Hara Katsiki

The more you awaken, the more you realize that you are in a dream

Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Languages: English, Greek

Address: Berlin, Berlin, Germany.


Hara Katsiki

~ Member Since 2015

My mission in this world is to be of service to humanity, inspire, anchor love into the Earth,  liberate the souls who have lost their way on this planet to find their role and meaning in life, give encouragement and hope”

Hara Katsiki originates from Athens Greece and is currently living in Berlin. She was born with a range of extrasensory gifts which today she uses to inspire and assist people in uplifting and shaping themselves towards self-empowerment, freedom, and joy. She is an ancient spiritual teacher from many different lifetimes, an in-depth healer, a natural voice of spirit and a universal ambassador of peace and goodwill. She is able to look into peoples energy and is able to know where there are abnormalities. She is able to connect with the heart of the spirit, relating to Gaia. A healer that assist others in being able to realize the potentials they hold within themselves and shift into new perspectives of consciousness. Her strong feline and cetacean energies, reinforce her in sharing love, being multidimensional and being able to feel herself connecting to many different people on a very deep empathic level.

Hara is a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist . Certified Dedicated Level 2 Practitioner of QHHT ® ( Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) by Dolores Cannon, Certified BQH® Practitioner, PQL (Parallel Quantum Lives) practitioner, an Intuitive Guide and a Mentor for Quantum Healers.

She is also a Certified Teacher of “Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal” and “Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path”  from TSOTH  (THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART) https://theschooloftheheart.com/,

Hara is also a TEACHER OF PRESENCE Certified by the Eckhart Tolle Foundation in 2023.

As a visionary and explorer of the creative realms, Hara is also a multi-awarded self-taught intuitive artist. Through her work, she attempts to transcend the physical world and portray a wider vision of awareness. Her art reflects the intuitive nature that resides within us all and infuses a deep connection to heart, mind, and spirit. To visit her fine art portfolio please visit harakatsiki.com



Certified QHHT ® ( Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) Level 2 practitioner

Certified BQH® (Beyond Quantum Healing) practitioner

Certified PQL® (Parallel Quantum Lives) practitioner

Certified  “TEACHER OF PRESENCE” by the Eckhart Tolle Foundation

Certified Teacher of “Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal”® & “Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path” ® from THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART by Master of Meditation Daniel Mittel.

Intuitive Guide

Fine Artist

Sound Alchemist



2014 /// Member of the GREEK FOUNDATION
2012 /// MOTION + SOUND Category Award // SCOPE Art Show and See.Me. / Art Takes Miami
2011 /// ARTIST OF THE YEAR 2011 / Artists&Illustrators Magazine, Shortlist
Category Still Life / Artwork “Peruvian Paso”
Category Animation / Project name: OPIUM
Artwork title “Synthetic Imagination”



Britta Fuelle

September 2024

I had the privilege of experiencing a heart-centered session with Hara, and I’m truly grateful for the connection we shared. Hara’s empathy, unconditional love, and deep dedication made every moment feel magical and transformative. She reminded me of the importance of being true to myself, and I felt completely seen and understood. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking a meaningful and profound experience of connection and self-discovery. Love and gratitude for Hara and her incredible work.


Tina Lörtscher

September 2024

Hara is a really experienced and professional Healer and be able to sense blockages and heal your chakras. You can feel the energy chances. She connects and give you advice for be reconnected to your inner self more again. She guides you along the journey and I can highly recommend to go to her if you want to get a positive change in your life situation.
Many thanks and gratitude for her major support.


Sabine Dehnecke

September 2024

Hara helped me go through a really big transformation process.
I feel safe in this process as she holds the space between dimensions so that I can contact my ancestors to lift the veil and enter the space of healing.
She accompanies me through this process very lovingly and sincerely
This enabled me to resolve many entanglements and traumas.
It was very emotional for me to learn what power is within me and that it is time to bring it into the world.
I was in the right place at the right time and that date was magical.
I am very grateful ✨


Sahal Sathar

June 2024

I am deeply honoured to have found Hara. The QHHT session was very profound. Hara definitely knows how to navigate through. The whole environment and the energy she gives out itself is very much healing. She made me feel really comfortable which in turn helped me to shine light at different aspects of the session.

I can not thank Hara enough for this whole experience. I wish everyone could have atleast one session with her to make this world a better place.


Alina M

May 2024

It was a wonderful experience with Hara. She has a wonderful way of getting to know you as a Person and even boyond. The QHHT session was very intuitively led to where I needed to go and to what I needed to know right now. I have taken a lot for me out of the experience and meeting Hara as a person.


Anja Schölpple

March 2024

dear Hara,
thank you again for the session. I feel very much connected today and in a verg grat energy.
Here is my review, feel free to just use a part of it , cut parts out if it is too long :)
I think the question if you can publish it on youtube I just can answer later after having listened to it a view times. If its a yes I will let you know.
I wish you a great day!

Review for BQH/ QHHT Session with Hara

I had a BQH Session with Hara where she used the QHHT method, so its a review for both:)
Have fun reading it, I hope it answeres what you are looking for.

You want to check if Hara is a good practitioner?
Yes she is! I met her the second time (1st was in an intuitive reading that i can wormly advice too). She is a person very much connected to her intuitive and psycic senses and she is trusting them. With this she is very competent tuning in my (and your) energfield and support any session greatly.
I could feel her being very open, interested, compassioned, present and experienced in the method, she knows what she is doing.
She is holding space in a way that made me feel save to open (and this is not easy for my system!).
I felt very much home being with her.

You want to check if a BQH/QHHT session is worth experiancing?
Yes, it is! In any case. What is does is to connect you to yourself. To a part of yourself that is big, knowing, loving, that has all the answers you are looking for and has the power to support and heal you. It is with you anyway all the time, we are just used to be connected. It is priceless to experience it! No book or podcast can do this experience for you. Its about how it feels to be at the place inside yourself of being connected. It feels great, i promisse. And it will change the way to be with yourself. In a good way:)

You want to know about my experiance?
Im sure it can be vastly different for yours!
My intention was to connect more to my self, my higher self, all this unseen ralm and to get a lot of answers. Also I enjoy being in Haras company and I was very curious to explore consciousness and Dolores Cannons work.
During my past life regression I felt my Hands bursting of energy, I could feel colours connected to it, I had thoughts popping in my head and sometimes a knowing, sometimes a flash of a picture. Other than that i really struggled sometimes with the feeling that i make it up. Haha. Im sure exactly this is part of my process. Learning to trust my connection and my knowing and not needing proove. Also imagination is the way of comunication! Im so up for practising and playing more with imagination and fantasy. So in the moment of doing the past life regression I partly felt like making it up, in hintside im sure it was exactly what i needed to see at that moment.
The conversation with my higher Self was to me extremely familiar. It is a state that feels really good: Expansive, loving, compfi, no judgement, knowing. It is a state in wich I am anyway almost daily, spiecially making a nap or going to sleep at night or journalling. I already do a lot of process here.
Most of the answeres my higher self gave in the session I knew already, some where formulated in a way that my conscios self would not formulate it.
So to me this session was about confirming my already existing connection to that part of myself. It showed me where to work on: trust my (not visible) knowing and skills, train my imagination, play in all that field. Alone and with friends. Also remember to put our the preassure of wanting to be fast, knowing everything, needing to do more. I am sure I got in this session exactly what I needed in this moment of time.
I love the energy during and after the session. I am very greatful for this experiance and I can advice you warmly to try out.
A big thank you to Hara, I appreciate your being and your way of holding space and guiding through the session and I appreciate the view intuitive imressions your shared with me about my process. They help a lot!


Harsha R

December 2023

A dear friend shared about their experiences working with Hara. After hearing about the clarity my friend had, I found myself later seeking that same level of clarity. So I dove right in with a little bit of hope.
Needless to say, it has been a blessing to work with Hara. Every session I’ve had with her has felt like home and continues to deepen the more we work together. I cannot recommend her enough. If you’ve come across her work and are thinking of working with her, stop your thinking here, and dive into the next step!
You have found this message and are here reading this for a reason.You will not regret it! Dive into the depths of your soul with unconditional love, leaving all fears behind, on the journey to discover freely, beyond any shackles.


Cat B

November 2023

Hara is amazing. Not only is she super intuitive and has a beautiful energy but she's also totally present with you the entire time of your session, which makes it easy to trust and to let yourself fall fully into the experience. For me personally, this was very important in order to be able to go deep into hypnosis and to really get answers. The past life I saw made me very emotional and Hara made sure to guide me safely through the journey and into the question part. She intuitively knew how to phrase and adjust my questions, and once my Higher Self was in the flow she added some more for us to get an even bigger picture.

After the session she sat with me until I was fully back in the Now and we had a wonderful conversation in which her wisdom and her intuitive gift came through once again. I couldn't help but cry for feeling deeply understood for the first time in my life. It was a very intimate and almost magical experience. I'm so grateful and glad that I found Hara. She's a true blessing. Cat ~


Mirjam R

October 2023

I'm feeling grateful for your mastered guidance. It was deep, profound, magical, intense and the portals are open. The insights coming from outside and within still going strong. I'm feeling blessed and connected to my inner self. Powerful.
Love and bliss on your way Hara.


Anu Krishnadas

October 2023

I had an amazing session with Hara. Thanks a lot and im really grateful to you to give me such a once in lifetime experience. It feels so much better calm and positive after the session. Hara is a truly wonderful soul and an empath. Thanks again for connecting me with my inner self.


Dee Kay

October 2023

I did a 5-hour life regression session with Hara. I give it an all thumbs up!
To start, I have never done this before. I didn't know what to expect. I had contacted two practitioners, referred to me. I received responses promptly from both, but Hara's original response was just grabbed me. There was a caring sense in her response and a few other email exchanges.

I scheduled my session and she was very responsive. I also switch the time one her once - I am in Washington DC, she in Berlin. She was very responsive and flexible and switched our session.

I "met" her on Zoom on the day of our session. She was very clam, pleasant, friendly, and informative about the process. Her voice was particularly relaxing. Although I had no idea what to expect, I did not feel any concerns after our initial chat.

I had forgotten to send her my questions. I was a little embarrassed about that. Again, she was kind and gave me time to write them and send them while we took a short break.

The session began and she started to go thru what she had previously explained. Again, her calming voice, was all one needed to feel at ease. At no point did I feel anxious or uncomfortable.

I feel that it was a very productive session. I felt connected after the session was over. Also, exhausted - which she had already thoroughly prepared me for.

After the session, she sent a follow up email - almost immediately with thoughts on post session, which was very helpful.

Last point: Although the session was almost 5 hours, when we were done, I thought - at most, at most - only two hours had passed. I was very surprised when she said it had been almost 5 hours! It had been.

I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to go thru this process or wants to feel more connected.


Amy F

October 2023

I am so happy I found Hara and that I had my first quantum healing session with her! I was a bit nervous before, but this feeling disappeared the minute I met Hara in her beautiful place. She took time to explain everything, get to know me and my situation and did this in such a kind, calm and non-judgmental way that made me feel very safe and therefore trust and surrender to the process. The hypnosis part together with the talk afterwards really enabled me to realize many things and connect the dots, and I am very grateful that Hara showed me how to tap into this inner wisdom, during the session as well as in everyday life. Talking to her was very pleasant and she was open to anything regarding my situation and beyond! Even though I only met her once, I can say that she is a beautiful soul with a lot of knowledge and I would recommend doing a QHHT/BQH session with her to anyone who is interested in and open to this form of healing modality.



July 2023

I am still in awe after a QHHT session I was allowed to experience with Hara. 
She truly is a great Master. The way she listened to me and immediately tapped into my whole story, knowing exactly which questions to ask, made it very easy for me to feel understood, safe and to completely let go, so everything that needed to surface easily came through me. 
Hara is a gift for this planet! 



June 2023

I went into this session thinking I would get a pass life regression , I came out with healing from past trauma . I love how Hara follows her intuition in the sessions because she knew what I needed .... Answers from my higher self and healing and to find my way back home spiritually because this world has strayed me from my true self.



May 2023

Finding someone as gifted, open-minded, committed to serving others, compassionate and friendly as Hara is truly rare. From the moment I stepped into Hara‘s healing space, I felt an immediate sense of comfort. Hara‘s genuine compassion and friendly demeanor instantly put me at ease. The depth of Hara‘s gift in the realm of quantum healing is awe-inspiring. Hara‘s intuitive understanding and remarkable abilities amaze me. Hara creates a safe space where vulnerability is embraced and growth and healing are nurtured. Throughout the session, I could feel Hara‘s genuine dedication to my well-veing. Trust me when I say that your journey with Hara will be extraordinary. Thank you, Hara, for your incredible talents and your dedication to service:)!



May 2023

Thank you for the amazing experience Hara. You are a very gentle and compassionate facilitator. I felt immediately comfortable and your kindness and openess made it easy to quickly establish trust. I felt no reservations to let go in the deep trance work. You gently guided the process and I have to say that the aftereffects of our session were really strong over many days. I can wholeheartedly recommend Hara to anyone curious to explore Quantum Healing Hypnosis.


Hara Katsiki

May 2023

Thank you for the amazing experience Hara. You are a very gentle and compassionate facilitator. I felt immediately comfortable and your kindness and openess made it easy to quickly establish trust. I felt no reservations to let go in the deep trance work. You gently guided the process and I have to say that the aftereffects of our session were really strong over many days. I can wholeheartedly recommend Hara to anyone curious to explore Quantum Healing Hypnosis.



April 2023

What a wonderful experience I had in this regression session with Hara. I am so thankful! She did lead me very experienced and full of Love. This was a lifechanging session! Thank you dear Hara!


Sophie Mars

January 2023

I felt so welcomed and held in Hara's beautiful, nurturing space. Her energy is so light, so playful and her presence alone helps you connect to that part of yourself just upon arriving already. In this session I went deep into a very truthful part of myself and ourselves as humans which is exactly what I was hoping to do. I wanted to come back to myself, my truth and my sense of trust and grounding. I continue to carry this sensation with me, even if I do need to remind myself of it at times, since, as humans, we like to fall into negative thinking patterns and worry unnecessarily. So much of our modern life is pure distraction from who we truly are! High vibrational beings in connection with each other, the earth and all things! I'm so grateful for this session, also for it's length as it makes you feel that you really have all the time and space you need to explore yourself and like Hara is offering you her full presence, something that is also quite rare in this day and age and also amongst practitioners! As many practitioners only offer you an hour exactly which for me personally often feels quite rushed! So much love for this practice, this experience, and for Hara herself. Highly recommend <3



January 2023

Dear Hara, This session was really magical. Never expected that it can go so deep, I have so much clarity and trusting to my inner voice now. it brings me so much confirmation and releasing of emotion. Was a wonderful journey to my inner world!
I totally recommend her, she is a beautiful soul, felt seen and safe guided during the whole experience. Thank you so much again:)



November 2022

Dear Hara, thank you for your passion & your work. I really enjoyed my session and I felt connected with you as my guide from the first moment. I had that trust to make a completely new experience and I would do it definitely again. I would also recommend others to try Quantum Healing, it’s worth it!



November 2022

Wow. Hara is an amazing host. It was definitely not "coincidence" that led me to her. The full depth of my inner discoveries from the session is jet not to be foreseen. I need to dig through the sound record Hara gave me afterwards. The session is not over if its over.



October 2022

Hara guides gently and respectfully through the Quantum Healing Hypnosis. She offers a safe and kind space to surrender to this special journey with vulnerability and authenticity. I found it to be a profound and deep healing experience and am looking forward to my next session, to dive even deeper.
The communication with Hara is transparent and informative - from our first email, to phone call and after session instructions. I highly recommended QHHT for anyone who is seeking deep healing and to connect with their true self.

Thank you, dear Hara!



September 2022

Dear Hara, i don't know what exactly happened, but i feel only calm and peace since the Session a month ago. Healing is starting so deep, thank you????????????



September 2022

I had a Mini BQH Session with Hara this week. She has been very flexible and understanding the last couple of weeks when my schedule kept changing. In the interview portion we went over my questions in detail and made adjustments when necessary. She also explained everything that would happen and answered any questions I had. During the regression she guided me wonderfully. She got all my questions answered and followed up with more questions when needed. I felt very safe and in good hands during my regression. In the follow up portion she explained everything that had come up and answered all questions I had at that point. I am very happy with how the session went. I think her amazing guidance is what made this session so successful for me. I would highly recommend her for anybody. She is a fantastic practitioner. I plan on doing more sessions with her going forward. I had a wonderful experience with her.


Britt Michaelian

September 2022

Hara delivered a beautiful reading that resonated so deeply we both got goosebumps multiple times, while half a world apart! Ha! She provided insight into family karma that needed to be cleared. She helped me make sense of dreams I was having where I was experiencing sensations from within the dream and once awake. She helped deliver messages from loved ones who have passed on with love and delicate wording. And she even helped me realize that there are things I need to let happen and not interfere with. I highly recommend her services and will soon be back for more myself! Thank you Hara. You are an amazing gift.


Steven Howie

March 2022

Very beautiful and a lot of fun. Hara knows what she is doing. It's very deep stuff. Listening again to the audio it's quite remarkable. I'll value it for a long time.



March 2022

Hara welcomed me in her beautiful space in Berlin. By only entering her space you can already feel a magical energy surrounding you, and I felt instantly comfortable and at ease.

Hara herself is such a beautiful soul. I felt really seen and guided by her during the whole experience, she really makes sure that you feel comfortable and safe and understand everything that is going on. She explained everything in great detail and answered all my questions and curiosities, even about these topics that went beyond the scope of our session. But really, her best attribute is that you can only feel love radiating from her, and she makes sure to remind you that this love and widsom is also radiating from within you, and her session is about her helping you reconnect with that inner source of pure love.

The experience itself was beautiful and healing, something that felt otherworldly but terrenal at the same time. It was a great first time experience from which I feel I gained a deeper understanding of myself and managed to overcome some deeply rooted blocks that had been dragging me down for a while. I feel much lighter and comfortable with myself after that session, and feel inmensely grateful to have been able to experience it. She also provided an audio, that I look forward to keep listening in order to keep reconnecting to my inner self.

I would recommend the experience to anyone interested.



March 2022

Meeting Hara was simply magical. I did not know what to expect as QHHT was new to me. Even before we met I could feel her unique energy. She not only opened her door to me, but let me enter her soul realm. Hara's abilities are exceptional as she lovingly guided me through my topics with all her knowledge, comfort and protection. With the hypnosis, I entered another level that I had never known so far. It was an indescribable, fulfilling feeling and with Hara's help I was able to connect to my higher self. I had never felt such a blissful sense of connection to myself before. I perceived Hara as pure energy who masters her tools perfectly to support me on my journey. I had never before felt such love for a person I did not know before. This is proof to me that we are all energy that are connected and a unity. Thank you very much for this experience!



February 2022

From the first moment of meeting Hara, I knew that I was in the presence of an extremely wise soul. Not knowing what to expect from QHHT, she immediately calmed my tensions about it – not an easy task as I tend to be quite stressed – and proceeded to engage in excellent, therapeutic conversation that set the stage for an outstanding QHHT session. In it, she assisted me in releasing negativity and connect to my higher self. Together we found areas of concern that required healing and continued to remedy those. There was one moment that will always stay with me: During the session, Hara requested the present guides to pull away all the negative energy from my body, I felt a complete relaxation and well-being, as if years of pain taken out of me. Most of all, being able to concentrate on my purpose and find conclusive answers on that was life-changing. Hara is extremely honest, moral, humble, smart, respectful, balanced (and with a great sense of humor, I might add). She managed to disarm my rational brain to accept healing and continue a path of healing by accepting it from myself and others. Her practice of QHHT is clearly a labor of love, and I was fortunate to have met her and for healing she facilitated. Marvelous.



January 2022

Hara is a beautiful, intuitive and gentle soul. The only person I really felt comfortable enough to do my first BQH session. She creates a warm and soothing space to help calm your nerves and just makes you feel comfortable throughout the session. I also highly recommend her YouTube channel, which is filled with so much insight from all of the sessions. Thank you, Hara for all of the wonderful work that you do to help so many of us!



November 2021

I was looking for somebody to guide me to move forward into a different dimension and I found Hara.
Thank you for meeting you and for your work!????????????



November 2021

Hara was very open, friendly and made me feel safe. She also has a nice welcoming environment. All these things helped my nerves as I wasn’t sure what to except. It was really helpful to have a conversation and discuss my questions beforehand. I still have some inner work today, but this helped me on my path.



October 2021

My session with Hara was incredibly compassionate, heart-opening and moving. Her guidance into your own true voice, the core, was gentle, consoling and playful. For me it was (is!) deep work and stepping into a journey of healing in a way my inner was longing for. So much love!

Her work reflects her calling, in-depth knowledge and experience. This combined with her purity, quest for living from the heart and warmth is incredibly powerful and healing. Not to forget a joy to talk to :)!

Thank you Hara!!!


Ashlee Jowett

October 2021

Hara is so loving and soft in her process. I felt held through the entire process. I enjoyed the experience of diving in and feeling into previously unexplored territory. Hara has an beautifully supportive energy. I was very comfortable to explore. Thank you Hara!



September 2021

Hara is a gentle and very intuitive soul. I first got introduced to her by watching her YouTube videos. The videos are all amazing. So by the time I booked an intuitive session with her, I already knew I would love meeting with her. During our session, she helped me understand things about myself and loved ones, which helped me a lot. So I highly recommend meeting with Hara. And I look forward to l booking a BQH session next.


Karen Treloar

September 2021

I had an hour long mentoring session with Hara and it was amazing! I have been a BQH facilitator for less than a year and had many questions. Hara throughly answered each question drawing from her years of experience and her intuition. Not only did I benefit from her wisdom, but she was so encouraging I came away with greater confidence! I feel I am now able to offer my clients a much beter experience.
I whole heartedly recommend Hara as a mentor!


Animal Liberation

August 2021

Finally my second Session with Hara :) such a kind and wonderful soul! It was my pleasure to have her by my side for the trip to the Universe???? Thank you and take care darling!!



May 2021

I would like to thank Hara from the bottom of my heart. She guided me in a caring and empathetic manner through a Quantum Healing Session. Before we started, she explained everything in depth to me. I really like her way of approaching the Quantum World, a world often denied or looked at with skepticism in our society. It was great to freely talk with someone who is open, curious, versed, and a learning practitioner and teacher giving me more insights into this "new reality". Thank you, Hara, again.


Lori Miller

May 2021

There is a meeting of another that slows you to abandon doubt, fear and hesitation. This has been my experience with you dear Hara. I want you to understand the ease at which I am able to put myself in your guided meditations and without thought remain in the state of Peace and Trust. I have deep gratitude and love for you Hara as you give to all in a beautiful sharing of your Devine heart, seeing and knowing the Devine in all of us. Our group regression was moving and beautiful. Full of wonder and heart. Bless you and deep love to you and all who participated.



April 2021

I loved having my first QHHT session with Hara. I really trust her. She is smart and a genuine person. I went there with little expectations but a world got opened in front of me. I really recommend Hara and I am thankful to her for the guidance she gave me through the session.



April 2021

Hara is such a beautiful soul, full of love, I felt so much relax as soon as I saw her. Our Hypnose session was very interesting with amazing experiences. I hope I will see the results soon.
Also she provided very important information before the session that helps any individual to experience the best of what for them is possible.
Her email and information after the session are very worthy and full of great information that helps me to understand the in going process! Thank you so much!



April 2021

Before I sent Hara the inquiry to encounter a session, I had a little chat with her since my experiences with healers were not the best ones in the past. She took care of my worries and soothed them. IT felt like she was the right one to help me through "stuff" which has been stored for a long time.

It's now more than a week since I've had my BQH Session with Hara, and I can definitely say, amongst all the "Healers", "Spirituals" and so-called "Psychics" out there, Hara is the real deal. With the uttermost love and passion to help humanity, she is able to hold space and loving energy in order for a human being to heal, to access more freedom and wholeness. Right after the session I had pretty sore muscles & a scar on my belly (15 years old) got softer and is starting to disappear. Thank you Universe, for guiding me towards Hara.

With my deepest gratitude for the session, I can highly recommend her.

Lots of Love



March 2021

I had a wonderful experience with Hara. She was very warm and friendly and I felt safe opening up to her. She shared valuable insights about the technique itself and made sure to clear up any potential misconceptions on the topic of hypnosis. The session itself was conducted very professionally and felt incredibly peaceful to me. Hara was fantastic at holding space and guided me through everything with complete ease.
She is a truly a beautiful soul and I feel grateful to have found her.



March 2021

Thank you Hara for this great session. I am really I came to you.


Michael S

March 2021

My session with Hara was very helpful and enlightening. Hara is a wonderful sensitive heart center soul that really wants to be of service to others. I highly recommend using her services. You won't find a more caring and engaging person if you wish to use the types of services that she offers. I get insights from her both during and after the sessions. You won't be disappointed that you contacted her if you truly seek this sort of spiritual understanding or guidance. Many great things can happen for us with open minds and hearts. Namaste to you all.



March 2021

Hara is a wonderful human being, so gentle and kind. Her caring really shines through and I was drawn to work with her from the moment of contact. I found her to be attentive to every detail during my BQH session and it was evident she wanted me to get all of the clarity that I was looking for. I feel most fortunate that our paths crossed and am looking forward to staying connected to Hara. She really is a wonderful practitioner who works deeply with the heart.



February 2021

Dear beautiful Hara,
I need to complete my day by sharing with you my experience of your webinar. I have honestly been changed and feel so much gratitude for every minute of my experience in the webinar. Webinar is such a funny word to use for something so transformative and beautiful. Every step of the way impacted me and left me finally flowing with tears as love was so present within and around me. I am truly touched by this experience in a way I seem not to have the right words for as it was so Divine and I don’t quite know how to express that as the feeling is beyond words. Deep love and gratitude my dear sister. 

All my love,



February 2021

I had an amazing intuitive session with Hara and was very grateful for her insights. Before the session I had been carrying a lot of fear in my body but by the end I was feeling calm and centered. She also provided clarity around several issues that were causing me much doubt and confusion. For several days after the session, I received energetic downloads and experienced a deep state of peace and feeling that all is well. Thank you Hara <3


Carla Welch

February 2021

I had my first intuitive session with Hara today. I was amazed by how accurate she was! She told me things that I never could have guessed. She truly has a wonderful gift and I couldn't recommend her more! I encourage everyone to experience this. It will change your life for the better! ????



February 2021

It was a very Great experience.


Vera G.

January 2021

I am so pleased and grateful for this online workshop!
As one may expect from a great professional as Hara, the workshop was both very comprehensive and perfectly structured: good balance between therory and exercises.
I reckon the subsequent sessions will offer the possibility to turn our cameras on, so it will enhance the advantage of a group energy.
So many of my questions were answered during these two days it's amazing! I am so grateful the Universe put Hara on my path, I feel I am making giant leaps forward each time, whether out of a personal or group session :)



January 2021

Thank you Hara for this intuitive session with you.
I felt comfortable straight away and i felt okay to share anything with you.
This session confirmed a lot of questionnings i had and the answers have similarities with other intuitive people i met so i really recommand Hara if you need answers in your life, she sill know how to explain your mission in this life time and give the perfect words to embrace your nature.

Thank you,
With love



December 2020

My session was nothing like I expected!
I released some major stuck emotions from a medieval (?) life; I found my sanctuary in Egypt; and I received energy through my hands enough to light a whole city ... phew, what a journey!!
I finished the session exhausted physically and emotionally, but also with a distinct sensation of "reset", feeling incredibly light and renewed.
Funny part is when re-listening to my session, I realised I kept on interrupting Hara, changing subjects abruptly, not following her suggestions...Allow me to use the platform of this review to officially appologise for my rudeness ;))
Thank you so much Hara for your immense competence, patience, kindness, and generosity.



November 2020

I had so many blockages and I felt like going through life just like a shadow of myself. I had lot of childhood wounds but nor of them was really relevant to my problems. The blockages were much bigger then I could explain with this childhood experiences.
And I wanted to find answers and to find myself, that’s why I did the qhht session. And I am very happy to have found Hara. I felt save and secure. We found a past life trauma, the source of my problems in this lifetime, and solutions.
It was a beautiful experience and very impotant imformations Thank you Hara!



November 2020

I had a wonderful experience with Hara. She is an authentic Spirit and a compassionate guide. Although I was really nervous in the beginning, she inspired a lot of trust and I was able to relax, and access the healing that I needed. The lessons that I learneld were profound, and very relevant to my life at this point. The feeling that I had after the session was one of returning back home.



November 2020

I love working with Hara! She has such a subtle softness and heartfelt approach to everything. I learn from her knowledge and I am inspired by her being.
I will definitely continue my journey with her.



November 2020

My QHHT session with Hara was amazing. I immediately felt safe and welcome to communicate everything to her. She explained the process to me in the perfect amount of detail and I felt well-prepared and comfortable. The pace of the whole day was just right as well - nothing was too fast or slow. I appreciated her telling stories of her own experiences.
The QHHT part itself was very helpful and connected all kinds of life puzzle pieces together for me. It filled me with feelings of trust, faith and happiness and gave me more direction.
I can recommend working with Hara and I've already recommended her to a few friends of mine.



October 2020

My QHHT session with Hara was really unbelievable from start to finish. She is a very qualified and highly emphatic personality and QHHT practitioner whom I can recommend with best conscience. At all times I felt very safe, secure and understood. She guided me wonderfully through the session and her questions in dialogue with the True Self were very well chosen. I noticed that she really wanted to know everything that could help me in any way in my current situation. Many, many thanks! Hara also picked me up very nicely before and explained to me in detail what I have to do. Also the conversations after the session were full of love and always caring. Dear Hara, I am very grateful that I have found my way to you.

All my love for you!



October 2020

I made myself a self birthday gift and I decided to book a journey into the heart workshop. it was the most wonderful birthday gift I could have possibly gotten.
it was a blessing to receive the teachings and even a bigger blessing to share time with Hara diving into beautiful talks and precious moments.
I am filled with joy and love.
My boyfriend said to me after this weekend "I don't know what you did in the workshop but you should do it everyday".
Thanks Hara for your love and service.


Sahal Sathar

October 2020

To say that the session was really beautiful is clearly an understatement because what I experienced through this session was beyond words. I simply cannot come up with words to convey my feelings about the session. Everything was on point. Whatever came up during the session was exactly the things that I was confused with in my life. The most important thing was how relaxed and comfortable this session was. Nothing was forced. Everything was meant to be. Energies were flowing without any blocks. To simply put it, it was magical. I am so happy that I did this with her.


Aishwarya Suresh

September 2020

More than anything else, this experience made me realise how powerful I'm and have been, always. It was a complete realisation of my light body and higher self. All this while I thought of my higher self as a place I had to attain, only to know that it was always me and I was constantly playing that role. So grateful to Hara for helping me tap into that divine place and facilitating me to embody it completely. Hara was not playing just the role of a quantum healer but also a friend, sister and guide to me. What makes me more than happy was to know that we belong to the same soul family. It was an amazing expanding experience of love, courage, wisdom, reflection and power. Lots of love and light.



September 2020

I feel reborn, NEW, recalibrated, like a new dimension hit and embraced me. I feel a billion years younger and ancient as time itself. I cannot express how liberated and infinite I feel.

I am blown away by Hara's sensitivity and skills when it comes to such subtle realms and I was literary blown away form the old me and into another me :D

The fun thing is that Hara sees the things I've been hiding from myself. I kept neglecting the root and the sacral chakras for years, working only with the upper chakras, same with grounding, I had avoided it for many years, connecting only to the astral, thinking that it wouldn't be important, while knowing that it is, but denying it. Well, Hara went right there. Without me mentioning any of this, she said straight away: "you need to ground and your root chakra needs your attention."
She asked me if I wanted to answer my questions one by one, but I chose to just go with her/our intuition. In doing so, we addressed these necessary issues and suddenly all my questions were answered, without having to even go there.
I felt like a weight that I had been carrying forever, has been lifted off myself, like I could breathe again... And right after the session, I felt like I entered a new Me along with a new reality.
What I love mostly about this session, is that Hara works with the intuition of her clients. In my case, she would redirect the questions back at myself and my Higher/True Self and the answer to my question would come through my own mouth, which is something I have extraordinary respect and admiration for.

Words can not explain my gratitude for this session. After having done quantum healing sessions for myself and others, I thought that 1 hour would be too short but it could not have been more perfect. We immediately connected and everything just flowed from there.

Healers do need healing sessions from time to time to recalibrate and I think that some assistance is never a bad thing to have.

I am a changed, liberated soul since we had our session and I cannot thank you enough, Hara for helping me recalibrate, expand and get back on track. ❤️????☀️????
In infinite Love and Gratitude,
Aura ????❤️????????????



September 2020

The real reason I booked the intutitve session with you, rather than bqh or qhht was that somewhere I did not want to go inside of me. And I had build walls around me, to say, I wont go inside of me, but Hara will tell me, and I trust her, so thats how I want to know whats going on.

But right at the beginning of the session, you connected me. And I felt super emotional because I knew the journey is gonna be inward. Throughout as we were exploring inside my heart, the fight was real with my ego. It was not easy at all. When you asked 'do I have permission to talk to your higher self', the answer from my higher self was yes right away, but with all my will, I was trying to block my self from airing it out. The struggle was real. so real. And I really saw what this was, and how my higher self always want to say so many things, and how my ego almost always just builds a wall and doesn't let it express. And there for, I am restricting my soul express itself.

But with you, even with the fight, my higher self really started talking. And it was pure pure pure bliss. And I saw it, how beautiful my higher self is, and how my higher self was always there for me, all my life listening to all my monologues and everything, and when my higher self started talking, I felt heard, I felt received. And this was such an emotional moment for me.

Through your session, my biggest take home is, finaallyyyy
'acknowledging my connection with my higher self' and fully accepting and embracing this connection.

I had a lot of questions to ask in my session with you, but what you made me realize is the fact that, the answer to all those questions are inside me.

You gave me back my old friend, Hara. I do not know how to ever be grateful enough to you, to very literally show my old friend and also make me hug it. ????

The journey inward is so beautiful, and you opened up a door that I had shut for a very long time, and it reconnected me. The door is open still, I dont think its gonna close again, for I know who is behind the door. Behind the door is HOME. ❤️ thank you for bringing me back home. ❤️

You energy was such pure bliss, I felt very protected and calm right away. I love youuuuu, I love you so much for gifting me this beautiful reconnection.
You are such a beautiful soul, and i am forever forever forever grateful to you.

Throughout friday and saturday, I was having such massive headaches that my crown, must be major downloads coming through, it went after I went for a walk outside, I think grounding was key.

I am indeed honored to have met you, and your energy is such pure bliss, and you authenticity made me come into my authenticity.

With the purest place in my heart, I thank you. You gifted me, me, and thats the greatest gift of all. ????

Thank you Hara, you are a blessing to earth.



September 2020

The real reason I booked the intutitve session with you, rather than bqh or qhht was that somewhere I did not want to go inside of me. And I had build walls around me, to say, I wont go inside of me, but Hara will tell me, and I trust her, so thats how I want to know whats going on.

But right at the beginning of the session, you connected me. And I felt super emotional because I knew the journey is gonna be inward. Throughout as we were exploring inside my heart, the fight was real with my ego. It was not easy at all. When you asked 'do I have permission to talk to your higher self', the answer from my higher self was yes right away, but with all my will, I was trying to block my self from airing it out. The struggle was real. so real. And I really saw what this was, and how my higher self always want to say so many things, and how my ego almost always just builds a wall and doesn't let it express. And there for, I am restricting my soul express itself.

But with you, even with the fight, my higher self really started talking. And it was pure pure pure bliss. And I saw it, how beautiful my higher self is, and how my higher self was always there for me, all my life listening to all my monologues and everything, and when my higher self started talking, I felt heard, I felt received. And this was such an emotional moment for me.

Through your session, my biggest take home is, finaallyyyy
'acknowledging my connection with my higher self' and fully accepting and embracing this connection.

I had a lot of questions to ask in my session with you, but what you made me realize is the fact that, the answer to all those questions are inside me.

You gave me back my old friend, Hara. I do not know how to ever be grateful enough to you, to very literally show my old friend and also make me hug too. ????

The journey inward is so beautiful, and you opened up a door that I had shut for a very long time, and reconnected myself. The door is open still, I dont think its gonna close again, for I know who is behind the door. Behind the door is HOME. ❤️ thank you for bringing me back home. ❤️

You energy was such pure bliss, I felt very protected and calm right away. I love youuuuu, I love you so much for gifting me this beautiful reconnection.
You are such a beautiful soul, and i am forever forever forever grateful to you.

Throughout friday and saturday, I was having such massive headaches that my crown is popping open kind of. It went after I went for a walk outside, I think grounding was key.

I am indeed honored to have met you, and your energy is such pure bliss, and you authenticity made me come into my authenticity.

With the purest place in my heart, I thank you. You gifted me, me, and thats the greatest gift of all. ????

Thank you Hara, you are a blessing to earth ????



July 2020

In more than ten years I had sessions with different healers and teachers and I have to say she is one of the best and one of a kind. A precious soul here on Earth. I did two sessions with Hara and every time I had a deep unique experience. She goes straight to the point thanks to her high sensitivity but because of her lovely, calm and conscious way to talk about what is happening, she makes you feel comfortable, listened, loved and safe all the time. In this way you can really make a big revolutionary step! What I experienced is personal, but I can say was definitely more than I expected.



June 2020

I had the honor and joy of being in touch and under the care of Hara for the second time now. My first encounter was a QHHT session, and this time it was an Intuitive Session. To have a session with Hara is coming home and going on a journey at the same time. I feel so secure when envelopped by her care and love, protected under her wings. Hara guides you carefully through the session, and I could dive deep and high, (re)connecting with my Self, the universe and all the engergies. The experience stays with me, and creates little ripples, eventually becoming waves or streams, an empowering transformation. With deep gratitude.


Camille Elizabeth

June 2020

Hearing Haras voice on her Youtube channel gave me immediate confirmation that I had made the right decision to book an Intuitive Session with her. Upon meeting her I felt at once at ease in her calm and genuine presence. Her intuitive messages resonated completely and soothingly she supported me down a meditative path toward self healing. I look forward to future sessions with this beautiful Soul.



June 2020

I am so grateful with Hara for all her support in this process, her empathy, caring and openess helped me to go through this with trust. I felt completely relaxed got result I was not expecting and I am connecting the dots of this experience. It is helping me to understand myself. Again many thanks Hara, you are blessed and God bless you, luv!



June 2020

Hara is such a beautiful, sensitive practitioner with deep sense of integrity, intuition and wisdom. She helped me feel safe to explore the depth of my psyche and I found it easy to relax even though the session was online. In the end I don't think that mattered at all, for the nearly five hours that it took, I felt her presence as strongly as if she was in the room with me. I am eternally grateful. Thank you.



June 2020

I found Hara through internet.She is a very gentle soul and explained to me the process in very simple and down to earth terms.I felt trust,connection and let myself go and very powerful messages came up for me that years of psychotherapy couldn't even approach.Still after the session I keep receiving healing and explanations.I strongly recommend Hara.



May 2020

I just wanted to say this was absolutely amazing and as personal as these types of sessions are Hara was very respectful, loving and guided in such a way you feel 100% at piece to share and experience everything you are feeling without any fear. I could not have asked for a better session or experience than this one.



May 2020

I felt very welcome and save in Hara's space and could open up immediately. I was gifted a very meaningful experience with a reconnection to which felt like source. The most profound I took also is that my True Self is right here, it's me. And communication is natural and easy if you allow to listen and trust yourself.
Hara's presence and voice are very comforting and helpful along the process.
Thank you so much for the experience!
Much love!



May 2020

My intuitive session with Hara was truly miraculous-- healing and enlightening. Through her I received so much clarity, wisdom and understanding regarding my path in life, my health and also relationships. It was a very powerful healing. She has a beautiful and calming energy and is extremely gifted... I have already recommended her to friends and will definitely see her again. Thank you, Hara, for sharing your immense and beautiful gifts!



May 2020

This was my second session with Hara, and once more I had a very unique and useful experience. It helped me to reconnect or sense better my higher self and so instantly to find answers for my questions. I'd especially recommend Hara's assistance for people with open hearts who know that everything comes first from inside and not outside.


Joana Campos Pinto

May 2020

This was one of the most amazing experiences that I ever had. Hara is sweet, lovely and fully connected. I got amazing insights for situations that have been in need of getting solved.



May 2020

My experience with Hara was extremely positive. She is a wonderful human being with a calm and sweet voice that make you feel at ease.
I thank you Hara for guiding me through the journey and being patient and understanding. I truly recommend to do the session with Hara. She is lovely and caring.



May 2020

Such deep work! In both sessions I've had with Hara it felt instantly easy for me to reconnect with my authentic essence in a profound way, like a returning home and remembering things that I have always known. I gained a lot of clarity, returning to a deep sense of peace, feeling on purpose and aware of the bigger perspectives. From her presence as a facilitator I felt completely held, seen and connected with from a place of pure love vibration. I recommend her as a practitioner whole heartedly <3



April 2020

It was amazing!
As my first hypnosis experience I had a lot anxious and fear thoughts before. Hara helped me so well for the preparation, was so reassuring and kind.
The session surpassed our expectations as Hara guided me to the importance of letting the imagination just flow and I let myself "the courage to pretend" :D
Hara was a perfect guide also during the process encouraging my imagination when I was in doubt, I felt so safe to just let myself continue to invent.
Hara took me trough some fears and into unexpected places wich made my experience very surprising and deeper.
It was beautiful to feel so calm, I could access knowledge without being affected by thoughts or feelings. It was amazing to have Hara guiding me trough the questions so kindly, so attentive, I could feel her care to clarifying the information from me for me.
This experience for sure enriched me, intuned me with my energies strongly, calmed me and healed me.
I am so happy to have done this with you Hara <3
Thank you so much !



April 2020

Hara very beautifully, and respectfully guided me through the BQH process before facilitating a powerful session. Hara was able to ensure my questions were answered whilst asking additional questions to my guides when she intuitively felt it right to do so which really added to what came through. I felt very safe during the experience.

Thanks again Hara for facilitating such a powerful session you have a truly beautiful energy and I felt very open hearted and connected and held in your presence.



April 2020

Hara is a powerful, magic person - the most appropriate to guide you through the past life regression therapy! Wonderful experience. I think everybody should give themselves this healing gift.



April 2020

What a wonderful session. If there is anybody being guided through this journey by Hara you will be held you will be empowered and you will experience the meaning of being seen in your essence. Hara is an amazing practitioner and fully aware of what is happening within you to create the most comfortable atmosphere. I really enjoyed the session and I'm thankful for this meeting.



March 2020

I was welcomed very warmly by Hara when I arrived at her place. She offered me a cup of herbal tea and we were talking for a while in her beautiful and sunny studio space, before we started with the session. Hara is a very calming and appreciative soul and I am happy that the universe pointed me in her direction. I can highly recommend her as a practitioner! The outcome of my session was interesting in many ways and helped me to understand my existence in this world and time better, and what my assignment on earth might be. I am utmost thankful for this experience!



March 2020

I had a wonderful journey, thank you Hara for your guidance. Kata



January 2020

I want to thank Hara for once again making this journey possible for me and so gently guiding me through it.
The wisdom that came through in the session is an anchor and guidance through very challenging times in my life and it supports me in the depth of my own lifeforce, where i can feel the unconditional joy of being.



December 2019

My session with Hara was extraordinary. She is patient, loving, full of understanding. Simply very good in what she does. I find her energy calming and very soothing which helps in reaching deep relaxation state. Hara also took care we go through all my questions thoroughly not missing any details which in my opinion made my session extremly sucessfull.
I would warmly recommend a QHHT session with Hara.


Peter Kubala

December 2019

Nothing else to say but - go for it! You will love it and experience a divine surprise. Thank you so much for being amongst us.


Filip Covic

December 2019

I really enjoyed my session with Hara, this was my first experience with any type of spiritual healing or hypnosis. I did not know what to expect. Hara was so easy to talk with and open up to.
I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for answers in their own life. It is a beautiful way to connect to yourself on a much deeper level.


Dawn Edwards

November 2019

Really enjoyed my experience, learned a lot about myself, would recommend Hara she’s amazing


Christin Graf

November 2019

She's beautiful inside as she looks outside! Such a lovely



November 2019

Session with Hara was beautiful experience. She is a wonderful guide and I felt very comfortable in her presence. I would recommend to anyone who wants to spiritually connect with themselves.



October 2019

Hara helped me get to where I needed to go for the answers and healing I required. I am very grateful.



October 2019

My experience of Quantum Healing with Hara was beautifully intense and a like gentle trespass to my undisturbed knowing and wisdom about what lies in my way and how I step towards my full potential and joy.


Chrysilla Lewies

September 2019

Hara was an amazing practitioner. She was compassionate, and I really appreciate that she held the space for me that I needed to express myself with no judgement. I felt safe within her presence, and it was amazing to have a session from the comfort of my own home, as the BQH session was done online via Zoom. I would highly recommend Hara as a practitioner.



August 2019

I am so happy for having the BQH session with Hara.
She is a very passionate person and committed professional.
Hara was great at explaining how the session works and what to expect, which made me feel safe and open to proceed with the regression therapy.
Hara voice and tone made me feel warm and confortable in order for me to get into the deep relaxation state.
What I can share from my own experience is that hypnosis itself is not reaching to a state of unconsciousness, but more like getting into a deep meditation state, like a day dreaming state, wich I felt wonderful.
I really enjoyed the experience.

I feel good everyday, even more than before the session, emotionally
more strong, hopeful, grateful and powerful. Thank you Hara!



August 2019

I found it very helpful taking with Hara Katsiki she is very helpful. She helped me open some difficult topics with out judging or pity. But in my situation I need more.



August 2019

I felt immediately at ease in the presence of Hara. The first hour was spent talking about my childhood and my journey up until now. This helped establish trust. Then Hara walked me through the QHHT process and offered to answer any questions I might have (I actually didn't have any because she was so thorough with her explanation--she answered all of them before!) I really like that she told me to use my imagination beforehand--if I hadn't been told this my thinking brain probably would have tried to rationalize everything that was coming up. The bed where the hypnosis took place was very comfortable. It was quite warm that day so no blanket was needed, but Hara provided one just in case. Two past lives came up during the session. Both seemed to point to the fact that I needed to open myself up to others and embrace the longing I've been feeling for connectedness & community. The session helped me release some of my fears surrounding intimacy & commitment. I wasn't expecting to be so emotional during the session. I cried a lot! Still, though, I didn't really experience any BIG surprises. All of the epiphanies connected to the session were more like reminders of the work I've already been doing. Even so, if you are interested in a session, definitely do it with Hara. The experience will give you the confidence and validation to keep going on your spiritual journey and deepen the trust you have with your higher self.



August 2019

I had my session with Hara exactly one week ago now. It had been a while this was knocking on my door and I am so glad I listened to the signals! My session, even if when going through it I was quite aware of all I was bringing up and it all rather felt like I was making everything up, ended up being surprisingly round and insightful. I believe I am just coming to recognise the extent of the impact of this session in these following days (as I keep letting things adjust and keep on listening to my recording, I seem to be connecting more dots...) and I can sense very interesting things are on their way. Also physically, I can feel my body is kind of "purging“ things out...so all in all I am currently in the middle of a very fascinating phase!
Hara is a lovely being. I felt connected to her and protected (something that was one of my biggest concerns before the session) since the very first moment she opened the door. She also led my session in an excellent manner.
For me, this was definitely a leap in my path. A door to a new life just opened and I am so grateful to Hara for accompanying me in this journey!



July 2019

I had my first QHHT session with Hara,and this was a great once in a lifetime experience for me. Hara, with her relaxing voice made me relax and connect with my higher self easily. My higher self gave me some guidance about this life and showed me a past life.
Overall it was a great experience that I may need to experience again in the future. After it I feel more relaxed and more connected to my higher self.



July 2019

Hara is a gentle and kind soul I felt very comfortable with during our session. I am very surprised how easily and well she was able to guide me through my past lives and call on my higher self.
Thank you Hara and bless your heart!


Nicole R

June 2019

Dear Hara,
Thanks again for this magical experience. I am especially amazed about the power of the healing part. Very unepxected. It felt like such a force I rarely experienced before and made me realize even more what cosmic forces are around us, what we are made of, what is possible that we cannot perceive yet. I actually felt the deep of the quantum realm. It is possible and that in a blink of an eye, we just have to expand into it. At an important point my ego stepped back during healing but Hara skillfully managed it.
Now 2,5 weeks on I can say how much it shifted and restored in me. I feel emerged more grown, evolved, closer to my essence.
Very important for me was too, to finally feel what it feels like when my True / Higher Self speaks to me. It was foggier before. In retrospect I am so grateful that Hara asked to relate to a body feeling with it and that is how I connect with it now. To know when my True Self is talking is totally priceless. We are grown closer again.
My main focus for this session were the questions though and they were answered too incl. one big important one. And the additional, priceless information on the cosmos.
The loving voice of Hara is wonderful and her care. I felt safe giving her my most intimate questions and during the session felt like a trusting sister was reading them to me. I was able to fully let go and trust Hara.
I cannot wait to repeat it!! And wish the same amazing experience for others as well.
Love & Light, Nicole


Christina Mertzani

June 2019

The session with Hara was an unforgettable journey. She is great in guiding you to your own depth and your own improvement. It is a session that she is guiding you with her velvet voice to see your higher self ,other lives and so many possibilities.
It is one of the sessions I would recommend to all the people that want to know more about themselves, want to know "why" things are happening in their lives and mainly for the ones willing to change and make new steps in their life. Highly recommended!!!


Robyn R

May 2019

Just being in Hara’s presence is healing and listening to her melodic voice will have you in another dimension instantly! I felt safe and was able to speak to my Higher Self and guides with ease!


Your Water Priestess :-)

March 2019

Dear Hara,
we had some amazing "coincidences" meeting eachother in this session and already before, right? So I know, it was the right impulse to have this experience with you. A very special moment which I am still digesting - even 2 days after it. It was so rich in informations and clearness, that I am still in process of integrating. Thank you so much for your way of being and holding the space: clear, warm, funny, simple, grounded yet spiritually connected, honest, trusting and caring. May Water bless and accompany you!



February 2019

Dear Hara,
I thank you so much for our recent QHHT session. It was an amazing experience. It was easy to relax and let go with your guidance. Your voice is so soft, lovingly and gentle. You are very gifted in this work and I highly recommend. The session was so thorough from preparing for the session, the session itself, and the aftercare.
I was quite nervous because I knew that trusting somebody isn´t easy for me, but she made me feel safe and comfortable.

It was my first session and I was able to access a past life. I have gained some knowing about myself and my life and I still gain more insights.

We went through my questions and asked my higher self to do a scan of my body and to heal anything that could be healed at that time. Two days after the session a physical purging began (flu like symptoms). Now I´m drinking lot´s of water, like my higher self recommended.

Once again, thank you! I am so grateful!
The Healer from the forest <3


Stephanie Shek

September 2018

No words can describe the gratitude and love I have for Hara Katsiki after a marathon BQH session that she facilitated for me unconditionally. I was guided to seek Hara for assistance for some issues and when my higher self came through, it said that the most important part of our BQH session today was when Hara listened compassionately and patiently during the chat. I had never been able to talk to anyone so comfortably. I felt even before the induction that I could finally leave a lot of things behind as finally I could share my thoughts without being judged. I trusted her 100% that she would look after me when we were accessing the unknown together. A very unpleasant scene came up and I almost refused to see it but Hara was able to gently guide me with her loving voice so that I saw just enough to know what was happening and much emotions were released. It was an online session but I could feel her presence and at times I could see her as a white light being right there protecting me. Hara is magical and out of this world. Thank you for being you.


QHHT ODYSSEYS / ET's / Genetic engineered felines / Mission on Earth

This is a hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) QHHT is an amazing journey of consciousness and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within. Its a proven method of hypnosis for healing, past life regression and the study of reincarnation. Its is a special technique of hypnosis created by renowned regressive hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how QHHT started, with exploration of Past Lives. Over the course of time, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than "just" Past Lives has become available to experience. During a QHHT session you are guided into a deeply relaxed brain state (Theta brain waves).The session consists of two main parts. In the first part one or several "Past Lives" are experienced by the client. In the second part the facilitator helps the client to establish direct communication with his/her Subconsious(Higher Self) in order to receive answers and advice. For many, the second part is the most spectacular aspect of QHHT. Themes explored in this session: Past Life on another planet Genetic engineered felines Mission on Earth Karmic relationships Healing emotional traumas For more info please visit http://www.qhht.cloud https://www.facebook.com/hara.katsiki... *Opening Credits Music: Track "Lullaby for the Ego" Energy Transmission for all Sentient Beings https://samiksalove.com Animated GIF'S http://vincemckelvie.tumblr.com Note for the viewer: The information provided in this video is not meant to convince, defend or otherwise foster any cause or belief system.If you disagree or are uncomfortable receiving these views, then you should stop listening and return to what you feel is correct for you.If you continue, the information may serve you. Thank you for being here!

QHHT ODYSSEYS / Melchizedek consciousness /Arcturians / Twin Flames

This is a hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) QHHT is an amazing journey of consciousness and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within. Its a proven method of hypnosis for healing, past life regression and the study of reincarnation. Its is a special technique of hypnosis created by renowned regressive hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how QHHT started, with exploration of Past Lives. Over the course of time, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than "just" Past Lives has become available to experience. During a QHHT session you are guided into a deeply relaxed brain state (Theta brain waves).The session consists of two main parts. In the first part one or several "Past Lives" are experienced by the client. In the second part the facilitator helps the client to establish direct communication with his/her Subconscious (Higher Self) in order to receive answers and advice. For many, the second part is the most spectacular aspect of QHHT. For more info please visit http://www.qhht.cloud https://www.facebook.com/hara.katsiki... *Opening Credits Music: Track "Lullaby for the Ego" Energy Transmission for all Sentient Beings https://samiksalove.com Animated GIF'S http://vincemckelvie.tumblr.com DISCLAIMER The comments and views expressed on this video are those of the people that make them and do not necessarily reflect the view of Hara Katsiki.This show is for entertainment purposes only. This video is not designed to, and does not, provide medical advice. All Content (“content”), including audio,video,text, graphics, images and information available on or through this web site are for general informational purposes Only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay In seeking it, because of something you have read on this web site. Never rely on information on this web site in place of seeking professional medical advice. Hara Katsiki is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis Or any other information, services or products that you obtain through this site. Note for the viewer: The information provided in this video is not meant to convince, defend or otherwise foster any cause or belief system.If you disagree or are uncomfortable receiving these views, then you should stop listening and return to what you feel is correct for you.If you continue, the information may serve you. Thank you for being here!

QHHT ODYSSEYS / Healing with Herbs / Creator Beings / Walk-In / Hall of records

Themes explored in this session: The art of healing with herbs Holistic ways of healing The beginning of medical industry Natural born healer Creator Beings Walk-In Hearing high pitched sounds Hall of records Downloading knowledge from Past Lives Schools and libraries in the astral planes The importance of sex and procreation Balance between light and dark Sugar vs Honey This is a hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) QHHT is an amazing journey of consciousness and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within. Its a proven method of hypnosis for healing, past life regression and the study of reincarnation. Its is a special technique of hypnosis created by renowned regressive hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how QHHT started, with exploration of Past Lives. Over the course of time, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than "just" Past Lives has become available to experience. During a QHHT session you are guided into a deeply relaxed brain state (Theta brain waves).The session consists of two main parts. In the first part one or several "Past Lives" are experienced by the client. In the second part the facilitator helps the client to establish direct communication with his/her Subconscious (Higher Self) in order to receive answers and advice. For many, the second part is the most spectacular aspect of QHHT. For more info please visit http://www.qhht.cloud https://www.facebook.com/hara.katsiki.qhht/ *Opening Credits Music: Track "Lullaby for the Ego" Energy Transmission for all Sentient Beings https://samiksalove.com Animated GIF'S http://vincemckelvie.tumblr.com DISCLAIMER The comments and views expressed on this video are those of the people that make them and do not necessarily reflect the view of Hara Katsiki.This show is for entertainment purposes only. This video is not designed to, and does not, provide medical advice. All Content (“content”), including audio,video,text, graphics, images and information available on or through this web site are for general informational purposes Only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay In seeking it, because of something you have read on this web site. Never rely on information on this web site in place of seeking professional medical advice. Hara Katsiki is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis Or any other information, services or products that you obtain through this site. *Note for the viewer: The information provided in this video is not meant to convince, defend or otherwise foster any cause or belief system.If you disagree or are uncomfortable receiving these views, then you should stop listening and return to what you feel is correct for you.If you continue, the information may serve you. Thank you for being here!

QHHT ODYSSEYS / ET beings / Blue Avians / Starseed / Ashtar Command

Themes explored in this session: Past Life on another planet ET Blue beings Manipulating energy A higher dimensional school for children Starseed/Volunteer Energy Healing The process of awakening The ships outside the Earth atmosphere Starseeds connecting with their star families This is a hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) QHHT is an amazing journey of consciousness and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within. Its a proven method of hypnosis for healing, past life regression and the study of reincarnation. Its is a special technique of hypnosis created by renowned regressive hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how QHHT started, with exploration of Past Lives. Over the course of time, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than "just" Past Lives has become available to experience. During a QHHT session you are guided into a deeply relaxed brain state (Theta brain waves).The session consists of two main parts. In the first part one or several "Past Lives" are experienced by the client. In the second part the facilitator helps the client to establish direct communication with his/her Subconsious(Higher Self) in order to receive answers and advice. For many, the second part is the most spectacular aspect of QHHT. For more info please visit http://www.qhht.cloud https://www.facebook.com/hara.katsiki... *Opening Credits Music: Track "Lullaby for the Ego" Energy Transmission for all Sentient Beings https://samiksalove.com Animated GIF'S http://vincemckelvie.tumblr.com DISCLAIMER The comments and views expressed on this video are those of the people that make them and do not necessarily reflect the view of Hara Katsiki.This show is for entertainment purposes only. This video is not designed to, and does not, provide medical advice. All Content (“content”), including audio,video,text, graphics, images and information available on or through this web site are for general informational purposes Only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay In seeking it, because of something you have read on this web site. Never rely on information on this web site in place of seeking professional medical advice. Hara Katsiki is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis Or any other information, services or products that you obtain through this site. *Note for the viewer: The information provided in this video is not meant to convince, defend or otherwise foster any cause or belief system.If you disagree or are uncomfortable receiving these views, then you should stop listening and return to what you feel is correct for you.If you continue, the information may serve you. Thank you for being here!

QHHT ODYSSEYS / The library of Alexandria housed within the Akashic records

QHHT ODYSSEYS / The library of Alexandria housed within the Akashic records Themes explored in this session:: The library of Alexandria within the Akashic records School for new souls Samurai Priestess of Hathor Ancient Earth Misusing power Connecting to the heart Benefits of Meditation with rose quartz Karmic contracts Anxiety Skin and the incoming rising energy Divine orders and humans Balancing Hormones Connecting with two Atlantians cats The colors of the rainbow and the shift Parallel universes Processing the upgrades The Event An ET observing life on Earth through a human body Etheric implants Hybrids Mission to raise the vibration of the planet This is a hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) QHHT is an amazing journey of consciousness and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within. Its a proven method of hypnosis for healing, past life regression and the study of reincarnation. Its is a special technique of hypnosis created by renowned regressive hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how QHHT started, with the exploration of Past Lives. Over the course of time, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than "just" Past Lives has become available to experience. During a QHHT session you are guided into a deeply relaxed brain state (Theta brain waves). The session consists of two main parts. In the first part, one or several "Past Lives" are experienced by the client. In the second part, the facilitator helps the client to establish direct communication with his/her Subconscious (Higher Self) in order to receive answers and advice. For many, the second part is the most spectacular aspect of QHHT. For more info please visit http://www.qhht.cloud https://www.facebook.com/hara.katsiki... *Opening Credits Music: Track "Lullaby for the Ego" Energy Transmission for all Sentient Beings https://samiksalove.com Animated GIF'S http://vincemckelvie.tumblr.com DISCLAIMER The comments and views expressed on this video are those of the people that make them and do not necessarily reflect the view of Hara Katsiki. This show is for entertainment purposes only. This video is not designed to, and does not, provide medical advice. All Content (“content”), including audio, video, text, graphics, images, and information available on or through this website are for general informational purposes Only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay In seeking it, because of something you have read on this website. Never rely on information on this website in place of seeking professional medical advice. Hara Katsiki is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis Or any other information, services or products that you obtain through this site. Note for the viewer: The information provided in this video is not meant to convince, defend or otherwise foster any cause or belief system. If you disagree or are uncomfortable receiving these views, then you should stop listening and return to what you feel is correct for you. If you continue, the information may serve you. Thank you for being here!


This is a segment of quantum healing hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using BQH (BEYOND QUANTUM HEALING) Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is one the most advanced healing modalities on the planet today. It is a heart-based and intention oriented method that promotes the idea of allowing energy healers to use all their skills and resources in service to their Clients. BQH does not rely on exact scripts and methods, but instead is adaptable to the Client's needs, the Practitioner's skills and the situation at hand. BQH was created and based upon classic "past life regression" hypnosis models but with a great many important and distinctive differences. It eschews hard and fast rules and promotes creative and individualized approaches and shuns the typical rules, restrictions, and dogma or more restrictive modalities. BQH is "quantum" which can mean "multidimensional," so healing may occur on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For more info about BQH please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh Do you want to learn BQH? Use Discount Code: HARA10 Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer practicing BQH (Beyond quantum Healing) http://www.qhht.cloud/bqh/ & QHHT https://www.qhhtofficial.com/ She is also a Certified Teacher of "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal" and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path" from TSOTH (THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART) https://theschooloftheheart.com/hara-... http://www.qhht.cloud/ https://www.facebook.com/hara.katsiki... https://www.quantumhealers.com/haraka... If you want to find a Quantum Healer in your area please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/ *Opening Credits Music: Intro Track "Strange Angels" by Martysonic http://martysonic.wixsite.com/martysonic Note for the viewer: The information provided in this video is not meant to convince, defend or otherwise foster any cause or belief system. If you disagree or are uncomfortable receiving these views, then you should stop listening and return to what you feel is correct for you. If you continue, the information may serve you. Thank you for being here!


This is a quantum healing hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using BQH (BEYOND QUANTUM HEALING) BQH is one the most advanced healing modalities on the planet today. It is a heart-based and intention oriented method that promotes the idea of allowing energy healers to use all their skills and resources in service to their Clients. BQH does not rely on exact scripts and methods, but instead is adaptable to the Client's needs, the Practitioner's skills and the situation at hand. BQH was created and based upon classic "past life regression" hypnosis models but with a great many important and distinctive differences. It eschews hard and fast rules and promotes creative and individualized approaches and shuns the typical rules, restrictions, and dogma or more restrictive modalities. BQH is "quantum" which can mean "multidimensional," so healing may occur on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Themes explored in this session: Working with many interdimensional races (Tall whites, Greys, worm-type beings, frog-type beings, metallic ball type beings, Reptilians, humanoids) Collecting and sharing information from different planets Parallel universes / timelines / dimensions Healing Mental disorders Transmuting energies and physical pain Intuitive empaths Magic, witchcraft and the Occult Archangel Metatron message The importance of patience Physical and Energy Healing Repeating numbers and alignments Remembering our dreams You are never alone For more info about BQH please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh Do you want to learn BQH? Use Discount Code: HARA10 Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer practicing BQH (Beyond quantum Healing) http://www.qhht.cloud/bqh/ & QHHT https://www.qhhtofficial.com/ She is also a Certified Teacher of "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal" and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path" from TSOTH (THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART) https://theschooloftheheart.com/hara-... http://www.qhht.cloud/ https://www.facebook.com/hara.katsiki... https://www.quantumhealers.com/haraka... If you want to find a Quantum Healer in your area please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/ *Opening Credits Music: Intro Track "Strange Angels" by Martysonic http://martysonic.wixsite.com/martysonic

STARGATE TO SOURCE with Hara Katsiki & Chrysilla Lewies /// EXPLORING FAIRYLAND

Quantum Healers Hara Katsiki & Chrysilla Lewies, are joining forces and sharing session stories, personal insights, and experiences from their quantum journeys. NOTE: See a fairy orb at 10:00 minutes into the video! For more info about us please visit: Hara Katsiki http://www.qhht.cloud/ https://www.facebook.com/hara.katsiki... https://www.youtube.com/c/HaraKatsiki Chrysilla Lewies https://www.chrysillalewies.com/ https://www.facebook.com/chrysilla.le... https://www.youtube.com/user/dlewies1

STARGATE TO SOURCE with Hara Katsiki & Chrysilla Lewies /// Gifts and Signs from Spirit

Quantum Healers Hara Katsiki & Chrysilla Lewies, are joining forces and sharing session stories, personal insights, and experiences from their quantum journeys. Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer practicing QHHT https://www.qhhtofficial.com/ AND BQH (Beyond quantum Healing) https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh Do you want to learn BQH? Use Discount Code: HARA10 For more info about us please visit: Hara Katsiki http://www.qhht.cloud/ https://www.facebook.com/hara.katsiki... https://www.youtube.com/c/HaraKatsiki Chrysilla Lewies https://www.chrysillalewies.com/ https://www.facebook.com/chrysilla.le... https://www.youtube.com/user/dlewies1

STARGATE TO SOURCE with Hara Katsiki & Chrysilla Lewies /// OUR GALACTIC FAMILY

Quantum Healers Hara Katsiki & Chrysilla Lewies, are joining forces and sharing session stories, personal insights, and experiences from their quantum journeys. Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer practicing QHHT https://www.qhhtofficial.com/ AND BQH (Beyond quantum Healing) https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh Do you want to learn BQH? Use Discount Code: HARA10

Interview & Guided Meditation with HARA KATSIKI for The Music Medicine Podcast

In this episode, Berlin-based Hara Katsiki from Greece talks about Creativity, Intuition and Channeling. How Meditation has played a role in her life and made her smarter, what it means to feel the Music and why this is something inherited to all people and last, how we can shut our conscious mind in order to allow the subconscious to express itself! Hara Katsiki, is an intuitive artist and quantum healer, originally from Athens Greece and based in Berlin. She is a certified practitioner of Quantum Healing Hypnosis technique by Dolores Cannon and teacher "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal"® and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path"® from “The School of the Heart” by Meditation Master Daniel Mittel. Hara is a multi-awarded self-taught artist that uses the subconscious mind as a source of inspiration and a recognized Dj and Soundscape selector and music director. She has the ability to shapeshift between genres and sounds and has performed in a variety of Hotels, Fashion Events, Bars and Clubs and she wrote soundtracks for catwalks and been doing music supervision for films. Especially for this episode, Hara is sharing with us a “Unity Breath Meditation” from Drunvalo Melchizedek inspired by Indigenous Tribes. A special tool that connects us with our Heart, our Mother Earth and Father Sun that helps one to align and embody the Holy Trinity (Divine Mother, Divine Mother and Divine Child) and to generate the frequency of Love! * * * TRACK USED ON MEDITATION: Dimitrios - The Zen Within * * * MORE ABOUT HARA KATSIKI Website: www.qhht.cloud www.harakatsiki.com djharakatsiki.tumblr.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hara.katsiki.qhht www.facebook.com/HaraKatsikiFanPage Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/hara_katsiki Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/HaraKatsiki * * * ABOUT THE MUSIC MEDICINE "The Music Medicine" is a Consciousness, a musical Entity and an Academy committed to achieving Global Harmony and Joy through the use and study of Music and Performing Arts as tools of Human Development and Self-Healing. Under this Consciousness, a collective of Musicians, Dj's, Performers & Practitioners came together with the purpose of raising the vibration in spaces, individuals and groups, and awaken the inherited gifts of Musicality and Creativity through the Medicines of Music and Movement. Founded by Sound Alchemist, Artist and Musician Dimitrios, “The Music Medicine” attempts to share its message emphasizing on one’s musical education and understanding of the importance of music, sound and performance as tools of Balance, Expansion, Connection and Transcendence, also bridging the gap between Meditation & Celebration, Spirit & Science, Tradition & Technology. The Music Medicine uses Music Therapy Sessions and Workshops, Musical Ceremonies, Live Shows, Podcasts and Intimate Experiences to “tune” more people to the same consciousness and vibration. * * * FOLLOW THE MUSIC MEDICINE Website: https://www.themusicmedicine.com Soundcloud: https://www.soundcloud.com/the-music-... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themusicmedi... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themusicmed... Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/597fgna... iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/t...

STARGATE TO SOURCE / Homage to Dolores Cannon

STARGATE TO SOURCE / Homage to Dolores Cannon Quantum Healers Hara Katsiki & Chrysilla Lewies, are joining forces and sharing session stories, personal insights, and experiences from their quantum journeys. Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer practicing QHHT https://www.qhhtofficial.com/ AND BQH (Beyond quantum Healing) https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh Do you want to learn BQH? Use Discount Code: HARA10 If you want to find a Quantum Healer in your area please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/

BQH / Accessing infinite wisdom

This is a quantum healing hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using BQH (BEYOND QUANTUM HEALING) Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is one of the most advanced healing modalities on the planet today. It is a heart-based and intention oriented method that promotes the idea of allowing energy healers to use all their skills and resources in service to their Clients. BQH does not rely on exact scripts and methods, but instead is adaptable to the Client's needs, the Practitioner's skills and the situation at hand. BQH was created and based upon classic "past life regression" hypnosis models but with a great many important and distinctive differences. It eschews hard and fast rules and promotes creative and individualized approaches and shuns the typical rules, restrictions, and dogma or more restrictive modalities. BQH is "quantum" which can mean "multidimensional," so healing may occur on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For more info about BQH please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh Do you want to learn BQH? Use Discount Code: HARA10 Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer practicing BQH (Beyond quantum Healing) http://www.qhht.cloud/bqh/ & QHHT https://www.qhhtofficial.com/ She is also a Certified Teacher of "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal" and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path" from TSOTH (THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART)

Guided Meditation / Arcturian Crystal Temple

Guided Meditation / Arcturian Crystal Temple Headphones are recommended for this guided journey. This energy transmission is channeled by the Artcurians and contains powerful quantum healing frequencies and ascension codes. In this guided Meditation you will be bathed in the SOLFEGGIO SCALE/ 852 HZ MUSIC. This frequency is associated with the color indigo, and it assists to Awaken Crystal clear intuition and return to spiritual order. This journey is a gift of love to you from the Arcturians

Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus and the Notre Dame Fire

The connection between Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus and the event in Notre Dame on the 15th of April 2019. The following information is simply of my perspective. Please use your own discernment as your truth lies within your own hearts.

STARGATE TO SOURCE / The Gods must be crazy

Welcome to Stargate To Source with Chrysilla Lewies and Hara Katsiki, who are joining forces and sharing session stories, personal insights, and experiences from their quantum journeys. We would like to thank you for your support on this new earth journey as humanity is evolving, to explore, and to understand the role of consciousness, in the seen a and unseen worlds, opening up to understand our individual and collective reality. In this episode, we are exploring the mental challenges of our rapidly changing world. Moving into a new paradigm, our minds and belief systems are being stretched and bent like pretzels!. As we are raising our frequencies, tapping into higher dimensions, and sneak peaking into a quantum reality, where do we, as humans, draw the line between sanity and insanity? How do we find mental balance and become "the eye in the storm"? Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer practicing QHHT https://www.qhhtofficial.com/ AND BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh Do you want to learn BQH? Use Discount Code: HARA10 If you want to find a Quantum Healer in your area please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/ For more info about us please visit: Hara Katsiki http://www.qhht.cloud/ https://www.facebook.com/hara.katsiki.qhht/ https://www.youtube.com/c/HaraKatsiki https://www.quantumhealers.com/harakatsiki Chrysilla Lewies https://www.chrysillalewies.com/ https://www.facebook.com/SillaLewies/ https://www.youtube.com/user/dlewies1 Note for the viewer: The information provided in this video is not meant to convince, defend or otherwise foster any cause or belief system. If you disagree or are uncomfortable receiving these views, then you should stop listening and return to what you feel is correct for you. If you continue, the information may serve you. Thank you for being here! DISCLAIMER The comments and views expressed on this video are those of the people that make them and do not necessarily reflect the view of Hara Katsiki. This show is for entertainment purposes only. This video is not designed to, and does not, provide medical advice. All Content (“Content”), including audio, video, text, graphics, images, and information available on or through this website are for general informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on this website. Never rely on the information on this website in place of seeking professional medical advice. Hara Katsiki is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through this site.

Joy and Beingness / GUIDED MEDITATION

GUIDED MEDITATION / Joy and Beingness by Hara Katsiki Headphones are recommended for this guided journey. It contains powerful healing frequencies. In this meditation, you will be bathed in 341 Hz Credits: Script by Muna Krings Music by http://www.meditativemind.org Background Animated GIF by Geya Shvecova

STARGATE TO SOURCE / The power of the Animal Kingdom

Welcome to STARGATE TO SOURCE with Chrysilla Lewies and Hara Katsiki, who are joining forces and sharing session stories, personal insights, and experiences from their quantum journeys. We would like to thank you for your support on this new earth journey as humanity is evolving, to explore, and to understand the role of consciousness, in the seen and unseen worlds, opening up to understand our individual and collective reality.


The information in this video came through a quantum healing hypnosis session facilitated by Chrysilla Lewis, using BQH (BEYOND QUANTUM HEALING) BQH is one of the most advanced healing modalities on the planet today. It is a heart-based and intention oriented method that promotes the idea of allowing energy healers to use all their skills and resources in service to their Clients. BQH does not rely on exact scripts and methods, but instead is adaptable to the Client's needs, the Practitioner's skills and the situation at hand. BQH was created and based upon classic "past life regression" hypnosis models but with a great many important and distinctive differences. It eschews hard and fast rules and promotes creative and individualized approaches and shuns the typical rules, restrictions, and dogma or more restrictive modalities. BQH is "quantum" which can mean "multidimensional," so healing may occur on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For more info about BQH please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh Do you want to learn BQH? Use Discount Code: HARA10 Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer practicing BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) http://www.qhht.cloud/bqh/ & QHHT https://www.qhhtofficial.com/ She is also a Certified Teacher of "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal" and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path" from TSOTH (THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART)

Your power to choose / Α message from Source

Your power to choose / Α message from Source channeled by Hara Katsiki

QHHT / A kicka** Higher Self

This is a hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) QHHT is an amazing journey of consciousness and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within. Its a proven method of hypnosis for healing, past life regression and the study of reincarnation. It is a special technique of hypnosis created by renowned regressive hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how QHHT started, with the exploration of Past Lives. Over the course of time, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than "just" Past Lives has become available to experience. During a QHHT session you are guided into a deeply relaxed brain state (Theta brain waves). The session consists of two main parts. In the first part, one or several "Past Lives" are experienced by the client. In the second part, the facilitator helps the client to establish direct communication with his/her Subconscious(Higher Self) in order to receive answers and advice. For many, the second part is the most spectacular aspect of QHHT. Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer practicing QHHT https://www.qhhtofficial.com/ AND BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh

BQH / Arcturians / All is in the heart

This is a quantum healing hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using BQH (BEYOND QUANTUM HEALING) Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is one of the most advanced healing modalities on the planet today. It is a heart-based and intention oriented method that promotes the idea of allowing energy healers to use all their skills and resources in service to their Clients. BQH does not rely on exact scripts and methods, but instead is adaptable to the Client's needs, the Practitioner's skills and the situation at hand. BQH was created and based upon classic "past life regression" hypnosis models but with a great many important and distinctive differences. It eschews hard and fast rules and promotes creative and individualized approaches and shuns the typical rules, restrictions, and dogma or more restrictive modalities. BQH is "quantum" which can mean "multidimensional," so healing may occur on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For more info about BQH please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh Do you want to learn BQH? Use Discount Code: HARA10

BQH / COVID-19 and Human Body Upgrades

In this recent BQH hypnosis session we received unexpected information on the virus from the perspective of spirit. The client’sHigher Self provided insights on Covid-19 in relationship to human biology. We explored the Human DNA upgrades, why and how does this work, the current energies and how they affects us while preparing the body for the shift,The given perspective implies the intelligent adoptabillity of nature and its effect to human biology and current events. This is a quantum healing hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using BQH (BEYOND QUANTUM HEALING) Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is one of the most advanced healing modalities on the planet today. It is a heart-based and intention oriented method that promotes the idea of allowing energy healers to use all their skills and resources in service to their Clients. BQH does not rely on exact scripts and methods, but instead is adaptable to the Client's needs, the Practitioner's skills and the situation at hand. BQH was created and based upon classic "past life regression" hypnosis models but with a great many important and distinctive differences. It eschews hard and fast rules and promotes creative and individualized approaches and shuns the typical rules, restrictions, and dogma or more restrictive modalities. BQH is "quantum" which can mean "multidimensional," so healing may occur on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For more info about BQH please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh Do you want to learn BQH? Use Discount Code: HARA10 Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Heale.r She is a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Certified Dedicated Level 2 Practitioner of QHHT ® ( Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) by Dolores Cannon , BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Practitioner, PQL (Parallel Quantum Lives) practitioner and an Intuitive Guide. She is also a Certified Teacher of "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal" ®and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path" ® from THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART by Master of Meditation Daniel Mittel.

Hara Katsiki / Worldwide Regression Week 2020

This is a video for the Worldwide Regression Week 2020 by Quantum Healers , where I am introducing myself and my practice as BQH practitioner.

Great Stargate Choice Point / Guided Meditation by Hara Katsiki

Great Stargate Choice Point Guided Meditation by Hara Katsiki Co-creators of the New Earth, Let's join forces to create a gateway through which we will unite and merge our consciousness and energy and activate the operation that will manifest and lay the highest timeline for our planet. WE are co-creating it.It's an US , it's a WE.It's your participation, your energy, your decision and your choice that will make it happen! Let's shift our timeline to the New Earth! Headphones are recommended for this guided journey. This guided meditation contains powerful quantum healing frequencies. In this guided Meditation you will be bathed in Solfeggio frequency 963_Hz music. Music: THE GOD FREQUENCY COLLECTION BY SIMPLY HYPNOTIC Track: 963 Hz Ask and it Given https://simplyhypnotic.net/

BQH SESSION / Nikola Tesla in the Bosnian Pyramids

The following information has been received / channeled through a hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki. Using hypnosis I have found a window in time, to travel back and connect with Nikola Tesla. In this session Tesla talks about his connection with the Bosnian Pyramids, their purpose, tapping into the energy of the earth and the power of the pyramid complexes on our planet. His main message to humanity is: WE NEED TO EVOLVE! THE ENERGY IS SUPOSED TO BE FREE. IT IS TIME! Hara Katsiki is a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Certified Dedicated Level 2 Practitioner of QHHT ® ( Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) by Dolores Cannon , BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Practitioner, PQL (Parallel Quantum Lives) practitioner and Intuitive Counselor. She is also a Certified Teacher of "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal" ®and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path" ® from THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART by Master of Meditation Daniel Mittel. Do you want to learn BQH? Use Discount Code: HARA10 For more info about us please visit: Hara Katsiki http://www.qhht.cloud/

QHHT / The gift of the human experience

This is a hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) QHHT is an amazing journey of consciousness and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within. Its a proven method of hypnosis for healing, past life regression and the study of reincarnation. It is a special technique of hypnosis created by renowned regressive hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how QHHT started, with the exploration of Past Lives. Over the course of time, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than "just" Past Lives has become available to experience. During a QHHT session you are guided into a deeply relaxed brain state (Theta brain waves). The session consists of two main parts. In the first part, one or several "Past Lives" are experienced by the client. In the second part, the facilitator helps the client to establish direct communication with his/her Subconscious(Higher Self) in order to receive answers and advice. For many, the second part is the most spectacular aspect of QHHT. Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer. She is a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Certified Dedicated Level 2 Practitioner of QHHT ® ( Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) by Dolores Cannon , BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Practitioner, PQL (Parallel Quantum Lives) practitioner and an Intuitive Guide. She is also a Certified Teacher of "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal" ®and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path" ® from THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART by Master of Meditation Daniel Mittel. For more info or if you would like to book a session please visit http://www.qhht.cloud/

BQH / The Caretakers

The Caretakers (transcribed expert from the session) "We shape-shift and we create whatever we want here. Whatever we think of or we need, we can automatically manifest in this beautiful void of All That Is. I sense all others. We are all in One. I can not call myself "myself", because I am All and each of us is All. We are a collective and we are One with everything. This Realm is also part of us and we are part of it. The crystals are made of our skin. We can merge with the crystals. Everything is fluid. our skin is fluid. Everything is consciousness. Our realm is a World of all that is. We are everything and all. Our realm is outside of all reams, because we need to take care of all the realms. We make sure that evolutions takes place. In all dimensions, all realities, all realms of existence, everything that has ever been created and is continuously being created at every given moment, in infinite variations, forms of All That Is. We also help with creating new ways of existence. Source is constantly evolving. We incarnate among many type of beings and light beings. And everything, all the realms are interconnected. Nothing is ever separate. When one evolves, all evolve, always. Everything is ever-growing. constantly. When you breathe - we breathe. When we breathe - you breathe" This is a quantum healing hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using BQH (BEYOND QUANTUM HEALING) Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is one of the most advanced healing modalities on the planet today. It is a heart-based and intention oriented method that promotes the idea of allowing energy healers to use all their skills and resources in service to their Clients. BQH does not rely on exact scripts and methods, but instead is adaptable to the Client's needs, the Practitioner's skills and the situation at hand. BQH was created and based upon classic "past life regression" hypnosis models but with a great many important and distinctive differences. It eschews hard and fast rules and promotes creative and individualized approaches and shuns the typical rules, restrictions, and dogma or more restrictive modalities. BQH is "quantum" which can mean "multidimensional," so healing may occur on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For more info about BQH please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqh Do you want to learn BQH? Use Discount Code: HARA10 Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer She is a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Certified Dedicated Level 2 Practitioner of QHHT ® ( Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) by Dolores Cannon , BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Practitioner, PQL (Parallel Quantum Lives) practitioner and an Intuitive Guide. She is also a Certified Teacher of "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal" ®and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path" ® from THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART by Master of Meditation Daniel Mittel. For more info or if you would like to book a session please visit http://www.qhht.cloud/

Fantastic Creatures / FAIRIES

Fantastic Creatures / Fairies A BQH journey into a fascinating world full of wonder In this series of videos we are exploring the magical realm of the elemental beings and other kinds of legendary and sacred creatures in an effort to commune with a whole world of unseen beings. Often called "mythical", these beings seem to have come down to us by folklore and woven into legend since thousands of years. We are using BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) as a tool for consciousness exploration and are diving into the spirit world to discover more about their origins, existence and relation to humanity. Tales were told and songs were sung. Are they real? Or are they are just fantasy, fiction springing "just" from the imagination? Pablo Picasso once said: “Everything you can imagine is real.” In this episode we are entering the magic realm of the Fae or mostly known as Fairyland. The Fae is a group of beings who belong to the Elementals.They exist above 3D in a parallel dimension to Earth and have been here for eons. This world of faery is as mystical and wondrous as nature. In this episode we have the chance to speak to a representative of their specie and receive more information about them, their origin, and mission on Earth. Have you ever taken a walk in the woods and felt like you were not alone? That's because you weren't! Our guest and vessel for this session was Chrysilla Lewies https://www.chrysillalewies.com/ https://www.facebook.com/SillaLewies/ https://www.youtube.com/user/dlewies1

QHHT / From Source to Earth (A soul that comes directly from Source)

This is a hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) QHHT is an amazing journey of consciousness and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within. Its a proven method of hypnosis for healing, past life regression and the study of reincarnation. It is a special technique of hypnosis created by renowned regressive hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how QHHT started, with the exploration of Past Lives. Over the course of time, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than "just" Past Lives has become available to experience. During a QHHT session you are guided into a deeply relaxed brain state (Theta brain waves). The session consists of two main parts. In the first part, one or several "Past Lives" are experienced by the client. In the second part, the facilitator helps the client to establish direct communication with his/her Subconscious(Higher Self) in order to receive answers and advice. For many, the second part is the most spectacular aspect of QHHT.

Starseed Transmissions / Ashtar Command Mothership tour / Part 1

Starseed Transmissions is a project in collaboration with the Ashtar Command. It serves to connect to groups of beings currently sending Starseeds to planet Earth. It was originally introduced as transmissions of ET languages but developed fast into an exchange of information related to the species, their purpose, and interest in being Starseeds on Earth. The purpose of these transmissions is to assist Starseeds in re-awakening, remembering and integrating large parts of their being. Listening to these transmissions will further serve in becoming more cosmic in nature. These transmissions are being brought through under the alliance of The Ashtar Command and facilitated by Hara Katsiki Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer. She is a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Certified Dedicated Level 2 Practitioner of QHHT ® ( Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) by Dolores Cannon , BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Practitioner, PQL (Parallel Quantum Lives) practitioner and an Intuitive Guide. She is also a Certified Teacher of "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal" ®and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path" ® from THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART by Master of Meditation Daniel Mittel. For more info about Hara Katsiki or if you would like to book a session please visit http://www.qhht.cloud/ Our vessel is Erika Furuzono. About Erika Furuzono: Erika is a clairvoyant, clairaudient, starseed. She helps people to break through uncertainty, doubt, emotional pain, anxiety, and fear in relationships to get clarity, freedom, and happy love life. She helped her clients get out of repeating cycles, stuck in challenging romantic relationships to find their true soul desire and path. Her transformation methods assist people to connect with their divine essence and allow them to go deep into their subconscious mind to get solutions to solve their problems. you can book a free strategy call for coaching at :https://calendly.com/angeldustproductions/strategycall Note for the viewer: The following information is simply one perspective. Please use your own discernment as your truth lies within your own hearts. Any information provided in this video is not meant to convince, defend or otherwise foster any cause or belief system. If you disagree or are uncomfortable receiving these views, then you should stop listening and return to what you feel is correct for you. If you continue, the information may serve you. Thank you for being here!

Starseed Transmissions / Ashtar Command Mothership tour / Part 2

Starseed Transmissions is a project in collaboration with the Ashtar Command. It serves to connect to groups of beings currently sending Starseeds to planet Earth. It was originally introduced as transmissions of ET languages but developed fast into an exchange of information related to the species, their purpose, and interest in being Starseeds on Earth. The purpose of these transmissions is to assist Starseeds in re-awakening, remembering and integrating large parts of their being. Listening to these transmissions will further serve in becoming more cosmic in nature. These transmissions are being brought through under the alliance of The Ashtar Command and facilitated by Hara Katsiki Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer. She is a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Certified Dedicated Level 2 Practitioner of QHHT ® ( Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) by Dolores Cannon , BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Practitioner, PQL (Parallel Quantum Lives) practitioner and an Intuitive Guide. She is also a Certified Teacher of "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal" ®and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path" ® from THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART by Master of Meditation Daniel Mittel. For more info about Hara Katsiki or if you would like to book a session please visit http://www.qhht.cloud/ Our vessel is Erika Furuzono. About Erika Furuzono: Erika is a clairvoyant, clairaudient, starseed. She helps people to break through uncertainty, doubt, emotional pain, anxiety, and fear in relationships to get clarity, freedom, and happy love life. She helped her clients get out of repeating cycles, stuck in challenging romantic relationships to find their true soul desire and path. Her transformation methods assist people to connect with their divine essence and allow them to go deep into their subconscious mind to get solutions to solve their problems. you can book a free strategy call for coaching at :https://calendly.com/angeldustproductions/strategycall Note for the viewer: The following information is simply one perspective. Please use your own discernment as your truth lies within your own hearts. Any information provided in this video is not meant to convince, defend or otherwise foster any cause or belief system. If you disagree or are uncomfortable receiving these views, then you should stop listening and return to what you feel is correct for you. If you continue, the information may serve you. Thank you for being here!

Fantastic Creatures / Mermaids

In this episode we were led by the ethereal songs of the sea. Mesmerized by this enchanted aria, we closed our eyes, set our hearts free and dipped into the magical oceans of the unseen. Entranced by Cetacean lullabies, shells and hues of pearlescent and aqua, we yearned for a realm that we wished has not been lost.A realm that many of us have visited in our dreams. The Oceanic heaven of the Merpeople. And our wish was granted… Our guest and vessel for this session was Aura Moldovan https://www.aurayouniverse.com/ About Fantastic Creatures : A BQH journey into a fascinating world full of wonder In this series of videos we are exploring the magical realm of the elemental beings and other kinds of legendary and sacred creatures. Often called "mythical", these beings seem to have come down to us by folklore and woven into legend since thousands of years. We are using BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) as a tool for consciousness exploration and are diving into the spirit world to discover more about their origins, existence and relation to humanity. Tales were told and songs were sung. Are they are real? Or are they are just fantasy, fiction springing "just" from the imagination? Pablo Picasso once said: “Everything you can imagine is real.” The session was facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using BQH (BEYOND QUANTUM HEALING). Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer. She is a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Certified Dedicated Level 2 Practitioner of QHHT ® ( Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) by Dolores Cannon , BQH® (Beyond Quantum Healing) Practitioner, PQL® (Parallel Quantum Lives) practitioner and an Intuitive Guide. She is also a Certified Teacher of "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal" ® and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path" ® from THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART by Master of Meditation Daniel Mittel. For more info or if you would like to book a session please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/haraka... http://www.qhht.cloud/

BQH / A being from Andromeda

This is a quantum healing hypnosis session facilitated by Hara Katsiki, using BQH (BEYOND QUANTUM HEALING)Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is one of the most advanced healing modalities on the planet today. It is a heart-based and intention oriented method that promotes the idea of allowing energy healers to use all their skills and resources in service to their Clients. BQH does not rely on exact scripts and methods, but instead is adaptable to the Client's needs, the Practitioner's skills and the situation at hand. BQH was created and based upon classic "past life regression" hypnosis models but with a great many important and distinctive differences. It eschews hard and fast rules and promotes creative and individualized approaches and shuns the typical rules, restrictions, and dogma or more restrictive modalities. BQH is "quantum" which can mean "multidimensional," so healing may occur on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For more info about BQH please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/bqhDo you want to learn BQH?Use Discount Code: HARA10 ✨Donations✨If you appreciate my work and you want to support me, please consider making a donationhttps://www.paypal.me/Katsiki Your help is truly treasured Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer She is a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Certified Dedicated Level 2 Practitioner of QHHT ® ( Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) by Dolores Cannon , BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Practitioner, PQL (Parallel Quantum Lives) practitioner and an Intuitive Guide. She is also a Certified Teacher of "Heart Imagery: Cleaning The Past and Self-Renewal" ®and "Journeys Into The Heart: The Inner Path" ® from THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART by Master of Meditation Daniel Mittel. For more info or if you would like to book a session please visit http://www.qhht.cloud/https://www.instagram.com/quantum_hea...https://www.facebook.com/hara.katsiki... / harakatsiki https://www.quantumhealers.com/haraka...http://theschooloftheheart.com/hara-k... If you want to find a Quantum Healer in your area please visit https://www.quantumhealers.com/ *Opening CreditsMusic:Intro Track "Strange Angels" by Martysonichttp://martysonic.wixsite.com/martysonic Note for the viewer:The following information is simply one perspective. Please use your own discernment as your truth lies within your own hearts.Any information provided in this video is not meant to convince, defend or otherwise foster any cause or belief system. If you disagree or are uncomfortable receiving these views, then you should stop listening and return to what you feel is correct for you. If you continue, the information may serve you.Thank you for being here!DISCLAIMERThe comments and views expressed in this video are those of the people that make them and do not necessarily reflect the view of Hara Katsiki. This show is for entertainment purposes only.This video is not designed to, and does not, provide medical advice. All Content (“Content”), including audio, video, text, graphics, images, and information available on or through this web site are for general informational purposes only.The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on this web site. Never rely on the information on this web site in place of seeking professional medical advice.Hara Katsiki is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through this site . #BQH#BeyondQuantumHealing#andromeda

Image Gallery

Audio Files

⟁ ⟁ ⟁ Form Is Not Other Than Void ⟁ ⟁ ⟁

Psychedelic music to immerse in reflections on the transience of life

⟁ ⟁ ⟁ Our ascension will be glorious ⟁ ⟁ ⟁

A wild ride through cosmic and contemporary sounds, lost downtempo carouzel-like tracks and oddball haunted obscurities - perfectly suited for lazy listening.

⟁ Arcturian Symphony ⟁

Obscure and haunting music for romantics, stargazers and treasure seekers

⟁ ⟁ ⟁ Starseed journey to a parallel universe ⟁ ⟁ ⟁

⟁ ⟁ ⟁ Starseeds are individuals that originate from far-distant star and solar systems, planets, and galaxies. These highly evolved souls carry a plethora of wisdom and special abilities that hibernates deep within the core of their being. All starseeds are encoded with activation encryptions that will unlock their knowledge and talents at a pre-determined or spontaneous time on earth, for the retrieval of this information is to be utilized for very specific purposes. Most starseeds feel a sense of misplacement, like they were "aliens" dropped here on Earth without a compass.Starseeds tend to be "space hybrids," as they carry DNA from the various universes and dimensions they have traveled in their many past incarnations. Are you a starseed?

⟁ ⟁ ⟁ El Cabaret Galactic ⟁ ⟁ ⟁

Fly high, Dive Deep.Look first within for the treasure you seek. Merge the perspective of the identity with the formless, infinite, ever present vibrations of the creator, ⟁⟁⟁ www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKclQNNagQs&t=32s ⟁⟁⟁ Welcome to a combination of the South Pacific and the Orient, polyrhythms and syncopation: The night's scent will be in some kind of Jazz mood and drifting from neo-classical motives, Musique concrete, female Jazz and Japanese synth emotions to eastern vibes, vocal poetry, bird symphonies and contemporary Jazz.

⟁ Dancer in the Labyrinths of fantasy ⟁

Inspired by the book Shaman Woman, Mainline Lady written by Cynthia Palmer , Michael Horowitz

⟁ Treasure Hiding in the stars ⟁

It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure

⟁ Songs Of The Star Nation ⟁

LOVE LIGHT LIFE - UNITY FOR PLANET EARTH The Star Nation Language is sound frequencies which appear as three- dimensional holograms of specific colors of light. The two- dimensional forms of these sound frequencies are used in sacred geometry, pictographs, and sacred symbols of power. The Star Nation Language appears in the crystal skulls, orb photos, crop circles, holograms of pure light, cymatic symbols and ancient pictographs all over the world.

⟁ Lullaby ⟁

Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true Lullaby A mixtape by Hara Katsiki djharakatsiki.tumblr.com

⟁ Suspiria ⟁

A celestial poem of candy-colored twilight dreams

Ocean milky way with silhouette boat

Saving the Children Moves us to the New Earth

A channeled message from Dolores Cannon via Hara Katsiki Preface:  Dolores Cannon spoke and wrote much about the idea of... Read more »

New Earth Updates

New Earth Updates

The following is the transcript from a recent BQH session facilitated by Hara Katsiki and her client Andrew.  H: From your perspective... Read more »

The Pharaoh Knew And This Life Proved It

The Pharaoh Knew and This Life Proved It

The Pharaoh Knew and This Life Proved It The following Quantum Healing session was facilitated by Hara Katsiki, BQH Practitioner... Read more »

A Message From The Higher Self

A Message From The Higher Self

A Message From The Higher Self We all know that we are connected to our Higher Self and they are... Read more »

Timeline Shifts And Bleeds

Timeline Shifts And Bleeds

We have all heard that time is an illusion. But how much do we really understand it? Are we able... Read more »

The connection between Dolores Cannon

The connection between Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus and the event in Notre Dame on the 15th of April

I have received the following information regarding the fire in Notre Dame on the 15th of April 2019 and the... Read more »

The evolution of human design

The evolution of human design

The evolution of human design All humans are hybrids, designed and created over thousands of years.Human like us appeared on... Read more »

Graciously Named - A BQH Session

Graciously Named – A BQH Session

Hara Katsiki is a powerful healer, and one of our most active Quantum Healing Forum members, located in Berlin, Germany. We’re excited... Read more »

Parallel Universes And Mental Disorders

Parallel Universes And Mental Disorders

Article by Hara Katsiki BQH and QHHT® Practitioner I’ve been thinking about the  subject of mental disorders and I facilitated... Read more »

The Invisible Hand

The invisible hand

I had a wonderful session with a 40-year-old wonderful man which I will call Steve. He had prepared several questions... Read more »

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