Our Changing World . . . All in Divine Order

Relationships 3.0

Relationships 3.0

Relationships 3.0 Finding Love in the Age of Aquarius In the past, relationships began as unions to join countries, bringing... Read more »

Energy and How it Works (episode 3 of The Spiral Path Podcast)

Energy and How it Works (episode 3 of The Spiral Path Podcast)

Click here to listen to this episode We need to talk about the basics of energy because Diana and I... Read more »

Why Do We Suffer? (episode 2 of The Spiral Path Podcast)

Why Do We Suffer? (episode 2 of The Spiral Path Podcast)

Click here to listen to this episode  Quote: “If God said, ‘Rumi pay homage to everything that has helped you... Read more »

We Offer a FREE Podcast; The Spiral Path Podcast

We Offer a FREE Podcast; The Spiral Path Podcast

Pg 72 of Ra Book 1; “Thus to learn is the same as to teach, unless you are not teaching... Read more »

Ignatius J Reilly - A Literary Masterpiece

Ignatius J Reilly – A Literary Masterpiece

John Kennedy Toole was such a funny man. A comic genius, in fact. His friends, enemies and admirers all commented... Read more »

The connection between Dolores Cannon

The connection between Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus and the event in Notre Dame on the 15th of April

I have received the following information regarding the fire in Notre Dame on the 15th of April 2019 and the... Read more »

Herbs for Type 2 Diabetes

Herbs for Type 2 Diabetes

Herbs for Type 2 Diabetes There has been an epidemic of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the United States over... Read more »

Timeline Shifts And Bleeds

Timeline Shifts And Bleeds

We have all heard that time is an illusion. But how much do we really understand it? Are we able... Read more »

Solara's State of the Planet Energy Forecast for August 2018 via Talyaa Liera — Hitting the Reset Button to Redefine Your Purpose

Solara’s State of the Planet Energy Forecast for August 2018 via Talyaa Liera — Hitting the Reset Button to Redefine Your Purpose

Hitting the Reset Button to Redefine Your Purpose At some point in your life, you have probably pondered questions such... Read more »

Solara's State of the Planet Energy Forecast for July 2018 via Talyaa Liera — New Global Soul Agreements

Solara’s State of the Planet Energy Forecast for July 2018 via Talyaa Liera — New Global Soul Agreements

New Global Soul Agreements Hold onto your hats, dear ones! You are about to enter a new dimension of reality,... Read more »

A Journey of Possibilities

A Journey of Possibilities

A Journey of Possibilities Workshop Participant was feeling low and blue because she and her partner where going thru a... Read more »

Be Positive! (or

Be Positive! (or, dog tags don't lie!)

April 9, 2017 My 18-year-old son, Evan, is an awesome young man (even if I am a bit partial), and... Read more »

Healing Outside the Box (or

Healing Outside the Box (or, how many pushups can YOU do?)

March 11, 2018 Have you ever noticed that God has a sense of humor? When She endowed me with a... Read more »

Can Mindfulness Save Us? (or

Can Mindfulness Save Us? (or, my tribe is better than yours)

Februry 11, 2018 As I mentioned in a previous post, I started an 8-week mindfulness meditation program on New Year’s... Read more »

The Power of Love (or

The Power of Love (or, iguanas need love, too!)

August 7, 2018 I recently came across an incredible piece in the New York Times, written by a Yemeni man... Read more »

Food and Spirituality

With the great awakening upon us, one of the recurring topics of debate is what to eat. What is the... Read more »

Awakening with Autism

Kara is a QHHT/BQH client of mine who works professionally with Autistic children.  Kara brings many insights into the subject... Read more »

Mary Magdelene

Mary Magdelene

I work regularly with Mary Magdelene, and she has played a special role in my journey. This is a post... Read more »




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