throughout, including after the experience. If you’re hesitating - don’t! I fully recommend this powerful yet gentle lady, you’ll learn so much about yourself and your life! Her great intuition will also help you get the most out of the experience, as she asks all the right questions. Honestly cannot recommend enough.



May 2023

I had a super nice session with Olivia.
She is a very empathetic listener and I had this great experience to really feel the energy moving throughout the session.
Really recommended!



April 2023

Olivia hat mich auf eine Reise geschickt, die mich mit Personen der Vergangenheit, Wesen der Gegenwart und Teilen meiner Selbst in Kontakt gebracht haben. Eine sehr spannende Erfahrung mit Olivia als sympatische, aufmerksame und unterstützende Reisebegleiterin!



April 2023

Ich war zunächst sehr besorgt, ob ich überhaupt hypnotisierbar sei. Aber Olivia hat mich wunderbar mit ihrer schönen, sanften Stimme von Anfang bis Ende durch die QHHT Sitzung geführt. Auch wenn die inneren Bilder nicht wie erhofft als Film abliefen, sondern eher nur kurz aufblitzten, ermutigte Olivia mich diese auszusprechen.

Ich finde es super, dass man immer eine Audioaufnahme erhält. Denn ich habe die Erfahrung gemacht, dass vieles im Nachhinein, manchmal sogar Monate oder Jahre später, erst Sinn macht.

Ich kann Olivia mit ihrer warmen, offenen Art absolut empfehlen! Während des Vorbereitungsgesprächs hat sie mir auch geholfen Fragen zu sammeln, auf die ich zunächst nicht selber gekommen bin.

Vielen Dank Olivia!



February 2023

Die Begegnung mit Olivia hat mich tief bewegt. Ich sehe in Ihr eine Frau, die voller Mut und Stärke aber auch einfühlsam und sanft Ihren Weg geht. In jeder Session mit ihr konnte ich mehr und mehr altes loslassen und neues zulassen. Sie hat mich mit ihrer liebevollen Art begleitet und unterstützt, mir geholfen hinzuschauen und zu verstehen.
Olivia ist für mich ein wichtiger Wegbegleiter und dafür bin ich sehr dankbar!


A.paro Balderas

February 2023

I had a great session with Olivia, help me to understand myself better and the things I am experience in my life at the present moment, I feel happier, more in peeace and not to worried about my present or my future, I think that is amazing!!!


Stuart M.

February 2023

I am very grateful that I got to have a QHHT healing session with Olivia. It was fascinating seeing all the questions we were able to come up with together. In this time period it can be easy to lose track about what we really care about and what kind of growth we want to experience, so I’m grateful to still have this list that I can reference to when I am feeling a bit lost. She has a great ability to lead your mind to a peaceful place and once there will guide you through a journey brought about by your own intuitive abilities to receive information from a wider body of knowledge. For me I was able to contextualize my life by having the experience of reliving memories from a future and a past life, showing me exactly how my joys and struggles relate to a higher structure of which I seem to be a part. The session also allowed me to accept a family member whose actions had put me in a spiral of self-pity and anger. This has been instrumental in improving my mental health in the last few months. It feels like a veil that I carried for years has been allowed to pass. Olivia is soft spoken and patient and at no point did I feel judged or rushed or pressured to have any specific kind of experience which I am grateful for knowing that we are all individuals with vastly different approaches to life. It was an empowering experience and I would absolutely book Olivia for another session if I find myself in a difficult spot in the future, she’s the best!


J Shinetall

January 2023

I had a wonderful healing session with Olivia, which has continued to resonate in me as I listen back to the answers we received. I have had many deep and knotty questions that I've been unable to get answers for, held on for the past decade or so, and Olivia's mastery of setting and holding the space for them to be revealed was both easy and profound. I recommend her work highly, as it depends on one's own wellspring of intelligence, and isn't imposing an external belief system on me. Olivia leads gently and expertly and I highly recommend her work.


Claudia T.

December 2022

Olivia was very caring and understanding. Guided me through the session very gently and professionally. I felt safe and guarded. The next morning I immediately noticed the success of her healing - the physical pain in my body was gone and that still continues after 1 month!
I highly recommend her services ! It was also very reasonably priced!
Thank you so much for all your help Olivia ❤️❤️❤️



November 2022

Thank you Olivia, you are easy to trust. Your session was calming and your guidance was apeasing and helpful.



November 2022

As a skeptic of all things hippyish but having crossed paths with Olivia (perhaps not for the first time ;)) and instanly having a deep sense of trust, we were finally able to arrange a session. It was profound and insightful in ways i cannot fully explain. If you are coming across this and are curious, Olivia maintains a space of openness and care, while still protected and professional. Highly recommend to anyone.



November 2022

The mix of feeling completely listened to and understood and not at all judged made my session with Olivia one of a kind. You don´t really know what it feels like to have someone holding pure space for you until you don´t experience it. There is definitely something magical about what happened during the session and a lot of releases occurred for me. One of the things I appreciate the most was the genuine care that she had for me, before, during, and after the session. This factor allowed me to really opened up and confess secrets that I was keeping deep inside of me for years. If you want to have a real breakthrough I HIGHLY recommend giving yourself the gift of a session with Olivia.



September 2022

Das war meine erste Quantum Healing Hypnose. Olivia hat mir den Fahrplan erklärt und mir einen sicheren Rahmen gegeben.
Sie hat sich viel Zeit genommen und wohlwollend den Raum für mich gehalten - von dem Vorbereitungsgespräch, Durchführung, bis zum Nachgespräch.
Ich war überrascht während der Session, welche Bilder aufgetaucht sind und wie meine Fragen beantwortet wurden. Nach der Session habe ich mich sehr energetisiert gefühlt.



August 2022

As somene who is keen to explore new ways of learning, especially inbetween 'modern' psychoanalysis and the variety of 'spiritual' approaches, the QH session with Olivia was a very inspiring and fruitful experience. Olivia brings in the kind warmth and awareness one would ask for in the light of the intimate and intensive process of the QH. I am totally recommending Olivias service to anybody who is interested to try and open new doors on their path of self-reflection/-healing.


Monika Fröhlichová

August 2022

Olivia did such a good job with me. I enjoyed the communication before the session and the session itself was wonderful. I got to experience my inner world to go to that my higher self created for me. I recommend a BQH session eith Olivia to people who want to have a deep and great session experience.



June 2022

Olivia is a beautiful person to work with. She held the space for me very safe and I found it easy to work with her. I didn't expect much at all at the start of the session, but what came out from my higher self was pretty interesting! I would definitely recommend her no matter if you are new to quantum healing or have had experiences before!



May 2022

Olivia is a patient listener, makes one feel comfortable with her calming presence and positivity! I would 100% recommend her. The session of meditation i had with her was wonderful and eye opening ❤️❤️❤️


Ollie H

May 2022

Had an excellent QHHT session with Olivia that was immediately useful and no doubt will be in so many ways for years or decades to come! I was amazed at what came out from the depths of my being with this technique and the way she conducted it. Olivia has a presence that is clear and bright but subtle and gentle, naturally making people feel comfortable around her; the vulnerability of being seen on a deep level didn't feel at all scary with her which is a rare gift. Highly recommend.



April 2022

Ich bin super glücklich mit meinem persönlichen Foodguide von Olivia. Als ich sie darum gebeten hatte mir einen zu erstellen befand ich mich in einem ziemlichen durcheinander und war nicht wirklich in meiner Mitte. Der Foodguide hat mir sehr geholfen wieder auf meinen Körper zu hören und dass zu mir zu nehmen, was gut für mich ist. Vielen Dank liebe Olivia für deine tolle Arbeit und auch fürs aufwecken dass ich meiner Intuition folge und mehr im Bereich Kräuter Arbeit mache. Ich kann die Arbeit von Olivia sehr empfehlen, ich hätte das Gefühl dass sie sich sehr bewusst damit beschäftigt und es ihr am Herzen liegt einem zu helfen!! Danke!!



April 2022

I can highly recommend Olivia's food channeling. She intuitively named all stuff that is good or not so good for my body. She even felt my connection to the Mediterranean, which I never told her! Sticking to her chart (which is also illustrated beautifully, with much love and care) I feel much better in my body, experiencing less stomach ache.

Thank you, Olivia ❤️❤️❤️



March 2022

Olivia was incredibly attentive and gentle. She gave a lot of space for me to express which made me feel very comfortable. I found the hypnoses very well lead and felt very relaxed considering that it was my first time. The session was engaging, insightful and healing, I will definitely pursue hypnosis therapy more thanks to this great first session!

After the session itself I felt quite disorientated but the day later I felt lighter and more in touch with myself. A huge thank you to Olivia!


Brian S

March 2022

Olivia led me through which turned out to be a very insightful session. We began with a long talk where I shared various experiences in my life, and then we went over some questions I desired clarity for. Olivia has a very calming presence and voice as well, and I think this helped me relax.

During the session, I had a fairly vivid past life visit, followed by a somewhat incredible future life visit, which I suppose my subconscious led me to, with Olivia's assistance. Overall it was a great experience with Olivia.



February 2022

Was really good, she make here work end make a good space to open my heart.
I feel really safety and comfortable.
The journey give me a deep view over my prozess to evolve my self.


Daniela Díaz Peón

February 2022

Olivia help to have the best experiences doing hypnosis for the first time, I found was I was looking for and I would recommend it to everybody.



February 2022

Olivia makes her Work with a Lot of compassion and kindness you feel Understanded and she Guides you with a calm Support. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Clara Badu

February 2022

I was going through a very intense moment in my life where a lot was coming up, also through my body physically and Olivia generously offered to give me a session without wanting anything in return. It was very beautiful to receive this kind of support and I felt very grateful to have come to a point in my life where these are the kind of connections and friendship I have surrounded myself with.

During the session, Olivia's kind and gentle approach was like a warm embrace and brought me a lot of calm and peace. Some of the things she felt and saw and shared with me during the session still come in resonance today, as the perfect reminder that it is all about trust, surrender and letting go.

I recommender her to anyone who is going through a rough process and needs a bit of magic and love :)

Thank you <3



January 2022

It was my first quantum healing session ever, and Olivia guided me really well through it, making it all feel natural. I am really happy with the experience, It gave me a lot to think about and it was definetly healing.



December 2021

My experience with Olivia came unexpectedly, perfectly timed, and supported me in just the right ways. One of those inexplicable connections that leaves you in awe and wonder of "whats", "whens", and "whys" but ultimately leads to a pleasant acceptance of "whos" and "wheres" and, of course, what "is".

This style of shamanic healing session was fairly foreign to me but once I had closed and reviewed with Olivia I was left with fewer questions and with many things to reflect on. The "homework" and tips provided were and continue to be helpful in ways as deep as the locked away memories they parallel.

The session was professional, concise, and almost jarringly accurate. I would recommend to anyone that is even mildly interested.



December 2021

Olivia is a down to earth, calming, wise presence. She creates a space that feels welcoming, meaningful, and loving. I had never done a shamanic healing session before, and she made me feel completely comfortable and walked me through the process. She was able to tune into images of my past that I had forgotten about and helped me process them after. She truly makes you feel seen, heard, and cared for. I highly recommend her along your journey and look forward to working with her again.


Jill Scheintal

December 2021

Olivia's work is sensitive, down-to-earth, and has a refreshing clarity. I loved getting her recommendations and images of foods (which are beautiful!) but which also anchor a layer of delight and ease while I craft an intentional way of eating. I've had a lifelong challenge of aligning with the best nutrition for me, while juggling conflicting opinions and inconsistent values about food--for which I've rarely found concrete or esoteric answers. I love that Olivia's work is wholly tailored to my own history and needs via my Higher Self and Spirit Guides, and it doesn't overwhelm me with more scientific details than I am handy at integrating! I was surprised by some of the foods that are good for my body that I've never considered preparing, and yet they also make rational sense. This has been a nourishing service, and I'm excited to let this guide lead my choices for better health. I highly recommend Olivia's work!


Clem burlot

December 2021

Olivia is such a lovely person passionnate with what she does and share. She creates magic around her. The healing session was beautiful and relaxing at the same time. I felt in safe hands and trust the process. I could recommend her to anyone. Thanks a lot Olivia ❤️



December 2021

The Shamanic healing session from Olivia was truly a gift.
She took the time to listen to me with all of the space and openness to hear what had been on my mind recently, before working her magic. I felt calm in her presence as my senses were immersed throughout the healing with her use of sounds, smell and touch.
I was guided through a myriad of emotions and felt completely open to see where my journey would go. Part of the session was unraveling the intuitive visions and images that came to her, Olivia's skill at seeing what needed to be seen in me has helped me both let go and shine light on parts of me and my human experience thus far. I'm so grateful that our paths crossed and would encourage anyone looking for more clarity and power to have a session with Olivia <3


How does a quantum healing session work? QHHT and BQH in Berlin

How does a quantum healing session work? QHHT and BQH in Berlin

How did I start facilitating quantum healing?

I'm Olivia, a quantum healing facilitator in Berlin, Germany and online.

My First Quantum Healing Hypnosis Experience

Talking about my first experience receiving a QHHT session in person!

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