Another Quantum Conversation~ Chrysilla Lewis and Candace chat about division in families, society, the sad state of politics, how to find understanding and balance. Also we get a sneak peek at Chrysilla’s Oracle cards!
For me, and because of BQH, you know, I’m pretty stuck with and sticking with this idea that water is liquid consciousness. And I think that’s a big part of why I’ve been dreaming about it over and over and over again, but also because I think something big is coming this year, and we can’t deny it. Do you remember what you said? Do you remember what you said on the?
Yeah, I think it’s the feeling of being on the brink of a war that’s approaching us. And it’s and I’m getting goosebumps as I’m saying it because I’m not a negative person. And I’m seeing shifting of timelines happening all the time. So it’s like, is it coming, isn’t it coming? And it’s like there’s a conscious decision that’s being made collectively, about our future. So yes, it’s definitely something that I see towards the end of the year. And you know, what’s fascinating, I always feel that things are orchestrated just as they should be. I’m bringing my parents over August, September during this time, which is exactly this time, I’m thinking things are going to start happening.
Hi, everyone, it’s Candace Craw Goldman from Back again today. And this time, I’m here with longtime friend and practitioner Chrysilla Lewis. Hi, Chrysilla!
Hey, Candace, how are you today?
Oh. Up to here with the things to do, you know, there’s so many things, I am so glad I’m so glad that when I was in my really 30s 40s, even in my 50s I’m so glad that I didn’t know that those years, I would look back on them thinking, wow, I things were a lot easier back then. In so many ways. Even when I was a young mom or anything the number of balls to juggle, right now for me and the things to deal with. It’s a lot, um, I’m not complaining, I’m very grateful to still have my dad but he’s taking up a lot of time, we’ve gone through a few health things. And it’s just time consuming, you know, there. And then of course, running a farm is a full time job. And then running the business is well done job and then running a practice is a full time job. So all of those full time jobs. Plus I’ve, I’ve reinvigorated my own health journey. So you know, I’ve been trying to put exercise in there and other things. So it’s just life is very, very full and very busy. But always happy to make time for you, Chrysilla. How are you and what’s going on with you these days?
Well, I can say I feel your pain, because it’s pain but it’s enjoyment. At the same time, I don’t think I’ve ever been this busy. And it’s also about making time making time for yourself making time for business, as well as some pleasure, you know, like, putting your head down and getting out of the mindset of constant work. And just switching off a little bit in a healthy way.
Right? Oh, gosh, that switching offs important, isn’t it? When, when sometimes I’ll get texts. And I won’t say from who. Who say you know, things like why didn’t you answer your text? You know, I sent you a text? I don’t know, 22 minutes ago, I’m like, I don’t know. Because maybe I didn’t have my phone on me. I mean, you know, I don’t want to be the person that has it surgically implanted in me. And you know, Chrysilla like I’ve been, I don’t know if you knew this or not. Some people might know this. Some people I might have mentioned it, but our main YMCA, the big, big and nicest gym workout facility that’s available to us that’s on the east side of Wichita between my dad’s house in this house, right? So it’s perfect place all the way into town to do anything and the perfect place to come back. Well, two years ago, a tornado went through Andover and took out several homes and completely made that I don’t want to say completely destroyed but it took the whole roof off and the whole place was not able to be used for two years. Right. So it just had its grand reopening and it’s basically they put everything back right you know, there’s nothing giant or new most everything just went back and there’s a few tiny little upgrades but most everything is just been put back. And what’s been nice about that for me is I before working out or even after I could sit in a sauna. I haven’t been able to sit in a sauna for a while. It’s just the YMCA sauna. It’s a co-ed sauna. It’s by the pool. There’s a lot of people it’s nothing spa like, believe you me but it’s still a sauna. And it’s still valuable for health. I am absolutely shocked going in there now I will go in there. And sometimes it’s pretty big room. There may be seven people in there or even eight, there could be more people. There’s room for more. I’m the only one who’s not on my phone. In a sauna.
No way, I would never have expected that.
I don’t even know what to say about that. I mean, there I’ve so many questions first, like, really? Second? Isn’t it too hot for your phones? I actually asked one woman once when it was just her and me after some people left I’m like, Isn’t that too hot for your phone? She was like, Well, I’m not in here long enough. And I don’t know. It’s just weird, imagine me sitting there sort of, you know, cross legged and maybe trying to meditate a little and, and, and, and I have people here, and people here and they’re all going like this. And I’m sad. It makes me sad.
You know, it’s fascinating. You mentioned that because you are trying to make time for your health, but you’re not making enough time because oh, I’m not in your long enough. And I read something really interesting this week about when you’re on your phone, kind of you kind of hunched over, right, looking at your phone. And that’s kind of the the shame and feeling shame, I’m feeling insecure, I’m feeling you know, all those negative emotions that your body is signaling when you’re doing that. So it doesn’t give a good impression to the people around you, or even the signals you give yourself through being in that posture for a really long time.
That’s an excellent point. I hadn’t quite thought of it like that. But all I know is, you know, once again, and I’m used to this kind of by now, but once again, I’m looking around thinking, wow, are you different in this situation? I mean, you know, that’s sort of been the tagline of my life, which I embrace, wholeheartedly, and mostly have in my life, but Oh, well.
Oh, well, I still go and oh, well, I’m still and I’m going because oh, can we talk about this a little bit before? And what do I want to talk about today? Well, of course, what you’re up to, I want to talk about your cards, I want to I definitely want to talk about you, the cards are working on for sure. But I want to talk about water because you made a post I was looking it up, you made a post on a I made a Facebook post. So we’re we’re recording this, I don’t know, when I’m gonna release this. I’ve been releasing, I’ve been banking content and releasing it forward. So I have no idea when we’re going to release this. But we’re recording it on the 24th of May 2024. And yesterday, I made a Facebook post.
I did and what I said was, today is the 29th day in a row that I’ve dreamed about water. I’ve just you know, I started coming up to the immersion class about four or five days before the immersion class, I was like, Oh, that’s interesting, I keep dreaming about water. And then through the immersion class all about water. And there were storms and tornadoes then too. And it has been and then I’ve just kept track. And it has been that long. And I woke up today and today was day 30 Where I dreamed about water again. And it’s really interesting, because I put it out there yesterday to see what would come back. And a lot of things came back a lot of very interesting things. What I find fascinating is
there are one or two people who like well, water represents and then fill in the blank, you know,
okay. But what I find really interesting is, well, maybe it does for you, you know, and I mean, if you’ve if you’ve taken the quantum connect class, which of course you have, and I mean, I talk about this a lot about symbolism we can of course, we can talk to each other people to other people about what things symbolically mean. And of course, we have cultural ideas of what some symbols mean, they really tend to match but we have real personal definitions, too. And, you know, people in Asia might have a completely different dreaming system with dreaming symbols, than people in Mid America, I just, I’m convinced of that. I’ve been doing this work for too long. So it’s really funny. And I’m not denying that people have their own their own definitions. But for me, and because of BQH you know, I’m pretty stuck with and sticky with this idea that water is liquid consciousness. And I think that’s a big part of why I’ve been dreaming about it over and over and over again, but also because I think something big is coming this year, and we can’t deny it. Do you remember what you said it would do you remember what you said on the?
Yeah, I think it’s the feeling of being on the brink of a war that’s approaching us. And it’s and I’m getting goosebumps as I’m saying it because I’m not a negative person. And I’m seeing shifting of timelines happening all the time. So it’s like, is it coming isn’t it coming? And it’s like there’s a conscious decision that’s being made collectively, about our future. So yes, it’s definitely something that I see towards the end of the year. And you know what’s fascinating? I always feel that things are orchestrated just as they should be. I’m bringing my parents over August, September during this time, which is exactly this time, I’m thinking things are going to start happening.
You bet. You bet. We have another immersion class in October, and I’m already, I’m already expecting it to be a doozy. It’s already half full. And I’m like, Oh, my goodness, is that going to be incredible? I found I found your, your posts. No, but I just love the way you said it. Your intuition is correct. Something’s definitely coming. I think we’re at war. It’s true. We’re on there’s a physical war on our doorstep. And I really believe that’s true. And a lot of people are in denial about it. And a lot of people, interestingly enough, in our community, of course, they will say things like, oh, you’re focusing on the negative?
No, here, here’s, here’s how I look at that. If it some man or some bear, or something was breaking down my front door? What would I do? Well, I would protect myself and my family as best as I could with what I had at hand. Right? I wouldn’t go, Oh, I’m not going to look at that that might be focusing on the negative and bringing it in. I mean, I think I think it’s just as basic as that. We know. We know we’re being we’re being pressed, and that we’re being challenged. And there’s in a lot of different ways and in ways that perhaps we don’t even understand right now, you know, so I think we are the people who have not yet been told or they never will be told, which is interesting. They might never be told. And I think our nervous systems can tell Bingo. Bingo. Just like birds know and fly away from danger. When they feel something isn’t right, we can feel something is coming in the uncertainty is triggering our nervous systems into a fight or flight mode. And as humans, we are confused, because why am I feeling this way? Why? And you know, the last time I felt that this strong, and it was in a different in a different way, but it was fall of 2019 Fall of 2019. I’m like, I just feel chaos. I mean, all I felt was like cast, this is a bigger, this has a bigger energy signature, meaning it’s more of a that it. Yeah, that you know that chaos still was big. And it was still worldwide. This seems deeper. Right? This seems like it has more oomph behind it. Which is difficult to contemplate, isn’t it?
It is difficult to think about but then during our history, and if you look at wars, we’ve had a war every 50 years, Is that about right through the start at the start of wars. Not every 50 years.
Continuous war, and so much of our, you know, so much of our world, even the city where I live in it, Wichita is called the air capital of the world, which seems kind of like a nice thing. You know, we build a lot of aircraft here. But guess what, you know, a lot of aircraft facilities, including what a lot of this town was built around, was the kind of aircraft that is used for military purposes, right. And it if you think about it, you know, if you’re a bakery, well, you know, you want people who need bread, if you’re a shoemaker, you’re a person who needs you people who need shoes. So if you’re building war equipment, well, what do you need? Right? I mean, we need to start thinking about different ways. And same with hospitals. Look, you know, you’re a hospital, how do you how do you turn a profit? How do you stay in the black? How do you keep your shareholders happy? Well, not with empty beds, you don’t, you know, empty beds or that’s, that’s a problem, right? So I know that we need a fundamental shifting and a fundamental recreating of a society built on some different footing. And I’m not the only one talking about this, of course, we all are. We’re talking about building, you know, parallel societies while that whole thing is crumbling down, which it is. We’re building something new over here, but we’re in that huge transition part, but that’s where I think quantum healers, you know, we’re right here. We’re right here and we’re part of the transition team for sure. And, yeah, so we’re in the right place. And there’s a lot to be grateful for and excited about. But we have to be realistic as we watch that other thing crumble, because that’s not gonna be easy, not for any of us.
No, I agree. It’s lovely to be in the quantum healing space and seeing things energetically happening and manifesting. And, and then also going back to the 3D world. So that’s kind of where I’ve placed myself in between the two of focusing, okay, obviously, I’ve now have a great interest in politics as well. So I was like, Okay, what’s happening in the 3D world? What games are they playing? And how is that wave affecting everyone else? And a lot of people explain it as we’re in this pantomime, and we’re playing this game.
It’s true. You know, it’s funny, because, you know, politics, I think you probably were like me, a lot of us were like this, and I still eat it. The whole thing is so distasteful. And for the longest time, I’m like, I don’t want anything to do with it. I heard a quote the other day, it was something like, if you think that paying attention to politics, is idiotic, then you’re gonna leave your political system, and your life will be run by idiots. It was something like that. I’m not I’m sure I’m not quoting it completely correct. And you know what it is like? Yeah, guilty, guilty, because I used to, like not even look at it at all. And of course, you have the right, you need to look at it sparingly these days, because you can get sucked into a terrible hellhole very easily. But there’s also some places where we’re change and were having a few, having some influence, especially on local levels. You know, in America, there’s a there’s a movement around where, where we understand that our, our county sheriff, you know, the person who lives down the road from you, has more power than you might imagine. And you want that fella or that woman, I think most of them are still fellas. You want that guy on your side, you want to know how he thinks what he thinks. And you know, who’s, you know, who’s taking him to lunch and sending him on any sort of a nice dinners out or vacations or things like that. I mean, you want to pay attention to what that guy’s doing. The upper echelon stuff seems sometimes crazy, but well, I’m proud of you, you know, to bring that energy to that space. It’s not an easy place to hold light.
Yeah, no, it’s not. And I’ve tried to bring in the spiritual energy into that, and it just doesn’t work. Doesn’t work. It’s, it’s as if that world is still so heavy with the wrong type of energy, that bringing any type of light, in it, it’s already just gets consumed so quickly. It’s just like, No years of bright light. And it’s like, no, we can’t have that. And it’s a really difficult place to be. So the balance being in that space is very important.
Yeah, that, you know, are you saying that then part of this like,
well, well, I can, I can tell you this, right. So I thought, let me let me bring in some spiritual people in my space and talk about, like, our dear friend, Allison, you know, she’s, she’s like a counselor, and she works in schools. And she has all this background with what’s happening politically in our schools. And I thought, What a great topic to cover. And we had the interview, but we couldn’t publish it. Because I advertised it to go out. But before we could go out, she was getting a lot of abuse. Yeah.
So it’s like, no, we’ll rather not publish it, because your work and what you’re doing is way more important and I can’t put you through this.
I understand it, you know, and what’s so fascinating too, is, I think a lot about this, do you I think about being a kid and being on the playground, right? And even going through elementary school or even middle school in high school. And then they’d have like, student council elections and things like that. And I remember being young and of course, you know, very naively thinking, well, look at how this works. You know, it’s not the best person that you know, could handle the responsibilities that’s being given. It’s the one who talks the loudest or who gives away the most candy to the to the kids, or the one who’s the most popular than the one who’s, like, who gives the most fake compliments and stuff like that it was all so ridiculous. And so fake and so terrible and so mean, right? It was so mean. And of course, as a kid, I thought, well, you know, I used I did have these thoughts. I was like, well, they’ll grow up. And, you know, I understand why we’re playing this in school, so that we can do this, you know, later in life, it’s the same thing. It’s the same, it’s the same exact thing. But you know, the gifts are just bigger, and the, and the bullies are just stronger, and their weapons and beating you up just hurts a little more, and has more serious consequences, but its the same damn thing. All that being said, you know, or so I’ve heard this been talked about in the last little bit by people kind of in our space. And in that kind of space. Let me ask you this question, because I think you’ll answered the way I think everyone who I admire and has answered it right now, as absolutely horrendous as the last four years have been, and how stomach churning and devastating and cruel it has been. I mean, cruel in so many ways. Would you want to go back before? Would you want to go back before all of that happened? And just carry on?
No, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t. But maybe you can help me with this. And I’m so sorry that thing is beeping in the background. I’ve got so many things going on.
We want to take some time to undo something?
No, no it’s just the odd beeps. That’s okay, then. So, um, I wouldn’t want to go back. But maybe you can help me with this. Right. There was so much abuse, and there was so much hurt, right? We were scrutinized. We were, you know, basically, if it was. If it was us being the Jews, we would have been in those gas chambers already. Kind of thing. Right? And how do you overcome that? Even me as a spiritual person? I’ve been, I’ve been working on this emotion, this feeling for the last couple of years of how do you overcome that, you know, the way you were treated? And how quickly people turned on each other? It’s, it’s something I’m still working on.
It’s, I’m still working on it to Chrysilla. I’m still working on it too. Because I mean, I was I was so alone, you are so alone. We were so alone. I mean, we had, look, you and I were less alone than others, right? Because at least you know, we quickly compared notes, you know, our core group, we had each other, right. But I had extended family members, and people very close to me, who they would saddle up to me. And they would say things to me. And they would say, Well, surely you believe this? And surely you’re going to do that. And I’d be like, Well, maybe you ought to ask me because actually, no, you know, no, I’m not going to do this, that or the other. And I’m not playing that game and the looks of horror, kind of on their faces. And, and yes, and families were torn apart. And I’m sure you as a quantum healer, just like I have, how many marriages, how many families broke up over this? I mean, at the devastation, you and I have colleagues, I mean, our beautiful friend, Barbara Becker, I’ll never forget it when she sent me a text that her mama had passed. And then she said, I had to say goodbye to her on an iPad. They wouldn’t let me in. They wouldn’t let me in. And the cruel the absolute, utter cruelty. And then now the vindication that we have, we’re slowly slowly the truth is coming out and every thing that we said was probable, is turning out to be real. And there’s great. There’s a great feeling of wanting to say I told you, I told you, I wish you would have listened to me, I wish you, you know, are going to help a bit. Nobody wants to hear that. Nobody wants to hear that. People have to they have to have that crack in their own way. They have to have that crack in their own way. And you know, I don’t know why this is coming up. But let me let me answer that question in a different way.
I have, again on the relationship thing between let’s say married couples where there’s a terrible breakup, right? And one person breaks the other person’s heart either by up and leaving or having an affair or a um, you know, something else absolutely horrible doing something to their own kids or just something absolutely horrible. And, and the hurt partner, so very often in those sessions, you know, the higher self talks about this opportunity that the heart yes is broken, and it’s broken open.
You know, there was a place in the heart that still needed breaking, and exposing and revealing, right, some of us, not consciously, of course, not consciously, but some of us have signed up for heartbreak. And I actually think that a great number of us who are here on the planet right now have said, I’ll do that. I’ll come to the planet during that absolute shit show of a time. Let’s see what I can do, then. Because we say that from a perspective where it doesn’t, it’s not as, it doesn’t seem as critical to our very existence of being right. We’re still very human, we’re still very mortal, right? From the place we make these perspectives. We don’t make it from the human perspective, we make these decisions when we’re not embodied in a human body. That’s the whole point of this game, right? So here we are. And we should be so proud of ourselves. I’m saying that I’m actually getting goosebumps about that we should be so proud of ourselves. But oh, my gosh, it’s not easy. And so I, I have great empathy for you, and great sadness for some of those people who cannot give us the gift of understanding that we might have had a little bit of foresight. It’s, it’s, it’s sad. And I hope that maybe even in their hearts, or at times they can do it, but some sort of self-preservation in them won’t allow them to even say it. I know. It’s self-preservation. It’s and its fear to it’s because they’re scared, they’re still scared. And maybe it’s because they don’t have some of the great confidence that you and I have about all that other realm. Right, that bigger realm that we access all the time. That’s, like, so palpable, so real it for a lot of people, it’s still just, it’s, it’s utter faith without some of the experiences that we’ve had. And maybe, yeah.
Oh, well, thank you for sharing your insights, it definitely helps.
Well, well, I just want to give a tiny shout out to you about and then I definitely want to know about your cards, but seeing some of your pictures, you know, there are some people who are standing up to us are not up to us. Up for us, please let me say that better. There are some people who are standing up for us. And speaking in the face of absolute, you know, ridiculous opposition. And one of those people is Andrew Bridgen. And that you have gotten to meet him.
Oh, yes. I meet him quite often.
Oh, my gosh, the next time you see him, would you run up to him and tell him that there’s a little person smack in the middle of America and a place called Kansas who jumps around the room and at that moment when he was speaking to your parliament and behind the behind the glassed in wall, the whole viewing room erupted into cheers. I was cheering in Kansas at the same time.
I’m so surprised that you’re following our politics. I’m like, you know these things.
Are you kidding? Andrew? Bridgen is on he’s up here as one of my heroes, if we had more of them, if we had more men like him?
Yeah, I know. I know. He is fighting the battle for us. He definitely is
He’s making some headway. All right. So now that we’ve covered the state of the world, Chrysilla, tell me about your cards because I want to know, I hope do you have any of them with you?
No, I haven’t printed them yet.
So you’re just you’re working on the designs and then you’re throwing them out to Facebook and showing people.
Yes, it’s finished. The design is finished. I’ve designed 52 cards, I am proofreading all the descriptions now because when I was publishing the cards, I wasn’t really concentrating on the descriptions as much as getting the cards out. So there’s descriptions are being proof read at the moment and then also are hunting down a publisher. So it’s either I’m getting a company to help me publish or I’ll be self publishing. But it’s been a project in the making for over a year and a half. I was, it was meant to be out months ago. But I just could I just my plates were so full. I just couldn’t get it out on time for Christmas. But the thing was, I started many years ago, like, I think, a year and a half. But it may be even two years ago, I started the project. And I got to maybe 10 cards, and I thought, No, I just, I’m not good enough. Like, what am I? What am I thinking? And I just I banked the project. And then about six months later, I opened it up again. I’m like, wow, these cards are amazing. Like, what am I doing, I should be finishing this deck. So that’s what I did. So I continued working late nights, you know, switched off the TV and doing all the things that distract us. And I found so much joy in creating them that I can’t wait to physically have them in my hands. I’m just looking for that printing company to start printing them.
That’s fantastic. I do know that they make them I did a little investigating. I have had not from my own project, but for other people who had had similar projects. And there are some that out there that that will do that. I’m sure you already know that some self-printers. But yeah, the thing with publishers though, man, you know, they need their cut, and they need their opinions known and everything. And when you’re a creator, that’s your baby. And sometimes, yeah, I don’t know, I think self-publishing is probably going to be the way I’m gonna go most of the time for anything, because I don’t want anyone telling me what to do in any area of my life. Thank you very much. And publishing might be one of them. Chrysilla do you use AI?
No, none, I didn’t use any AI any of my pictures. I’m so proud of that.
Tell me that. Okay, because we need to talk about that a little bit. Okay, if you haven’t used AI, how do you construct your combination? Because they’re like multimedia little pictures, right?
They are, that’s exactly what they are. So I use something that’s called, oh, I have to be very careful now with all the artists out there and picking my words, right. And I’m not always good with that. So maybe you can help me. Okay, so I, I have my Adobe license and so and I use royalty free pictures. And then with a combination of that, I will only use little bits of a picture. So, it’s like almost like building a collage, really, and researching that. And obviously, I’ve had to look at infringement rights and things like that, and fair use of arts as well. Right. So that’s, that’s everything I had to consider in making these cards. And hopefully, fingers crossed, I followed all the rules. But I’ve basically taken little snippets of a picture and use some of my own backgrounds that I’ve created through various colors and paints, digitally. And I’ve and then I’ve used a program called Affinity Photo, which I got to really know very well during COVID. Because on a Saturday, this gentleman called Livio had a live stream. And we were locked down. And I just started, he was teaching how to use the program. So, all the elements of it, how to change colors, how to take, I don’t know, like how to do cutouts and things like that. And that’s what I did. And you would he would make these beautiful landscapes of like, I don’t know, like a whole world and a bowl and ocean bowl and things like that he got really creative in the way he was doing things. And I was, so I felt so inspired. And that’s how it started. And yeah, hopefully, it will all work out. But with artists out there, you know, it’s their hard work as well. So you have to give credit where credit’s due. And it’s really hard because as you say everyone is out to make a penny or make the money. So I know at least you’re using their image, even though I’m just using a tiny bit of it, hopefully, I am also supporting them. And you know that of course, I’m using their art, and hopefully they can see and appreciate what I’ve done with them.
Super! Well, you know, you’ve got a background right now, or you’ve got a white wall. And so I’m gonna ask you something. So, when we’re done, because we’re pre-recording this, of course, maybe you could send me one of those cards and all I’ll cut it into the video right there by the wall right there. So and I’m gonna do that. Do you think that you could talk about just any one card, any one card that you can kind of call up in your memory right now that maybe inspired you or that you’re thinking about right now? Because I definitely want to show our viewers an example of one of your cards. Could you do that?
Um, if you want to we can screen share and you can have a browse.
Oh gosh, of course. Yeah, let’s do that instead.
Okay, yeah.
Yeah, let’s pick out a card like I, here’s what I’d either be interested in anything that comes with a great story that had some synchronicity with it or maybe your very first card or maybe a card that you have already used for a client or just anything like that. I would love to know.
All participants Yep. Okay, it says that you can.
Okay, brilliant. So, there we go.
Fantastic. Oh, good. Good, good. Good. All right, this is great. Wow, look at how organized you are.
Had to be I had to be. So I’m saying my favorite card, if I were to pick one would be this little hermit guy. You could see that I have a PNG, JPG file, the hermit itself. And then I have a little assets folder, which has all the elements I used to create that file. So you can see that I’ve only have three, three elements here. A little leaf, my little robot dude and a moon. And if you look at the entire picture itself, I don’t know if you’d be able to see that now.
Can you open it? Yeah, she can. There it is. Oh that’s fantastic!
And that’s how it came out. So you can see I use the leaf multiple times I enlarged the moon greatly. And then I use the little robot but the robot itself had a completely different background. Originally in the original artwork, so and then I completely change the colors as well. So and that’s that’s completely transformed the hermit I like this little dude because the hermit is normally sad isn’t he and, and lonely and he’s looking for his life purpose and the meaning of life. But there’s this hermit is quite kind of finding his purpose through enjoying life, you know, and having experiences.
It’s fantastic. I love it so much. Wait, I have more questions about the hermit. Don’t leave him too fast. Let me ask you about him. Okay. So, when you saw this little robot guy, how did you match him to the concept of hermit?
It’s it was so difficult. I think it’s all intuitive isn’t it Candace? You see a picture or you first come up with a name of the card and think okay.
First then did you see did you have hermit and then you just saw that picture and went that’s the hermit. That’s the hermit?
Yes, that’s exactly what I did.
And, and how come the moon is important with the Hermit card?
Because we find out we find our purpose we find what we’re passionate about. What’s underlining first, you know, everything happens like, beneath the surface. And I feel that that’s what the moon does. The moon is all in the background. It’s underneath the surface because the sun is what brings it out. So that’s the time of reflection is the moon.
Fantastic. All right, thank you so much for that. All right, gonna show us another card or two. I love this. Preview everybody
Which other one can we choose, one that I really enjoyed working on. We can use sacred geometry we all enjoy that.
That’s wonderful. Of course, the bee and the hexagon.
It’s just a combination of little pictures that make a bigger picture. And the bee the bee for me is so important because if you look at a beehive, it creates the geometry. And that geometry is everywhere within the construct of life as long along with the flower of life. And I love the flower of life. So, in the background there if you look closely, you’ll be able to see the dandelion little seeds.
Absolutely fantastic. Oh, those are just great. So have you used these at all? Or the inspiration of them? I mean, I know you don’t have the deck out yet, but have you used any of them in a session yet like with a client or with a reading or anything?
Ah, no, not as not as such. No, I haven’t. But I do have great plans for them because I am planning to do literally produce artwork, and then selling them at exhibitions. And then alongside that sell the decks as well with the oracle decks.
One more for sure. And then I want to talk to you about AI.
I love it, I absolutely love creating this card. Because of all the elements within it, just the colors in the background, the doorway, the clouds that come through it, it was just even adding like the flowers and what I see as I kind of lavender, this is just such a beautiful car that stands out of just slow down. You know, we I don’t Where are you rushing to you don’t have to go anywhere. Just stay in the moment. And if you’re rushing, why are you rushing?
It’s so here’s something interesting when I made that post. Now we’re gonna go back to the first thing that we were talking about the first of this show, and I made a post about the 29 days of the dreams. I dreamed I dreamed that so there’s a young gal who she actually for a little while took care of my dad in 2020 Just for a little while. But she’s just she’s in her 20s She’s now a BQh practitioner, she came to, to the immersion class and the dream that I posted my 29th in a row dream about water. I dreamed first of all that I was in a room, and I was introducing her to my mother. And of course, my mother has passed away for a number of years now. And I thought that was interesting. And then I said and then we said goodbye to my mom. And I said well, you know, we’re headed off on our trip and we walked outside. And there were two hot air balloons, but they weren’t big hot air balloons, they were the kind of hot air balloons that oh, I don’t know, might go to the ceiling of this room. And then they had they had fixtures and ropes and then they attached to something almost looked like a lawn chair.
Right. And there was two of these sitting outside. And Taylan is my friend’s name, and the BQH practitioners name and she sat in one and I sat in the other, and we were right next to the ocean. And it was time to cross the entire ocean in these chairs with these balloons, and I’m like, this is this is a long way that we’re gonna go we have a long way to go. And we were discussing it and I was I was trying to ascertain which ways the wind was blowing, because I knew that that was going to affect us. Which you know, is very interesting, if you think about my concept about the water and there was a kind of a storm around and, and I’m trying to figure out what’s going on because we’re gonna be blown around by what’s happening with, with the water, which, you know, again, in my, in my perspective is the consciousness of the planet, right of the people and all of that and the combination of the planet plus the people and the in the discussion we said to each other. Well, we made it across the first time so we can make it across the second time, which I thought was really interesting. It was like you’ve already done this, right? The answer was you’ve already done this. You can do this again. And I you know, I’m still sort of pondering what this is that we’ve done that we’re going to be able to do again. But that was fun to see that card.
Thank you, yeah, thanks for allowing me to show it to you. I wasn’t expecting this today. And I’m yeah, I’m so excited to because there’s a couple of projects that’s coming in out this year orr that we’re working on because not only do I have my deck, we are writing that lovely chapter of our spiritual awakening and the book, right?
So yeah, not Yeah, not to give too much away. But our dear, dear friend, Alison Brown is collecting some stories of awakening. And some of you got yours figured out. I mean, I’ve been round and round about what I want.
I’ve finished it today.
Oh my god, you know, if I would have and I almost did if I would have sat down and wrote the when the idea came out, I would have changed my mind already. Because, well, for me, I have a lot of writing and progress. It’s been in progress for a long time. It’s just socked away on you know, in in the cloud.
You’ll be able to do it at night times. I mean, it’s only 3000 words.
I know actually that isn’t that’s my problem actually.
You have too much to cram into 3000 words.
I have to I have to think of a of a pared down way of talking about this. And at first, so for those that don’t know, if we were clear enough or not, it’s about it’s your basically your awakening story. And, you know, I have had days and then I had this one day, and I talked about that one day a lot, but that that one day is a book. It’s not 3000 words, you know? So I’m trying to imagine how to do it. And I don’t know, I think I might.
I think, well, this is, this is me, if I were to read your story, I would say you, you describe, you know, your meeting Dolores, studying quantum healing. And then you creating BQH. Everyone looking at BQH and saying, oh my goodness!
That’s 300,000 words, there’s no way I can keep it to 3,000 words right now where I’ve landed right now. And I’m it dad’s been through some medical dramas. So it’s taking up so much time. And we’ve had so many tornadoes and storms. I have a quiet day, but we have more tornadoes tomorrow. Well, you know, we’re lucky I’m in a basement right now. I’m okay with that. But I have to the preparation to get everyone safe. And when I mean everyone, you know, the 93-year-old guy down the stairs, and I bring all the animals that can be in the basement, except for the horses down here. And then they have to have their preparations, especially with hail sometimes that’s that big it can be. It’s caused a lot but okay, back to the story. I think I might have tiny snippets, some small snippets of inklings of awakenings, you know, because I can look all the way back to the age of and I’m not sure if I was three or four. I might have been closer; I probably was a young four. Because it was in the in the spring, I remember that this particular thing happening. But I already I was already questioning stuff. You know, I mean, it was very small moments. But I think I’m gonna I’m gonna pick a series of small moments.
That’s exactly it, yeah, that’s exactly what you have to do.
Yeah. Yeah, that will be my 3,000 words. Oh, fantastic. Chrysilla, thank you for spending some time with me today. This was so much fun. And you’re still doing sessions, right?
I am still doing sessions!
Just check in. And you know we’re just checking. You been so busy doing all these other things we want to make sure that you are. And I actually have to say this to you, because I have this client and she’s a great client. She’s a repeat client. And which first contacted me more well, yeah, more than a year ago, she asked for a reading. And I was like, Look, I just I don’t kind of do readings, I do these sessions. And I do kind of intuitive, consults, conversations. And we got in there, and she was still conducting it like it was a reading and I was still sort of like, well, hold on here, you know, and I would, I would sort of like, let’s have more of a conversation here. I’m not I’m not gonna you ask me questions may give you answers. This is not the way it is for me. But you know what? She keeps coming back. And she keeps sort of pushing me to that. I never wanted to do any of that I wanted more back and forth. And this last time that we she just kept asking me questions. And I just sort of stepped into it. And I don’t know, I mean, I have no idea. But when we started the conversation, she was like, Hey, you’re right about that. And you’re right about that. You were right about that. So I wouldn’t know about this, this this this, this part of me is like, I don’t do that. I don’t do psychic readings.
Oh, well, I think you do. Can I tell you something? I want to tell you something. So, when you do the quantum when you are miles ahead of yourself, you didn’t even realize right, you created a Quantum Connect course Quantum Connect is mediumship. Yes, you’re sitting there giving a reading using the techniques, techniques that you have created. And you’re basically teaching everyone how to become their own medium using their own senses.
It’s true. We haven’t even tried to really market quantum Connect. It’s available. It’s out there. People are talking about it. But we’re going to we’re making some little that’s one of some of the projects that I’m working on. I’m trying to uplevel sort of our marketing game our presentation rather than just word of mouth and very organic stuff, we’re trying to do a little bit more than that. But yeah, Quantum Connect as long as we’re mentioning it. So, quantum Connect is just the way to demonstrate to the user that you’re always connected to your higher self. And you can play these little back and forth games and there’s no trance, there’s no closing in the eyes. There’s no visualizing and none of that none of that. You’re just not doing any of that you were just asking questions, and you answer and yeah.
So now if you flip quantum Kinect around, right, and you are not just the facilitator, but you’re now the medium, right, so now the client can ask you questions, and you’re basically quantum connecting yourself getting into the client.
Perfect. Yeah. There’s, you know, what I love about both quantum connect and BQH is they are limitless, and they don’t have any freaking rules. There’s nobody out there saying, well, you can’t do this. And you can’t do that. You can’t change this, and you can’t look at it this way. And you have to do it in this order. It’s like no, forget all that. Here’s a framework, play.
Have fun, what are you inspired to do with this? And people are going to town with that, and they are mixing all of this up as the creators they ought to be you know, to do that to see how they can assist themselves in their clients. Oh, Chrysilla you and your Scooby Doo van.
I will never forget it was the best time of my life. I wish I wish I could write that in the book, but it doesn’t there’s no space for it. But absolutely I just love that Scooby Doo that was the best.
I saw us connect together, I was like Chrysilla be my guinea pig that with a number of other people in anyway, Scooby Doo vann showed up it was like this just perfect. Just perfect. All right.
Thank you so much for your time.
I love you so much!
Love you too!
Till next time Chrysilla, see you again.
For those of you out there, are you a quantum healer of any kind? Are you an alternative energy practitioner of any kind? You know what you’re welcome to join us we are a guru free community that means we don’t tell you what to do what they can say anything. We don’t do any of that. We just share knowledge, wisdom and camaraderie on our support form. And we have a directory that goes out across the world to help you find clients and, and your tribe, right? Come see us. Thanks, everyone. Okay, bye for now.
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