Surrogate Quantum Healing Sessions with Christine and Gabby

Consultation Type: Online
Best Contact Method: Email
Payment Options: Zelle, Paypal, Credit/Debit cards
Languages: English

Address: Newport, Rhode Island, United States.


Surrogate Quantum Healing Sessions with Christine and Gabby

Quantum Healing with Christine Kooper / Soul Connections


~ Member Since 2015

Christine Kooper resides in Illinois and has been providing Quantum Healing sessions, both QHHT and BQH, and many other healing services for over 15 years.  If you would like to reserve a one-on-one session, learn more about her or to review her testimonials, you can visit her here or on her website, here.  Gabriele (“Gabby”) Myers is out of Wisconsin and is also a Quantum Healing Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist as well as a highly gifted Intuitive Medium.  Gabby’s profile is coming soon!  Together, their combined knowledge, energy and gifts make for very powerful, life changing and healing sessions for their clients!

Why Consider a Surrogate Quantum Healing session?

Not everyone is in the position to have a Quantum Healing session. Some have physical conditions where they don’t have the stamina or ability while others are not able to let go or quiet their mind chatter so as to go into a trance state. There are also young children and some older adults who are not candidates for hypnosis but would still benefit from a Quantum Healing session. Surrogate sessions are ideal for this.

What is a Surrogate session?

A Surrogate Quantum Healing session is a process in which someone else stands in for the client.  At the onstart of your session, Gabriele connects with your energy and that of your Spiritual Team and throughout the process, goes through and experiences your Quantum Healing journey on your behalf as Christine faciliates the session.  So while Gabby stands in for you, you will receive all of the benefits to include any energetic and physical healings!

​Clients are not present during the session but afterwards, do receive an audio recording for you to listen to and experience.  Christine and Gabby also make themslves available afterwards for any follow up questions or assistance with integration.  

What Can Expect from Your Session?

On your behalf, Gabriele will journey through one of the alternate lives that your Spiritual Team selects for you to remember.  The life they choose will always be one that has the most direct correlation to whatever is happening in your current life.  We will also review the list of 10 questions for your Higher Self/Spiritual Team that we will have you provide in advance.

We ask many questions, outside of what you provide, to fully explore and understand the answers to the questions and how something can be changed or healed. Often we are shown multiple lifetimes that play contributing roles in issues or challenges.  Our goal is for you to have every possible opportunity to receive the immense potential available within a Quantum Healing session.

To learn more about Surrogate Quantum Healing, head on over here.

To reserve a Surrogate Quantum Healing session, you can reach us in 3 ways:

  1. Send Christine a message via the bottom of this page
  2. Send Christine an email to or
  3. Go here and scroll down to “Click Here to Reserve Your Session”

Sessions are currently $300 and last anywhere from 1.5 – 2 hrs but we often offer special discounts.


If you are interested in being notified about specials and discounted sessions, pop on over to and sign up for our mailing list!


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) Practitioner

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) Practitioner

Intuitive Medium




Stan Y

August 2024

My Surrogate Quantum Healing session was truly amazing. From the moment I started listening, I was overcome with emotion and began to cry. I discovered that in a past life, I served in the military and was responsible for many people under my command. I believe I was crying because I miss them, though I'm not entirely sure. The emotions intensified when my guide appeared.

As my questions were addressed—questions that were quite common, like financial blocks or love life—the answers were deeply connected to my past life experiences. I learned that while I am open to financial abundance, I struggle with believing in my own worth. I need to focus on loving myself and other areas of my life.

After the session, I felt a profound sense of relaxation and a new perspective on life. I realized there's no need to stress, as everything works out in the end. I’m so glad I requested this surrogate session; it has taught me a lot about my past life and highlighted what I need to work on moving forward.

Thank you Christine and Gabby 🙏


Destiny N

August 2024

First of all, they are SO LOVING and so on point. They remind you that you're the best teacher and empower you. But they share details that only somebody tapped into the Divine could share. I'm eternally grateful for the healing and specific details I got that gave me the peace I asked for.

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