Forbidden Qhht Topic

The Forbidden QHHT® Topic: Entity Release

Common Questions and Concerns ,Dolores Cannon

The Forbidden QHHT® Topic – How did Dolores Cannon make her decision and what did she say to her students in the live classes? What has happened since 2012, and how has the world changed since Dolores Cannon left the earth plane? Join Candace Craw-Goldman and Laura Whitworth for this frank conversation.


Candace Craw-Goldman
Hi, everyone, it’s Candace Craw-Goldman. Again from And today is a pretty special day. I’ve been looking forward to the to this day for a while Laura Whitworth and I are going to talk and some of you might be surprised out there that we’re talking at all huh Laura?

Laura Whitworth
What an introduction!

Candace Craw-Goldman
Well, you know, let’s get down to real things here real things, you know. So please introduce yourself for the people who may not know who you are may not know where you’re coming from. And talk a little bit also, where I’m coming from after that after you introduce yourself, because my sense is we may get some brand new listeners after this show goes live. So Laura Whitworth, are you to do and tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do in the realm of quantum healing.

Laura Whitworth

Thank you very, very much for having me on today. So my name is Laura Whitworth. I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, I’m a Quantum Healer. I have been practicing hypnotherapy for a number of years now. And when I first started in the quantum side of things, I would see clients face to face in my home, they would come and see me and we would have some amazing sessions really high vibrational sessions. But what I noticed is every so often, I would get a client that would turn up. That wouldn’t be like the other clients, they would potentially get angry. Just before you would start to hypnotize them, or they would need to go to the toilet repeatedly even though you know they’ve just been to the bathroom to the restroom. They would start to say things under hypnotherapy that didn’t seem right. So didn’t seem right. What I mean by that is, they would seem very low frequency. So when you’re speaking to the highest self, you think to yourself, well, the highest self is, you know, really high frequency and unconditionally loves the client. But these things that were being said, weren’t in the highest vibration that you would expect. And I even had one person come to my house one day that literally snapped at me and spat at me when I started to get really into asking some of these questions. And it was around that point that I started to think something’s going on here. I don’t know what this is. So I began to question it. I asked many questions in the field that I was in at the time with the people that were teaching me or helping me, just to

Candace Craw-Goldman
me, just to be clear, this was in the regular clinical hypnotherapy field.

Laura Whitworth
So no, not in clinical hypnotherapy. This was in quantum, so the quantum healing space. And I was just told, Oh, no, it’s, I don’t know, I don’t know what’s going on there. But don’t don’t worry about it. But then I started to get more and more clients that would come to see me like this. And so I started to do some research on it, I read everything that I could about life between lives, you know, near death experiences that led me to spirit possession, which led me to entities and spirit release men. And I started to read everything regarding that. So I thought to myself, Okay, so I need to start mapping what’s going on with these people. So when those particular clients, that’s not every client, but when those particular clients would turn up, and they would start to speak to me in these strange voices, and they’d start to do different things. And they would always complain of having pain or discomfort in a certain part of their body. And when you looked at the paperwork, and you looked at their traumas, so the traumas that they’d actually faced in their life, at a certain point, those traumas can be connected to an energy center to a chakra in the body. And then those areas that they were telling me under hypnotherapy, were starting to hurt also corresponded to that same place. And then when I was speaking to these voices that weren’t the client, those voices would tell me that when I would say to them what you do in there, you know, who are you? What are you doing there, and they will tell you exactly who they are and what they’re doing there. They would say, I’m feeding I’m feeding off of him. She’s mine, I’m feeding off of her. So I started to map all of this information out. And I came to the conclusion that the clients that have these lower frequency energies are actually To all low frequency energies that exist. So just as we exist in, in the form that we exist, they also exist. But they vibrate at a vibration of light, which is just outside of the visible spectrum that the human I can see. So I believe they vibrate towards the infrared spectrum, which the human eye can’t see the lowest color that we can see the human eye is red. So because they vibrate just outside, we can’t see them with the naked eye. However, because these beings are a lower vibration of frequency, they need to attach to and consume light in order to be able to exist. So what I found was these beings, when a human has a trauma, a really bad trauma, and this is normally in childhood, it will normally start in childhood. So significant trauma in childhood, these beings will be attracted to the emotional pain and discomfort that that individual feels. And because that person is a vibratory match, in that moment, the light in their chakras is being distorted by the low frequency emotion that they’re feeling, this entity will attach, it will latch on, and it will start to siphon the light away from that particular chakra. That will also correspond with, when you see clients with cancer cases and cancers in particular places in the body, you will find that an entity is attached to that area and taking the light away. So somehow, I ended up getting into this, and it’s not that I ever set out to do it. I just followed my nose. And I kept going until I built up a body of information, and I used it myself. And then eventually I started to teach other people how to use it as well, because I felt that other people should know what it was that I was experiencing as well. And I know you and I’ve discussed this before, not everybody will see people that have entities. All of us have signed up for different experiences and different types of clients. But apparently, I signed up for the ones that have the entities. And since I made that decision, every single person that I see, will find me for that reason. So that’s it in a nutshell, really.

Candace Craw-Goldman
All right. So I’m going to back us up a little bit here. And I’m going to speak very cleanly and plainly for for those who may be listening. So your Introduction to Quantum healing was through Dolores Cannons method. Is that true?

Laura Whitworth
For quantum healing? Yes, yes, of course.

Candace Craw-Goldman
Yeah. Do you mind telling me when that was? When did you take her course.

Laura Whitworth
So quantum healing, I think was 2018. So for quantum healing, it was 2018. Okay,

Candace Craw-Goldman
so um, for those again, who may not even know or may not know either of us is what I’m meaning to say. I learned of Dolores in 2008, went to Arkansas and took her class and then was regressed by her and within just a few months, I ended up assisting and supporting her by running her original support forum. And for 2008 until just right at the first part of 2011. Dolores Cannon didn’t even call her method, QHHT it was called Dolores Cannon’s method of past life regression. And over the years, I assisted Dolores more and more I assisted her in her live classes primarily in that way helping her develop different things. But my day to day job was supporting practitioners on the forum and helping them in their listing their practice. And that’s that’s what we did over the years. So for those of you who, who weren’t aware of that that was going on, and we still that We still run the very same group, the very same archives the very same history as the one that was begun ctually, it was in December of 2008. We have changed though we have opened our doors to all healers and we now do what I consider horizontal sharing right this way. So it’s not just one teacher. It’s not just one guru as much Just one set of rules we share across the board. So that’s just a snapshot of that, that I want to back up a little bit. Because this, of course, is a fascinating topic to many, especially practitioners who practice. And you know, most these days are practicing QHHT because Dolores Cannon’s name is a whole lot bigger than yours, it’s a whole lot bigger than mine. And we came into this game many decades after she did and she was a pioneer, loved her, I still love her still feel like she assists me as matter of fact, I can’t wait to tell you about a session that I had just a few weeks ago where her presence was so strong, and what happened in that session. But, but I do want to talk about this whole concept in terms of what has ended up being a forbidden topic, in that space in the space of QHHT. So for those who don’t know, the way that Dolores handled this, when we were working together when she was alive, was she didn’t want to talk about it. She didn’t want to talk about. She would answer the questions that would come up in every single class, every single class that would come up, she would basically just shut it down, put it to bed, and she would say sometimes the same phrases, the same words, and she would say, we’re not gonna go there. It’s not what you think. If you focus on this, you’re gonna draw it to you. Nothing can take you over there, this isn’t a possession. And next, I mean, she would she would literally distill it down to a minute or two of conversation, and then say, we’re going on to another subject, she just would not talk about it. And the same thing tended to happen on the on the support forum, too. Now, I was Dolores’ assistant and I adored her, I still adore her. There were only two or three places within her teachings, that me sitting in the chair often right next to her, while you know, all those people are out in the in the auditorium, I would think to myself because I was an art teacher. Many, many years before ever, I’m a teacher myself. So I’ve been in the space of teaching long before I ever got into this into this line of work. I would think dang Dolores, this comes up every single class, every single class, the question is asked sideways and different. People want to talk about this. If it is what people want to talk about. If I were teaching something, I wouldn’t shut down something that so many people want to talk about. But it wasn’t my class. It wasn’t my scene, it wasn’t my place. And this one’s big. And you’ve already kind of alluded to it. I didn’t experience any of that. And I still don’t. I still go. And we could talk a little bit about that. But I still don’t experience this. Now I do have a caveat. I have had some schizophrenic people. And I do believe that was all going on there. For sure. They’d been so few less than what was on one hand. And the whole the this has been this was in the early years to when I wasn’t as confident of a practitioner as I am now. If somebody presented to me in this way, right now, I would say this my standard phrase, I’m not the practitioner for you. And I’m not I’m just not for a variety of reasons. But I don’t take those sessions, a lot of the the sessions that I’ve had tried to take that are like that, and and I’ve got, of course a number of stories, but the majority of them will people are like, well, I’ve got an entity and I want to release it. Well, I would be these earlier years, I would say well, I’ve never run across that once you just come on in, let’s see what happens. You know what would happen? They’d get a flat tire, they’d miss their airplane, they it just kept happening, it kept happening and sometimes two or three times. And, you know, you know, when these things happen, it’s like they’re not supposed to have a session with me. I’m not supposed to have a session with you. There’s something else here and I learned, you know, mid career or early to mid career. When those kinds of you know to to cancellations or postponements or whatever, especially for things like that meant there’s someone better for you out there. We’re not the right match and then they would end up with a practitioner who would deal with them in that way, it wasn’t ever that I said, this isn’t happening. I don’t believe in this. And I wouldn’t know some rudimentary approaches in that space. I just never really had to deal with it. There may be a couple of stories there we can get into in a little bit. But so today, Laura and I are going to talk about really this, this this forbidden topic thing. And what we have found, and what we’ve discussed lately is, there seems to be this, this kind of divide, right between practitioners who the ones that do entity release, and the ones that don’t, and the ones that believe in the entities and the ones that say, if you just focus on the light, you’ll realize they’re just not there, and you don’t understand, and this faction says you don’t understand. And I’ve always been kind of right here going, Wait a second. Why can’t we just open up to a myriad of possibilities of what is going on with a myriad of approaches to help these people who are coming to us for help? Like, why can’t we just do that? Why do we have to split ourselves off and all these teams and, and things like that. And so that’s what I’m celebrating today, in our connection here, and for all of those quantum healers out there, to realize that, that we don’t have to be on opposite teams.

Laura Whitworth
Absolutely not. We’re on one team. And the team that we’re on is Team healer. And the most important thing is the client, and the client, getting the right person for them. Now, a lot of the time, Spirit will guide that anyway, and Spirit will guide that particular person to the right person. That’s how all of the people with entities end up finding me. But you’re totally right. And I think as well for, for clients out there, there’s so much content on YouTube and out there, they’ll watch all of these different videos, and then they’ll book in with somebody. And when they have their own session, they might not get the experience that they thought they were going to get. Because they don’t understand the difference between all of the different modalities. So I think from a client perspective, it would be so much better for people worldwide, if we could be completely clear all of us in terms of what it is that we look at. So people can then find who it is they feel they need to work with. But we need to work together in that approach. So when people come someone comes to me and wants a particular experience, I send them to you. And when someone comes to you once particular experience, you send them to me. And that’s what we need to do. We need to be very joined up in the way that we work and understand that it’s not a competition between all of us as different people that have got different modalities. It’s about working together as a cohesive whole as a team of healers to help humanity because that’s why we’re here, isn’t it?

Candace Craw-Goldman
Yeah. Can I interject to send out a nod to Dolores. Dolores, in my mind started at all right. I mean, it’s like she’s she’s you said it, the grandmother, the grandmother of quantum healing. She I don’t think humanity in the way that she taught in the kind of people that gravitated towards her the kind of space that it was in the 80s 90s, early 2000s. We were as a whole. Some of us were, but we weren’t as a whole ready for some of this. So I think you know, what she did was extraordinary. What she did was brilliant. What I want to emphasize and make very, very clear is I’m not saying to to the world to Dolores to any of her family friends out there, she did it wrong. I’m not saying that at all. I am not saying that at all. As a matter of fact, I still, she’s my greatest hero. She’s my biggest mentor, teacher support and inspiration. By far. It just I think of her constantly. And she’s with me all the time, in spirit and in sessions and in dreams and in my head and all she’s there. She’s there all of the time. And there’s so much that I think we can still continue to sort of learn from her, even from where she is right now. I mean, they’re you know, that’s a very rich conversation to how she’s how she’s affecting and informing us from where she is now, which is a different sort of frequency as well. But you know, I just want to make it very, very clear. This is a no way derives the the approach or the original and In the pure approach of QHHT, it’s brilliant. Keep going. We support that on our forum, we always have we have since 2008, we still do. We just say, we can talk, like across the board, and we don’t see a post and go, Oh, no, we can’t talk about that Delete. That doesn’t happen in my group. Because open, transparent and honest conversations without pointing fingers and saying who’s right, who’s wrong? And just sharing your experience, what you’ve what you’ve learned? And maybe that helps somebody else without judging, without categorizing, you actually can have conversations like that it’s true, I know that the strange world of social media that has sort of erupted is it’s so black and white, and it’s so this or that it’s so Team A, B blue, red, and all that, and no, no, no, no, we need to go above and beyond that. And, and we can, and those of us at the higher frequency level doing this work, like you are, like all of the quantum healers are, we can do that. Right? We’re doing it now. Conversations, because I’ve got I’ve gotten very good friends and and clients, and very good friends and colleagues, who, you know, they may watch the first 10 minutes of this broadcast and go, Well, that’s not for me. And that won’t upset me in the slightest, because they may not be for them.

Laura Whitworth
Everybody’s different. Right?

Candace Craw-Goldman
So anyway, I want to be just very clear that that there’s no judging here. And we’re, you know, we’re just, we’re expanding our possibilities, our opportunities and our thoughts. And I’m here to learn from Laura. And I know that we all want to learn together and continue to help humanity and humanity is at a very risky place. If you asked me, and I think some of the energies that you focus on neutralizing or releasing or helping them to grow, to raise their I mean, you don’t have to look far in the world of 3d to see how low frequency things are going on. Right?

Laura Whitworth
Absolutely. And I think what you said there going back to the point that you made about Dolores’ work, and the time when she was doing this in the 80s, and the 90s and beyond. It’s, it’s all a process, isn’t it. And humanity didn’t really fully start beginning to raise their vibration until we hit 2012. So we got to that point, and all of the light waves that’s coming in, it starts to raise everybody’s vibration, then all of a sudden, you’ve got the light workers that will start to wake up and everybody who who responds to that light starts to wake up. And I always use the analogy of like a hot air balloon. So people that start to wake up, they’re like a hot air balloon that’s got these ropes and the sandbags, grounding them to the floor. And the ropes and the sandbags are those lower frequency energies that we’ve always had attached to us, because of these traumas that we faced, we’ve never been aware of them. Because they’ve always felt like they’re a part of our hot air balloon. They’re just a part of it. When these high frequency energies of light start coming in, this hot air balloon starts to rise starts to raise its vibration. And it’s only at that point that the hot air balloon becomes aware of the fact that it’s got these ropes and sandbags attached to it, that need to be released in order for that person to vibrate higher. And that’s the analogy that I would use to best describe entity release. Not everybody will have them, many people do. But the people that do have them, they will only notice them when they start to vibrate higher. And it’s when you’ve got this part of yourself that’s feeling so good. You’re feeling so well. You’re feeling so healthy. You know, you’re meditating all the time. But then you’re in the middle of meditation and you get this horrible thought that pops in your head that’s really low frequency. And you think, where did that come from? That’s not my thought. And that could be from an entity that’s attached to that person’s energetic body. So all we do in

Candace Craw-Goldman

I’m sorry, I keep interrupting you, but I have so many questions

Laura Whitworth
Go for it.

Candace Craw-Goldman
The the sandbag analogy can the sandbags be something else, such as programming or belief systems? Or do you see what I’m saying? I’m wondering like that. So you know, people can feel affected by lower energies that aren’t necessarily an entity with its own energy, but something that that they’ve been taught right or something out of our belief system or A religious tenant or young, the mother said when they were little, which, again, is trauma or whatever, okay.

Laura Whitworth
Sure, yeah, so all of those, all of those things as well. But taking that example, what you’ve just said, you know how a mother might be really might put a child down when that particular child is younger, that will affect the spinning of the child’s Sacral Chakra, it will also because the sacral chakra is directly attached to the mother, it will affect the spinning of the solar plexus, which is confidence. And if they’re told that they shouldn’t speak or, you know, keep your mouth shut, it’ll affect the spinning of throat chakra. And if you hold those really strong feelings for a certain amount of time, eventually that affects how the light spins, it affects the frequency of the light. And that can magnetically draw in these lower frequency energies that will just see that person has a meal. And they attach to them, and they take the light, and they affect the consciousness, the behaviors and the emotions of that human, once they’re attached. The human will just think, Oh, I never kind of got over how my mother spoke to me when I was a child and ever really got over it. But what they don’t realize is it’s because at that time, these lower frequency energies got in, and they kind of freeze framed them in that state in that emotional state. Because once these entities are attached, the emotions, they can’t change, they freeze frame them in that low frequency distortion. So say, for example, the sacral chakra is supposed to be joy. That’s the emotion that we’re supposed to experience around the orange chakra, the distortion of that is sadness. So if that person begins to feel sad, when they’re supposed to be feeling joyous, once an entity attaches, it will keep that person sad. And you can always tell somebody that’s got a sacral attachment, because they’re that type of person that no matter what you say to them, they will cry. And you can give them the best coping mechanisms, the best tools, the best, you can give them the solution, the actual solution to their problem, but it will make no difference, because they want to cry. And the reason they want to cry, is because it’s their sacral attachment that wants feeding. So every time that person cries, it produces an emotional release within the body of that human that then feeds that lower frequency entity. It’s fascinating stuff. The people that carry entities, it really is.

Candace Craw-Goldman
I have so many questions. So when these entities came into being whether they were created, or however, were they always only meant to feed on humans? I mean, what’s the structure of their origin and purpose? And can or do they feed on other things? Are they something foreign to humans? Or they’ve always been with us? Or what is your perspective on where they come from and why we have to deal with?

So it is at this point in our conversation, that it begins to get a little bit tricky. And what do I mean by that? Well, YouTube has something called community standards or community guidelines. And I’m not sure the conversation that we have in this portion of the interview, would be allowed to stand on this platform. This channel and many of my colleagues have had videos deleted. Just recently, some going back many, many years. There’s a lot of memory-holing going on. There’s a lot of conversations that are not allowed to be had here on this channel. But the good news is, is there’s other places to go. Other places to talk and other places where you can hear the rest of this conversation. I’ll leave a link to the full interview on rumble. But do take a moment and listen to the next little bit of this video here on YouTube, where Laura talks about where you can find out more about her method. Thanks so much. I appreciate you following us on rumble. Take care.

There’s so many other things I want to talk to you about, you know, we’ve been talking for an hour and a half is 333. Exactly my time and I you know, I want to wrap this up just because I want to be respectful of your time. Plus, I have things I need to get to too. But I definitely want to do this again. But why don’t you end with telling us? Well, first of all, I want to just share that you’ve become a part of our community at And I’m so happy about that, and welcome to you, and any and all of your students are also welcome to join our community, I want to make it very clear that I want to support your community, Laura Starrs community and any other community like this a collection of healers who want to help each other, and who want to support each other because we need more of us, not less. So, so welcome. But tell everyone about your class, how to find you a little bit about it. And I think you even have a special price going on for people who want to sign up and learn what you’d have to teach.

Laura Whitworth
Absolutely. So that is my website address up there, and I teach a quantum hypnotherapy modality that also has entity release and an energetic clear of the energetic body built into the actual modality. And at the moment, the course is on sale for 399 British pounds. But I have created a code for you. And it is BQH. And if anybody places that code into the coupon spot, when they check out before they check out, it will give them 50 British pounds off of that course. So that will make the course 349 In British pounds, which is the lowest it’s ever been and the lowest it’s ever going to be.

Candace Craw-Goldman
That’s quite a good deal. And I one of the first things I learned about you that I love so much is your regular prices 444 which is also BQH regular price, how are we going to keep that special going in case somebody watches this video a little bit into the future. Because right now it’s December of 2023.

Laura Whitworth
It’s just till the end of December. So as soon as we get into January, it will go back up to 444. But your code, your BQH code will stand. So even when the cost goes up, they can still use that code to get the 50 off. So

Candace Craw-Goldman
Well, that’s wonderful. I’m really looking forward to learning more about your course more about your techniques, your theories. You know, there’s so much more to talk about. This has been really wonderful.

Laura Whitworth
It has hasn’t it?

Candace Craw-Goldman
I have to tell you, it might have been something that I would say till after the fact but I want I want my listeners to see it too. I keep looking at you and I think you have like a pillow behind you. There’s like a pillow is that a pillow? So as you’ve been talking though, the way you had it, you had it. It looked like an angel swing coming. Oh, so angelic I just kept seeing you as an angel. And anyway. Thank you. I you know, I’m one of those people. I see hearts everywhere. You know, I’m just one of those people. So it’s

Laura Whitworth
just the way to be to on the beach with the shells and stones everywhere.

Candace Craw-Goldman
Oh, we didn’t even talk about chickens. The other day actually took a photograph of this. I have cats and I was scooping cat litter and when a big club came up it was this giant heart actually took a picture of it and send it to my family. I said look the kitties love me.

Laura Whitworth
Hearts everywhere.

Candace Craw-Goldman
absolutely everywhere, even in the catbox. Oh my goodness. Okay, well, this has been fabulous. All right. So if you out there are a healer of any kind. You are welcome to join us at You may be a tarot card reader, you may be a hypnotherapist, you may have taken Laura’s class. Maybe you do Reiki, maybe you do yoga, any of those things. You’re welcome to join us. We share session stories and advice and we support each other. As long as your service to others you are welcome to join us just come to You can join us for free and check us out for 7 days and see what we’re all. So thank you so much for being here. And thank you for following us here on Rambo where we can have these kinds of conversations. I know we had to do the short YouTube part. This is why we need to be on rumble where we can speak freely and speak freely everywhere. Right, Laura, what’s wrong with that? Let’s just speak freely everywhere. Why not?

Laura Whitworth
Absolutely. Let’s do it.

Candace Craw-Goldman
Thank you so much. Thank you so much. All right. Bye for now.

Laura Whitworth
Bye everyone.

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