Quantum Healing With Water

Quantum Healing with Water and Heart Part 1

Alternative Healing ,Beyond Quantum Healing ,Blogs

Dive into the fascinating world of water consciousness with quantum healers Patricia Grootjans (author of “The Healing Light of Water”) and Candace! This is part 1 of a 3-part series exploring sessions, dreams, Dolores Cannon, Masaru Emoto, clients, Veda Austin, Mary Magdalene, and the power of sacred water.


Hi everyone. It’s Candace Craw-Goldman again from quantumhealers.com, and I’m here with a friend from long time back Patricia Grootjans. She’s a quantum healer. Hi, Patricia. She’s more than a quantum healer. We’re going to talk about all that. How are you doing today? Hi Candace. Thank you so much for having me today. Yeah, I’m doing great. Yeah, that’s fantastic. Patricia and I have known each other. I was just asking her before I pressed the record button. She took Dolores class all the way back in 2011 and so has been a member of our forum since then, because, of course, quantumhealers.com for many years, was the first original support forum for Dolores Cannon’s students.

But Patricia is one of my favorite, favorite practitioners. Why? Because she’s grown. She’s a teacher. She’s an author of many books, or several books. Now, anyway, at least, how many? How many books? Five, yeah, oh gosh, look at all of them. See, I can’t even keep up, and I’m so envious. Someday I’m going to call myself an author. All the docs are in my computer, but I can’t do it yet, but you can, and we have so much to talk about. And Patricia’s been such a valuable member of the quantum healers community, even though she’s grown offering her own stuff, she stayed with us, and for that, I want to very publicly and very happily and boldly announce thank you for that. Patricia, thank you.

Well, it’s, you know, it’s because I still feel it’s important to be part of the forum. Yes. And actually, what was really wonderful, about a year ago, I did a session with friend and colleague B, and we do a lot of sessions, and I write my books partly about these sessions. But one day, it was so unexpectedly, I didn’t expect anything to hear the guys or the higher self mention anything about the forum, but suddenly they did talk about the forum, and they said that it was very important to be a part of the forum, because they said, This is not only about quantum healing practitioners. This is a special group of souls that are uniting again in this incarnation. They are coming together, and they are holding space for all the changes and the shift that is happening right now. So they said it’s not only about learning, beyond quantum healing, it’s about the community, and that we are holding space together, and that we need to unite. We need to connect, because it’s so important. Because they said there’s something unique about all those people on the forum, and because they have all something similar, is that they how do you say that in English,

selflessness, they are joining the community not to for their own gain, but because they want to share their wisdom. They want to share their knowledge. So that frequency is really, really high. And they said, You are holding space for all the changes that are coming. And I thought, Wow, isn’t that amazing?

It’s not my birthday, Patricia, but I can’t believe you’ve given me this gift. What a fantastic I mean, I’m just covered in goosebumps. You know, I always call us a guru, free community,

what I and so we’ll just go ahead and talk about that. We have many things to talk about today, particularly your brand new book, but as long as we’re about the community right now, what I want to talk about for those listeners is,

you know, the old way is, you’re a teacher, you bring together your students, and then there’s this one leader who tells all of these underlings like, you know, there’s shared wisdom, there’s value in that heck, you know, we we still operate in that way, but we need to expand beyond this kind of Top Down, only learning in one direction, kind of thing, and the best teachers in the world, you’re a teacher too. You know this. You get better at what you do when you teach. It is an exchange, right? So bringing together quantum healers of all kinds, brand new plus experience to even teach their own methods and their own approaches, all of them coming together and horizontally sharing. This is the new way. This is a new way. This is people talk about, like patriarchy and all that kind of stuff. Well, that’s that other way, right? So, so to share this way, and to have people who are on the leading edge of that, which you are, you’re very much on the leading edge of that because, and this is natural and normal, but a lot of people, when they gain sort of a notoriety and success, well, they nurture that, and they kind of spin off and have some of their own communities. Again, nothing’s wrong with that, and I know that you have some of that already, too, and yet you still are.

Here, which makes you just a champion of this work, and I just cannot thank you enough. And what a fabulous message from your team. Wow, yeah, yeah. I was blown away when they said it, and I thought, and I really felt, yeah, it’s true. It’s really true, because I’ve seen many people come and some go on the forum, and they all have something very special, and I can see that with the new practitioners who are coming in as well. And I think what you see in many forums is that there’s this competition thing. I’ve never seen that in the forum. And I think that, in itself, is so unique. And I really believe that I mean

and I mean it what I’m going to say, that it’s because of you, it’s because of you are holding certain values, and you are keeping the form a safe place. And that is so important, because if you wouldn’t do that, all those practitioners wouldn’t be able to share in the safe environment that you’ve created, and so I think you really are the foundation of

this beautiful network. Well, thank you.

You know, I’ll go ahead and riff on that a little bit these days, when people talk about places being safe, on the other spectrum of that, that’s has often been censorship, where you can’t say this, or you can’t say that, you know, on our forum in our community, and there was just a post just yesterday that they looked at and went, I’m not even, I’m not even going to go there that that post that would I’m not, I don’t have anything to say there. I don’t have any reason to get, you know, move that discussion off the forum, but I don’t have anything to say. And as long as the discussion is of value to others, and it is presented in a way that doesn’t say,

I know everything, this is what it really is. And you people who don’t agree with me, I mean, this is what it is. It’s all about respect. We can share ideas without having to adopt every idea that we hear. So we are a guru free and a censorship free forum, which means you can talk about what you want to talk about, as long as you present it respectfully, you know, neutrally, so that you don’t

scare some of the new people. Maybe, exactly, yeah, exactly sometimes happens, but we don’t delete posts, and we’ve, we’ve only had to show the door to such a small number of people over the years. And I think that’s a real testament to, you know, our value system and our goals right, which is to support you, support others, support the lifting of consciousness in the world and the expansion of consciousness in the world. And I think that was what Dolores Cannon was a pioneer in doing all those years ago and up until when we both got to exactly

yeah. And I think it also shows that

we are

walking the talk, because when you are a quantum healing practitioner, you you need to make sure that you communicate with your clients in a similar way, respectfully, open to all kind of perspectives and opinions and without judging. And so it all starts with ourself, doesn’t it? It sure does. Yeah, it sure does, absolutely without wanting to project anything upon them, like our fears or our politics for heaven’s sakes or anything you simply are. Are there to facilitate the expansion of their consciousness, and, yeah, we just keep going and supporting each other. Well,

let’s start talking about your book because and, and I know that you were inspired by the great VEDA Austin, and you know, I would love to hear anything you might want to share in that regards. But,

but your latest book, can you show us? Oh, yeah, I can show the Dutch version. The English version is still on its way. I’m waiting for it, so don’t know if you can see it. And

now I created the book cover by a painting from Lloyd Canning. And he’s an amazing artist, and I know that he goes through spiritual experiences similar to quantum healing experiences. So he knows the real that we are entering so often when we do sessions. And

so I know that his paintings have a high vibration, and so I’m really proud of what it looks like,

right? And so I know that that’s in Dutch, but I actually wrote every word of it down. It’s in English. It’s the healing light of water with the subtitle in.

Alters with our cosmic ancestors. So, so let me start with this. This is a brand new book for you just getting out. And did you write this book from sessions? Or how did it come about?

Yes, well,

well, you know, of course, that I wrote ocean of love five years ago, I was so happy that you wrote the foreword for this book and but in that book I well, I was introduced to the spirit of water and to the mysteries of water because my guys and myself were giving me messages about water that I need to explore it deeper. And

yes, then I discovered the work of Theda Alston, and who is a fantastic water researcher. And she’s also a beautiful human being,

a beautiful heart, beautiful personality, and she has developed a technique

where she can communicate with the spirit of water and make it visible through photography. And

so although I do something differently, of course, I’ve learned so much from her work, and I’ve been carved well. I took every masterclass that she gave, and, and I was so fortunate to get to know her personally. And, oh, we became friends, and I was part of her last masterclass. And,

and I know that we will repeat that, because there are so many things that we are on the same level of discovery of things, and think there’s many similarities between water researchers, the spiritual water researchers and and quantum healers and


well anyway, to go back to your question, you asked me if I if I wrote this book about the sessions that I did well in ocean of love, I wrote about the sessions that I did with clients. Now, in this book, The healing light of water,

I describe the sessions that I’ve done with be hard and my dear colleague, who’s also beyond quantum heater, and so usually she’s a facilitator, I’ll be the medium, and then we dive into the sessions, and we find so many amazing, well experiences. And I believe, and I’ve been told by our teams, that it’s not just about going to past life, because we don’t really do that anymore with sessions,

but we travel through other dimensions, and of course, that means that we also travel through time and space.

But what happened is that we received many initiations during the sessions that we’ve done, and also initiations during the physical travels, like going to Glastonbury, which is such a spiritual place, and we feel such a strong connection with it,

but that’s another story.

So we’ve been receiving initiations from, for example, Mary Magdalene


But we also communicate with Hildegard von Bingen, who was a,

well, she was a Christian mystical, well medium, you could say,

who was really living the old religion within the walls of the church. So she was celebrating

the feminine, the divine feminine, and and all the wisdom that came from the goddess lineage. And she found a safe space to well to continue her work within the safe walls of, well, the Christian church.

But we also connected with Nostradamus and

these two are right. Where was the Hildegard person? Where was she? What was her home country? Germany.

Yeah, Germany, and which is also part of the connection that we felt because

she built her monastery near the River Rhine and

and I have a strong connection with that river because the bodens, which is a huge lake that connects Germany, Austria,

Switzerland. It

is a very spiritual place, and my guys have given me a lot of information about the Bodensee, and so I’ve traveled there and visited the place.

But that’s like.

The womb of the Rhine, of the River Rhine. And so it was also place that has the the mountains all up around it, and it is held like this. I’ve been there, really. And yes, and you know, where my mother was from, was from pasau. And pasau is the confluence of rivers right there, of three, I believe at least two, but three I believe. And which tower I live right now is the confluence of two, two rivers I’m getting.

I have the confluence of two creeks in the back of my property right now. Oh, wow. Oh, that’s amazing. Sorry to interrupt you, but

she got Okay. Smallest, amazing, small aside, I it’s been a very long time. My goosebumps haven’t stopped since we’ve started talking. I mean, they just keep going.

I’m sorry to interrupt you. Please tell us about the bowden say, and Hildegard and the connection with Nostradamus, because I jumped all over you. Yeah. Well, there’s so much to share about the Bodensee and our experiences there.

Well, let me just talk about the Hildegard in Nostradamus part.

What would happen if B and I would go into a session the monastery that she created would be a starting point, but once we would be in a certain

well kitchen area, literally within the monastery,

it felt as if we would make a time jump and we would end up in the Bodensee, in the water, underwater. And they mentioned that the water itself was like

a spring station or jumping station. How do you call it springboard, springboard?

And that’s we could use that to go to other dimensions. And so that’s what we did. That’s how we visited Nostradamus, for example, and we found information about

how he used water, for example, because the divisions that he had, he also explored that through water. He told us that he used to have, like a bowl, a black bowl, and he would put water in it. And usually he would add something that has got to do with Rose, for example, a flower or rose oil. As of how high vibrating the roses, it’s the highest vibrating, highest frequency flower on the planet, is it? Oh, I can really imagine, yeah, all of the frequencies of all of the flowers, the rose is the highest. Ah, that’s so beautiful. But what he used to do, what he told us, is that he would tune into the water, and by tuning into the water, he would become one with the water, and it would allow him to go through other dimensions and to go to move beyond time and space. So that’s how he would time travel, and he told us that

his physical body would remain in his room, in his house, but the etherical body

would travel to another location, to another time. That’s how he could observe everything that was going on and come back with all the wisdom and knowledge that he had and so and

now he once asked, Why do we always get to meet Nostradamus when we visit the monastery of Hildegard and

and they said that they were part of the same soul Group, and that they are communicating and working together beyond the view. And so they’re both, well, working with similar subjects, like astrology, for example, and in the beginning, one more time, because I can’t help it,

and I know you’ve heard this before, but let me make this connection, because I think I’m going to vibrate this, this chair apart the one and only night I ever spent the entire night in Dolores Cannon’s house was the night before her memorial service. And I had wild, fantastic dreams those that whole night, and the one that I remember the most was she walked out of her office with a man who, daily, didn’t say anything, but she had her arm around him, she brought him up to where I was sleeping, kind of on a sofa in a kind of a side room.

And she said, Candace, I want you to meet someone. This is Nostradamus, and this is what she said. She said, Now what’s important to remember about him is the way we communicated, not so much as information, the way we communicated, yeah, and then it was over. The dream was over. It’s so look what you’re saying. You’re even saying that he time traveled so he could have time traveled to.

To talk to Dolores, to help her write those books. He could have actually time traveled to be in that dream, to show up Dolores, yeah,

right. Her memorial service back in that would have been early 2015 because she died exactly 14 at the end. What a gift.

It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing, yeah, and I truly believe that it was a visit like he visited you in that dream. Tell me more about what you thank you, but yes, yes. Always sort of felt that. But what you’re doing here is helping me to accept that it isn’t my own,

you know, yeah, singular, that’s how it started, yeah, yeah, that’s how it started for me, and me that he would visit us in our dream, and we felt like, why is he visiting us at the same time, for example, like at the same night or the same few days, and and then we When we would start to do the sessions together, he would show up in our sessions and and you mentioned the rose, and which is really fascinating, because

one of the times that we started working with him was during the pandemic. And I asked him, because during the time that he was alive, there was this black plague, and

I felt that there was a similarity between what was happening here and what was happening in his time. And

so he shared that he was treating a lot of people with a medicine that he created himself. And I asked him, what was in the medicine. How did he create it? And and he said that the most important ingredient was roses, and he created it from roses and other herbs. But he said Rose was the the most important ingredient. And he said that

he even traveled to Italy to collect roses, because he said that

the astrological influences were important for the timing and the place where he would pick the roses, and so the moon would play an important role. So usually during a full moon, or when the moon was in a harmonious aspect with Venus. Venus is the planet that has the same energy as the rose like love, harmony is the very high frequency. So, yeah, it was amazing to receive that information from from him, and especially during that time. So I never forget that whenever there’s something going on here with some kind of flu or anything,

I know that I need roses, and even if it’s only you know, Rose,

you know, standing on my table in in a files or something. But to connect with the energy of the rose, isn’t it beautiful, by the way, that Dolores also use the blue rose. Wasn’t that amazing? That’s just absolutely shocking how much the rose and it’s in, in so many religious icons

imagery as well, because it, you know, it people either knew, directly or indirectly or felt how powerful, powerful it was. Patricia. I once did a session where I did install Dolores, keyword of blue rose, and when it was all over. The client got up. It was an in person session, of course, because it was QHHT. And many years ago, she got up and she pulled up her sleeve and she showed on her arm a tattoo of a blue rose.

We there was no reason for us to talk about it, but it it was like it was the thing that sealed the deal for her to make the next step and to truly believe how profound the information that was coming, because she was told to take another session. So we use Dolores keyword and just it’s so beautiful, right? Yes, yeah, yeah. And you see how all these things are connected, but also how all these people are connected, and they all have something similar, like they’re fascinated by water, and so are you. I know that you are too. And yeah, so it’s really is so, I mean, there’s so many subjects that you can talk about relating or combining quantum healing with the work of theta, for example. I mean

talking about Atlantis for example, and, and, yeah, there’s so many things I think. Am I talking too much?

Not at all, as a matter of fact.

This usually what I think about myself, but it’s okay, because we all get so excited about this.

You know, not long ago, we finished the immersion class here in Kansas, and so many things were going on with with the water, but we did a tandem session

Patricia that I haven’t even really, I haven’t even digested it yet enough to talk about it, but, but I do want to mention this because it was because of your connection about using water and time travel. This will, this will work nicely in that discussion. So we did a tandem session. So what’s a tandem session? For those of you listening who don’t know, we did a tandem BQH session. So we had a facilitator, we had the students all surrounding us and watching it, and the two people who were the subjects, or the people going into trance, was myself and Donna McMurtry. But we also did it underneath the copper pyramid. There was a lake outside. We just done water alchemy to, you know, as an intention for the session to connect with Dolores. And basically what happened was, is we easily connected with her. And what she ended up doing is, because there’s a lot of visuals here. And people were seeing these visuals, drawing these visuals, and commenting on this. It was Dolores here. Donna and I were here, of course, you know, the earth and the people around us, the class members in particular, were around us. So there was that. But she was the point of contact. It wasn’t just Dolores, though. What she did was then open up that way to the other realms. And there was two way communication from these other realms through Dolores Donna and I, back and forth like this. And it was absolutely fantastic. And the one, there’s so much to talk about, but I’ll just leave one little thing there. First of all, there was Dolores humor, because she said, Well, it’s kind of like I’m channeling you for them, which is just funny. If anybody knows Dolores, what said about her and channeling and all that, but she was facilitating communication. Let’s put it that way, but one of the most fabulous things that was mentioned. Was some of the energies in existence, observing this, as you know, and participating in it. Of course,

the sentence came out was this, some of them had only believed this idea of Earth,

meaning a place of such density, holding consciousness was a myth,

a myth, wow. So in their reality, there’s, you know, well, we hear about this place, but we don’t know that that really exists somehow gets connected to Dolores and these other energy

Well, that’s so interesting that you mentioned this. Yeah, and because, you know, during the sessions that we did,

our team often told us that are actually it was once when we were channeling Jeshua,


I feel like there’s so many important things and what I would like to share with Okay, let’s just go ahead and say, let’s, let’s do that another, let’s do part two, 529,

we’ll do another show for sure. Yeah, yeah. So one time we were channeling Jeshua, and it was such a profound experience, because what happened was that even when the bee was doing the induction, and I wasn’t, you know, we hadn’t started really yet, she was just starting the induction, but the moment that I closed my eyes, I could see Joshua, and he was entering through my crown, and he was like as if he was inhabiting my body, as he as if he was incarnating. And I know that, you know, he’s not incarnating in my body. Of course, he was just a temporary experience. But what happened was that I could feel his breath through my nose, and I could feel his eyes looking through my eyes, and it was

beyond words. And we stepped into a certain cave. It was

a cave where there was water. There was like a fountain, where

he asked me to drink from this water. He says, this is holy water. And as soon as I drank from this water, I felt that my whole body became light, as if i i became light and

and I was also a bit confused, like, what is happening? This is so.

Huge. And then he said, This is not just for you. He says, this is for the collective. And he says, look at the light. And I watched the light, and then the light turned itself into like a gate. It was like a gate that was opening. Now I was crying and

and I said, what is happening? And he said, the gate will open. And I felt he didn’t mention a date, but I felt like soon it was

exactly and he said every living being on this planet will have the chance to step through that gate and to become light. He said, this is about collective ascension, and I could only cry. It was so emotional and beautiful. And he said, We won’t leave anyone behind. And he said that all those forces that people have feared for such a long time, he said it will all fall he said it will no longer have any power. And B was asking us, like, what do we need to do? What do people need to do? I always want to know that. Don’t we? What do we do? Exactly?

Yeah, yeah. The answer usually is, not do it’s, what do you be? What do you exactly? He said, it’s a choice. It’s all it only takes a choice to to do that, to choose the light. So that’s all it takes. And and when I stepped into that light, I really felt like, wow, you. We are light, and not just me. It was really a message for the collective. And what he told me then was really It felt so important. He said it is no longer about creating a new earth. It’s about connecting with our cosmic ancestors, with our cosmic family. We need to remember where we came from, because there will be a time that information will come through about alien visits. And he said,

never see it as alien, because we are all connected. We are one big cosmic family. And people need to remember that we come from stars, that we come from other places, from the universe and

and it felt so important when he said, it’s no longer about find the finding a new earth, but it’s about finding our place in the universe. And I felt like what he was referring to is that we are opening to a new era where we will be visiting other planets. And

I mean, as quantum leaders, we do that

sure interdimensionally, don’t we? Through our sessions

again, I have to interrupt you again because, you know, I look forward to this interview. Absolutely, I didn’t look forward to all of what is just happening here, because what’s happening here is like next level stuff. Why I cannot This is terrible that I will not remember the name of this little town, but there’s a little town in France that I visited in 2015

right before I separated from the, you know, the family of Dolores Cannon. Actually, it was the the summer before that,

where we went and visited Nostradamus, the the town our home base in France for a while was the town that had went with a group, a traveling group, that had Nostradamus house there.

Okay, his house was there. So I got, we got to see his house. He couldn’t go in or anything. It was just, but it was pointed out there was a plaque there,

Patricia. I’m, I’m, so what I’m going to say almost sounds like I’m making these things up, but I promise I’m not making them up. First of all, the thing that was really important about that place was it was within view of a town water well, where the water was coming down like that, and we all filled our bottles with this water. Wow. Alright, so we all, you know, our water bottles this, people from the town were still going there and filling up. You know what? I’m going to look it up. Here’s the name of the town that I can’t say right now. I’m going to put it in the edit, but that’s what it was. And

here’s the really important part I want to share with you. I don’t usually share this, but it has to be said because of why, because of what you said about Jesus and the eyes and the breathing. I woke up from a dream

in that town.

The dream was this, I was a point of consciousness. And you know this because we are that often clients are that often in sessions. And at first, there was this glow, this absolute glow.

Sort of dusty yellow, but glow.

And then I only could sort of just hear

and I heard breathing,

and I heard breathing and I felt moisture, and I heard breathing.

And then what I realized Patricia really truly as a human as small as this was. It was a small meaning time that I’m waking up from this dream. This is one of the most profound moments I’ve ever had in my entire life. I found that I was a tiny speck of consciousness right here over the body of Jesus as Yeshua, as he’s being crucified, and what I am hearing, seeing, sensing and feeling is the sweat

and his breath, Oh, wow. And the moisture in that and the glow of the water. Oh, gosh. And that was in that town,

amazing. Nostradamus, this house and the well and the water, and my roommate walked in as I’m waking up from this dream.

She said, are you okay? I couldn’t even speak, yeah, wow, that is so deep. So what you just said about feeling has

exactly, because there’s moisture in that, right? Exactly, that’s human moisture molecules, absolutely. Oh, wow, that is so beautiful. Well, and you’re interrupted you again, but again, it’s okay. I felt there was something important. And actually, before I started talking about this experience, I felt there was something else that I needed to to touch upon in this conversation, because I felt that there is a connection with you. And

that’s Mary Magdalene,

yeah, yeah, yeah. We were on the we were on a Magdalene tour. Oh, wow, you see all this. Going to see her cave, and I have so many other things that happened there. Oh, wow. You see, yeah. Oh, that’s really huge, yeah. Well, doesn’t this show how special we all are, how

when we share some of this stuff, we can connect into fantastic, magical experiences, otherworldly, expanding of consciousness, experiences with others, when we just connect and share Right, exactly, exactly, Exactly. And this is what I mean. I mean you can only share this with with someone when you feel

soul is listening, non judgmental, and with an open heart, with open mind, and and then you see what can happen.

Isn’t that beautiful? So beautiful. Yeah, so beautiful. That’s just so fantastic. So back to your book. How about how many like over the course of what time, or how many sessions were you all doing this before you manifested and created this book? Was this a lengthy project, or what? Yes, it was.

I think I actually started when I finished ocean of love in 2019

and I know that my higher self was urging me, like you need to continue with the next book. And and they told me that it was important for me to write about experiences that I had with

meetings with beings from other planets. But at that time, I was still a bit hesitating to write about it, and but I said, you have to, you have to share it openly. And no matter if people may not understand it or judge it, just do it. And

but it turned out to be a process, because some of those experiences I already had, I mean, I already had connections with the Arcturians, for example, I had seen beings standing in front of me. I mean, in the physical shape from Andromeda

and Antares.

There were so many meetings that were just short, just very briefly, but they had such a huge impact. And I was like, I can just imagine the listeners, though, standing in front of you in the physical so were you dreaming in a session visiting somewhere, where were you and when such a thing might have happened? I know I can feel the question out there, even

that kind of thing happened, yeah, well, one example with the Antares beings,

I was doing sound healing sessions with a friend of mine. So once a month, we would rent this place, which was a very beautiful place.

Is next to a church, very sacred. Well place, and we would bring all kind of instruments, and

we were just playing around. We were just, you know, using the sound balls and, well, I don’t know the English words for it, but all kind of sound healing instruments. And we were toning, let’s just using our voice, without specifically singing, but just Tony, whatever wanted to come out. And at some point, I guess we by doing that, we created a certain

field of energy, or we reached a certain frequency, because suddenly I could see two huge beings standing in front of me, and they looked a bit like praying mantises, but somehow I felt they are not exactly praying mantises. And I was startled. I mean,

I didn’t expect it to happen, yeah, I mean, and they were so tall and huge, but they had a very high energy, I mean, very refined and sensitive and and I was looking at parfait like, are you seeing this as well? Or am I imagining it? Or am i What is it? What is going on? She saw it. She saw it too. And we were but the thing is, the moment that we were like, what is happening? They were gone. You changed the frequency, of course, yeah, exactly. And you help it, you can’t help it, because you’re still human and you’re, you know, we have an animal instinct within us, yeah? And you’re just not gonna that’s why this is this. This is one of the reasons this is a fascinating time to be alive. Yeah, it is. It is and, and, of course, you start to wonder, like, how is it possible, like, were these beings physical? Or how is it possible that they just vanish within a few seconds? Or was it a hallucination, or just i It seems to me like maybe they’re always there. And we raised the we raised the it’s like the spectrum of light. We can only see a sliver of a spectrum of light. But if, if you buy your toning and your singing, you expanded what you could see, yeah, and then as soon as you saw it, well, of course, you’re going to get slammed back to this, because it’s, it’s not particularly easy to keep that high vibration and then have a strong emotion. Exactly, you have a strong emotion, then suddenly you revert. Reverts even a strange word, because,

well, I don’t know, you know. And then I when, whenever things like that happen. I always think about people who are who have the label of mental illness, you know, yeah, yeah. What if they’ve just expanded their

spectrum, and what they’re saying is right in front of them, and the rest of us are going, exactly, yeah, exactly. I think about that all the time, so I don’t think we could. I mean, think about this Patricia. What if? What if this was let’s take this theory. Let’s say you expanded your own field of vision and you can see,

what if it stayed there, and then you left there and moved through life, and suddenly life was really difficult for you to navigate because of that. Yeah, no, okay, it seems so cool, and it is cool and it’s fascinating. Talk about, do we really want it all the time, open like that? What other things would that change in your life? Could you even drive down the road? Could you drive down the road? Exactly, yeah, and yeah. And I think that’s also the difference between

someone who people could see as mentally ill or having or the difference between a spiritual experience. I think there’s a thin line. And that thin line is being able to choose,

for example, in this situation, well, it was another situation I can mention, where I was visited and and I felt like they increased my abilities to see. So at some point, they gave me a certain

Well, ability, that whenever I would be in the street and I was looking at someone, I could see their life story, which is a lot, I mean, that’s collecting a lot of information, especially, and have a tender heart, which you know exactly when you’re very compassionate, etc, so I didn’t want that. So I asked them, like, Was it possible that I can suddenly see all these energies? Because I don’t want to see it. I don’t want have all the intimate details about people that I don’t know, because it’s a lot to carry. And they said that I.

Um, and they could give you the ability to tune into information, and they said they they could also use that to tap information from me. And they said they could kind of tune into my consciousness and to collect the experience that I had had, but I didn’t feel comfortable with it. And I said, Well, I don’t want this is too much. So I said, I want you to close that ability down, because I only want to use it whenever I want to use it, and I guess I don’t want to use it to that extent. And then it stopped, and I think that’s important difference, that you have control over what is happening and when you see things or you don’t see things, and that you can say no. So it’s about boundaries. Really. It’s about having healthy boundaries. And that is something that could be the difference between someone who may be crossing that

threshold and so on, who is still on the healthy side of the threshold. Healthy boundaries are so important, and this is why grounding is really, really essential, especially during the work that we do. I mean, when we are doing our work, we are also activating the higher chakras. We are activating the higher parts of our consciousness. So whenever we close down this session, we need to make sure that we are fully integrated back into our body again, and that we are fully grounded and that we’re back into the present time in place, which is so important. So, yeah,

wow. Okay, well, for sure, this is going to be a part one, and we need to. We’ll go ahead and schedule part two, and we shut down because we’re kind of running out of time here.

On that note, after that tandem session, wow, did I have not since I had a session, my first session, my only session with Dolores Cannon in 2008

did I find myself experiencing really big time


Had, oh, I had big time anomalies for like, two, two days afterwards. And it wasn’t since 2008 that I did that, that coming home from Arkansas to Texas after my session with Dolores, did I experience such time anomalies. I mean, one, one part even I was referring to my my granddaughter, and I was calling her 10 years old. And she’s not 10 years old, she’s eight years old. And I mean, it just, I mean, but I it was so fascinating. I was kind of all over, and I know how to ground. We were grounding. We went and had lunch after that. I mean, we were outside. There were things that, but it didn’t matter, because it was such a thing that

took us out of time, right? That communication took us out of time, and it just took a little bit to get back in. And I don’t, I would not call myself a some nembulist Even then, but I don’t really know everything that we talked about. Here’s what I do. Know we had 12 people, 12 students, three, three assistants and myself.

Everyone was crying. Everyone was crying because they were part of it, and they were

their energy was a part of it, and it just affected us all. And that whole thing about, you know, in BQH, we do the heart mind coherence thing. This was the most coherent group of people. It was, it was just astonishing. I know in part, it was because of where we are in time. You know what’s happening to us right now. We have such a great opportunity to connect with each other. Don’t you think Patricia? Oh, absolutely, absolutely. And I think what you just mentioned is also, I feel an example of how we build an energy field together.

Because when you have a combination of people who are on the same frequency, that opens up a whole region of experiences and

well, new information, as if you can tap into new information. And I think as part of what we do as

teachers, it’s such a news word, but, but it’s exchanging energy and holding space and and building a field of energy that allows

the student or colleagues to to reach higher states and and to find new information. So

it’s all about sharing, isn’t it? Yes, it’s about sharing energy and.

Building a few together. Yeah, well, on that note, Patricia,

I bet you’ll get your English book and I will be able to actually read parts of it before we do a part two. So Can, can we do this again relatively soon, but let me get through more of that book before we do that, and maybe you’ll have your your English version in hand to show would that be good? Would you come back and talk to me? I would love that. I would love that. Yeah.

Well, until then, have a great day. Thank you all for listening. And if you are a quantum healer of any kind, energy healer of any kind, please come join us at Quantum healers.com We’d love to have you and see what you have to say to add to a conversation like this. Thank you so much, Patricia, all of Patricia below in the show notes. Okay, until then. Quantumhealers.com

Come see us. Okay. Bye, everyone. Bye. You.

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