The Body as an Entrance Point

By Christina Lavers I recently facilitated a session that I wanted to share because it is a great example of... Read more »

Sue Beckley Blog Dog Photo Square

My First QHHT® Session

By Sue Beckley I received my first QHHT® session in 2018. I went to this session to determine if I... Read more »

The Art of Self-Discovery

By Devialini Agheda-De Souza Who am I? Where did I come from? What am I doing here? What is my... Read more »

Is BQH the same as Quantum Connect?

Is BQH the same as Quantum Connect?

Quantum Connect and BQH are not the same thing. They are two separate courses. Quantum Connect is a standalone course,... Read more »

Quantum Questions

I love getting updates from past clients. Hearing about the incredible changes they notice in themselves and their worlds never... Read more »

Dolores Cannon Time Of Transition

2024 Time of Transition

I woke up hearing Dolores Cannon’s voice telling me that 2024 will be a year like no other. Guaranteed. Dolores... Read more »

Signs of Hypnosis

From my nine years of practice as a facilitator of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and more recently as a Beyond... Read more »

Eclipse Leaves

Dolores Cannon’s message to the World Oct. 14, 2023

Image caption: Tree Leaves cast eclipse shaped shadows on a fence near Austin Texas A few hours ago I had... Read more »

Atronaut On The Moon

Life as an Astronaut in Other Dimensions

His life regression experience was explored as part of a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session. This subject did not have much... Read more »

The Merge Consciously Exploring The Unconscious Part 2

The Merge – Consciously Exploring the Unconscious (Part 2)

This is the continuation of The Merge – part 2 of 2 Read The Merge part 1 HERE By Aura Moldovan P:... Read more »

The Merge – Consciously Exploring the Unconscious

The Merge – Consciously Exploring the Unconscious

By Aura Moldovan This is not a story of conversion; it is a story of recollection for both the individual and... Read more »

Spiritual Street Smarts

Spiritual Street Smarts

By Christina Lavers When we initially open to the spiritual side of reality, this mysterious foreign territory can feel daunting. I... Read more »

The Heros Journey

The Hero’s Journey

By Christina Lavers A few months ago, I worked with an amazing woman who had endured some incredible challenges and hardship... Read more »

Finding A Way Through

Finding a Way Through

By Christina Lavers When I first started offering Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) sessions arriving at the last sentence of the induction, “…I want... Read more »

Big Life Decisions This Way Or That


I recently had a young woman contact me for a BQH session. Her reason for wanting to come see me... Read more »



This is the first in what will hopefully be a more regular thread of articles woven together, on the topic... Read more »

Perspective - Seeing The Forest From The Trees

PERSPECTIVE – Seeing the Forest from the Trees

One of the powerful gifts of BQH sessions is their ability to allow us to see from different viewpoints. This... Read more »

Immersion On The Water

Immersion on the Water

This morning I walked along Augusta Lake – the location of our upcoming BQH Immersion.  The wind was up and... Read more »

A Cat Tale

A Cat Tale

By Dr. Allison Brown I woke to the realization that my sweet, indoor-only kitty, Oliver, who normally sleeps with me... Read more »

Candace Craw Goldman Water Reflecting

BQH Immersion countdown – 60 days to go

Only 60 Days until the next Beyond Quantum Healing IMMERSION (class) experience for practitioners. Dates: April 30 to May 5... Read more »

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