We are only as strong as our lowest vibration.

Giving compassion and love to both sides of the story of trauma/tragedy doesn’t make one side less deserving of love.... Read more »

Self Love vs. Weight Loss

Self Love vs. Weight Loss

Do you know what Self Love is? It's about truly loving yourself so much, that you would not allow the... Read more »

Past Life Regression and Quantum Leaps

There is nothing more important than discovering your true self. Your true self, in my experience, is so far beyond... Read more »

The Pattern Recognition of Consciousness

The Pattern Recognition of Consciousness

Photo Courtesy of Alex Gray, Fractal Self Similar  Author's notes  I do not find this information to be entirely comprehend-able,... Read more »

Forventninger før en regresjon

Forventninger før en regresjon

Jeg får fra tid til annen spørsmål fra folk som vil finne ut av om de har hatt liv på... Read more »

Our Purpose on Earth

Our Purpose on Earth

What is the purpose of our existence on Earth? To answer this question, we must first take a look at... Read more »

Timeline Shifts And Bleeds

Timeline Shifts And Bleeds

We have all heard that time is an illusion. But how much do we really understand it? Are we able... Read more »




Mary Magdelene

Mary Magdelene

I work regularly with Mary Magdelene, and she has played a special role in my journey. This is a post... Read more »

Awakening with Autism

Kara is a QHHT/BQH client of mine who works professionally with Autistic children.  Kara brings many insights into the subject... Read more »

Food and Spirituality

With the great awakening upon us, one of the recurring topics of debate is what to eat. What is the... Read more »

The Power of Love (or

The Power of Love (or, iguanas need love, too!)

August 7, 2018 I recently came across an incredible piece in the New York Times, written by a Yemeni man... Read more »

Can Mindfulness Save Us? (or

Can Mindfulness Save Us? (or, my tribe is better than yours)

Februry 11, 2018 As I mentioned in a previous post, I started an 8-week mindfulness meditation program on New Year’s... Read more »

Healing Outside the Box (or

Healing Outside the Box (or, how many pushups can YOU do?)

March 11, 2018 Have you ever noticed that God has a sense of humor? When She endowed me with a... Read more »

A Journey of Possibilities

A Journey of Possibilities

A Journey of Possibilities Workshop Participant was feeling low and blue because she and her partner where going thru a... Read more »

Solara's State of the Planet Energy Forecast for July 2018 via Talyaa Liera — New Global Soul Agreements

Solara’s State of the Planet Energy Forecast for July 2018 via Talyaa Liera — New Global Soul Agreements

New Global Soul Agreements Hold onto your hats, dear ones! You are about to enter a new dimension of reality,... Read more »

Solara's State of the Planet Energy Forecast for August 2018 via Talyaa Liera — Hitting the Reset Button to Redefine Your Purpose

Solara’s State of the Planet Energy Forecast for August 2018 via Talyaa Liera — Hitting the Reset Button to Redefine Your Purpose

Hitting the Reset Button to Redefine Your Purpose At some point in your life, you have probably pondered questions such... Read more »

Questions from a newbie to Dolores Cannon

Questions from a newbie to Dolores Cannon

I wrote down some questions after taking Candace Craw-Goldman's BQH class for the third time. I decided that I would... Read more »

Dolores sends more cardinals!

Dolores sends more cardinals July 15, 2018 I finished the last emailed spirit reading on my list and made a... Read more »

First CTT Session

I would like to share my first PL session with you all. I have permission to share the session from... Read more »

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