Quantum Healing With Water Part 3

Quantum Healing with Water and Heart Part 3

Alternative Healing ,Beyond Quantum Healing ,Blogs

Join us on the final part of this amazing journey into water consciousness and Quantum healing with Patricia Grootjans and Candace.


Hi everyone, it’s Candace Craw-Goldman with quantumhealers.com.

Back again for our third and final installment of a series of talks with quantum healer Patricia regents, hi Patricia, hi Candace, nice to see you again. It’s so nice to see you again, too. We’ve kind of been drawing this out, but we’re going to wrap it up today, and Patricia and I before I pressed record, we’re just saying now. Where were we before?

Where were we in talking? But we were talking a lot about healing, a lot about water, our connections there, but that kind of brought something up, and maybe you could speak on this just right away. I have an exercise partner, and yesterday she had just turned 50, so, you know, I am 13 years older than she is, and she was talking about her memory, like her short term memory, and

you know when you’re, when you’re our age, or, you know of an age, or you’re, you’re in your 50s or 60s, you you tend to want to

blame some of these, you know,

short term memory, or that just happened, or why did I walk into this Room? Things on age, I don’t know. I think there is so much going on in the world, so much, so much. It’s like, if you have a barrage of things happening to you at all times, how in the world can you see everything? How in the world Hold on? Have you find that to be true in your life right now too? Exactly. Well, it’s interesting because,

you know, we’re going through this big cleanup of the house, and I was going through all my old diaries, like from 30 years, right? And I was looking reading down the diaries from like, 50 years ago, that was around the time that I had my near death experience, and my life was a crisis on all levels, like

relationships, housing, jobs, health, on all levels. It was just everything fell to pieces. And anyway, when I was reading through my diaries, and I was realizing like, Oh my God, I’ve been through so much. But the interesting thing is, I also did channels, and I channeled, well, I don’t know if you can call it channeling, but I was receiving Angel messages, so I was reading through these messages today, and I thought, Wow, that really helped me to to move through all those complicated situations. And I mean, everyone has a time in their life where everything seems to come together. Are happening at the same time. And astrologically, this is often when Uranus is making a certain transit, and especially the opposition when we’re like 42 around that age,

and then everything seems to be upside down. You know, our whole life seems to be upside down and so. But I realized that by by working with angels that is so, so powerful, that really helped me through all those complicated situations and to to to keep my calm, to keep my calmness and to be, you know, stand my ground, and I think, wow. And sometimes, when everything is going smoothly, we tend to forget these things. Yes, and I guess that’s the beauty of going through a crisis, or, I mean, not even a crisis, but you know when so many things are happening in your life, and I mean, sometimes you could call that the sandwich model. You know

when life is

being like a big sand which like you have

to take care of your children or grandchildren or your parents and taking care of so many people.

And I just realized today how important it is that to realize that we don’t have to do it alone when we are in tune with source and with the light, with angels.

Yeah, that’s so powerful and yeah, so I think

that’s probably a big message, that we don’t have to do it all by ourself when we tune into source, tune into God, yeah,

and I have a feeling that somehow maybe this message could be important today, because right before we got on this call, I was

still drawn to to take the.

Card, you know, and I have the Dutch version. So I’m sorry this isn’t the English version, but it’s the mermaids and dolphin cards from the RE virtue. And of course, I love these cards because they’re always so related to water. So this is the cards that came up today, right before this call, okay, and and I will translate

protection, a little familiar with my little bit of German, but I won’t even, I won’t guess in public like this, yeah, Dutch does is kind of similar to German, but it says protection you and all your loved ones are in safe hands and are being protected by the universe. Now, isn’t that a beautiful message for today? It is quite beautiful. I

I really feel that that, and that’s lovely.

The message I kind of got today, a little bit too was

because I find that in you already said it just a second ago, I find that when I feel that it’s so it’s so much,

It’s usually because I’m trying to take care of I

uh, everything outside of myself but me, yeah, exactly, exactly.

I’ve got my Dad, I’ve got the farm. I’ve got special projects on the farm. I’ve got my clients, I’ve got the quantum healers. I’ve got the BQH students. I’ve got my husband. I have my friends, you know, I mean, and they’re, you know, you have to, you have to have some sort of input with friends, or they go away. You know, Friends are not just, you know what I and there’s and, and when I’m thinking of of that and, and I’m trying to streamline some of my life for self care, I have to constantly remind myself not to put myself last in that list, yeah, because that’s going to fail, right? That’s just going to fail. And, okay, I’m getting a little choked up to say this, what I want to say to you is I really think of you as one of those friends I need to stay in touch with,

because you’re always so kind and understanding, and we can always connect so nicely, even if there’s a long space between the last time that we did connect. And I appreciate you so much, and I’ve had to, you know, postpone this interview, this final interview of three, I think at least twice, and there was a great reason to do it again today.

I’m going to finish this one, and I have a substitute person who came in to relieve my sick caregiver today so that we were able to do this. But

thank you the the angels, yes, the angels, you know, reminding you to take a breath and,

you know, do exactly and thank you so much. Candace, and I feel exactly the same. I feel there’s just this whole connection between us, and it would be nice to one day, if we could explore this in a session to see what past life we may have shared, because I really feel very strongly that there is a connection. I would love to do that. I would love to do that. And maybe you know what we could even do, because one of the projects that I’m trying to get out and into my YouTube list is a tandem session that I did with

with Donna McMurtry, while her sister Diana was facilitating it. And we did that in the immersion class as a demonstration. Would you be up for something like that? Oh, I would love to,

let’s do that, because I bet there’s going to be some connections. And one of the last places I was, and I was apologizing to Patricia before we got going, was I didn’t completely finish her book at all. But you know where I got to? I got to the part where in every chapter that I read, I find alignment and connection every single chapter with something in my life. And

although we are in Kansas with, you know, no oceans, no seas here, but we have the ancient. We have the landscape of an ancient bottom of an ocean, right?

So, where I was was, you know, thinking so much about the cave, some of your cave experiences and the mermaids, and you just, you know, showed the mermaid car,

the underwater cave, and I was in the one with, you know, some of the dreams and the underwater.

Water a cave here in Kansas, the that it’s covered in the sea crystals, the ancient sea right, where there’s no water, but being down there was was amazing. And I bet if we did a tandem session, something like that would come up. I’m getting goosebumps.

Yeah, because caves are so related to the Divine Mother and and I believe that even if there’s not a physical ocean near, if there’s a cave, I think there’s the energy of water,

isn’t there? So, yeah, that’s really beautiful. Yeah, I don’t know. I know I talked about it a little bit when we went to to visit this and it’s been a little more than a year

that you go down, it’s sick. It’s six stories down into the ground. You take an elevator down, and I went with my husband and our daughter, Lauren and our three grandchildren and and we went on a tour, and we were we were down there for a little while, and I’m

a little bit claustrophobic, just in general. I like wide open spaces. I don’t like to be crowded. And I was actually okay. The elevator part bothered me the most,

because I know the only way in and out. And I’m like, is there a spare elevator? And they’re like, Nope, this is it. And I’m like, my goodness, any Anyway, take horses down there, horses and, oh yeah, it’s how they that’s how they mined down there. It’s crazy, yes, crazy, yeah. So anyway,

down there. I’ll just leave you this with this one part. It really bothered Tom, who is not typically very claustrophobic, but I watched him, Patricia, walk. I mean, the whole time we were down, then he couldn’t wait to get out.

He walked like this the whole way. Something about the whole energy field. He It was as if somebody Yeah, yeah, yeah, walked like this through the whole thing. I’m like, do you just, do you see what’s going on with you walking? He’s like, No, I feel like I’m standing straight up. I just,

you know, this is weirding me out being here, and I feel funny being here. Yeah. It also kind of reminds me of the pyramids, when you, when you, when you, when you say this,

the feeling of the energy down there. You mean, yes. But also,

I don’t know, you probably know Elizabeth Higgs book initiation, where she goes through all these tests and trials in the pyramids and where she has to

I’ve heard it referenced before and summarized. I have not to be clear, read it, but I have heard, yeah, well, I don’t know. I don’t remember the details, because I was 18 when I read it, so it’s really a long time ago, but I remember that she described how she had to work through these narrow hallways in the pyramid. And I think that’s probably a similar experience as walking in a cave, isn’t it? And it feels if you’re underneath the Earth, as if you’re in another layer of the earth. So I feel there’s some kind of connection between caves and pyramids, maybe our The caves are quite similar to underwater pyramids or under earth pyramids, because they seem to have this similar energy. And when I think about the sessions that I’ve done often when we end up in a cave, or rather, we start in a cave,

it brings us to a whole other level of existence, as if it’s like a portal to another dimension. And I think pyramids can do exactly the same as the caves do in my sessions. So there’s something about the caves that can transport us to another dimension. And when I think about most of the sessions that I’ve been in caves, it was because of the water that there was always like a source of water inside of the cave, and when we would drink of that water, or maybe, you know, sprinkle the water,

this is when it would happen that we would enter a whole new dimension. So water is also like

the portal, isn’t it? Yes, yeah. So while you’re talking

the the tandem session that I was referring to, that I was working on, so we were doing that in the immersion class, which, of course, was very much about water influence. And just outside was Lake.

And in the session, the light hit the the lake, and it was all about the water and the light and the connection with what was going on. But I don’t know if you could tell I did a quick little sketch here. So these are, imagine, these are representative of people. So Donna and Diana. I mean, Diana was the facilitator. Donna was one of the people. I was one of the people. We laid on the floor with one of those copper pyramids. Oh, wow. Okay, so we had a copper pyramid around us while the group, the class, was around us, and both of us, as soon as we went into trance after the induction was read, both of us saw an inverted pyramid like this, on this side with Dolores and her team and Emoto all here, some people. And then they had, like we had observers around here. They had observers around here. And it was this whole conversation. It was amazing. So I’m getting ready to to get that, gonna release the entire, almost the entire session, on YouTube, I’m really excited about that these tandem sessions have been,

well, they’ve been extraordinary, because the ones that have been, well, I almost all of them, I’ve done with

colleagues, you know. So we’re in a certain sort of relationship and mindset already, and then combining that, combining that is, it’s just very exciting.

So I’m excited. We’re gonna, we’ll set this up. Oh, I guess I would love to,


Now, speaking of colleagues, though, you have come off of the water conference that I’m so sorry that I missed. I tried so hard, but once again, another

wrench got thrown into my and you know what that was the day, I think that was the day of the attempted assassination of our former president. I believe it was the same

day and and I was lamenting missing your the whole conference because it hadn’t yet started, but it must have been full or something, and I just couldn’t get in. And I was, I’m like, well, that there must have been a reason for that, and not that, the, let’s just say, the energy was disrupted. Yeah, so much in our country. And I, you know, I got a phone call from family and and people were asking, and then it was just, it was very, very interesting to watch the aftermath here. And I wondered how much,

you know, people say Tom makes fun of me a lot about connecting events,

you know. And he’s like, how can you connect those things? And I always think,

How can you not connect absolutely everything? I come from the complete, exact opposite. And I remember thinking not terribly long after finding out the news about wondering what sort of chaos is

going to continue to occur here in our in our country. Um, I actually, you know what? I actually felt good about. I felt good about knowing there was a group of people like you doing what you were doing?

Yeah, holding, you know, it was like, even though you may have had no idea what was going on until much later or whatever, knowing that you are over there

doing what you were doing for a length of time, because VEDA Austin,

let’s be honest. Who does longer webinars than data? Austin, I don’t anybody on the planet like NOVA, yeah, that’s right. I think it lasted about 11 or 12 hours or so,

yeah. And which is really unique, because, well, not unique, because all her webinars tend to be that long, really long. And she’s really one of a kind. I don’t know anyone else who can do that for such a long time. And I mean, she lives in New Zealand, of course, so she’s 12 hours ahead of me in Holland. And so when she started, it was like eight in the morning, I believe, and it was eight in the evening for me.

And so it was my time to speak like around 11. I was, I was, you know, blessed to be able to speak for an hour during that webinar. And and I continue to listen to some other people, but it was midnight. I mean, it was really night time for me, of course. So at some point I went to sleep, and when I woke up, I put on the webinar again, and they were still out doing the webinar, so

I could actually

finish the last part of the webinar with them. But it was during the webinar that one of the.

Speaker said, Well, we are in this beautiful energy, and we are sharing all these intense stories about near death experiences. But I don’t know if, if anyone has seen but we just received the news that this has happened to Trump. And so that was really during the webinar. And so yeah, we were fully aware of, well, not fully because we didn’t know the details, of course, but,

but it felt really symbolic, because this webinar was about near death experiences and the dream time, the dream world, and how our consciousness continues, and how magnificent these experiences were, of all these people going through near death experiences, and yeah, it was really intense. Because, of course, all these people had traumatic experiences when it happened that led to a near death experience,

and then at the same time this was going on


but I also felt that we are able to put it in a different perspective, because we know that when we are meant to be here, we will be here,

and when we are meant To live, we will live. And was, I think, what was the general theme of all these people who were sharing their stories about their their near death experience, was that we all felt that we came back with a purpose, and that we all came back with a new abilities, new gifts,

but most of all, a purpose to share what we had witnessed, what we had experienced, what we had felt, seen, heard, and how amazing life is. And it was so beautiful because there were some people who had

gone through near death experiences multiple times in their life. And I’ve, I’ve seen that, and I’ve also clients like that too, yes, yeah, sure. Interesting. It’s like, if it’s not time, it’s not time, exactly, and it often happens. It starts with, with birth, at birth. I mean, some people, or some babies, they tend to choke during the birth process when the umbilical cord is around their neck, for example, or could be other course causes.

So I’ve seen it in sessions multiple times that people can have their first near death experience at the time of birth,

but it seems as if, especially those people are sensitive to

dying and being reborn in the same incarnation. So someone was saying, like is possible that some people are more sensitive to go through the death process again, or is it kind of longing to the other side, longing to source, longing to to move away from the Earth? And I thought to myself, no, it’s such a strong

power to live that you are able to return and to survive and to come back and know that you

are meant to share a message and meant to share

about our consciousness, that we are so much more than the physical body and the physical brain, and that our Consciousness is unlimited, and that our consciousness is connected with each and every other Consciousness in the Universe, not only here on planet Earth, but also other parts of the universe. And once we come to realize that and we are able to

to move our consciousness to that frequency where we are able to connect with other reals, other other consciousness.

It’s magnificent. And then we can connect with anything. We can connect with the spirit of a mountain, or we can connect with the spirit of water. And I believe, I mean, we’ve talked about it, I’m sure that you see it in a similar way, that the water

is God. Water is source. It’s life itself. And when you were when we started this conversation, we were talking about our memories, and when we get older, that we all seem to get these issues with our memories.

But I think what also happens when we get older is that our body tends to get dry, so when we focus on nurturing our body with the right sort of water and liquids, then we are able to keep our.

Memory alive because water battery looks like a battery. It’s like having, trying to have a

a battery work without, without its water Absolutely. Often think of Dolores, you know, and and how, truly, you know, no, none of us who love and respect Dolores want to compare our skill level with hers, because she was in a class by herself. However, I think we have to acknowledge how much we without Dolores being here directly in body, we have expanded what we do to understand something as simple as Dolores advice used to be, don’t drink too much water before a session. And I’m like the exact opposite. Please be very, very hydrated. I will be very hydrated. It does not matter how many times you need to get up and use the toilet. And I even say, think of it this way, the more you go, the more the flow, and the more I think we’re we’re making progress here at the same time. Don’t worry if you don’t get up, because you you might be one of those people who can, just like, you know, not happy, but that the freedom and the understanding and is sort of the brave lubrication coming with that inspiration is it’s, you’re spot on. Yeah,

exactly. And I guess that.

I guess there’s a lot of these ideas that we used to have about drinking or when we should drink.

They really come from our childhood, doesn’t it like I mean, I remember that my mother used to say, don’t drink before you eat, or otherwise you won’t have any space for your vegetables or

and all the asking of permission, right? The the whole time you’re in school needing permission to relieve your bladder. It’s so awful, yeah,

think about it. It’s so awful that this one person up there can control the bladders of 20 or 30 young kids just yeah, by the hierarchy of structure. And how about the, oh, I know this is kind of going off into left field, but I think it’s interesting, and it’s it’s interesting about the connecting consciousness kind of way, you know, some Native American type people all over the world who are not needing to be in a lot of clothing, nor do they have anything like diapers, like we do in the West. They carry around their infants, and they don’t get peed on. They don’t get urinated a lot on. And some of the Westerners, I’ve noticed, have you know, seen these stories, they will ask, well, how are you doing that your baby don’t have a diaper on? They’re like, well, we just take them over to the bush when they need to go and and the question then, always is, well, how do you need to go? And the next part’s my favorite, which is the mother looks and was like,

how wouldn’t I know? Because they’re so connected, right? Exactly consciousness are so connected, they just No, exactly.

It’s so interesting that you mentioned this because yesterday I saw just a very small piece of a podcast with a Dutch singer. He’s kind of like a folk singer, and he was telling this interviewer that they never put on diapers when their children were babies, and he said they often got that question, like, but they should be.

I’m sorry. I’m interrupting you by saying as I’m even talking about the baby and the peeing. I’m like, Where’s this coming from? I have a second tape in my head going, why are you talking about that right now? That’s this is why? Because it connects with something you just heard exactly. And by the way, I’m sorry my dog is trying to get attention. I don’t know that you can hear it too loudly, but you know what? As long as you’re doing that, I’m going to pause the recording.

Okay? First time to record it again for a second. Okay,

all right.

I just quickly went to the freezer, because before we started, I put on water in the freezer to do the experiment, and I just had a quick look. So this is the picture. I don’t think you can see it right? I can too. I absolutely, but I don’t see anything specific. It only, the only thing I see is pyramids, but it’s not really.

That’s fantastic. That’s so fun.

Anyway, if you would like to talk about this, but yes, I do want to talk about it.

And if you did you take pictures with your phone. Okay, exactly.

You’ve probably done it way more than I have, but I know that sometimes you don’t see it right away. You have to go back and look, and then, then you’ll see some of the stuff and then. But you know, you’ve been doing this a lot more than I have, but we make these petri dishes available in most of the immersion classes

to either try or to try hot hours or whatever. And it’s an amazing thing, too fantastic to play with. So, yeah, pyramids, that’s great you were talking about, we took that little break. You were talking about the Dutch folk singer, and exactly, and yes,

oh, sorry, but he was, he was saying that they never use diapers for their babies. And people would ask, like, don’t they pee on you? Or, and

he said, Of course not. He said, babies are able to communicate, and you just have to tune into them, and you you will know when they want to say that they need to do something. You will feel it physically or intuitively. So he says, there are so many ways to communicate, but we tend to forget nowadays because we are so busy. And he said, but if you take the time to slow down and to

to be with your baby, and he said, that you will know, and they will you know, will be trained to go. How do you say that in English.

Well, I think that’s probably a good way to say right there, yes, they’ll be trained to go when you want them to. You know, it reminds me too, Patricia, this whole thing

about putting a baby in a completely different room

from where you sleep, which I I’m pretty sure we must have talked about this before, because it’s it has never made any any sense to me. As an animal lover. You can look at any mammal out there, any mammal, any mammal. Show me one mammal that takes their babies and makes them sleep in a different place than the mother. It doesn’t happen, yeah, except this is unnatural and ridiculous, and I understand safety bird rollover. I get all the things. Don’t worry about that. But I don’t think that is helpful. This idea, in the regard of,

first of all, making your baby feel safe

they’re alone exactly that they’re disconnected from their mother, yeah, yeah.

And it doesn’t help with relation. I don’t think it. It’s just not right. Yeah, I feel the same way. Yeah. I will always get my babies close to me, and I know that I had a lot of criticism about it,

but I know when I see my daughter who you know, her child will be one next week, and so,

but she’s luckily, so different. And yeah, I mean, I think the generation who are having babies right now, they’re so much more in following the natural pace. And I think it’s a really good development. Yeah, I hope so. I hope so. I know it birth has become so medicalized. And with my

with my volunteer work with Now I lay me down to sleep, I find myself in the labor and delivery, you know,

in the hospital a lot, and the sort of horrifying thing to me. I don’t know if this is happening all over the world, I suspect possibly, but the rate of cesarean section is so much higher now than it ever used to be, and

I find that really interesting and and there is a huge to do anything within a hospital in a natural way. They really curtail mothers choices. Let’s put it that way. There’s a lot of things. I mean, I never realized something as simple as you probably gotta leave that cord connected to the placenta for a while, because there’s still a whole lot of blood in there that goes to that baby. And even my own kids, first thing they did was cut that cord and, you know, instantly, and yeah, didn’t even, I never even read about the idea.

Maybe that’s not a good idea until they were children, right? Yeah, yeah, exactly, yeah. I think it’s there could be something

cultural, I believe, because my cousin has been a doula in in the United States for.

About 25 years until she came back to Europe, but so she could see the differences between

women going into labor in the US compared to Holland. And I feel blessed that here in Holland, we tend to have

a priority of having natural birth. And so women have a choice, for example, and they’re being, you know, motivated to have birth at home.

Many people have water birth over here, and I feel blessed because I realized that that’s not common in other countries. And, yeah, I mean,

yeah, when my daughter was pregnant, she had to go put on a whole plan with

you call it, I’m sorry, I don’t know. Yeah, no, you have fantastic English the midwife. You mean, yes, exactly with the midwife, and so that she would be in control over every little detail that she would like or not like, or when she would allow the midwife to, you know, step in and to do something. And I think, Wow, this is such a blessing that we are living in this country where women are allowed to have control over their own body and control over their own process of giving birth. It’s so it’s the start of life, and how we go through that birth process is kind of well, I think it’s symbolic for how we step into other situations in our life, and when I look at the birth chart, because you know that I’m an astrologer, when we look at the rising sign, the rising sign, it represents the birth process, how we enter this incarnation, but it also represents how we enter every other new situation that we encounter in our life. You know, the first day that we go to school, or the first day that we walk into an office, or every step in our life that is new for us, we kind of repeat the birth process. So the things around that birth process is so important, and even if it wasn’t an ideal situation, because I think it’s probably never ideal,


there are so many ways how to to change it. When birth itself has been problematic or traumatic, I think we can even change that. And now I just realized that when you have a near death experience, and you come back, it’s also like being born again. Yes, it is, and it feels quite similar, of course, not physically, but, well, I think physically probably as well, but especially emotionally, it’s like entering a new life again. And yeah, you’re making me think of so many things. Two things I want to mention about the birth process. It was with my second child, our son, Dylan, and

I’d been in the hospital for a little while, and

my waters hadn’t broken. I was almost completely dilated, but my Waters had not broken. So back to water, right, exactly, and it was intense that last little bit, and I remember the doctor at the time asking my permission to break my waters to sort of hurry on the process. And now, in the end, I’m very grateful that I got asked that, because there were some other things that I did not get my permission asked for. Believe you me, I know that now, but I remember him asking, and I remember

I didn’t have a position or an understanding of what that meant, what it really meant. It seemed like, well, I know it’s what happened naturally with my daughter. I already been through that. I can’t imagine that this would be, there would be a reason to say no. Oh my gosh. Do I wish I would have said no? I really wish I would have said no, because my waters weren’t ready to break. That’s why they hadn’t broken yet. And when he punctured that amniotic sac, it was violent, and my entire experience that was not medicated with pain medications, no epidurals, none of that become it became so violent that I was almost blacking out. I mean, like I was television, that the pain was

crazy. And it wasn’t until many years later did I realize it was the act of breaking the waters. It was.

Disruption of what was natural.

It was not time for those water be released.

But that the second part of that memory has me asking you this, you know, I know you know this. I’m almost sure you know this answer, because you know VEDA so much. So we’re circling back around to Veda and your your webinar, which you you have to talk about, a little bit about what there

she has frozen so many different kinds and types of water and egg albumin and different seawater and all that. Has she ever frozen amniotic fluid?

Yes, tell me about,

but any of the results been like, I think, I think it was probably

she created a book with all these images, and I think there’s a picture of it in the book, and I can imagine that there’s a picture of it in her new book. I haven’t received it yet, but I’m pretty sure that it will be in the new book. That is that she recently published, because it’s so beautiful. Of course, I know that she showed it during one of the webinars, and it was beautiful and

but I can’t really mention any details about the shapes that were in it, because I haven’t remembered that but, but she also tested

breast milk, for example, and urine, she also tried that because it’s a fluid of our life, so yeah, and they carry messages, and they even can give information about our health when you look at the images. And she also gave examples about

that people could actually notice in the imagery that the water would show when urine was frozen, for example, that there was something going on and that she she would need to have a checkup. And so I think, I think there’s so much to learn about water, and what I’m trying to do is to communicate with water and to ask for for answers, for example. And I still find it difficult, because I I’ve noticed that water is so super sensitive to responding to our state of mind, yes, and I always tend to be busy.

But you know, as if I’m always rushing things or like, and I want to do it quick, quick, quick, and,

and the water shows that you it really shows in the pattern. So, yeah,

so I must say that I often do this with my friend Elizabeth, and she’s in a much more calmer state.

I’m so surprised, because, you know, you seemed to me to be so much more calm than I am.

Yes, I think I have this calmness, but in my mind, I’m always doing 100 things at a time. So I think I,

I think sometimes I compare it with people who have ADD like they seem calm and quiet, but their creativity is, you know, rising everywhere. And so I that’s similar to how I am. Sometimes I’m writing like three books at the same time and or creating three courses at the same time. And

so in my mind, it’s all happening at the same time, and I can see it of you know, and I want to create, but,

but somehow I still maintain this calm energy on the outside, but, but water knows. Water knows, because when I try to

Exactly, yeah, I can’t fool the water. So, because it always shows these busy patterns, and I think, why doesn’t it show a little bit more calm expression?

Yeah? So what? It doesn’t doubt myself by saying I took one of Vedas

seminars, you know how to do this. Oh gosh, it must have been,

well, 334, years ago, something like that. And I mean, I remember trying to keep everyone in the house quiet, and I was up in the kitchen by where the freezer was because I wanted to watch this. And I kept getting interrupted, you know, I It’s like, I had had everybody like, Okay, I’m going to do this for a little while. So Can y’all just leave me alone during this little while? And the answer to that was, No, you know, I had to have, I had to have it on mute all the time. I was.

Constantly. I’m just going to ask. It was just and it was frustrating, because I thought I had given everybody kind of enough notice that, come on, everyone, can you just for just this little while? I want to do this thing. And my very first one, I’m looking at it, and I’m showing data, and then she flat says, Well, I see that one big thing right there. That’s stress. I mean,

that called me out, and I’m that really big symbol right there in the middle. That’s stress. And I’m like,

and you know, you’re so right. It’s like, you can’t fool. You can’t fool that’s happening right there. And how I wish it would have been, at least for my first one. They got better after that, for sure, but, but it was, you know, it’s very illuminating


how honest water is, yeah, honest. That’s yeah, just a beautiful word, honest, yeah, yeah, exactly, yeah. So what’s your presentation this time around? What did you focus upon? Well, it was about my near death experience, of course, and

I think it will be too much for now to share. But you know that I’ve written about my near death experiences and

but I’ve always focused on the effect that it had and the moment itself, like what was happening with me when I was going straight up to source and I became one with life, But I’ve never written or talked about the situation that led up to that near death experience. And there are many reasons for that. One of this, one of the reasons, is because it was very traumatic.

There’s another reason that

I always believe that where we focus on is what we expand. So I always decided, okay, I’m not going to look back at those situations again, because I don’t want to draw back in the energy of what led up to that new death experience and

and third reason is that I want to share things in order to help people, and I’m not always sure if it is helpful, if you would talk about the traumatic part of the situation, and so I’ve always focused on the positive side and about What it brought me and how beautiful it was,

but in this webinar, it was the first time that I spoke about the situation that led up to that experience, and

I think it felt like a relief to be able to talk about it, but also a bit scary, like, Okay, I

did it after a very long time, exactly, exactly. So, yeah, but it’s a long story, so I wouldn’t go into that right now. It’s too long. That’s okay. I want to mention that, you know, I think I heard when VEDA was being interviewed by, and I’m going to forget who it is right now, but she was being interviewed by somebody who asked her about the car accident. Yeah, what led up to it? And she actually said, Well, I’ve really never spoken about that before, and

the interviewer, I don’t know why. I can’t remember who it was that was interviewing her right now.

The interviewer said, Well, you don’t have to. She says, Well,

I I can’t lie about it. I can’t lie about it. And she found her, she found herself sharing the story, the actual story about being in this car with this man and and what made him turn into that truck. Yeah, and she shared that and,

and when she said that, it was the first time she’d ever shared it, I remember because I was listening to this podcast while I was cleaning out

stalls in my barn, and I’m just listening to her as because I love listening to her when I can catch some of that stuff. And when she started talking about the accident, I set my pitchfork down, and I went and sat in a chair and just listened to her story, which

was astonishing. It was like everywhere on my body stood out like an antenna. And

just kind of just so powerful, so powerful. I remember it was so brave, and yeah, and I it was so heartfelt that she was able to share that. And I think that actually gave me the courage to do the same during the.


yeah, but it was also like a setting where, you know, okay, it will stay within a group of the web.

That leads me to ask you, this is the webinar not available for replay. It’s, it’s gone only for the participants, only for the participants. Yeah, yeah. All right. Well, that’s, that’s fine, and I meant to go see if I couldn’t, you know, yeah, if you enroll, then you should be able to see the replay. I waited too long for I absolutely planned on, it was on my calendar. But what I probably didn’t do is realize she had a you have to be enrolled X number of hours beforehand, and I didn’t know how many, what that’s because of the time difference, because, yeah, she’s hours ahead of her. Well, I knew that, though, but it hadn’t it was still two hours before it started. So I knew that it was two hours before it started, and it was like, but I understand that, because you have to go through the stuff and you have to have a cut off somewhere. You can’t go up to the last minute. I get all that.

Yeah, not to worry about that. Well, thank you for telling me about that. I hate to start to think about wrapping it up, but I think I kind of have to. I’ve got another, another recording I’m going to need to do here shortly. But um, what else would you like to finish up with, as far as any of it, you know, the webinar you just gave with data or or the book, or things that are coming up, or, or anything at all, Patricia,


there was something in my mind a few minutes ago. Was it again?

Well, I think,

Well, I think what I want to say. I don’t know exactly in what words I want to say it,

but while we were talking about all these situations about near death experiences, but we were also talking about

birth pregnancy and having the right to have our birth process in our own time and our own pace. And I thought when you were saying that,

I think there could be a message in that for how we are going through the big shift that we are all going through right now. Yes, and when we are looking at the world, there’s so much going on, and I feel that people feel pushed to take decisions quickly, or they’re feel pushed to go into certain directions or pushed to take a stand, like to choose one side or another side. And I think it’s probably healthy that if we would realize that we have to stay true to ourself and just stay with us and what we feel, and to stay with our body, stay with our water. And what does our water need? Can you imagine how childbirth? Would so much be so much different if a woman going into labor would be able to communicate with her water

and to ask her water to break gently and peacefully. Wouldn’t that be a completely different energy for a child to enter this world? And I think we could do the same when we are looking at the society where so much is going on,

and the media and television and all kind of

sources of information are trying to break through our barriers. I think it’s important that we slow down, listen to our body, listen to our water, and stay calm and only focus, okay, what does my water need? Because I am water,

and when we are able to do that, we can do the same for any other person that we are looking into the eyes, because you are water, and what do you need? It’s a completely different communication when we take the time to slow down and just to listen to our water what does my water need? What does your water need? Wouldn’t that be beautiful if we could go through life with that intention? Yes,

that’s beautiful. I see no way to top that for ending this beautiful time spent talking with you, Patricia. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Candace, all of these conversations. Okay, so next up between me and Patricia, we will put a somehow. We’ll put a tandem session on.

The books.

We’ll see how we might be able to do that after looking at the calendar a little more closely, but you can count on it. Okay, I’m really looking forward to it. And thank you so much for your time. Candace, oh, thank you for your time as well, sending you many blessings. And for those of you out there who are looking for a beyond quantum healer, or a QHHT practitioner, or any sort of alternative healer. You can find one at Quantum healers.com and if you are in service to others in any way at all, as a light worker, tarot card reader, or anything like that, you can join us at quantumhealers.com

Come on over. We’re a guru. Free Community. Yep, that’s right. That means you can believe what you want and practice the way you want. Nobody tells you what to do. That’d be great to have you show up and join us. So thanks, Patricia, and thanks for being such a long time member of our community. I appreciate you. Thank you. Love you guys.

Tricia’s links and the links to quantum healers are below, thanks everybody till next time. Okay, bye, bye!

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