Tarot card with dragon and man standin beside a tree

Shadow Work and BQH


One of the reasons people are drawn to BQH is for its ability to put us in touch with our higher-self and other more celestial or galactic aspects. While this work can be transformational in its ability to allow us to understand our divinity, and multidimensionality potential, it is also important that we uncover and heal the wounded aspects of us that hide in the subconscious. These hidden aspects operating beneath the surface, hold a lot of power. Self-sabotage, internal blocks, low self-worth, and underlying anxiety are just some of the many ways these hidden aspects can affect us.

Shadow work is the process of recovering these lost forgotten aspects so that they can be reconnected to the heart and reintegrated to the self.

These aspects, that we did not have the capacity to process, to understand, or to cope with in the past, are disconnected, and lost within the vast darkness of our unconscious. Shadow work is the process of bringing these abandoned, rejected, forgotten aspects back into the light of awareness, to be healed.

The good news is that BQH is just as effective in assisting us to uncover the wounded parts of us as it is at revealing our divinity. While the idea of meeting our distressed, unhealed aspects might seem a lot less appealing than engaging with our high galactic expressions, it is through uncovering and working with these ‘less desirable’ parts that we create solidity and harmony within. When we meet these parts of us with love and acceptance, rather than condemnation, we transform internal dynamics.  As these wounded parts of us heal, they move into alignment with self, their negative influence wanes, and their gifts come to the forefront.

There are infinite ways a shadow aspect can present in a session. But what I love about BQH is that it creates a safe container, which is overseen by our guides and soul family and aligned with our hearts, so we know that what presents will be exactly what we are ready to heal.

The BQH container allows us to meet with, and understand, our shadow parts in a way that won’t frighten, or overwhelm us. As I often point out, when fear is present, we contract, and energy doesn’t move; whereas when we feel safe enough to relax and expand into an experience, energy becomes less restricted, and can begin to finally shift, creating profound healing.

 Sometimes our shadows can be presented in ways that are playful, and even funny. One client met with a herd of elephants on her journey. Each elephant had a distinctive colour, personality and way of fitting into the group. Presented in this light-hearted manner, even the most wounded aspects can be explored and understood without flooding the inner system with fear.

By reconnecting with love and acceptance to our shadows parts, we move from fragmented, partially conscious beings, towards unified, cohesive versions of ourselves. The more we have taken the time to get curious, to step up, in terms of personal responsibility for our inner worlds, the more we can cultivate harmonious, heart-led internal foundations that allow us to move successfully through the world.

Christina Lavers (Dip Clinical Hypnotic Sciences), has been a BQH practitioner since the training program launched in 2018. Located in Upper Orara, NSW, Australia, she works with people from all over the world. She is devoted to assisting people to find and connect with their own creative magical current that flows deep within. “As more of us learn to live our life in alignment with our hearts, the more love will be flowing around the planet. Our world urgently needs more love!”

To discover more about Christina’s practice please visit her Website:  https://quantumflowhypnosis.com/

Anyone wanting to learn BQH please Click Here: https://quantumhealers.com/bqh/

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