David Manning Sunlight On Water

David Manning: Sunlight on Water

Alternative Healing ,Blogs

Catching up with my good friend David Manning. We talk a lot about water and the sun, and the energies we’ve been noticing. David had a swim and experience in Loch Ness. Just a casual conversation between friends, shared with you all.



What I think water is teaching us basically is that the whole of reality isn’t, isn’t solid. You know, we think of water as a particular state, but it I think it’s reminding us that we could look at everything as being as fluid as water


Good morning, my dear friend, David Manning. Hi!


Candace It’s been such a long time since we’ve got together and talked. And I was really delighted when you sent me this invitation. So today, it’s yeah, it’s lovely. It’s lovely. Lovely to see.


You know, what I love, love love is that I’m sporting a farmer’s tan here from my tractor and horse time and look at you, you’ve got you’ve gotten kissed by the sun too.


I’ve just we, the summer has been a long time coming. And it’s only just kicked in, literally in the past few days. But I live, you know, on the coast, and I’ve just been for a long swim. Now the tide is high and the water is starting to warm up. And, of course, jellyfish are coming immediately. Which is a real disappointment. But yeah, we’ve had a few days of nice weather. So you can see my nose is a bit pink, I think.


I think it looks fantastic. I think I think that one of the biggest crimes of the last, what century is this incredible idea that it’s been foisted upon humanity about staying out of the sun. Yeah, and I understand there’s things like melanoma and skin things, I get it, Dad had one taken off his nose or the top of his head at some point many years ago, I understand the danger in that. But the overall benefit from being in the sun, not the vitamin D and all the other things simply just being away from.


It’s extraordinary, just, and the sun has always been a really important part of my life. But in the past few years, it’s, it’s really come in. And so I have this, what I would term a personal relationship with the sun. And I know that’s possible for all of us. That’s how it’s meant to be. And it’s a simple thing to organize, you just connect heart to heart with the sun, and listen, then you recognize that all of the rays of light that you are receiving are filled with personal information that your field will decode for you. You know, it’s it’s extraordinary. And those times like the solstice we’ve just been through, which already seems like it was years ago, even though it was a huge thing in its own right, it feels like oh my god, yeah, we have the solstice. Normally, that would be a, you know, a whole two week of integration. And now it’s just gone. It’s because there’s so much going on. But it was a beautiful, beautiful influx of of light and codes and guidance for the next few months. And I think that’s what what those solstice and equinox points really represent is it is like a reset moment where the sun just sends out a stream of information for the next three months until the next point, which will be the autumn, when that will their September equinox. And I think it’s a really useful time to just orient ourselves and receive that stream of light that information. I think our ancestors used to do it and we’re coming back to that. And yeah, I think it’s a really important reset that the whole planet gets you know. And that’s why so many Oops, I’m sorry. That’s why so many of those what you call the monuments and Stonehenge, they but they were all arranged. Sorry, my phone is not within reach, but I would switch it off if it yeah, here. Yeah, here it it’s fine. That’s great. That’s great. Yeah, so all of those monuments and stuff were arranged for the solstices and equinoxes to catch and amplify those energies. And we, we are to in effect our system orients itself, because we’re part of the living field of this solar system. And it’s, it’s amazing, it’s beautiful.


You’ve already given me some I’ve already written down five things that you’ve said that I want to talk about. already. We’ve been talking three minutes. So the first thing jellyfish have a jellyfish thing I want to talk to you about that at all, all of these five things tie in together, um I actually say this to my community, and sometimes in my own sort of talking on social media or in videos with other people or even alone, you have been such a wonderful, well, friend, but also a very inspiring influence for me and my energy work over the years. And, and I always I talk to my clients all the time about your stuff. And but one of the things you did with me once, which was just like an aha moment, and it was so amazing was you and I were getting together for something. And you asked me how I was. And the first thing I said was, you know, I’m great. I had this really interesting dream last night. And I started to tell you about it. And the dream was, I don’t even fully remember the entire dream. But I remember beginning to describe it. And I remember saying that I only had a piece of it. And I said, and you said, Well, what, what do you remember? And I said, Well, I was on the beach, and the sun was shining. But when it was the rays were coming down, they weren’t regular light rays, they were little bits of it almost look like disco ball mirror, little bits of things coming down like that. And you did this thing, David, and it was magical. You did this thing. You said, Let’s go into your dream right now. And I was sort of like, in my first thought was, well, wait a second, we’re sitting here talking, and how can I do? And you just put that idea and you just like, with a platter, put it right into my head? Do you know what, David how many times I’ve done that now with my own clients? Let’s go into your dream right now. And it’s the same reaction. They’re like, Well, wait a second, I’m not sleeping. It’s like, I have to think about this. How do you do that to be tonight, when I go to bed? I’m like, No, let’s go in there right now. And, and how magical that has been. Even for people who had been searching and doing this kind of stuff for a while. Just that little permission slip has been so fantastic in my life and in, by extension, the lives of my clients.


Oh, that’s amazing, isn’t it. And it’s such a simple thing. I don’t know, who told me that, but I think somebody did guide me into that process, or will just choose a really amazing or a bright image from your dream, and connect with it and just go back there. And then you can start to communicate all of the different aspects of the dream, because it’s all new. And it’s the same if you have a vision, and all of these things are operating in the same dimension. And you can just go back in at any point and connect because they’re their living fields of energy, all of these things and are full of information and they actually want us to, you know, we have I think it’s useful to get over the idea that the mystery means these things want to keep us locked out of the secrets. And they don’t they want us that they’re dropping us clues and saying here come this way, come this way, listen to us, they want us to to understand they want us to decode what what is on offer. And it’s not, it’s not difficult, it just takes a little bit of willingness and imagination. And sometimes you have to use your will to, to push a bit into those places in your psyche or in your body sometimes where if something is feeling locked, or tight or painful, you can push your way in there a bit and not barge your way in, but just gently sort of insistently push, and things will just open up, you know, because we are meant to decode all of this information. It’s not, it’s not hidden from us, it just is a little veiled. And we have to be willing to make the effort you know, and that that dream stuff I think is marvelous. I’m always intrigued because you dream so powerfully, and I’m not a dreamer. In that sense, you know, most of my most of my my nights, I’m aware I’ve dreamt, but I don’t retain the dreams. Occasionally, I have a dream that is, you know, bright and vivid. And usually just before I wake up, and I know that’s information for me, but usually they’re sort of they’re gone. And I think maybe because I’m fairly good at accessing a lot of information in in the waking state that I don’t, but I always think I’m missing a trick here that I should pay more attention and I do that thing. I go to bed with a notebook intending to take notes.


it’s hard, isn’t it?


You know, your dreams, you’re a dream specialist.


Well, I go through phases myself, really I go through phases where they’re all right there. And then I go through phases where it’s like, wow, they’re kind of gone right now me, you know, it’s kind of like the weather.


Are you still dreaming of water?


Oh my gosh, yes. And that’s one of the things I’m writing down too. Yes, ever since. And I believe, you know, at first I, I didn’t, but I think I picked a day, and it was the 25th of April. And every single day, since then, I’ve been dreaming about water. And then one of the things because that was the run up to our, excuse me, our live immersion event, which, of course, you know, that’s so much about water too, you know, the immersing of it. And we were right next to a lake. And a lot of it had to do with information and in connecting with you with the expanded realms where parts of us are, of course.

And one of the things we had a tandem session, and Dolores came through, and Dolores Cannon. And it was fascinating, because right outside the sliding glass door where we were was a view of the lake. And you know what she talked about? She was talking about how to amplify really anything but amplify communication, understanding or healing or energies, you know, just the amplification. And so she was talking about in the general sense, like the amplification of this kind of stuff that’s happening on the planet right now. But then she was as practical as she always is, she was bringing forth this idea of how do you access that? You know, and how can you all access that? And she basically said, look out the window. Do you see the sun? Do you see the sun on the water, and it was all about that shimmer that sparkle. And look how that’s like the dream and you know, you’re by the sea and I’m you know, ever all the water, the water is just so so important about that. But you know, the idea of even remembering, there’s nothing more brilliant. And particularly, you know, I spent many, many summers in the Texas Gulf Coast with my, mostly my dad and my brother and my husband decades until that chapter kind of came to a close, but that there’s no more brilliant light on the planet than the light that glints off of the ocean like that. And there’s something so concentrated about that, and just your memory of it, your memory of it. And then that brings me to jelly fish after you, if there’s anything you want to say about that, because the jelly fish is huge. I have something to say about that.


Oh, well good, maybe. Because that light on the water, I mean, it’s I spent a lot of time looking at that light on the water in different times of day. And you know, Moonlight is a day you know, when there’s a full moon and full moon and a high tide and I’m just sitting on the beach. It’s, it’s like liquid fire, that light playing on the water and it’s just utterly mesmerizing, it really is. There’s something so perfect about it. And normally it’s windy here because I’m on the coast and we’ve got this little period of a few days where there isn’t many and much wind and that doesn’t happen often. So, the sea gets very very calm and that changes everything because it has this mirror light quality I mean it’s just breathtaking but really you do get a double whammy because you get the light of the sun and then it’s reflected off the water and all of the the sand and the stones and everything you get this really concentrated field of light and energy that is is extraordinarily vibrant, you know, it’s really, really vibrant. And yeah, and I’m constantly amazed and delighted to be living by the sea. And I think there is there’s there was that study done about longevity and happiness. And the two places that were found to be most beneficial for your state of mind and state of health were either living by the sea or living in the mountains. And I’m definitely, I was born you know, close to the coast and the sea called me back this time and sometimes I’m sitting here on my my home I have an apartment, which is up a hill from the beach, but we’re not even 100 yards back from on the coast and sometimes meditating in the evening the energy of the sea just washes into the space and and bathes me and it’s extraordinary and I now and connected and working with an amazing woman who lives quite locally called Joe Hemant. And we connected probably six months ago or just at towards the end of last year, and I had no idea she lived just up the road really 30 miles away and and then we met in person the day before the equinox and chatted and realized that we’d em so we’ve, we, we hang out much more. And we’ve just been on an amazing journey up to Scotland, which involved a lot of water again. But she that’s her specialty in essence, that’s her focus is the waters and she’s over at a sacred spin couple of miles from here, right now. And, and so it’s become a much bigger part of my life, in a sense, water and the awareness of water. And I think it’s becoming more important for everybody. I think there’s more scientific information, merging about the nature of water. And our community has been aware for a long time that it holds memory, it holds huge amounts of information, but But I think now science is catching up with the esoteric properties of water in a sense.


Yeah, they’re catching up with us. The way, I like to think about that. One of those longevity studies, I think you mentioned I had some of the people with the healthy long lives in Okinawa, and in that Japanese island of Okinawa, and which I find just extraordinary in, in a lot of ways. So I live there is a child. And this is this is where this jellyfish thing happened. So I’ve been reaching into some of my, with some writing that I’m doing, and have been doing on and off for many years, actually. But this idea of consciousness and what I’m remembering as a child and what, what’s a dream? And what’s a memory? You know, is that is that really my memory? Or is it the memory that I was told this story that happened to me and I have been tearing apart some of those, especially the some of the bigger moments, examining looking into them a little more deeply. And one of the, the things I was talking about was that I thought I’d had my first real memorable out of body experience when I was 11. But really meditating on it and understanding it and delving into it. What I realized is that, uh, no, I always kind of thought that that was it, it was very powerful and memorable. I had a fever and but it made me think of another memory to, to study and contemplate, and this was, I was sitting on a beach in Okinawa with my father and I was very, very small. Nobody remembers how small I was, but I was somewhere around two, almost certainly less than two. So I’m just on the beaches, just a very small little toddler with my dad near the, the water in the white sand of Okinawa is supposed to be really beautiful, especially some of the you know, the more the more lovely beaches and it was just a lovely day to be out there I suppose. And then the waves were washing up to our feet and then as the ocean sometimes does, it brings up a wave that’s a little bigger than than the previous few that have washed ashore. And so one of those came up and went up all over us not in a dangerous way for you no breathing or anything but this wave brought a Portuguese man of war with it. And it was a huge one with really an as I’m saying this I’m getting a huge tone in my ear. I had this thing deposited itself on me and it landed here and the tentacles went across my back. It went down cross my heart over my abdomen down around my legs. And if you know jellyfish and I know you know jellyfish, just the tiniest little bit of a jellyfish on you is outrageously painful and burning and stinging and I had a majority of my skin as a small, I was a baby wrapped up in Portuguese man of war. And when when the story was referred to by my family, I always thought that, you know, it was my dad’s story, because I kind of saw it from a from outside, right. And so I thought, you know, I’m, this is my dad’s memory that I’m bringing up. No, I left my body to survive. It was so traumatic I shot out of my body. And I watched the whole thing and I watched him carry me and run with me to like a little, little first aid station where this little Japanese man ran and got seawater and was made in that interesting too, you know, got it ran and got a bucket, you don’t use freshwater use seawater, but what I’m understanding now so much, is that combination of that electric searing pain, with the sun with the water across my heart, it was like this, this electrical energetic initiation to into being human that has followed me my whole life.

David, I had scars, even I remember as a child, from my shoulder down to my hip. It was like this big patch on my body that didn’t tan like the rest of it. And it just kind of shrunk, shrunk, shrunk. And even I remember when I got married, I still had like, I had maybe like a potato slice benefit right here, I remember thinking that that it’s lasted that long, it’s actually finally gone. Now now that I’m in my 60s. But so much of this, I realize now that I’m able to reach back and think about the water, and sun and energetic connection of that. And something about those jellyfish, I think can offer less traumatic versions, let’s say, of amplification,


When you were talking about that, I understood that it was completely an initiator process for you and one that helped in a sense to keep those doorways open to stop them closing down because and sometimes we need a or the way things are arranged on this planet, we have traumatic experiences that that work in that way, you know, because we’re not whatever, we haven’t worked out how to do it in other ways. Yet, but we will get back to that with will children are trained to keep that, you know, those doorways open without needing to be shocked out of their body. But for a lot of us that’s how it happens, isn’t it so? And I mean, some of these jellyfish are extraordinary, extraordinarily beautiful. I don’t even think a Portuguese man of war is actually classified as a jellyfish. It’s, it’s something else. But they are certainly other worldly inhabitants of this planet aren’t they? They come in from other dimensions, the same results. Well, I mean, in effect, we all are, but but those are very much backed. And yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s an interesting thing. And they extraordinarily beautiful patterns in their bodies, when you look at them, they say, Oh my God, and they just floating and the trouble here is that there are a lot more of them now than they used to because the waters are getting warmer. And so they’re showing up earlier and it does make you think about you know, it puts you on edge when you’re swimming because because you just don’t want to be stung. And that’s that and the ones here aren’t the two primary types. One is a creamy white one, the others are purple ones. I think the purple one is it is a more intense thing than the the white one. But what is easy to notice is that your personal response and the level of cortisol you have in your system really really amplifies the pain. So, if you can remain calm when you have a sting without or you know when you see a jellyfish in the water, it’s like. Our chemical basis the chemicals in our system, magnify the experience or not. In whatever way we want to do that. And it’s it’s really, really the same with allergic reactions and I guess a sting is like an allergic reaction, isn’t it? The more anxiety and cortisol and adrenaline that is present, the bigger the response is going to be. And so it’s, it’s it’s an interesting learning watching, watching that, because the people that seem to be, oh, you know, in a bid end up with the biggest the biggest swellings and the biggest, painful response to, to, to what is going on. So I think that’s, I think that’s just a really clear learning in a sense, you know that you get to see that very, it’s very much in your face. So well.


I’d love to know more about some of your consciousness forays, with water, some of those discoveries. So what what might be unique about that, of course, you know, Veda Austin’s work is very much on my radar, as well.


What I think water is teaching it basically is that the whole of reality isn’t, isn’t solid, you know, we think of water as a particular state. But it I think it’s reminding us that we could look at everything, as being as fluid as water as holding memory, because all of the energy that we project into a piece of furniture or a piece of clothing, or a home that we live in, stays and is readable and experienceable, you know, by anybody that enters into the right state, you know, with those with those objects, or whatever. And it’s like, physical reality isn’t nearly as physical as we think it is. And I think that’s what, so we’re starting with water, really recognizing that actually, it’s consciousness itself. And soon collectively, we’ll be recognizing, oh, everything is consciousness itself, and can be interacted with and permeated, and no doubt, we will be moving back into those states, you know, collectively now on a large scale, where we can shift patterns and things that are apparently solid, will, we’ll be able to, to, to move them and alter them much, much more easily through our focused attention. And I think that’s what water is, is really pushing us towards is, is that, you know, it’s the step, the first step that we we, we become aware of that, and, you know, we are full of water we are, I don’t know what the statistic 80% water or something like that. So it’s, we start with that understanding in our own system, where we recognize actually, nothing here is as dense as it feels, and we can penetrate all of that seeming density with our awareness be present within it, shift realities, whether those are patterns of disease, or patterns of belief, or all, we recognize that they’re all in effect the same, and there’s no, there’s no order of difficulty. And I think that’s what we’re coming back to, and water is training us in that I think, you know,


And we love to use the word flow, right. And we always talk about flowing when we talk about consciousness. You know, yes, I think it’s 70 to 80% water, but one of the things that I’ve been understanding and realizing is just how little sometimes our science community becomes aware of something so I was listening to somebody talk about the actual makeup of our muscles and our fascia, and how our fascia is, it is really primarily liquid and every bit of fiber in our muscles is coated with water. So we think of muscle is like the solid thing, but every single tiny thread of every muscle has a shaft of water around it. And so and massage therapists will know this too, that sometimes when you touch certain parts of the body memories are are either released or sometimes remembered. Sometimes reexperienced sometimes, of course discovered or, you know, brought up when they’ve they’ve been hidden, hidden for a while but um, you know, I don’t know if you follow Veda’s work closely enough, but she actually does this thing which I just, it’s so astonishing to have people on the planet who do things like this, but she’s figured out she uses her little petri dishes to make the crystallography images. She knows sometimes she puts them, she puts a little dish of water by her bedside and her dreams go into the water


I saw that on Facebook just the other day, the dream imprints. Yes, I think it’s like so because she’s developed such a relationship with that now, yes, whatever she’s even thinking about is going to imprint itself, because she’s really, and I think that in mind that that’s her specialty now. And if somebody else wanted to replicate that they might have to try, you know, focus on that a little bit. But it is all, it is all available to us. And it’s useful. This is what I’m learning from Joe Hemant, it’s useful to know what your element of specialty is, whether that be fire or earth, or water or ether, or, you know, there’s going to be probably one major one that your system really resonates with, and it’s going to be easier for you to interact and communicate with. So, yeah, that’s also an interesting thing. But I think water is on the agenda for everybody now, isn’t it? So? So? So yeah, it’s fascinating. We, me, and Joe just did this journey to Scotland. And we, this is a really small country, this United Kingdom compared the I think that it would fit into Texas six times, you know, the whole of the UK. And so it’s small in those terms. But it’s still 800 miles from the south coast to the top of the north coast of Scotland. And we drove that. And back again, over the course of the week, there’s a big line of energy that runs from north to south, and we followed that line of energy. And we stopped at various places, and can’t say we did much ceremony, but we just sat and meditated, and we’re with the energies. And by the time we got to Scotland, to this north coast, where that and it’s not a line of energy, it’s two lines of energy, like a masculine polarity, polarized stream of energy and feminine polarized stream of energy, and where those two different streams meet and crossover one another, there tends to be a big well a place that has been made significant, a place of worship, or ritual or ceremony, from our ancestors, stone circles, wells, all sorts of sacred sites, and but were they the two lines crossover are the bigger, the bigger sacred sites. And by the time we got to the north coast of Scotland, I was feeling really deeply immersed in these streams of energy. And although they don’t run down the beach, into the sea, they run along the head land, which is, you know, a couple of miles long, through the, the old ruin churchyard, along the headland and into the sea. There, but I was walking, I was wanting to swim, and it was a glorious evening. And the sun wasn’t setting because we were in the north of the country, it wasn’t setting until about half past 10. So it was it was amazing. And I was just walking towards the sun into the sea. And it felt like these lines of energy had joined in my body and were propelling me into the sea. It was the most surreal experience. And I also felt that my body had become quite vast that I had become a solar being and I was being carried by the streams of and were how I experienced that I was experiencing these streams of energy as liquid flowing through me. So I think at this level, we’re like you say everything is flow. And that’s what that’s what life is. That’s what abundance is, you know, it’s flow. It’s not having vast amounts that you hold on to, it’s recognizing the universe knows no limits and knows no lack and will continue to flow through you, whatever it is. We need if we’re open to that as a possibility, you know, but we our mindsets are. We’re still encased and encumbered with it with a belief in lack for you know, for the most part of humanity because again, that’s been a strong training on this planet for a long time. And we’re starting to to break free of it, I think but yeah, the universe knows no lack. And when we relate to it at that level, then we are part of the endless flow. That is life. And it’s an It’s extraordinary. And I think, this we thought of this as a pilgrimage, this journey to Scotland. And it was because it’s, I think a pilgrimage is a holy journey. And it became that for us, but I think it’s a really useful thing to do to, to go on a holy journey where you give yourself and your your body and your time and your attention to, to the other realms for a period of time, you know, so that they can, they can take you deep. And that’s,  and that’s beautiful. And I think more and more, it’s interesting, this this line of energy, it’s called the belinus line, the spine of Albion, Albion is the ancient term for for this country. So it runs up the spine of, of this country. And there’s another big line of energy that runs along the southeast coast coast called the Michael Ameri line, which a lot of people have.


yes, I’ve been on that one.


So the two of those meet at a point, which is a beautiful, beautiful point. Called the town of uffington, and there’s a big white dragon emblazoned across the hill, it’s been there for 1000s of years, probably carved into the chalk. And I think more and more people are becoming aware of these big lines of energy, because they’re, they’re fundamental to life in itself, you know, they fertilize and they fertilize the land, they keep the land, fertile. That’s the only word for it, in a sense, they, they. And our ancestors knew them and understood them, and would build monuments and create rituals and walk these lines of energy as a way of being in harmony with the planet of receiving guidance, because these lines, and the places where they meet are powerful places to receive guidance and insight and intuition. And it’s been my experience that some of the biggest healings I’ve had have been directly from the earth through these lines of energy. So it’s, it’s, you know, that’s free, then you don’t have to pay anybody for it, right? It’s amazing. And it helps us to, to remember our connectedness and to fall in love with this, with this planet with this life. Because often, for me, I wasn’t in love with life, I wasn’t in love with the body, I wasn’t in love with being here. And it’s taken a long time to, to really appreciate what this opportunity is, and, and to really give myself to life, you know, so and the earth and being, in a sense, seduced by the Earth by these, these I’ve done lots of them now, you know, and they always take me are profound and beautiful and remarkable, in very simple ways, often, right. But, but but lovely. So I would recommend, and I think a lot of people are starting to map these lines of energy in in various territories or countries. And so I’m sure that’s happening in the US as well. So look out for those because it’s great to walk, or to be present on these lines of energy and to make a bit of a journey, because the Earth really appreciates that too the line of energy is they had streams of consciousness, they will interact with.


Absolutely, yeah. And your proximity to them, you know, when you were talking about walking in towards the ocean, and I imagine a lot of people doing that. And you know, it wonderful when the sun is on the water. That sparkle line is it’s straight to you  it doesn’t matter how many of you are going towards the water.


Toward the light?


Yes, yeah, exactly. You will have your own stream of sparkles coming that way. And so it’s only yours. And the person over there has theirs and nobody has one that’s bigger, brighter. You know, you don’t have to try to go get on somebody else. You have yours because that’s your your path and your direction. David, are you one of the people who’ve noticed? Since you were a kid that change in the color of the Sun.


I’ve read about this but no, because it always seems white like to me, really, I’ve never I mean as child, you know, we always used to Yeah, you draw a sun you draw as yellow but it, but I always thought well it’s strange because it’s it’s always been white.


Isn’t that interesting yeah for me it was so yellow was so yellow.


A change in the in the color of the sky in a sense in that it seems is a deeper a deeper blue and I a lot of things seem to have changed since childhood. Although as a child we lived in Wales and crop circles happen in the south of England. But as a child, they used to happen in the fields behind my house. And I remember always remember asking my father, what’s that? What’s that? And he was saying it was just the wind is just a pattern made by the wind. But these works perfect circles that would appear up overnight in the fields behind our house, and they were what there was a sloping hill that you could see from the house. And these crop circles would magically appear. And then so those those sorts of things I know to not sure that’s true in many places, they just sort of go unnoticed or unremarked, you know, in the south of England with these big and there are a lot of sacred sites in those areas. So they get more,

more notice.


Thank you.


I want to


Look at that.


This stone has always been not this particular stone. But this this type of crystal has always been my favorite crystal. Its name is Aqua Marine. So water the seed, and it’s always been my favorite stone. And I never sort of questioned that. And I’ve got quite a few little pieces. This is the biggest piece of was a gift from somebody last year.


It looks a lot like the painting behind you.


Well, the and those are the colors that are always my favorite colors, of course. But this stone Aqua Marine is I don’t often use it when I’m doing energy work with somebody, but sometimes it really calls to be used and I just run energy through the stone into somebody’s field and it it’s like watching crystal crystal clear. Aquamarine water washing through somebody’s system to cleanse and wash away what is what is ready to leave and even some of what isn’t quite ready to leave. It’s really profound stone for for cleaning and clearing. And I think I’ve always had this sense that Aqua Marine, it certainly links us into the Atlantean civilization, but it’s I think it’s a stone whose time is really now in a sense. I think it’s a really useful stone for now. So I just wanted to drop that in because this was sitting on the desk.


Yelling at you. Yeah, I see that.


Mention me, mention me! And it’s it’s its connection to water. It’s with that name. It’s yeah.


What do you what do you make of the difference between fresh and seawater? You know, something about the salt dissolved in into the ocean? seems particularly significant in my mind.


Yeah, and what is amazing is that it’s apparently a very similar salinity to the water in our systems.


Exactly, yeah.


Which is quite extraordinary. I mean, we really as human development or cellular development, you know, we developed in that in that sea, and we develop still in a sea, our, you know, our mother’s womb in it, you know, in a field of water. And so it’s it’s vital, isn’t it? For it sounds, saline water? I think it just holds a stronger crystalline matrix, in a sense and more information. Yeah. I noticed that and I prefer swimming in in salt water, because it’s easier to swim in salt water because there’s more buoyancy. Yeah, totally. And that makes a real difference. If you’re swimming fairly long distances. You really notice that that the sea supports you in a way that a lake doesn’t quite, uh, nothing wrong with swimming in a lake. I swam in in Loch Ness last week. I really did, it was extraordinary. I’ll tell you about that in a minute. But yeah, I think the salt imparts, then a stronger crystalline matrix to the water. And so it holds more information. And then it can draw more out of our system. If, right, when when I know there are times, if my field is full of energy, and that energy is integrating and useful for me, I don’t want to go into this into the sea, because the sea will will wash it away. Sometimes my field is full of energy, and I’m very happy to go to the sea and give that energy away. But sometimes it’s like, oh, I need to integrate that energy. So don’t go to the sea for a couple of days while that energy is, is is integrating, and that that’s sort of intriguing for me as well, you know,


I want to hear about Loch Ness, but I want I want to mention this, I wrote this down when you were talking about, you know, figuring out which element do you align most to? Of course, no question. No question you’re water?


No, actually, fire is my primary. Yep, yep.




And fire, even as a child, I mean, I used to just love, love fire. And I always knew that fire was an intelligent living thing, you know, I’m always fascinated.


You do talk about sitting around fires in your garden.


So fire is the bit to me, fire earth, and water other. They’re almost all equal, the one that I don’t particularly relate less to, is air. That’s the one that isn’t so much on my radar. And I don’t have it air would be the the element of of the intellect. And I don’t have much of an intellect. You know,


I don’t believe that for a moment.


In terms of I didn’t develop my intellect.


I understand what you’re saying. It’s just yeah, it’s just a label anyway, I don’t know.


I wasn’t able to focus intellectually, because primarily, I was out of my body and not very present. So that protected me, I think from developing a very strong intellectual capacity, because I see so many people are damaged by the fact that you’ve had too much intellectual training, and they can’t break out of the rigidity.


But look at how you can communicate. I mean, you’re just you’re a fantastic communicator, you have the streams of information that come to you. I mean, I don’t know, how is that not intellectual? I mean, I know what you’re saying, I’m pushing back a little on that.  


what I’m saying is I’m not saying I’m not intelligent. I have, oh, I know that intelligence. But it just wasn’t, I didn’t try it. I didn’t study in school. I didn’t study. I didn’t get a university degree, you know, so I didn’t, I bypassed all of that. And I think there was.


Can I just say, lucky you?


Yeah, I think it was, was how it was meant to be for me, you know.


A lot of ways I there’s things to envy envy about that. But when you were talking about these elements, do you know, and I wish, of course, I would have had my my facts reminded to me so that I could recall them with a little more clarity, to be able to mention this, but I had a distant relative once contact me because he recognized the craw part of my name, you know, my, my family name, and he had done some genealogy, and he traced our common ancestors all the way back to gosh, I’m gonna need to figure out where this was, but there is a, an actual monument or like a, like, a marker, I think is a better term for it. There’s a marker outside of a church in Scotland dedicated to a man named John Craw, who was burned at the stake in that place, I believe during the inquisition if I have my days and dates, right. But that’s, you know, when you were talking about moving up north, the spine to to Scotland, and then and then the elements and everything, I’m seeing my relative, you know, his spine, you know, attached to wood and burned up there somewhere in Scotland.


So, because I think the witch trials were, were quite significant, but not huge in this country compared to a lot of Europe but there was just a documentary on television the other night about that, and When I first started doing this work on a larger scale and running teleconferences, the stuff, I was in Edinburgh, and this woman was saying that she was going to launch my work, she was going to publicize it. And what did I want to do? Well, the area of Edinburgh we were in was famed for the witch trials, it was there that the witch trials were held. So there were the plaques in various places. You know, this is where the witches were jailed and whatever the all it is, and it was, it had always been a really significant part of my history, the witch trials and the Inquisition experience, because when I first started giving readings, one woman after another would walk in with this, in her energy field, the scarring of that in her energy field and enacted as a real sort of inhibition to her opening her psychic abilities. And I understood that this was a collective skull. It went on for such a long time over hundreds of years. For a largely uneducated population, so it went in very deep as a as a deep fear and superstition. And yeah, many people have had to work really hard. But that was my first teleconference was if my first bit of collective energy work was the clearing of the scars of the Inquisition and the witch trials, because it’s a powerful thing that many of us still hold the memory of, you know, when it was designed to have exactly that sort of impact, separate humanity from its natural capacities to communicate interdimensional and to make that a forbidden and frightening area of exploration. And, again, luckily, we’re coming out of that now. And, and they are very natural capacities and abilities that we all possess. Some, so yeah, if if anybody’s listening and is being triggered by what I’m saying, go do some exploration around the witch trials, and, and releasing that, you know, with one of your sessions, you know, they’re perfect for just that sort of work, aren’t they not that you have to re-experience? You don’t have to go back to that.


They were a lot more common before. But they certainly, you know, there’s a few that I was just talking to somebody else about this recently, but there’s like these archetypal scenes that happen in the sessions over and over again. And of course, and you know, this working with people and energy. So when you see it, and you see it, and you see it, you realize, yes, it is something that pertains to that individual, but it is this collective thing. And you’re you’re so good at making those collective collective observations. But there are people who are burned at the stake, usually for which is so interesting, usually for providing a service that everyone out there wants anyway. But there’s some sort of contract to keep it quiet, right? So over and over again, it’s the woman or the man, but typically the woman living alone in the woods,ostracized, and yet everyone from the group that’s part of the ostracization, knows that they can in the under cloak of night go visit and receive assistance, very often very powerful assistance. And in the end, they’re still often so destroyed anyway. They’re they’re pulled out of their, their enclave of and and, and destroyed anyway, that that was one. And here’s another one, I think this is because it came up in an in a quantum healing session, this one happens a lot, where people usually an initial scene in a session they are standing at the edge of a cliff looking out over the water over the ocean, and it’s usually the wind is blowing, and it’s usually very high up and it’s usually a point of decision making. That happens then, you know, and then the story can go from there. But it’s it’s so fascinating to see these archetypal things you know, or they’re, you know, they’re on journeys, looking for lost family, or just some other things that there’s some, some common, very powerful themes that run through. And sometimes people can place them in and match them to energies in their own history and sometimes not. And that’s when I say look, you know, this is humanity. You are a part of humanity, not only your ancestral line, not only your relatives, not only your family, not only your own personal life, but all of humanity, that energy runs through you too, you know, more or less, depending on the triggers and such.


And I think we’re coming back to that now with, they’ll be coming back to the awareness of ourselves as, as a collective energy field, you know, we worked really hard for 1000s of years to, to individuate. And to separate out from that, but before we had a tribal mind, and we worked for the tribe, we weren’t separate. And our life depended on fitting into the tribe and being, you know, everybody would have had their role and be held by the field of the tribe. That’s never changed. But we have lost contact with that. And I’ve always been aware, the work I do, is collective is primarily collective and one working with those big archetypal energies that are shifting. And I’ve always understood since I started doing this work, that we don’t realize how collective we actually are, we think we’re just a bunch of individuals. But actually, we’re governed much, much more by the collective fields and collective consciousness that then we realize, and we’re coming back to that. Now that there is one body of, of humanity, one body of Christ, if you like, the Christ, light is one is not, it’s not separate. It’s not individuated. It’s, it has many facets through the witchy chains, but it is one, one body and for many of us, we’re a bit frightened about that idea of one less because we think we will lose our individuality when we merge back in. But the truth is, we’ve never left and we won’t lose our individuality. We simply open up to the deeper resonance and the deeper connectedness of of oneness, as well as having all of our individuality to and it’s that’s the process we’re in. I think that’s the ascension process. In a sense, you know?


It is what did you want to say about Loch Ness?


Me and Joe were driving past Loch Ness and I knew I wanted to swim in Loch Ness. Even though it’s the deepest lake in Britain, it’s cold water is very cold all year round. But I thought, “Well, that’s not going to be a problem” because I swim in the sea all year round here anyway. So I’m used to cold water and the water is dark because the water flowing into the Loch flows through Peat. So it’s stained the color of tea. So if you scoop some out in your hands, it’s a brown it’s clear but it’s brown it’s clean. But it’s colored brown because simply because of the peat that it flows through and we stopped in a lay by the side of the lake but there was a very steep slope down to Loch to the Loch and Loch is means lake that’s what it what it means. And I went down and immediately slipped and put my hand down to stop myself slipping on this very steep little cliff and grabbed a bramble and cut myself on this bramble only a little cut. But as that happened, I was aware that the reason I had lost my footing was because I was entering a dimension another dimensional space. And I hadn’t asked permission, I hadn’t acknowledged that or anything. And so I lost my footing. And as I realized that I came to a stop.


Great phrase for this that you’re getting ready to say right? You lost your I mean, you know, because it’s it’s a symbolic phrase.


Yeah, totally. And there was a little bit of blood on my finger where I had cut it and I put the blood on the bark of the tree and just wiped my finger. And as I did that, and this really surprised me all have those there was like a dimensional wall in a sense. And that whole wall just opened and I realized that that had been an ancient offering had been made and it’s not it’s not necessarily a blood offering is not a necessary thing. But it often was in our history, I think used as a way of gaining access. And as I gave it just a tiny drop of blood to to the tree that all the natural divide, opened. And I was really shocked by that, by that experience. And I didn’t want to swim in that location because it was too steep and too difficult to get. So we drove on a bit. And I found a much easier place to get to the water’s edge. And I went in, but I was quite shocked because I don’t like deep dark water particularly, it’s not my thing and we know there are monsters in that water there are big, but as I was swimming, I went in and I was swimming and I suddenly became aware of the Loch Ness Monster.


Of course, how could you not? Of course!


It’s a water dragon of the water dragon? And I think because I think the Loch is like a portal. Sure. A really powerful place and I had moved through those dimensions. I think sometimes people do that and get a glimpse of the water dragon I think it’s, it’s, you know, it gets termed the Loch Ness monster, but it’s, it’s actually just another multi-dimensional being and, and the lovely thing was on the other side of the Loch from where we were, there was a shape on the on the side of the cliff on the other side, which was a beautiful curve. And from our angle, it looked like the head of the head of a dragon. So it was right there in front of us. And it was sort of sort of perfect, but it was a lovely I wasn’t in the water for long because it was really quite cold but but it felt like it felt special to me in a way that I can’t really put into words it but it was moving into another dimension space, I think and and that felt quite profound. And I felt both and only went into the water twice once in the sea at the top of the north coast of Scotland and once in Loch Ness and both felt really profound and powerful moments and I swim a lot you know, but this felt they both felt very, very different and very important in terms of the journey we were on so. So that was my Loch Ness experience.


That’s just fantastic. Thank you for sharing all that I’m so intrigued by your your blood touch to the tree,


I was surprised at that it took me completely by surprise really. As soon as you did that. I had a whole lot of mirror in the mirror in the mirror tree things happen throughout my field. And and one part I’ll Mention about that was just this idea I had in just an intuitive consult. It wasn’t even in a quantum healing session was just in a conversation with somebody about trees. I just following my intuition.

When we were talking about something completely different, and that this tree, this tree just kept coming back into my mind and and I’m like, Okay, well, I guess I’m supposed to and so I just like in the middle of the conversation where we’re having, I’m like, Do you have a favorite tree? And her her face lit up? And she said yes, as a matter of fact, I was sitting against it meditating before my session with you today. That’s when the real conversation launched. And what ended up being so fascinating by about that conversation that was just sort of redeposited in my mind when when you did that was the communication that the trees have with all with tree systems, but not just Earth tree systems but with tree systems, across worlds. Like in other physical worlds. groves of trees here have like these ancient antennae sending and receiving kind of it’s almost like you know, we know about the mycelium complex with the fungus and how they can do that. But trees can do that. Not only through their roots with their families but through their crowns into other realms and other worlds and something I something about you touching that tree has like sparked something really interesting in me where I feel my own tree is calling me right. That’s beautiful.


But what is really apparent to me is that our nervous system is it is branch like a tree and when I’m leading a group into a meditation or individual, I always do this thing of connecting into the nervous system but also allowing the nervous system to expand out through the field because I know we do exactly the same we connect across worlds and dimensions and universes out to all of the information that we that we actually need the you know, whatever it is that is available to us and, and we are light those trees and I had a lovely experience. I am aware that I have a client fairly soon.


So I know I’ve got I’ve got people upstairs too. I love talking to you. Well, we’ll wrap it up with whatever it is you’re gonna share.


Another part of that journey, which was totally unplanned, we pulled into a layby no we pulled into our Airbnb, we’ve just crossed over the English Scottish border. So we were back in England, making our way back down the line pulled into our air b&b, which was the annex of of a pub, a little cottage, next to the pub. And we were staying there for a night. And as we pulled into the carpark, there was a sign for Flodden Field battleground, one mile away. And we didn’t know this at all. But as soon as we saw the sign, we knew we were being called to that place. And so we went the next day. And it was extraordinary. I was invited and this had happened to me once before in the very famous battleground close to here, which is the Battle of Hastings which changed everything for this country. 1000 years ago. This battlefield Flodden Field was a battleground in 1513, between the Scots and the English, bloody, brutal battle, the biggest of the battles. And I was asked to do the same there that I was asked here on this battlefield, when I got there was to walk the perimeter of the field. And there were huge, Joe was asked to do something else. And, of course, we were working in tandem without needing to be in the same place. But they were huge upwellings of emotion and all sorts of things happened. One of the loveliest things was that as I set, started to walk the perimeter, all of the trees that grow in that area, followed me. So I was and all of the nature spirits, it felt like so I was leading a procession of tree beings and nature spirits, who were all really really delighted, and very happy. It was like a carnival like a celebration behind me because they were all so happy to be that this clearing was happening. And as I say, it wasn’t anything, Joe and I had planned, we didn’t even know we were close to the battlefield. But it turns out that some of her ancestors were in that battle. And was definite clearing and a very profound experience. But the the tree beings were very much a part of that process. That’s that’s what I wanted to say.


Fantastic. Look at all the points of connection. Yeah, yeah, well, I’m gonna have to meet with Joe pretty soon.


Oh, she she would be superb for you to connect with and, and chat to because she’s her energy work is is extraordinary. She’s an amazing psychic and energy worker, and, and a very gifted all of you a very, very gifted human being. And for me, it’s a real pleasure to, to have made this contact because as soon as we saw each other, as soon as we met, we knew we had known each other for lifetimes. And we very quickly knew that we were meant to work together. And I’ve been doing this work for quite a number of years now. But I had in the past few months started to feel like it was a real slog. And it was like, Oh, this really feels like hard work. And as I was starting to look around thinking, What can I do, and feeling that I needed some support. And then Joe and I meet and we understand that we are meant to work together and it’s nice, so it changes everything. And I’m very totally aware that the field we create together is much bigger than the sum of its parts, you know, and it’s the same as two lines of energy meeting a masculine feminine, and in those places. There’s a it’s the same sort of thing. And that there is something particular about a masculine body and a female body. Working together that polarity allows for something else to happen. And I’m sort of surprised at that, in a sense. I don’t know why. But I thought my role in this lifetime was to be to make that union internally with myself. The masculine feminine principles. And I think it is, I think, enough of that has been done internally here to allow for the connection externally to happen. And this isn’t an intimate sexual relationship. Joe is happily married. I’m a gay man. So that’s not what it’s going to be. But it’s very intimate in the sense of it’s energetic. It’s deep, energetic connectedness. So it can happen in all sorts of ways and took us both by surprise, you know, but it’s powerful and profound.


It’s just so amazing. Some of the most powerful spiritual couples I know, working together are male and female, whether they’re in a relationship or not, many of them are. Easily, I can see how, you know, yeah, and why.


Yeah, and I’m starting to understand that, too. Now, although I’ve never looked for that at all. You know, I thought it was me doing this as a solo act the whole the whole time.


And sometimes it’s just easier, isn’t it? I mean, look, you and I’ve been talking together now for, you know, coming close to an hour and a half. I know you gotta go I gotta go too

it’s easier than just looking at a camera and talking all on your own. And, yeah, it’s a heck of a lot easier. Playing off the energies of somebody else.


It totally is, you know, you need you need and we’re pack animals to be honest, we like you know, our bodies, like the company of other bodies. And that’s a cellular thing that sometimes emotionally we built up emotional walls that would tell us otherwise, but at this fundamental physical level, our bodies appreciate company. And so do our hearts, you know. And that’s, that’s that.


David, we’ve spent so much time together, I would have but I’m not going to because I’m going to hold this idea hostage so that you’ll come back and talk to me again, before this year completes. I mean, we’ve got to get together and talk about because I mean, it just something’s around the corner something is bubbling something is.

Alright, so I guess we’re done. So thanks again to David Manning. And, uh, you could find David’s link below in the description in the shownotes David Manning energy work. And if you’re a quantum healer of any kind and would like to join our community at QuantumHealers.com Please consider that we are a guru free community of all kinds of energy healers, service to others practitioners and lightworkers. Come check us out. Quantum healers.com. If you’re looking for a practitioner, you can find our directory listings there as well. All right, till next time. Bye, everyone.

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