Rainbow over ocean

Connecting with people who’ve crossed over in BQH sessions


It is not uncommon in BQH sessions for loved ones, who have passed-over, to participate in the client’ journey. Sometimes they appear just as the person knew them in life. A particular session springs to mind right now, in which the client’s grandfather was waiting for her on a bench over-looking the ocean. The woman radiated joy as she soaked up the opportunity to connect once again with her departed loved one. But I have also noted that sometimes when loved ones show up, they actually appear as they did in the prime of their life. For example, a client’s whose mother had spent the latter half of her life very ill, turned up in his session looking younger and healthier than he had ever known her in his lifetime. And then, just to up the strangeness factor, sometimes loved ones present in sessions, cloaked in a form that bears no relation to how they appeared in life.  For example, in one woman’s session a pelican appeared and began to interact with her. As they communed it gradually dawned on the client that the pelican was actually her best friend who had passed away several years before (there was a personal joke around why she chose the form of a pelican). Similarly, in a session earlier this month, a fairy with delicate wings and a beautiful flower crown presented in the woman’s session. Initially she said it reminded her of a fairy figurine she had gifted herself in honour of a friend who had passed. But as she interacted with the fairy, she realised that this playful creature who hovered around her was her friend.

What we know for sure about the quantum lens is that it opens us to an infinite field of awareness, rather than the limited, finite one we are accustomed to. Seen through the quantum lens there is not just one version of me or you, but infinite versions existing in infinite dimensions or timelines. The other thing that we know about the quantum field is that what we perceive is not objective, it is affected by the observer. 

Taking this inevitable subjectivity into account, it becomes somewhat easier to let go of the need for black or white answers. To me what is important and valuable in these types of sessions is the essence of the experience. Firstly, the fact that a loved one can present as a fairy, or pelican, and still be recognized demonstrates that it is the person’s essence, their energy, that really defines them. It doesn’t matter form the being takes, it is the essence that holds the key to their identity. Similarly, it is the essence of the experience that is important. Interacting with a loved one who has left the physical realm can elicit a powerful emotional response which ultimately brings them deep comfort and healing.

Look out for Part 2 where I intend to do a deeper dive into this

Christina Lavers (Dip Clinical Hypnotic Sciences), has been a BQH practitioner since the training program launched in 2018. Located in Upper Orara, NSW, Australia, she works with people from all over the world. She is devoted to assisting people to find and connect with their own creative magical current that flows deep within. “As more of us learn to live our life in alignment with our hearts, the more love will be flowing around the planet. Our world urgently needs more love!”

To discover more about Christina’s practice please visit her Website:  https://quantumflowhypnosis.com/

Anyone wanting to learn BQH please Click Here: https://quantumhealers.com/bqh/

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