The Power of Love (or

The Power of Love (or, iguanas need love, too!)

August 7, 2018 I recently came across an incredible piece in the New York Times, written by a Yemeni man... Read more »

Food and Spirituality

With the great awakening upon us, one of the recurring topics of debate is what to eat. What is the... Read more »

Why Do We Suffer? (episode 2 of The Spiral Path Podcast)

Why Do We Suffer? (episode 2 of The Spiral Path Podcast)

Click here to listen to this episode  Quote: “If God said, ‘Rumi pay homage to everything that has helped you... Read more »

The Awakening -- Solara's State of the Planet April 2018 via Talyaa Liera

The Awakening — Solara’s State of the Planet April 2018 via Talyaa Liera

The Awakening: Solara’s State of the Planet, April 2018 Right now you may be wondering what the heck has happened... Read more »




Graciously Named - A BQH Session

Graciously Named – A BQH Session

Hara Katsiki is a powerful healer, and one of our most active Quantum Healing Forum members, located in Berlin, Germany. We’re excited... Read more »

Balancing New and Old Earth Energies

Balancing New and Old Earth Energies

Am I having a spiritual awakening? How can I find life directions and purpose? Who am I? I'm awake, now... Read more »

The Portal

The Portal

Mario Radinger, a BQH, and QHHT® practitioner based in Frankfurt, Germany shares a short transcript of a session of a... Read more »

Here Is What Your Heart Wants To Tell You

Here Is What Your Heart Wants to Tell You

 Article by Nina Morrocco The following article, BQH Practitioner Nina Morrocco connects with her own Heart Consciousness as she decides... Read more »

Who Said Sasquatch Was Small?

Who Said Sasquatch Was Small?

Here at Quantum Healers, we like nothing more than to see practitioners of all kinds become successful in their endeavors,... Read more »

On The Earth Orbit

On the Earth Orbit

Article by Irina Nola Irina is a valuable member of the Quantum Healers community. She’s a past life regression therapist... Read more »

Expectations in a Quantum Healing Sessions

Expectations in a Quantum Healing Sessions

Expectations are possibly the biggest challenge in a quantum healing session, at least from a practitioner perspective. A client who... Read more »

Woman And Man Silhouette With Aura, Chakras, Energy Profile

Energetic Connection with Your Practitioner

Your energetic relationship with your practitioner just might be the most misunderstood aspect of quantum healing work and I believe... Read more »

Myth Busters!

Myth Busters!

Quantum Healing facilitators often find themselves having to do some myth-busting before they are able to address individual client needs.... Read more »

Group Regressions with Quantum Healers

Group Regressions with Quantum Healers

Group Regressions are a great way to test drive the idea of consciousness exploration. Think of a group regression as... Read more »

Quantum Healing And Water

Quantum Healing and Water

Patricia Grootjans is a BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) practitioner, and is well known within our community for facilitating surrogate Quantum... Read more »

Emoto's Alchemy of Water and Consciousness

Emoto’s Alchemy of Water and Consciousness

“Every glass of water you drink has the potential to bring you healing from whatever ails you. Every bath you... Read more »

The Language of your Higher Self

The Language of your Higher Self

Article by Candace Craw-Goldman Your imagination is the language of your higher self. This is such an important concept I... Read more »

Quiet Mind Buddha

Quieting the Mind

Our Community of Quantum Healing Practitioners share information with each other every day about how to best serve our consciousness... Read more »

Interacting Intentions

Interacting Intentions

By Candace Craw-Goldman has a brand new resource for you called ‘GET READY’ for your session we start off by... Read more »

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