Surrogate QH Sessions with Donna & Diana

Love in such a way that the person you love feels free. -Thich Nhat Hanh

Consultation Type: Online
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Varies. We schedule up to 6 Surrogate Sessions per week and conduct them within the week scheduled. Client does not attend the session. We send an audio recording of the session.
Payment Options: Credit Card/Debit Card
Languages: English

Address: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States.


Surrogate QH Sessions with Donna & Diana

Spiral Path Therapies


~ Member Since 2018

Donna and Diana are sisters who both trained under Dolores Cannon in QHHT, in BQH with Candace Craw-Goldman, and in other types of healing modalities. We each offer private QHHT and BQH sessions. If you would like a one-on-one session with either of us, or for more information about us, please visit for Diana and for Donna.

Our Professional Surrogate Quantum Healing sessions are for those who cannot undergo hypnosis for any reason (such as age, mental or medical conditions), or have been unable to connect to their Higher Self, Guides, other lifetimes, or have difficulty getting answers to their questions during a traditional QHHT or BQH session.

In a surrogate session, one of us goes into trance and connects to the client’s Higher Self or Guides for answers and to request healing (if appropriate). The other one facilitates the session. Please note; we believe all healing is self-healing. WE do not “heal” anyone, we simply connect to your team and get the information and answers you need to know how to proceed in life for your highest and best. Often the HS or Guides will do healing if it is appropriate at that time. There is usually work and changes needed in the client’s life, for the healing to manifest fully.

All surrogate sessions are booked and paid for online here

Clients are not present during the session. We email the audio recording for the client to listen to and experience.

We do not conduct sessions at the exact day/time they are scheduled. We conduct the session in the same week it is scheduled, working around our other jobs. The only reason we offer specific dates/times is because our booking site requires it.

After scheduling the session, the client emails us a recent photo, their intention for the session, and their questions. The intention is a one to two sentence summary of the questions asked. For example; “To receive guidance in my relationship and healing for my knee and heart issues.” The number of questions asked depends on the length of session booked.

Our professional surrogate sessions ($400) are typically up to 2 hours in trance and covers 7-8 questions. We ask many follow-up questions to fully explore and understand the answers to the questions and, if appropriate, how something can be changed or healed. Often the HS/Guides will show us another lifetime that is the root cause of the issue. Sometimes multiple lifetimes or current-life scenes are shown that are all contributing and each need healing. Another way to think of the questions is as different subjects. Healing inquiries should be separated according to the condition or body part affected.

Once we receive a booking notification and the photo/intention/questions, we email the client our standard waiver/disclaimer and some simple suggestions to prepare for their surrogate session for the best outcome. All communication is done by email unless a phone chat is needed.

Discounts are available on our booking site for our fellow Practitioners who have a profile on this Quantum Healers Directory.

Thank you for your interest. Many Blessings to you.


QHHT and BQH certified



Roxanne Reynolds

April 2024

I recently received a surrogate session with Donna and Diana, which was INCREDIBLE and life changing! I was in search of hypnosis to get to the bottom of a very serious health concern. I have tried hypnosis on my own and was not able to reach my higher self for answers. My multiple attempts for hypnosis started 3 years ago and I didn't know what to do when I couldn't be hypnotized. I am so happy that I found Donna and Diana here at this site and decided to have a surrogate session with them as I needed answers and I didn't have time or the money to wait for myself to connect to my HS. I felt so alone in the health issue journey and I also felt like my guide and HS wasn't there for me, which was NOT the case. I am so loved and really had no idea just how much until this life changing session.

The session was PACKED with answers and so much information the flow was amazing, my "team" had so much to say through the surrogate and there were some very unexpected guests that also arrived on scene to speak to me. I did receive a healing and an upgrade so that my body can heal on it's own. I could say so much about Donna and Diana and what they do, I swear that everyone needs to have a surrogate session. I have heard some people say a surrogate session is just not the same as when you do it yourself but I'm not so sure. I have watched a lot of hypnosis sessions and a lot of times there are long pauses between questions and answers, but that was not the case here there was so much information just flowing and flowing. Based on comparing the two, the flow is easier with someone who connects more and connects easier than I can connect.

I am so grateful for this type of hypnosis, it was a lifesaver for me! Also my HS complimented me at the way I was able to get the job done, they said they were so happy that I had this session. If you are on the fence about a surrogate session, you have come to the right place and contacted the right duo! Just DO IT! You will be glad you did. I too was on the fence and I am SO happy I just went with the surrogate session and stopped spinning my wheels waiting on my overthinking and analyzation to connect to my HS. This session has changed my life.


Frederic Lassiter Jr

September 2020

I have had 2 focused GH sessions with Donna and Diana and am amazed and grateful for the information and healing opportunities I received. If you want to get excellent connection with your Higher Self and guides, this is is the real deal.


Meha Mcfadden

January 2020

Dear Diane and Donna,

I have just listened to the recording and all I can say is I am very grateful. You both did a great job and were very thorough.

For the pass couple of days I felt that my spiritual team already showing me the guidance and hints prior to the session.
I saw a homeless person yesterday and gave him some money. When I looked into his eyes and I was amazed of how bright they look. His eyes gave me an impression that he was at peace and feeling joyful living his life. Something about his eyes that made an impression on me but I couldn't quite understand it. And listening to the session today about the life of the little boy who was a beggar, it all made sense to me.
Then this afternoon while I was working I had the urge to listen to a meditation for healing the root chakra.
And then in the past couple of days, I have been taking salt bath with essential oils that the HS mentioned in the session.

I really resonated with a lot of things that the HS pointing out. It felt like I already knew the answers deep within me and I just needed some validation. Every thing makes more sense now.
The session was very funny, colorful, and full of information that were spot on. It made me laugh but then at the end it made me cry because of your beautiful song. I felt the love. Thank you.
I will continue to listen to the recording and follow through with the guidance and I will keep you two update on my progress.

I feel for the first time I finally get some specific answers to my questions and the healing from HS and Guides. I have tried to do this many times before but either I couldn't connect with the HS or I was getting some vague information from other people. I am thrilled and would love to have this done again in the near future for my other questions that I still have on my list.

If I could rate this session, it would be a five star. I highly recommend this to anyone.

Love and light,



Grateful client

November 2019

I recently had a surrogate session with Donna & Diana to address a health concern. Besides getting a very comprehensive answer and healing for the issue, the session infinitely empowered me on my path and changed the way I see myself and make choices. That was an unexpected bonus! :)

With the health challenge, I have previously tried to get to the bottom of it and resolve it both by myself and with the help of other practitioners, and it looks like all of us missed the mark. If you suspect that your issue may have complex causes behind it, you can trust these clear channels for spirit, Donna & Diana, to help you find the answers and do it with much wisdom, clarity, and compassion.



May 2019

I had a surrogate session done for my by Donna and Diana. Following their instructions I listened to it a day they had sent the recording. Just listening to the recording was amazing. I could feel the energy flowing through my body and my legs and arms moved a little through that healing process. The recording was packed with wisdom and knowledge and I have listened to it many times now to learn and grow spiritually. Finally, Donna and Diana are masters in their work and does it with so much love. Love to you Diana and Donns



May 2019

I highly recommend a session with this beautiful souls and sisters!
I am myself a hypnos practitioner and i had a surrogate session with a lot of healing and information.
They are a very clear channel for source and make sure you have a amazing session!
Thank you Diana and Donna!
Much love from Magnus in Sweden!


Y. N.

May 2019

Donna and Diana did a surrogate session for my husband, a very "3D person" who doesn't believe in things he cannot see and touch. :)

I had been concerned about the possibility of him being affected by negative influences such as entities, and also about his extreme inability to access his heart and emotions. I wanted to see if it was possible for him to get out of his mind-only comfort zone and accomplish some personal growth in this life. However, I knew there was no way to convince him to participate in a Quantum Healing session himself, or in anything spiritual for that matter, so getting him a surrogate Quantum Healing session seemed like the only solution.

I "sold" him on the idea of a surrogate session using the possibility of healing of physical pain. :) (Take notes, wives, hehe!) However, he allowed me to also ask more questions on his behalf, such as how to access the heart etc.

Well, his session was nothing like what we'd expected... There turned out to be a VERY unique and fascinating soul evolution story behind this man, and breaking through that wall of his comfort zone was actually a crucial step in his soul's journey. I finally understand what this person is even working on in this life and what role I'm playing for him.

The session was so entertaining and so full of universal wisdom that can benefit many, I really enjoyed it and learned a lot from it myself!

The first time my husband listened to the recording, he rejected the idea of there being a Higher Self or past lives, but thought he had received "very good advice from the practitioners". :) Nothing changed in him, and he didn't take any new action, so initially I decided that this effort didn't work at all.

However, after some time we had another long conversation about his session, and he was finally able to accept his main life lesson/challenge and to see the benefit in making efforts to break through his fear and blocks, as his Higher Self had suggested.

Believe it or not, since then, he's been listening to parts of his session every day to understand and process it better, and has been making an effort to open up and be present throughout the day using some practices I suggested. He has reported that as a result of this new practice, his mind and the reality around him feel more "vibrant", or lively. To me, he seems much more positive and present, less withdrawn and less aggressive than usual, definitely a big shift! We're also working on making changes in our relationship using information from the session. I'm very curious to see where this effort leads him and us both!

(I'm writing all these details in case one day it might help someone else who wants a session for their resistant / non-spiritual family member and then has to help them integrate their session.)

I don't think we would have gained this clarity around my husband's life path, nor would a change like this have been possible for him if it hadn't been for this surrogate session. I am so thankful for this beautiful service that Donna and Diana provide to those who aren't able or willing to have a session themselves! Much love and deep gratitude to you both.


J. S.

May 2019

I had a session with Donna and Diana after several attempts at QHHT, BQH and other similar modalities, and not being able to bring through any helpful information/answers from my Higher Self. (We now know that the connection to my Higher Self was severely blocked by negative technology and disruptions in my energy field).

With the help of these wonderful sisters-practitioners, I finally received answers to all my big burning questions. I could absolutely trust the answers because these ladies knew nothing about me prior to the session, so the information couldn't have been distorted by any preconceived ideas.

I was very impressed by the ease and clarity with which Diana as a surrogate was able to bring through information. It's as if she's been doing this work her whole life and it was a piece of cake for her. :) I also appreciated the fact that she was apparently able to maintain her normal awareness throughout the process and to make comments as herself in between channeling information from my Higher Self and Guides - in order to help us understand better what was being shown to her. I cannot imagine a more skillful surrogate!

I also received information about the root causes of my health issue and a profound healing. It made a difference in my condition almost immediately, to the point that I've now almost forgotten about the issue that I'd had grave concerns about just recently. It feels like every time I listen to the recording, I receive more healing. This session has been a true life saver, and has probably saved me from some invasive and risky medical interventions.

It was also interesting that the session happened to validate and put into a cohesive picture the many different pieces of information I had previously received in meditations, dreamtime "downloads" and so on, even though those things weren't on my list of questions for the session. I thought it was so cool to get that validation!

When I was listening to the session recording for the first time, I felt very strong energies coming in and shaking my body, the same exact experience I have when I'm a client in a real-time Quantum Healing session. After having that intense experience and watching my physical issue heal and go away, I have no doubt in the realness and effectiveness of surrogate sessions done without my participation a few time zones away!

I'm forever grateful for this experience.



May 2019

Donna and Diana are an incredible duo. They were able to really tap into the quantum field to do a surrogate session. This takes huge pressure off of you to get into a hypnosis state. The results were amazing and I recommend these beautiful souls for anyone considering a surrogate session.


Cheryl L Wheeler

May 2019

How amazing, insightful and healing was my session! I listen to the session recording several times each time recognizing something new. I can't wait to do it again, having a surrogate session was so personally enlightning. The information that I received confirmed that I am on the right path, it also provided information on how to move forward with my life's purpose. Donna and Diane Have the most sincere empathetic nature, they are perfectly suited in working together and sharing their gifts with the world. Cheryl



May 2019

I am a QHHT Practitioner and received a Surrogate session from Donna and Diana and was blown away by the clarity, accuracy and resonance of the session. The team work was like being ushered between the same person's two hands as we explored the past, the realm of my guides and looked at health issues and their cause. The loving environment they provided during the session and the warmth of their care was a first for me in this modality and an all time high - I cried, smiled and felt coddled. Very pleased and honored to have worked with such wonderful guides and loving practitioners.


Diana Murdock

May 2019

I have always had a difficult time going into trance, so the exploration of my past lives, future lives and being in touch with my guides has been a challenge. Donna and Diana, though their surrogate session, were able to reach my Higher Self and answer many questions that I had and a whole lot more. What an experience it was to be on the outside looking in and to hear my HS respond to my questions. I've listened to the recording twice and I think I will listen to it again as there was a lot to take in. I'm so grateful to have taken this opportunity. Thank you, Donna and Diana!



May 2019




Quick Intro to Professional Surrogate Quantum Healing Sessions

Sisters and Quantum Healing Practitioners, Donna and Diana give a brief introduction to the Professional Surrogate Quantum Healing Sessions they offer. To schedule a professional surrogate session with us, please click here.

How a Professional Surrogate QH Session works

Sisters and Quantum Healing Practitioners, Donna and Diana explain how they connect the surrogate to a client's Higher Self and past life information. And how to book a surrogate session with them. To schedule a professional surrogate session with us, please click here.

What's it like to receive a Surrogate QH Session?

Donna and Diana share, in the words of 8 clients, what it feels like to receive a Surrogate Quantum Healing Session. The client is not present during the actual session. Instead, Donna and Diana connect to the client's Higher Self and use the client's intention as an overall guide, asking the client's questions and working with the client's HS/SC and Guides or even calling in "Specialists" to heal and resolve the client's health concerns. An audio recording is then emailed to the client so they can experience the session and integrate the information and healing. To book a Surrogate Session with us please click here.

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