Questions from a newbie to Dolores Cannon

Questions from a newbie to Dolores Cannon


I wrote down some questions after taking Candace Craw-Goldman's BQH class for the third time. I decided that I would ask Dolores and then channel her answers later. This is what transpired: 

K: Why would we, as practitioners, turn away clients with Schizophrenia or other mental disorders?

D: Many of my beliefs and ideas while practicing my method are now no longer as cut and dry. The understanding of mental illness has changed. Labels are being given much more freely and that needs to be examined.

I know you are trying to understand the inter-dimensional connection and how this could be how those with schizophrenia already function in other words, they see all of the realities overlapping. This work could be a confirmation to them that they do, indeed, see something that does exist.

However, this could also be harmful if someone who is needing medication stops using or goes without care until stable.

Much of the reason the rule existed was as a way to protect our clients, our practice and ourselves until we can understand more how we can help these clients.

Now is that time!

With this influx of people who have never been exposed to medical therapy, hypnosis, or intuitive, energy work this wave is discovering quantum healing and each have something to bring to the world.ALL are valuable pieces of this work. We are all in this together. There is so much you don't know yet.

K: Are these people unable to be healed quantumly? and if so, why?D: No. All are able. A client must be stable enough, lucid enough for the interview and then able to relax/visualize. If they can functionally handle this they are no different than any other client.If they can not. Long distance and/ or surrogate sessions may be held.K: Why are many of us in relationships with others who are nonbelievers, sleepers, or just resistant to these ideas?

D:Polarity consciousness, karma, contracts!We have so much work to do yet on ourselves. Our relationships ARE the work. How many lifetimes does it take to learn this!

K: What is our purpose with these relationships?

D;Our relationships are the challenges we set up and the people who play those parts in your play have all volunteered, as you have, to teach each other the life lessons of pain, love and loss, happiness and sorrow, all of it so that we can grow and become more compassionate and authentic. Love is the goal behind it all. Coming into communion with every relationship. Having respect for all in your life, even those you let go or who let you go.

K: As we remember our Higher Self, Past lives, etc. , in sessions or just by receiving downloads, How best can we work with the new information?

D:Let it soak in.Take advantage of the technology and look it up!research the visions that you receive. Go to the places that keep calling you.Be open and ask and your guidance will keep telling you who you are.

K: As others remember their HS, How can we best serve them? As practitioner and/or as friend or family 

D: Encourage them.Do not slip into the 3d mindset yourself.We are all having amazing upgrades and changes. Listen with your hearts and ask how you can best be of service.You will not always be a practitioner for all who are awakening but you are a fellow traveler in this amazing journey of human evolution.Let's all share in empowering and supporting each other.

K: What is the purpose of the 'newbies' to BQH, especially those who are mediums or completely new to hypnosis?

Many are here because they are needed. Their understanding in interdimensional communication is very valuable, just as valable as the understanding of hypnosis. You see you all as practitioners of various modalities have a piece of this very large puzzle.Until all of the pieces are together it is unclear how it all (and we all) fit together, but we certainly do.

It is, in fact, the union and combined energy and powerful healing intentional force of all of you practitioners combined that is needed to make the leaps that are necessary right now.

K: Has my mediumship abilities brought me here because there is something that I can see from my perspective that the seasoned healers may not see? 


K: What are these things that I can question the seasoned practitioners to examine or explain as they pass their wisdom for the Highest Good of this healing work to us newbies?

Question them on their practice, on their way of sticking by the book or adding their own flavor. There are no wrong ways to aid in healing as long as this is your intention.

K: Please elaborate on how we can best create unity between the QHHT practitioners, The BQH practitioners, the newbies, and the seasoned?

D:This will be an ongoing process as new groups are coming together, there will be some confusion at first as learning takes time, but it is the responsibility of those who have come before to welcome, inform, and encourage.

K: How will this great influx of new students and potential new clients affect our world, the vibration, and our evolution process?

D:Incredibly!It has already begun!Just by the many who are speaking of BQH out of interest the vibration has risen!

K: What are the most important MESSAGES for all who read this now or in the 'future'?

D: If you are reading this you need to learn about Quantum Healing.Maybe you need a sessionMaybe it is your life's callingMaybe it is part of your journey and you will add this to your own practice, undoubtedly changing and giving new meaning to everything you have known about what you are doing!So consider this your invitation to explore my work, Dolores Cannon on the internet,

my books, QHHT my daughter's official course, BQH Candace's course and look at the many wonderful practitioners online as well as on the forum.

K: Thank you, Dolores for all you have done and for appearing in my reality. Thank you for all of the Cardinals!

D: It is only beginning. I am preparing you for your sessions. Your clients are lining up. Get rested and get ready!I am with all of you and I applaud your courage in listening to your intuition and adding your own modalities and skills to this every evolving work.Keep following your intuition and stay in the Light.

Dolores Cannon via questions and channeled through Kimberly Scheurer

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