Retrieving Shadows With Christina Lavers

Retrieving Shadows with Christina Lavers

Alternative Healing ,Beyond Quantum Healing ,Blogs

Join Candace and Quantum Healer, Christina Lavers as they talk about Christina’s new book “Retrieving Shadows.” Explore Christina’s book while learning more about the concept of “Shadow Work”


What was that like for them?

Well, one that comes to mind really clearly, like, I, I’ve written about it, you’ve probably read about it because it was such a like, I don’t know, I thought it was such a good story for that way was this one session with this woman who she started off in a town like it looks. She called said it looked like a cowboy town in America and like the 1800s and she felt nothing, no connection, nothing to this place. It was nowhere she wanted to explore. She was just like, nope. So I was like, Well, do you want to just what the scene and move to something else? And she was like, yeah. And so we did that. And then she was like, Oh, that’s weird, because there’s a horse that followed me from from the scene. And I was like, Okay, well, you could ask it why? And so she did. She goes, it said comfort, but I don’t feel like I need comfort. And someone like, Okay. I was like, well, you okay for it to be there? And she’s like, Yeah, I guess so. And so she went through her journey, and it was like, you know, it was there. Was times like I would forget the horse was there because I wasn’t seeing it. And then, you know, she might be in a, in a, you know, city street or something, and then she’d remind me, she’d go, you know, the horse is still. And I’d be like, Oh, that’s funny.

But then when we got towards the end, she connected with this child, part of her, and this, this woman had come because she’d felt this real sense of, she had a very successful life in a lot of ways, but she had this real, dampened down, just kind of gray view of life, and she felt no excitement, no thrill. And so at the end of this session, this child part came through, and the child part, and this is so interesting, because they so they’re not an imaginary thing, like they really have their own personalities. And this child part said, I know that I’m the worst person in the world. I’m the most wrong person in the world, and none of your grown up speak can convince me otherwise. And so this part was so stuck. And so, you know, it was just like there was nothing we could do, nothing we could say. And then I said, Well, is there anything that we could offer you? And she said, the horse.

Hi everyone. It’s Candace Craw Goldman. And again, from and today I am having a conversation with Christina Lavers, hi, Christina, hello. Candace,

so wonderful to be talking with you today.

You know it’s like, I know you so well, and yet we’ve really never done this. And there’s a part of me that’s like, Why? Why have we never done this? I don’t know. Probably because I’m always so pressed and overly booked, but I’ve been looking forward to this, and thank you so much for bearing with me. I know we’ve rescheduled a couple times.

Oh, no problem at all. You know, that’s my life is at the moment. I think for everybody, we’re all just navigating stuff. And yeah,

yeah, we are so Christina, how long have you been a part of our community? I didn’t look that up before pressing record. How long have you been with us? Well,

I was actually in so I just missed the beta group. Like I remember seeing the beta group and going,

Oh, wish

I had done that.

So I did dismiss that, but then I so I jumped in right on the first round.

Um, so 2018 I guess, yeah, about, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you, you really, really took to it. And then we, we started receiving your beautiful writings. And, you know, I have to say, we’ve watched your writings grow and mellow and mature and become so wise and even better and better. I mean, just at over these years, you know, you’ve got to be such a fantastic writer, not that you weren’t at all to begin with, but But you just got better and better with every one of your beautiful blogs that you have gifted us at, and today we’re going to talk about this, right? We’re going to, let’s put that, let’s put it out the front of it. We are going to talk about your book. And yeah. So first of all, congratulations.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

Someday, I’m gonna join you. I’m gonna be a published author for sure. Um, actually, I’m gonna be part of an anthology that’s gonna come out before the end of this year. And I don’t know if that counts, I’m gonna be published for one chapter, but hopefully a whole book at some point, but, but we’re going to talk about retrieving shadows, a return to the heart. And this is a shadow work Handbook by Christina laver. So let’s ask you this, were you interested in this kind. Of stuff before you got started in BQH, or did it happen after? Or tell me about, you know, the trajectory here?

Okay, so interestingly, this is not, this is not really, I guess my Well, it’s definitely not my first book. It’s my second book. So my first book is called Jump into the blue, and it’s about the massive awakening journey that I had in 1996 which was huge, like we were speaking. It was with, it was like, I’m not going to go into details. It started with a Ouija board. Totally don’t recommend that, and which I say at the start of the book. But that’s how the journey started, and we and it did, you know, we did connect to guides, and went on a massive journey, which, at that time, in 1996 was so, you know, there was no internet at the time, so we were so alone with this, and sort of, yeah, trying to understand what was happening. I was scouring secondhand bookshops. And I was raised completely non religious. So to me, it was like, how can you know, it was really rocked my whole entire world, like it was, you know, the periods where I wanted to run through the aisles in a movie theater, going their spirits. They can hear us, you know. So I guess coming from that and that did that whole journey got so intense. It took me so far beyond so many veils. It was I was, you know, would get to points of being completely away from my physical body, in a state of being, this is me. This is me like I’ve come back to this role of playing Christina labors, but that’s just who I’m playing right now. So that all that came into my awareness at that time, but it was very frightening for people around me. My parents are psychologists. To them, it was like, I’m completely losing it. I was talking about things like seeing numbers that my guides were talking to me through 111, and the clock, and you know that time that just sounded that’s too early. You started early.

I did. I get it? I totally get it. We had to be quiet back then. And now it’s not that big of a deal, but it was really now, hold on. Let me ask you this, did you have like, an event, like an accident, or, like a single thing, or it just, it was just the Ouija board experience.

No, it was. It lasted for about five years. So there was several years where we would speak. And we we spoke to our guardian angel. Called herself Val Valerie. And so she became like a teacher to us until, but we were, you know, at the time 19 or something. And we would often, you know, we just wanted to be fun and exciting. And eventually she would just say, we’d get on the board, and she would just say, meditate. Come meet me in my garden. Meditate. And so for us, we would sit there and try to meditate, but it wasn’t exciting. We wanted to be, you know, the action. And so we kind of just, yeah, dropped away a bit, but then came back in. A couple of years later, I went traveling, I had all, like, basically a year of just incredible synchronicities, to the point that it was like, I felt like, basically like New Earth had overlaid this one, and I had no idea of that concept even, but there it was, like, I had not read about it, but it was like, that’s what I was seeing, and that’s what I was living. And I was really living in two worlds, and it became really, really hard. And eventually I ended up being my parents took me to the hospital, medicated me, and it was very confronting. So it was like that situation again, of learning that it’s dangerous to speak even in this lifetime, you know, which I’m sure you would know, is so many Yes, a lot from the past, and

that’s yes. So in in 1980 1980 about 1985 six range. In 1987 even I started having these spontaneous, out of body experiences. And I literally thought Tom would commit me if I told him about it. So I didn’t even tell my husband. I mean, I was, you know, married just a handful of years, and I kept it to myself for for a long time. I really thought, you know, they’re going to put me in a straight jacket, and they’re going to try to medicate me. And, you know, turns out that he was very accepting. But, you know, I get it and, and I’ve, I’m sure you’ve had clients, as I have, who have gone through, you know, a lot of what you have, and even more,

yeah, so it did position me, I guess, for a long time I came back and I kind of felt like afterwards, it was like, Okay, I’ve gone so far in that direction. I need to actually learn how to be normal, because I’m not very good at that. So. No, that was when I came to Australia. It was like, I got a job just waitressing. I was sort of gonna, I was like, maybe I’ll get an office job or, you know, I just wanted to do something a little bit normal. And I did for a little bit. I didn’t like it. It wasn’t me. And so then I got into the arts and into I used to work in youth arts and in the community, and this is just leading up. So when it did, when it finally, like, got to the point of I’d already been doing coaching for a while, life coaching and sort of spiritual coaching. And so when the course came along, I felt very like, this is just for me, like I Yeah, conscious, and the to my terrain. I’m, you know, really good at navigating, so I feel like I’m well placed to assist others in that terrain as well.

Well, you know, I kept thinking about that as I was reading your book, just how thoughtful and how deep, you know, you considered all the parts and pieces of shadow work. So when did the even the concept of shadow work come to you? And by the way, before you even answer that, I have to, I have to say, because it was very early on, I wrote down some notes as I read your book. And the very first one I I wrote down was, I’m like, Oh, I’m gonna like this book. I’m really gonna like to read this book. And that’s when you said this, because this just clicked for me so well, you said that spiritual bypassing is kind of like a rite of passage for those who are waking up. And I went, that girl gets it, man, that girl gets it. So you must have, you know, had Shadow Work on your radar for a while.

Yeah, because I think that that’s very much a lot of what was missing in the initial part of the journey. Because I was, I was going to these heights, but I was not grounded. I was not it was actually in that time, like at one point, I had this teaching of reaching down. And I remember them saying, Go deeper, go deeper. And it was kind of like I was below my feet in terms of how I was imagining it. And it was like, no deeper again, and I went deeper and and then I met this child, and it was me, and she was so angry. And so, you know, just get away from me. And it was like, oh, you know, I was trying to be kind and, oh, you know, come to me. And she was like, I’ve been sending you messages for so long, and you’ve just been ignoring me. And that’s when I realized I’m like, oh, that’s what those bad feelings are that I just push away, yeah. And so that’s when it occurred to me, like, Ah, okay, that was the beginning, the very inkling of the kind of understanding that we need to go in and work with some of these shadow parts. And, yeah,

fantastic. You know, as I, as I was reading all of this, which is, you know, it’s, you call it a workbook, and you really do? You make a lot of suggestions as you go through it, but as I was reading it, I was thinking a little bit about it really is dovetailing with all of society that it’s looking at its shadow, isn’t it? I mean, how can you look at what’s going on there in the world without having these thoughts? Right?

Yeah, well, it’s very much, like it’s that so with the, you know, as within, so without, very much so, like I see that in the whole way, you can just always move it back and forth between the two. And in that way that, I guess another thing too, is that I’m very much parts focused in that way. So, you know, looking at the different parts of us and actually seeing them as, you know, having personality and almost a life and a story of their own. So I guess that’s something that it is a piece of shadow work, but maybe not highlighted as much as as I’m may do.

Yeah, you’re right. I mean, I really noticed that. I mean, you hear about shadow work, and it’s sort of referenced in a broad, general sense, but you get really, really into it, and then you talk a lot about the heart, which, of course, you know, speaks to me, and the focus that I’ve always had, especially after BQH came along. I wonder how much of what you’re writing and contemplating here has to do with any of the sessions that you’ve done.

Oh, a lot. You know, I think that that’s one of the things that just sort of came naturally. Like, it wasn’t something that I aim to do, like, oh, let’s bring, let’s sort of bring shadow work to BQH, but I just started noticing it. I guess with certain people, there would be like this thing of what they wanted to get to, but to get to that place, it was almost like they had to go through some other parts first, which were to deal with some of those shadow parts before they could get to those. Parts. And, you know, so in doing that, I saw the power of with a big Qh session.

It’s such a gentle way to directly engage with some of those parts and to experience them in a way that feels kind of safe and often even a little bit playful, which is lovely. And, yeah, you know, just takes the light off. Because I think there is a lot of heaviness around the concept of shadow work. Because, you know, it is like, I see shadow work a bit as like in life, we just shove everything in our basement that we don’t want to.

We keep the surface where people come over looking, you know, great. We want to seem everything’s okay. But we push everything down and we end up with a lot of backlog, like, I think naturally as humans, in, you know, an ideal world, we’d be taught as children how to process feelings and emotions in real time, so that we’re not hanging on to them, but we don’t. And so it’s push it down and get on with life, but that creates in adulthood this huge backlog that’s pulling everybody down. And people are wondering, Why, or, you know, why am I struggling to do what I want to do to get where I want to get to when there’s so much unresolved below the surface? Yeah,

I really liked your description of the distractor as far as parts for so I’m like, okay, that’s just reading a little bit familiar for me. As you know, as productive and busy as I am, man, that distractor part is, you know, it’s, it’s pretty insistent,

yeah, and it’s pretty funny too. Like, I find it, like, sometimes even the distracting parts can just be, like, if I don’t, if, when I actually pay attention and notice it’s almost funny, you know, like, it might be something that I’m thinking, Oh, this is uncomfortable. And, you know, not quite like, Oh, look at the pretty bird.

And your your description that you said is like, or I’ll just try to figure out how to like, make my cats happy by skipping around on YouTube or something. And I just laughed out loud as I’m reading this, I’m thinking, you know, here’s somebody who, who I have a lot of things in common with but you know, I used to say to our kids when, when they were in elementary school, we I can’t believe how much time we spent just sitting on the kitchen floor. We didn’t watch a terrible amount of television. I know a lot of people did and do, and I just didn’t see how it was near as much fun as just sitting on the floor with my kids and the cats. I mean, we had a dog too, but the cats were far more entertaining for whatever reason, probably because they were more unpredictable in all of it. But I find that anyone who really, really appreciates or adores cats, I we got a lot in common.

Yeah, that’s definitely me to a point that it was got what I remember as a teenager. It got to a point where I got almost over it, because everyone would buy me cat everything for my birthday. It would be cat address book and cat figurine. And it’s like, I love cats, but enough of the cat paraphernalia.

Enough of the cats. Yeah, you know, speaking of the parts you talk so, you know, you go through, you go through some really clear, concise parts of going through this and and one of the things that you talk about, and I just love it, because I know you know, you start talking about the ego, and again, you and I align perfectly on this, because so many in our community, they talk about, you know, wanting to get rid of the ego and eliminate the ego, and dismiss the ego, and they demonize the ego. And I’ve always said, Oh my gosh, that’s another part of us. You can’t do that. That’s like cutting off your foot, you know? I mean, this is who you are. You want. You want your ego to be a participating partner in your life, and you don’t want it to give it over control or whatever. But I really enjoyed how you talked about the ego in this book, because you even talked about different aspects of the ego. Can you? Can you take a little time and talk about that, how you did that about the different aspects of ego in here. Because if there is anything that maybe some of my favorite parts about this book, it’s that, okay,

well, I think that like that connects to one of my favorite parts. Like it was, it’s that concept of of the inflated parts of us. So it’s almost like, because I think that’s one of the most hidden. Like, we all understand the shadow parts of like, you know, the parts of our. That are greedy or angry or, you know, that part’s really common, but the fact that we can have these parts that often come across as being really positive, but, and the way I make the The difference is that we have these positive parts that are anchored in the heart, and then we have these parts of us that are anchored in the wound, and that’s where the problem becomes, is when a part of us is anchored in a wound this part. So it might be like, for example, if somebody was just trying to think, just a quick, easy example, but I’m getting a bit of a brain freeze.

So uh, take, take yourself.

Yeah. Well, let’s just say somebody, so somebody’s really driven to do something. So these parts, the the inflated parts often are, are driving us. So if that drive is coming from a place that’s hard anchored the the drive is going to be really pure and really straightforward and aligned with all of us. But when the part is actually anchored in a wound, like, I’m not good enough, that’s why I need to, you know, do this thing, then we’re probably going to push ourselves harder than we should, like, we’re going to sacrifice more fragile parts of us to try to get there, which never ends well. And I think that that’s something that people don’t see, because it’s these parts seem so positive, like it’s like, this is the part that’s making me get up at five in the morning that’s doing, you know, getting out and doing this. And it’s not to say those parts are bad at all, like, again, you know, looking at at the different parts and why they’re doing that. And so instead of, you know, chastising, saying that part’s bad, it’s like, okay, well, let’s see. Let’s soften it a little bit, like, what, what does it need? And how can we do this? And I guess that’s a big part of what the book is about, is really almost about creating a table of self, a round table of all the parts within connected through the heart that are working together as like a united, animated team with different strengths and different weaknesses, not what most of us have at the moment, which is some parts trying to move forward, other parts in the background, unconsciously trying to drag us backwards, and then wondering why we feel stuck and are not moving where we want to.

Or we get these situations where you get people who really do have these parts that are so strong that they literally drag their fragile parts. You know, I think these are the, probably the CEOs of businesses and stuff, but they’re so cut off from their heart and their inner children are just starving and, you know, but that’s what they felt they’ve had to do to get where they are. And that is going to be likely, you know, not in every case, but often, will be driven by a wound of feeling not good enough. And that’s the sad thing. I think, for me, the big sad story right now in this reality is that little piece that somehow we get that misunderstanding, that somehow that we cannot be good enough.

And to me, that is what causes everything that we see on the outside world, all the problems, in a sense, comes down to that mistake that we make, and that every that kind of compounds with every step as far as we go. Once we take that truth in like, oh, I might be bad, that idea, and it’s you. It’s not a conscious thing for most of us, but that idea is so frightening that we do everything we can to avoid it in all different ways. Some people have good and bad coping mechanisms. But if we could all just realize that we all are essential, it doesn’t mean that we don’t do bad things and we can’t have bad behavior that absolutely but at our essence, we are all beautiful, amazing souls, and that’s what I hope you know. We can get back to that knowing

I’ve been flipping through your book as you’ve been talking. I was, I was hoping to find the place, because I really liked your analogy about the conductor. Can you speak about that.

Yeah. So that was just, I like analogies. I’ve always been somebody who thinks in analogies. And so that analogy was the idea of having, like, right now, it’s almost like we have these parts of us that are, that are dominating the chorus. We’ve cast out some of our our highest and our lowest aspect. So almost like, if you looked at it like an orchestra, we’ve kind of gone, ooh, those tones sound really low. They must be bad, and pushed them away then, not realizing that. It’s like when we push away the lowest, we also push away the highest. So we end up with this. Kind of insipid middle ground and and it’s all being led by this part that’s feeling really insecure, so that.

And then the other side of the analogy is looking at it, where it’s the heart that’s conducting, and all the parts have a role and a place, and they’re given that space to find it, because that’s the magic, like I really do see, and that’s something that’s come across so clearly in sessions like that, magic of how we’re in the process right now, of everything sort of shifting to come in and find its place. And that process is not a, you know, pretty or an easy one, and especially while we’re in that transition, which we’re in right now. But I think remembering that that’s where it’s heading to that place where it’s so magical, where each of us have a role and a It’s like another analogy. I kind of see humanity as a collective can be like seeing a person who’s lying on the ground, bashing their leg, punching themselves in the face. You know, that’s what we’re doing. It’s like a crazy person on the ground. And really, humanity could be if we actually came together and cooperated, we could stand up and not just like walk, but soar. And you know, I feel that that’s what as a collective, we’re capable of, and that’s what we’re moving towards. But slowly, sometimes it seems,

I found the conductor. And right above it, you have, you know, you have a part of the chapter where let’s engage the imagination, and it’s just so beautiful. So you call the conductors a heart, and that’s what, that’s the image you chose there. And I just, I really, really love that and and to take a tangent here, I loved these illustrations and how you put together some really fabulous I mean, they’re all, of course, they all relate. They’re all very much relatable to each other. They’re not, they’re not haphazard or anything. As an artist, how did you do that?

Okay, well, I did. There’s nothing really super special or, like, actually, I had someone say, oh, and the illustrations are so wonderful, like, as a compliment, but they’re, they’re really, they’re literally just free images from Pixabay that I, like, went through and like,

you had to curate them, though you had to. I actually loved

the process. It was so fun. I love that I’d be like, Okay, I want an image for this and going, but they all have the

same flavor. You know what? I mean, they all come from something. As a matter of fact, as I’m looking at them, I’m almost like, well, is this when you, like, set type somewhere in the 1800s or, I mean, you know, did you have a life then? Or, I mean, I mean, just the the look of them that is, that’s a skill, you know? I mean, people can collect a bunch of things they think they like, and it looks like a junk drawer or something. But not your illustrations, they’re beautiful, and they really help the book flow.

Thanks. I think that, well, one of the things I was aiming for with the book is that I feel that it was around sort of, I guess I started from an art nouveau perspective, because I feel like art nouveau really explored that concept of the conscious and the unconscious. And it was, I think, more of a certainly explored in a lot of the art. So it was, I found really easy to find images that spoke from around that time. Yeah, that’s what I noticed. And it just fit. It just sort of fit with the whole thing that was going very much, that reminds you of, like the book very much, had a mind of its own, a life. There’s very, very many moments where I felt like, you know, just the worker on board, like, what do I have to do? What’s next? Even the cover. Like, it was like, that was not what I was planning for the cover. So the cover, I did design myself and like, that was, yeah, it really just took what on. Like, the colors I initially just had it all blue, just different shades of blue and but he was like, No, this is where I’m going. So

I remember you throwing it out to your Facebook community a little bit and getting some feedback. I do remember that I always find that completely fascinating when people do that. And so, I mean, I knew that that this was coming. So talk to us about how, how this is a workbook, can how you decided to set it up like that, and how one may go through this book as a workbook.

Okay, well, it’s actually not a workbook. It’s a handbook,

Shadow Work handbook, yeah, so

it’s more like a light short. You know, I didn’t want to create a big, heavy, dense mission kind of book, and I couldn’t explain

that. Then, What? What? What? Why? Is it a handbook? And, like, not a book, then, I mean, what’s, what’s the handbook part of it? And thank you for correcting me.

Um, okay, so how the book actually was birthed, was it probably, I don’t even know. Maybe four or five years ago, I had a lot of people contacting me and saying, You know what is Shadow Work? Can you explain shadow work? I’d see it everywhere and and so I thought, You know what? It’d be good just to put something together, like a PDF that I can just go here.

You know, check this out, and it’s all just there, and rather than have to explain it over and over again, so I did, I put this out. And it was quite funny, because I actually, I can remember showing my mom’s a psychologist, and so we often bounce things back and forth together, and I’d sent her that document, and she said, You know, it’s all right. You explain it well, but it’s not up to your usual standards. And I was like, no, no, it’s fine. It’s I just did something. I just want something I can put out. And anyway, a couple of years later, I was looking I’m like, I don’t think I’m thinking of starting like a shadow work program, like a just a course that people can take and work together on it. That would be a really nice thing to do. And I thought, Oh, I’ve already got that document. I can just go and that can be the reading material for it. And so I went and revisited it and read it. And I was like, oh, geez, I see what she was talking about. This could be a lot better. And thus the process began, where I was just sort of working with this, this PDF, and just kind of grew and grew, and then it was like, Okay, this is going beyond what I initially thought it was going to be. And

it, you know, one of the one of the other things I wrote it down, you used a phrase, and people who know about QHHT or BQH may find what I’m going to say, say next, not really fit, but I think it absolutely fits, and that is with your idea of trying to fast track healing. You know, fast you talk a constant about a concept called fast tracking healing that sometimes kind of misses the mark. Will you talk about that a little bit? Because it you’re not going to fix everything in one big go. You might have some incredible revelations, and sessions have brought, you know, miraculous healings and some other things like that, but, but there’s this persistent concept, an idea that I find troubling, which is the you know, well, you just have to have one of these, and your whole life is fixed. Yeah. I mean, I haven’t

seen real evidence of that. I mean, because, again, I have not seen a person who I would say, you know, is fully integrated and fully healed and fully I haven’t met that person yet, you know, and I don’t think they really exist. So that’s why we’re here, is that we’re, we’re here because we want to learn and grow and and that’s part of it, like we don’t, I don’t believe that we have hardships in our life in order to, you know, punish us or or anything like that. It’s in order to learn and grow. And so the BQ H sessions, in a sense, do fast track it, because they can open us up to seeing so much more than we normally have access to and to access parts of us that do have that wisdom and that ability to heal in new ways. So absolutely, like, you know, things can shift like that. But I think going in and almost sort of promoting it as a as a catch all fix all like to me, I wouldn’t be comfortable, yeah, because I do think that we do have parts that are ready to heal and bang, that can happen when it’s ready. But there’s also parts that are that need that slowness, that, you know, we’re pushed so much in life to, go, go, go, that most of us do have these exhausted parts in the background that you know are just so tired and so, you know, just needing a bit of love and care and attention and slowness and and don’t want to be rushed. And the more that we rush, the more they contract and and fight and hold back and dig their heels in so that’s what I found, is it’s that gentleness for those really deep parts. It’s that gentleness, that slowness, that gives them that the courage to go, Hey, maybe this will be okay. And that’s when incredible healing happens, when those parts willingly, on their own, not enough. Forced way can go? Yeah, I’m ready to step into this. And the magic that comes from that is beautiful.

Have you? Can you recall any sessions or client, you know, obviously without details, but where they were really surprised to meet or engage with or learn from parts of them that might be considered some of their shadow, Shadow aspects. What was that like for them?

Well, one that comes to mind really clearly, like I’ve written about it, you’ve probably read about it because it was such a like, I don’t know. I thought it was such a good story for that way was this one session with this woman who she started off in a town like it looks. She called said it looked like a cowboy town in America in like the 1800s and she felt nothing, no connection, nothing to this place. It was nowhere. She wanted to explore. She was just like, nope.

So I was like, Well, do you want to just what the scene and move to something else? And she was like, yeah. And so we did that. And then she was like, Oh, that’s weird, because there’s a horse that followed me from from the scene. And I was like, Okay, well, you could ask it why? And so she did. She goes, it said comfort, but I don’t feel like I need comfort. And someone like, Okay. I was like, well, you okay for it to be there? And she’s like, Yeah, I guess so. And so she went through her journey, and it was like, you know, it was there. Was times like I would forget the horse was there because I wasn’t seeing it. And then, you know, she might be in a, in a, you know, city street or something, and then she remind me. She go, yeah, the horse is still and I’d be like, Oh, that’s funny. But then when we got towards the end, she connected with this child, part of her, and this this woman, had come because she’d felt this real sense of she had a very successful life in a lot of ways, but she had this real dampened down, just kind of gray view of life, and she felt no excitement, no thrill. And so at the end of this session, this child part came through, and the child part, and this is so interesting, because they so they’re not an imaginary thing, like they really have their own personalities.

And this child part said, I know that I’m the worst person in the world. I’m the most wrong person in the world, and none of your grown up speak can convince me otherwise. And so this part was so stuck. And so, you know, it was just like there was nothing we could do, nothing we could say. And then I said, Well, is there anything that we could offer you? And she said, the horse. And suddenly it was like, oh, that’s why the horse is there. And it was beautiful, because it was even like, I’d just been reading at the time about how you can bring to these stuck parts, bring the light in, you know, in an object, in a thing. And I was like, Oh, my God. So that it was literally like a Trojan horse for the light that was coming to connect with this woman’s child that just needed that so badly. So for her, that was a bit, you know, she was very surprised and, and often people are surprised by the amount of, you know, it’s not a pretend thing, like you can’t just go, Oh, I love you little child, and the child goes, Oh, yay. I’m so happy. You love me. You know, it’s not like that, like so often the children are like, yeah, too little, too late. And you know, it’s hard to see that, but that’s where these parts of us are at. And it takes, and it’s those parts again, that take that time to really just build trust and to soften into an experience.

Well, that was fantastic. I loved hearing that really, really great work there. There’s another thing I wrote down here. You talk about, again, some of the some of the harder aspects of us, the pieces of our humanity we don’t want to look at and and you describe it in this really beautiful way, you say, well, we want, we don’t want to be associated with them, but they’re like seeds, and if you throw them to the wind, can you talk about that a little bit? Because you come around, you wrap around that idea on the back end really nicely. Will you talk about that? Yeah.

So that actually comes from an art I used to write for. I don’t know if you remember, the website, Wake Up World. They were quite big for a while, before they got all the algorithms changed and cut and pulled back. And so that was quite a little I was a little job that I had doing that which I really enjoyed, and that was an article that I’d written for them, which was taking responsibility for our energy. And in that, I use the analogy of us being like gardeners. And it’s almost like with gardeners, we are gifted with the full range of every seed possible we hold.

Each one of us has all those seeds. Seeds. And then we know that some seeds are precious and create, you know, amazing foods and medicines. And so we all, you know, we plant those happily around our garden. But then there’s some seeds that are, you know, we know, grow into weeds and terrible things. And so we go, I don’t want these seeds. And we throw them away. I have not want anything to do with these seeds and and then we wonder why they’re growing up everywhere in our world and and so it’s about personal responsibility for our own energy, and recognizing that as custodians of these seeds of the whole of the all being fractals of the all, we need to own that. And if we say I’m not that that’s the problem out there. Yeah, we’re not owning it, and we’re just putting our energy out there, and we’re just feeding what we don’t want to feed. And so by taking the seeds back, holding them close, knowing these can potentially become dangerous, we’ve got to use them very responsibly, and when they are used responsibly in, you know, awareness of the whole they often, you know, even these ones that we may think are toxic if used properly, they might have some compounds, just keeping on with the analogy that are absolutely powerful and healing and sure or

give you some strength, right? I mean, you know, there are some people who I think are so focused on the giving and the positive and loving and they and they issue anything that keeps them like strong, or keeps them sovereign, or even an energy in them that can protect themselves or their family. They just give all that up because they they think that’s negative or something. I mean, I can, there’s people like that out there.

Oh, absolutely. And, you know, from all the different, I mean, we’re all different in what we sort of value and what we don’t, but it’s that thing of thinking that we can be just what we value and just disregard what we don’t. And again, it’s, you know, just being responsible and aware as as citizens of fractals, of the whole

Yeah. So what kind of feedback have you gotten from your from your book? Anything? Oh,

yeah, wonderful. Some real it’s been really, really lovely, actually. And like someone, I was so amazed, like he wrote basically an essay on on the book. And that was beautiful, that he did that in terms of, just, yeah, wrote, I don’t know how long it was. I just got it one morning and was reading it through, going, oh my god, that’s amazing. So it’s one of those things that I think for people like anything. You know, when it’s the right time for you and you read it, it’ll just be like, Bing, click, click, click, click, click, click, and a lot can fall into place. The feedback I’ve had that people really appreciate about it, I think especially, is that I’m dealing with some really complex stuff, but I present it really simply, and I guess that that’s sort of what I see. A bit of my gift is able being able to do that, to take sort of things that could be really quite convoluted, but to try to explain them in really simple terms. That was what I tried to do anyway with the book.

Yeah, well, and you do that in all the beautiful articles that you write for our quantum Blog. You know, I didn’t go back and count. I almost should. Do you have any idea how many articles you’ve written for us? Because been a lot, and it’s been, it’s been so fantastic. I mean, it’s been, you’re one of our most prolific contributors, and every time I see one of your articles, I just appreciate you so much. Oh, thank

you. Candice, yeah, I love writing them. It’s like it really just, it’s something that I’ve actually considered maybe compiling them one time into something. So, yeah, yeah. I don’t know what to happen with that, but yeah, it is such a, yeah, just a nice vehicle for me to ride into that container. Yeah?

Well, we do make that option open for, excuse me, all of our members, but not too many people jump on that. You know, a nice select few absolutely do. But again, we appreciate you so much in that regard. So two books, and I can see now you have your first book up on that shelf, right? Yeah, can you, can you say what the name of that was? Again?

Says, jump into the blue, put to the blue. Alright,

this, this may be okay. This is going to be one of the last questions I ask you as we come to end of our time together. But I’m sorry it’s it’s sort of stayed on my mind throughout. This might be a little challenging. It would be for me, but I think there’s some people who know the question, meaning, there’s some people who are just getting interested in the. Kind of work, you know, BQ H, or consciousness exploration. How is it that you and I can sort of nod our head and go, yeah, maybe not the Ouija board, but okay, BQH, you know, what is it? What is it that is different about those two two tools? Have you contemplated that in a in a deeper way? I think that there are people you know a lot, especially, who are very focused in some traditional, conventional religious Christian traditions you know, might really wonder, well, what’s the difference? Okay,

well, for me, I think that’s really easy for me to answer, because what I see the difference is, is if BQH is a really safe container, like, we’re working with the guides, like, I really focus on bringing in those higher energies, bringing in that source energy, ensuring that the space, you know, and it’s built into the induction, it’s there in so many different ways that you’re creating this really safe container. And in all the times, in, in every BQ, HSM, I’ve ever done, I’ve never had, you know, some kind of demonic energy come through. Um, I mean, I might have some dark energies that we, that we meet and discuss with, but it’s in again, in a safe way, that brings healing, whereas with the Ouija board, you know, it’d be, it might be that we speak with Valerie, but then another time we might get on and it’s just going 666, or, you know, the things like that. And so it’s

more open. It’s like going out into the street or so, you don’t know

who’s you just opening the door, and you don’t know who’s going to come through, whereas BQH is really creating a container. I feel that is a safe container to work in.

Fantastic. Well, I think that’s a brilliant answer to that question. And yes, I mean, I thought about that a lot as as as I was creating some of the parts and pieces of that, alright, well, as we’re coming to the end, what is new for you? Do you have another book in mind? Have you been contemplating anything else, what’s what’s coming up, or what have you been thinking about doing in the future?

Okay, well, I feel like what I’m about to step into, which I still, you know, I told you that the reason that I created the book was to create, I wanted to do the Shadow Work Program, and the book was very big distractor in that I I got, you know, a whole year sort of took away just by writing it, but I feel that that’s the next step, is to start offering that like I feel that the more we can come together and share our shadow parts, because I think that’s a big part of it is it’s all the stuff that we’re ashamed of, that we feel that you know, that we’re alone with and we’re so not like that’s the other thing. Like working as a practitioner. You see, you know how all of us kind of have these parts that don’t feel worthy, these parts that, you know, feel whatever, all the negative things we all have that, and the more that we can get real and and just be okay with that and support each other with that. I think that creates an amazing healing. So that’s why I want to create containers where we can learn to be real together in a safe way, like in it, because I think that’s important, is that it’s a very safe container where people feel that they can put things forward and not be judged and not be ostracized. Or that’s the beauty of, I think, seeing in parts too. Because, you know, you can say, I have a part that feels this way, but it’s not I am this way, which is so absolute, um, you know, so it’s like, I could say, like, rather than I am greedy. I have a part that’s greedy. I have this part that’s really greedy. You know, it’s so much easier to talk about and and then when someone else talks about it, it’s like, oh, well, actually, I’ve got that part too, you know? I keep that quite in the background, but, you know, and, yeah, just so. So I guess that would be the next step. Is creating containers to be able to share this work together.

I think that’s really important. You know that we descended, especially on some social media, into this really weird place where one thing completely defines people you know, and people get you know, canceled or locked into complete you know, for for single sentences or things that you know or or somebody that they talk to, well, I can’t talk to you because you talk to that person over there. It’s like,

what? Yeah, this, this, these absolutes

that they don’t make a whole lot of sense to people like you and I who sit with clients and really dive deep into you. Uh, you know, so many aspects of ourselves like that. So, so good for you for helping us look at it now.

And another thing just reminded me of, there’s that the also that that facade that people create in social media, having, you know, especially Instagram, like the perfect life, the perfect, you know, and it’s such a BS and, like, you know, just to get real, yeah?

Oh gosh, I know. I

want more of that. Yeah, yeah, I don’t

know. You know, it isn’t it funny? Like, all the social medias, they’re all, they all have their own sort of aspect and part to them too, right? Yeah, Instagram is the, here’s my perfect part, and Facebook is, you know, well, here’s my here’s my tribe part, and Twitter is here, I want to argue my combative part. I mean, you know, it’s like, it’s, it’s another sort of aspect of of our culture that’s coming out in the terms of your shadow work too. Well. Listen, this has been fantastic. Christina, I’ve really enjoyed speaking with you, getting to know you a little bit better, and learning more about all that you put into this book. Where can people find it?

So it’s on Amazon at the moment. It’s in paperback, and I even did an audio version, so there’s an audio version as well. So there’s an audio in an ebook and paperback version currently, and they’re all available on Amazon.

That’s fantastic. And you did you with your own voice? Of course, no, I

didn’t do it with my own voice. In the end, I was going to, and then I and I made it again in the future. But I just realized it was just, I had to, would have to hire a studio. It was going to be bigger than I was ready for because I thought, there’s words, you know. But in the end, actually, I found out because I know, actually listened to audiobooks. So it was a whole thing I wasn’t familiar with. Yeah, they can find a voice that people like, I was trying to a friend, she’s like, Oh God, people that you can hear things banging in the background, and some of them like, it’s not so perfect. So I probably didn’t need to do that. But I did. So I found a lovely woman. She’s got a really liked her voice, um, you did the reading for it, and I think she did.

You know, a lot of people, really, that’s where they that’s where they get their reading, because they’re, they’re, you know, multitasking, and they have that on. So that’s, that’s really great, I know, you know, even with a couple of like Dolores Cannon’s newer books, I’ve tried to listen to the audio. But you know what? I just I know her voice so well, and hearing somebody else’s voice,

oh, you know it just that would

be weird, yeah. I

mean, I like picking up her books and hearing her voice in my head. So anyway, yeah, okay, I have to ask this. So did you get because you don’t have a complete Aussie accent? Because, no, no, it’s just, so how did you pick it? What kind of accent does your does your book, she’s actually

American. So it was hard to pick because exactly that, like, I feel like I’m a bit in no man’s land, like in Canada, people think I have an Australian accent. Don’t think I have an Australian Oh, I’m a very Canadian accent. So I can’t go well, I’ve just got my own accent now. Is what

it is, quite a little. Yeah, it’s

a combination for sure. Yeah,

I’ve actually been in Australia longer than I was in Canada now. So, yeah, but my accent doesn’t change too much, but I’ve definitely got my own thing going on. You can practice.

You can practice sir instead of So, oh, I actually, you know, actually love the Australian accent. So like, when I can pick a voice, like in a somebody giving me driving directions on the thing, I always pick the Aussies because I love it. I really, really do. I’m not making fun of you all out there. You’re my favorite accent of all. Okay, Christina, well, of course we can find in the directory and writing many of our blogs. But where else can people find you? Where

else, I guess, just on Facebook. I’m not I’m that’s one thing I do have a bit of a I’m not the best with actually keeping up with all the self promotion kind of stuff. I need to get a bit better with that.

You can share this video.

I will. I definitely

will. All right. Well, we’ll put those links below, and I thank you again. This is been a really lovely time spending with you. Thank you Yes. And

thank you so much Candace for organizing this and having me on here today, and it’s been Yes. So. Beautiful. Speaking with you,

you’re welcome. Alright, then, so if you are a healer of any kind, alternative healer, energy practitioner, way shower, card reader, naturopath, anything like that, come join us at Quantum healers com. We’re a guru free community. We’d love to have you. We like to talk horizontally in our community. We don’t tell people what to do or how to think. It’s rather refreshing out there on the internet. Come find us. Okay, till next time bye. Everyone see you.

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