Patrick de Coste

Office Phone: 416 826 4136
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Phone / Text, Email
Languages: English

Address: 51, Lewis Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4M 2H2, Canada.


Patrick de Coste

Patrick Angel

Part Psychic Medium, part Mystic, part Healer, Patrick felt his First Nation Spirit Guide Johnny-Two-Rivers over his left shoulder as a youth. Patrick often saw Two-Rivers in the darkness of night. He also had many prophetic visions during his youth.

Patrick grew up with many memories and insights which he knew were not from this world. alone.  This sparked an interest in reincarnation and past live exploration at a young age.  Patrick has even found a book written about one of his past lives as a ballet dancer in France.  It is very interesting to see pictures of yourself from another lifetime!!!  Patrick continues his human consciousness and ascension journey by utilizing hypnosis regression in the forms of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and Beyond Quantum Healing as well as beginning to formulate ways to evolve these techniques into something of his own making.

As an Angel Intuitive, Patrick enjoys connecting to the Angelic Realms before doing any coaching or giving any readings or healing. Patrick became a Usui Reiki Master many years ago during his time in Japan and now also does Angelic Reiki.

Patrick is a Certified Medium and Tarot and Oracle Card Reader. He has spent time at The Arthur Findlay College in the UK and has done training in Lily Dale.

Patrick comes from a creative background; thus, he may use a variety of tools during a reading which may include Tarot or Oracle Cards, tea leaves, water bowls, chakra readings, or even Face Reading. Patrick is also a Certified Psychosomatic Therapist.  This creativity is further utilized in QHHT and BQH sessions.

Patrick believes psychic and mediumship abilities can be universal and are a positive step in one’s personal evolution and ascension. He also guides during psychic and intuition development classes and Circles and is working on his star family connections and his abilities to channel and speak in light languages.¬†


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