Visualização, Imaginação e “Eu acabei de inventar tudo”

Alguns clientes que acabaram de passar por uma Sessão de Cura Quântica vão negar a validade da sua experiência e... Read more »

Integrity Power And Truth

Integrity, Power and Truth

By Christina Lavers    What can I say about BQH and the concepts of integrity, power, and truth? The real question is,... Read more »

BQH and Parts Work

BQH and Parts Work

By Christina Lavers   I had a client whose intention for her Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session was to bring more clarity... Read more »

The Importance Of Intention And Imagination

The Importance of Intention and Imagination

By Dr. Allison Brown    If you’ve ever had a Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the importance of... Read more »

QHHT Compared to BQH

QHHT Compared to BQH

Dolores was adamant that hypnosis had to be conducted in person. If you are reading this you most likely searched... Read more »

Earth Vomiting Negative Energies

Earth Vomiting Negative Energies

I think that earth is improving, maybe falling apart in some areas in the process. The positive earth change requires... Read more »

Tony Robbins: Torture Unleash the Power Within Seminar: Reptilian Aliens? Negative Entities?

Tony Robbins: Torture Unleash the Power Within Seminar: Reptilian Aliens? Negative Entities?

What planet is Tony Robbins from? Did you know negative entities can be removed?  Throughout my spiritual journey as a... Read more »


Sedona, Arizona-Like Being on Another Planet by Angie Dollar

NOTE: The photo was taken by me while in the front seat of a helicopter over the Airport Vortex in... Read more »

I Have to Contact my Twin Flame Now! Contacting the Runner Twin Flame         by Angie Dollar

I Have to Contact my Twin Flame Now! Contacting the Runner Twin Flame by Angie Dollar

You can contact your Twin. This is not the typical old-fashioned relationship where the man leads. In the typical old-fashioned... Read more »

Bologna=More than One Twin Flame by Angie Dollar

Bologna=More than One Twin Flame by Angie Dollar

More Than One Romantic Twin Flame: Let’s look at the logic behind this bologna that there is more than one... Read more »

Miracles & Amanda Eller Missing for Over 2 Weeks by: Angie Dollar

Miracles & Amanda Eller Missing for Over 2 Weeks by: Angie Dollar

Do you believe in miracles?   A couple weeks ago a friend asked me to assist with a missing person.... Read more »

Mass Awakening

Mass Awakening

Several Twin Flames are coming to me for QHHT, BQH, or SRT Energy Clearings. It seemed that for about six... Read more »

Do you have to be spiritual to do BQH?

Do you have to be spiritual to do BQH?

By Christina Lavers A lot of people who are drawn to Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) are spiritual in nature. The most common... Read more »

Lieber Linkshirniger Klient

Es ist nicht deine Schuld. Wirklich nicht!   Du bist von Geburt an darauf programmiert, in erster Linie nur die... Read more »

Ich kann nicht hypnotisiert werden … und andere Hypnose-Mythen

Ich bin noch nie hypnotisiert worden, ich fürchte, ich kann nicht hypnotisiert werden. Wahrscheinlich verbringst du tatsächlich einen guten Teil... Read more »

Visualisierung, Phantasie und “Ich habe mir das alles nur ausgedacht”

Es gibt einige Klienten, die nach der Erfahrung einer Quantenheilung die Gültigkeit ihrer Erfahrung bestreiten und sagen: “Nichts davon war... Read more »

Neun Möglichkeiten zur Vorbereitung auf eine Quantenheilung, BQH- oder QHHT-Sitzung

1. Die Absichten sind wichtig. Sehr wichtig. Was ist deine Absicht für eine Sitzung? Es könnte hilfreich sein, dafür Stift... Read more »

Past Life as a Fish and Seeing Singing Creatures - Part 1

Past Life as a Fish and Seeing Singing Creatures – Part 1

This interesting past life story is part of a QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis session (Dolores Cannon technique). Client let go... Read more »

Past Life as a Fish

Past Life as a Fish, Talking to Big Old Turtle, and Answers from Higher Self – Part 3 (final)

This is the final part of the Past Life explored during a QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis session (Dolores Cannon technique).... Read more »

Past Life as a Fish and Talking to Mermaids - Part 2

Past Life as a Fish and Talking to Mermaids – Part 2

This is part 2 of the Past Life Regression part of a QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis session (Dolores Cannon technique).... Read more »

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