Do you have to be spiritual to do BQH?

Do you have to be spiritual to do BQH?

By Christina Lavers A lot of people who are drawn to Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) are spiritual in nature. The most common... Read more »

Male Healer Working On Shoulder Area Soft Blur

I Didn’t Know What I Knew

By Malka Ahern In Israel, the Jewish Sabbath is a main event. Starting Friday at sunset and running through Saturday night,... Read more »

Estimado Cliente del Hemisferio Izquierdo

No es tu culpa. De verdad. Has sido programado desde tu nacimiento para usar principalmente la mitad de la función... Read more »

Light In The Shadows

Light in the Shadows

By Christina Lavers  Most of us learn to see ourselves as a single entity. However, the more we explore the... Read more »

A Mindscape Journey

A Mindscape Journey

By Bahar Nagi The following is a story for energy practitioners about how a young client was helped though a process... Read more »

Living Your Poetry

Living Your Poetry, A Divine Healing Message

Right now, in this very moment, I am sitting in the front living room of the A-frame cabin where my... Read more »

Bqh Why Online Sessions Work So Well

BQH – Why Online sessions work so well

Christina Lavers is a BQH practitioner, located in Upper Orara, NSW, Australia. She is devoted to assisting people find and connect... Read more »

Je ne peux pas être hypnotisé(e)… et autres mythes sur l’hypnose

Je n’ai jamais été hypnotisé(e), j’ai peur de ne pas pouvoir être hypnotisé(e). En fait, vous passez probablement une bonne... Read more »

Neuf manières de se préparer pour une séance de soin quantique, BQH ou QHHT®

1. Les intentions comptent. Énormément. Quelle est votre intention pour cette séance ? Il pourrait être utile de sortir un stylo... Read more »

Hand In Hand (Part 3 of 3)

Hand In Hand (Part 3 of 3)

Part 3 of 3 (click HERE to read part 1 – HERE for Part 2) The following is the final... Read more »

Cher client cerveau gauche

Ce n'est pas de votre faute. Vraiment. Vous avez été programmé(e) depuis votre plus tendre enfance afin que vous n’utilisiez... Read more »

Caro Cliente Ultra Racional

Não é sua culpa. De verdade.   Você foi programado desde o nascimento para usar primordialmente só metade das funções naturais... Read more »

Nove Formas de se Preparar para uma sessão de Cura Quântica, BQH e QHHT

(Além da Cura Quântica e Técnica de Hipnose de Cura Quântica, respectivamente, no original em inglês) 1. A intenção faz diferença. E... Read more »

Eu Não Posso Ser Hipnotizado… e Outros Mitos sobre Hipnose

Eu nunca fui hipnotizado, e creio que não posso ser hipnotizado.  Você provavelmente passa uma boa parte do seu dia... Read more »

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