Ovarian Cysts Gone and More! Client Testimonial
Client Testimonial About two months ago I had a very interesting QHHT® session with a woman in her 40’s. She... Read more »
Office Phone: +47 48058202
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Payment Options: Paypal - Bank transfer - Vipps - Cash
Languages: English, Norwegian
Address: 2, Flintveien, Fredrikstad, Viken, 1672, Norway.
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5 | Mathias |
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5 | Daniel Andre Lystad (Mysen, Norge). |
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5 | Anita Veigarsdottir |
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In september 2007 I became very ill with leukemia which required me to have a bone marrow transplant in february 2008. Going through that whole experience triggered my spiritual awakening, which in 2010 led me to the most profound experience in my life; the discovery and activation of my own healing abilities. Since then I have helped hundreds of people. To witness the power of healing can’t be compared to anything else!
In may 2013 I came over a video of Dolores Cannon where she talked about her unique past life regression and healing technique QHHT. That caught my attention and only a few weeks later I was a certified practitioner. I did a lot of free sessions in order to gain experience and hone my skills before taking on real clients. In June 2015 I got my level 2 certification in St. Ives, England.
Later that year (2015) I learned “Touch For Health” (kinesiology). Muscle testing is a very helpful and effective way of finding and correcting imbalances in the body’s energy system. It’s also a great way of helping clients be better prepared and receptive prior to any other type of treatment.
Another kinesiology based technique that I am using is the “Emotional Release System” (my own hybrid modality inspired by some other techniques). ERS is used in order to identify and remove negative emotions that have become stuck in the body and are disrupting the natural flow of energy. The vibratory frequency of the body becomes disharmonized, which in turn cause imbalances that affects us both physically and emotionally. Not only can it be causing all kinds of physical ailments but also prevent us from attracting what we want in life, because the signals that we are emitting into our surroundings are distorted. Relationships at home or at work can also suffer from this because we get misinterpreted by others. There are many different reasons for imbalances in the body. However, energetic/psychic imbalances (emotions) are usually responsible for about 80-90% of them. ERS also works wonderfully from a distance using a proxy.
In July 2018 – I became a certified Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner. BQH is also a past life regression, consciousness exploration and healing modality but with different ways of going about a session than QHHT. A great thing with BQH is that sessions also can be done online over the internet (not allowed with QHHT). BQH is very flexible because practitioners are free to use their own customized scripts and also any other technique or skills that would help clients getting the most out of their sessions.
UPDATE (May 2020): I have completed 6 video based online courses at The Kinesiology Institute:
The AK Shortcuts techniques are proven methods that are very effective when it comes to identifying imbalances and then bringing them back into balance by the means of mechanical, nutritional, emotional and energetical type of corrections. AK Shortcuts is a collection of tools that are used in order to help the body activate its own ability to heal. When we work with shortcuts we ONLY correct what comes up as priorities because the innate intelligence (smart body) wants things corrected in a certain sequence. If we don’t there’s a good chance that it won’t stay fixed.
All my clients are met with respect, understanding and care. I never judge anyone. You can talk to me about anything and everything stays between us.
Want to order a service? Please read below and click on a link to read more about the service and how to order:
Distant Energy Healing and Emotional Release System by proxy:
Information in english at THIS PAGE
QHHT: If you want to have a session in english, please GO TO THIS PAGE
BQH: For a BQH session in english please read the information AT THIS PAGE
FOR NORSKE BESØKENDE: Her finner du en oversikt og tilgjengelige TJENESTER med informasjon på norsk.
*Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® (QHHT level 2).
*Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH in person/online).
*Energy Healing: Reconnective Healing® / BLU-e Trance Healing (level 2).
*Remote/distance Energy Healing (no specific modality).
*Touch For Health (Applied Kinesiology).
*Energy Kinesiology Fundamentals (The Kinesiology Institute, John Mcguire).
*AK Shortcuts 1, 2 and 3 (Dr. Sheldon Deal DC/NMD/DIBAK).
*AK Shortcuts “The Endocrine System” and “20 Conditions” (Dr. Deal).
*ERS (Emotional Release System). In person/by proxy. My own hybrid modality.
*Bachelor degree as a Social Educator.
*Personal Trainer.
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Jeg hadde en QHHT-regresjon med Tom Arild Waagbø. Waagbø ledet meg gjennom opplevelsen på en veldig god måte. Han var rolig og trygg, forberedte meg godt, og underveis fortalte han hele tiden hva som var i ferd med å skje. Jeg fikk svar på mange ting jeg hadde lurt på. Dette var en veldig god opplevelse.
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Hadde mye angst i kroppen, når jeg gikk ut av døra var at alt borte.
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Hadde nakke og ryggsmerter. Dagen etter behandling var smertene borte og følte meg mer i balanse i kropp og sinn. Anbefales!
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Deep insight, deep healing.
A wonderful experience.
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Dyp, god og innsiktsfull regresjon. Veldig givende
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Regresjon med Tom Arild opplevdes trygt og naturlig samtidig som det gav meg akkurat de endringene og innsikten jeg hadde håpet å motta. Opplever at blokkeringer jeg har hatt gjennom mange år har forsvunnet. Så mange endringer skjedde og fortsetter å skje / endres i energien- mentalt- og fysisk. Tusen Takk.
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Noen få uker har gått siden jeg tok turen til Fredrikstad og møtte Tom Arild for en QHHT-session etter at jeg endelig tok valget om å booke den timen. Det har jeg ikke angret et sekund på.
Tom Arild tok meg varmt imot, praten gikk lett og han fikk meg raskt til å føle meg "hjemme".
Jeg fikk god forklaring på hva som skulle skje, og også gode tips til hvordan jeg selv kunne bidra underveis, om jeg sto fast eller tvilen kom snikende... Alt i alt en interessant, god og behagelig opplevelse der og da.
Det jeg ikke visste like mye om, er hva det skulle gjøre for meg i ettertid... Jeg er rett og slett som et nytt menneske! På noen veldig få uker... Jeg tenker annerledes, har tatt noen valg og avgjørelser UTEN frykt på samme måte som før, jeg ser lysere på livet og har skjønt hva som menes med "å stå i sin egen kraft"! I tillegg har det satt fart på den spirituelle utviklingen min, og kontakten med mine hjelpere og min "galaktiske familie" som jeg liker å kalle de er forsterket SÅ mye... Jeg får bekreftelser flere ganger hver eneste dag på at de er med, i tillegg til direkte kontakt når jeg ønsker det. Alt jeg trenger å gjøre er å spørre!
De fleste svarene fra sesjonen har jeg altså fått i ettertid, takket være lydopptaket som ble gjort av regresjonen med Tom Arild. Mye av det jeg ikke forsto under og rett etter hypnosen har gitt mening når jeg har lyttet igjen. Jeg forstår meg selv på en ny måte, skjønner bedre hvorfor jeg er som jeg er og gjør som jeg gjør. Rett og slett HVEM jeg er.
Det er så mye mer jeg kunne skrevet og delt om denne opplevelsen, men i stedet vil jeg heller oppfordre de som vurderer en QHHT-session eller en annen behandlingsform som Tom Arild tilbyr til å kaste seg ut i det. Du vil bli tatt godt imot og godt vare på! Han deler av sin kunnskap, tar seg tid, dømmer deg ikke, og er det man kaller "hel ved"!
Håper våre veier krysses igjen Tom Arild, og takk for opplevelsen!
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I had an amazing session with Tom Arild. Got a great result and healing right after. I can't thank him enough for bridging me to my higher self.
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Tom Arild has performed both healing and emotional release system healing for me. My body has clearly reacted to this in a positive way. Professional and quick response to my requests. All of my treatments has beed from distance, but this has not been a disadvantage. I am excited to follow this journey.
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Jag gjorde en BQH session med Tom Arild Waagbö, det var väldigt spännande, jag visste inte vad som skulle ske så det blev lite som ett äventyr. Mitt högre jag var inte speciellt pratsam och ville inte svara på allt jag frågade. Nu när lite tid har gått sedan sessionen så förstår jag varför. Något jag inte visste om BQH är att det kan lösa problem man knappt visste att man hade. För mig så löste det ett jätteproblem och genom att se och förstå problemet kunna släppa det. Sedan dess har jag märkt att jag inte längre känner sorg eller saknad över något jag inte förstår. Det är som om problemet är löst och nu kan jag gå vidare med en förståelse över mitt liv jag inte hade innan. Tom Arild var väldigt engagerad och tillmötesgående, han tog sig tid och förklarade för mig vad som skulle ske. Han hade tålamod när jag fastnade ett par gånger och blev lite frustrerad. Jag vill rekommendera Tom Arild till all som behöver få förståelse över problem i sitt liv, eller något som hänt. För mig var detta bättre än 10 års terapi.
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Jeg følte meg så varmt mottatt, og følte på en herlig trygghet i hans nærvær. Tom Arild er en så sympatisk og fin kar, som helt klart er i sitt rette element. Han får deg til å slappe godt av både før og under sessionen. I tillegg til at han er flink til å stille de riktige spørsmål både før og under sessionen. Slik at du kommer til bunns i hva blokkeringen egentlig handler om, og kan forløse det.
Jeg vart tatt med tilbake til 3 tidligere, noe som gav meg en helt ny og ydmyk forståelse på mitt reaksjonsmønster i dette livet. Jeg hadde en smørbrødliste av spørsmål med meg til session. Og jeg følte at mine guider svarte meg på alt. Det artige er at helbredingen og svar på mine spørsmål begynte allerede samme dagen som jeg fikk avtalt tiden jeg skulle komme. Og den har i tillegg fortsatt nå dagene etter også. I helga har jeg gjort noe som jeg har utsatt i mange år, fordi det tidligere har tappa meg så voldsomt med energi. Men nå forstår jeg hvorfor. Jeg har rydda ut gamle klær av klesskapet. Og jeg anbefaler på det sterkeste. Hvis du har levd med sykdom, kvitt deg med de klærne. De inneholder så mye negativ informasjon/ mørk energi. Nå føles soverommet lettere igjen, og jeg har for første gang på mange år vært i stand til å sove der igjen!
I tillegg til dette, fikk jeg forløst en veldig dyptsittende angst jeg har hatt for brann. Jeg har slitt noe voldsomt med mareritt om brann, og etter at jeg brant hånda mi i 2007, akselererte bare den angsten enda mer. I det ene livet vart jeg ført tilbake til 1960, og det viste seg at jeg hadde dødd som en 4 år gammel negergutt, i Texas, og at KKK hadde satt fyr på huset til familien min. Det var tøft å se det, men sååå utrolig deilig å endelig finne ut hvor denne angsten faktisk kom fra... Så tusen hjertelig takk til Universet, guidene mine og til deg Tom Arild for at du hjalp meg med å forløse alt dette og mer til! Jeg er evig takknemlig!
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Thank you Tom Arild! My QHHT session was very professionally and skillfully performed. I felt very safe and in good hands the whole time. Tom Arild seemed to genuinely care about my experienced and obviously wanted the best for me. My QHHT session has given me much to think about going forward with my life. Am I healed? Who knows, but I certainly feel that the experience has helped point me in the right direction. I am very grateful for meeting Tom Arild and would recommend him to anyone who is in need of healing. I wish you the best and hope you continue with your work for as long as you can. Thank you again. All the best to you my friend!
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Fin passande person att utföra energiarbete med varm ivaratagande intention.
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I contacted Tom from Sweden to book Emotional Release System session. I had a lot of questions regarding session and Tom was very patient and helpful! He answered all my questions. He was very professional and compassionate at the same time. After the session was complete, Tom sent me a detailed feedback which was very helpful to understand more about my ongoing healing process through Emotional Release System.
I highly recommend Tom! He is very kind, professional and compassionate person.
Thank you Tom!
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The QHHT session with Tom Arild was a very rich experience! I discovered two earlier lives, one as a male logger and one as a magic princess. I met with an alien species, which I was told I was a part of and supported by. When I met my higher self my whole body felt so light and joyful that I couldn't stop smiling and laughing. I got answers to most of my questions, and I recommend every curious soul to try this experience.
Thank you!
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I was visiting Tom Arild in 2018 for a QHHT session. The overall experience was great. Tom Arild is friendly, humble and a good listener. It was a highly comfortable setting, which is important when working with energy. I received answers to my questions which later became an important part of my understanding of my own spiritual journey.
The experience was profound and I am very happy with the session.
Thank you, I am very grateful for this experience.
~I highly recommend anyone who have questions of why they are here on this planet or why they have certain behavior traits they don't know where is coming from to book an appointment. You will not regret it!
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Jeg opplevde en veldig trygghet på at jeg ble ivaretatt uansett hva som ville dukke opp. Jeg var innom tre tidligere liv som underbevisstheten viste meg. To fysiske og ett ikkefysisk. Jeg hadde på forhånd sagt at jeg er fasinert over visdommen som underbevisstheten kommer med, så det ble brukt mest tid til denne delen og Tom Arild ga seg ikke før jeg hadde svar på alle spørsmålene vi på forhånd hadde gått igjennom. Jeg har tidligere i år vært i England hos en QHHT terapeut, men Tom Arild kunne absolutt matche arbeidet til den engelske terapeuten.
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Heisann. Ønsker å gi min tilbakemelding etter regresjonen jeg hadde med Tom Arild.
Dette var for meg en helt utrolig reise som skapte store endringer i livet mitt. Endringene startet 2 uker før sesjonen, hvor jeg gikk gjennom en periode med renselse og hadde flere merkelige sammentreff med både mennesker og dyr som kom med fine signaler.
Jeg opplevde Tom Arild som en varm og god person som jeg følte meg veldig trygg hos. Han var utrolig dyktig gjennom regresjons behandlingen.
I tre uker etter behandlingen var jeg i en kjempeprosess som var utfordrende på flere plan, helt til ting begynte og integrere seg og jeg ble mye mer balansert. Jeg er klarere i hodet, har mindre smerter i rygg og klarer å prate klart og tydelig med en ny selvtillit. Dette har hjulpet meg så mye at jeg endelig har klart og starte opp min egen behandlingspraksis og holde egne kurs selv, noe som var umulig for meg før møtet med Tom Arild. Vil si tusen takk for utrolig god hjelp. og ønsker deg masse lykke til videre, Beste hilsen Fra Daniel Andre
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I want to thank Tom Arild for a healing that changed my heart and low energy levels in an instant. I have carried burdens in my heart from an young age, and being able to let go of them and feel they leave my body in such a sudden way has been life changing for me. I felt the changes happen since I ordered the healing, with sickness and fever, plus a need to sleep for 2 days straight. After the healing, my hurt and pain left my body instantly, and I could feel a new energy and a greater contentment in my life in general. I recommend this man geunienly and warmly. Thank you for this healing!
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I have been carrying my past on my sholders for years, witch has left me feel tired and confused most of the time. I found Tom while i was searching for help to try to overcome and'or understand what has been going on inside of me. Meeting Tom was a great experience, from the moment I met him I almost felt I known him before he was so easy going and had nice and calming spirit and you could see that he puts his heart into what he is doing. Tom started to give me healing on a benk to ease me down and after that we were good to go. Tom started the ERS and we found out many hidden blocks as well as others emotional blocks that I had been carrying around since young child, old painful experiences were released from my heart and body. I must say that the day before I met Tom I was at my lowest, but after the session I felt free and light in my spirit and I smiled for hours for no reason what so ever :) I recommend Tom to the highest.
Thank you Tom! the world needs more of you and your skills
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Jeg var hos Tom Arild for regresjons-terapi for tre dager siden og fikk oppleve å gå tilbake til tre av mine forrige liv. Jeg lærte mye livsvisdom av. dette. Fikk også oppleve at mitt høyere selv talte igjennom meg. Jeg har fått en fred i sjelen som jeg aldri har hatt før og merker at mitt høyere selv taler til meg nå . Det er for meg en helt utrolig opplevelse da jeg har vært hyperaktiv så lenge jeg kan huske. Skal nå begynne å meditere (noe jeg aldri har klart før, pga tankekjør). Føler at livet mitt har tatt en helt ny vending. Jeg vil anbefale Tom Arild til alle
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I have never been familiar about we living in a parallel life. I've simply never understood the complex., until I visited Tom Arild and did the QHHT regression. From this healing I`got the answer about everything I needed and more. He is the most mature and safe person you need in the time of trouble. He is the one person you want to meet when times get rough. There is no judge. He is reassuring and safe the way he take you trough the prossess. <3
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Var hos Tom Arild for en QHHT sesjon. Selvom jeg hadde mine tvil og var usikker på om dette ville fungere på meg så gikk det over all forventning. Jeg fikk svar på mine viktigste spørsmål og fikk innsyn i 2 av mine tidligere liv som hadde stor betydning for meg og hvordan jeg er i dag. Sitter igjen med en følelse som er helt ubeskrivelig. Ikke bare forstår jeg bedre hvem jeg er, men jeg har en komplett lykke som jeg ikke kunne klart å finne på egenhånd. Dette er en invistering jeg aldri kommer til å angre på, og jeg håper at de rundt meg også vil ta turen til Tom en dag. Dette hjelper ikke bare på fysiske plager, men fjerner også psykologiske plager fra fortiden. Tusen takk for hjelpen Tom.
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I had a life changing experience during a QHHT session. Tom used a lot of time to get to know me and understand what I wanted to get out of the session. He is an experienced practitioner, he guided me through the session asking additional questions and improvising when needed, in order to get me more information. In this session I received all the answers and a lot of healing, which I felt physically. Now I have a much better understanding about who I am, why I'm here and why I have certain difficulties in life. I recommend Tom as a QHHT practitioner.
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WOW! Ever since I started going through puberty, my hormones have been crazy and negatively affected my life. I felt controlled by my hormones for sooo many years. I knew that they represented a "lack of control" or something to that affect but was unable to really root out and heal the issue on my own. In one session with Tom, my hormones are now completely balanced!! My issues had been helped a lot by QHHT sessions in the past, but Tom's Kinesiology by proxy is what finished off the healing for me. I can even eat small amounts of gluten now without blowing up. It's truly amazing. I have a life not ruled by hormones finally :) My left knee no longer bothers me, low back pain doesn't crop up nearly as often anymore.. AND I came to find out I no longer get motion sickness! I can't thank you enough, Tom. I HIGHLY recommend this process for "hard to reach" health issues, especially if you are someone who has a tough time checking out consciously during hypnosis. I think my mind had blocked me from being able to heal these issues. Tom's process somehow found a door in my blocks and he was able to get it handled for me!! <3
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Tom was approached to deal with an unusual issue I've been experiencing for more than a year. The outer side of my right foot has been incessantly itchy, mostly starting when the foot becomes hot. This itching would wake me up in the middle of the night or be very bothersome when wearing shoes for long periods of time. Once I started to scratch it, the worse it got.
My doctor gave me a script for an steroid allergy cream that did nothing. I tried other home remedies that had the same response. The only way to alleviate the itching was to put a frozen cold pack on the area until it settled down. I was sleeping with a frozen cold pack by my pillow because every evening I was experiencing a disturbed sleep because of the itching.
Tom & his wife worked on me, a distance healing; they are in Norway, I am in Canada.
I received a notification from Tom that they had completed my session and had found that the problem was a trapped emotion, Conflict, in that area. They were not given any more information other than the trapped emotion that was causing the itching and that it had been removed upon their request.
The real test would be when I went for a bath and my foot hit that hot water.
When I went for a bath last night, I was very preoccupied with thoughts from my day, forgot all about my foot (it was cold, so it wasn't itching).
I was in the tub for a few minutes when I felt a twinge in that area & thought, no, it's back! That lasted for about 30 seconds & it subsided which is completely backwards from how the experience usually is. Generally during a bath, my foot itches so bad I'm scratching it on the metal drain plug in the tub. Usually after a bath, I have to use the cold pack again to settle it down.
This was not the case this time. I could even wear my slippers shortly after my bath which has not been the norm.
I was so confident last night that an itchy foot was not going to be an issue any more that I left the freezie pack in the freezer, not bringing it to bed with me.
The itch is not completely gone, but I could get back to sleep without the freezie pack.
I would say that the itching has deceased by 90-95%. That's certainly a successful healing in my books.
I've had this issue for over a year and I'm guessing it will take a little time for the emotion of Conflict to completely dissipate. Now that I am aware of what it is, I can also ask for it to release & have confidence that with a little more time, it will be completely gone.
What the doctors could not solve, Tom has during a distance Kinesiology healing.
Thank you Tom. Your help in this matter is sincerely appreciated.
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I experienced some indigestion for a few weeks. I tried to help myself with self-healing and meditation but it didn't go away so I thought it was time that I enlist another human's help. Very lucky that Tom offer remote/distant Kinesiology. He was to the point and very precisely pinpointed what emotions were bothering me. Honestly these emotions were kept so deep inside that it took me a few moments to recognize it. Some very old memories came up and I expressed what bothered me to him in an email and his compassion was what helped me the most. The treatment took place 2 days ago and I can feel my body is progressively getting better. Thank you!
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My QHHT session was a great and interesting experience. During the conversation prior to the session I found Tom Arild easy and plesant to talk with, and very understanding. Through the session Tom Arild made me feel relaxed and safe. He is calm, present and comfortable, and his voice is very relaxing. The session was a great experience for me, and I got some answers that I needed. I would highly recommend Tom Arild to anyone!
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I had my QHHT-session with Tom Arild early spring 2017. He made me feel so very welcome and his calm and pleasant personality made me feel relaxed and safe. The conversation prior to the QHHT-session went very well! There was no rush and I found I could talk to him like I've known him for years. He is a wise, warm and very pleasant soul and has, without doubt, a close and wonderful connection to "his helpers"!! I would recommend Tom Arild to anybody, any time, and he will always be in my prayers. Thank you!!
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Had a great experience at the QHHT session. Tom Arild made me feel comfortable and calm before the session, and his voice and presence is soothing and kind.
He gave me enough time to look around and sense, and the experience with the journey became clear because I could do that at my own pace.
I would highly recommend using him as a practitioner if you want to try this Dolores Cannon technique.
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I had a QHHT-session with Tom Arild, and had a great experience! He was a very pleasant guide and had a calming and relaxing voice. There was no stress and he took the time that was needed to get me calm and relaxed before the session. It was a very great experience and I will highly recommend Tom Arild if you consider a QHHT-session.
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In my meeting with this past life session I had a wonderful experience. All the way Tom Arild made me feel safe and taken good care of. He has a soft, calming voice and a pleasant way of being - perfect for this job.
During the session I was given time to relax and breathe a little extra when needed, there were no rush at any time.
If you consider a past life session, I recommend Tom Arild with no doubt.
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Client Testimonial About two months ago I had a very interesting QHHT® session with a woman in her 40’s. She... Read more »
The following is a Quantum Healing Session story and transcript By Tom Waagboe This session was with a 31-year-old female client from northern... Read more »
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