Beyond Quantum Healing
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Published Wednesday January 9, 2019 by
Beyond Quantum HealingFollowing My Heart Straight to BQH
A four-part series by Mary Elizabeth Donald
BQH and a Fulfilling Career as a Healer, Part Four
In the first three parts of this series, I discussed my journey from a self-hating, unhappy, wine-swilling, unconscious human (Part One), into my dramatic awakening (Part Two), and through all the profound changes that took place as I poured my energy into my healing (Part Three).
All the magical changes I experienced in my life were wonderful, but being human and all, I still have work to do: Anger and pain left to get out. I still have plenty of triggers. It’s a journey! I won’t stop healing myself until I am just a bundle of pure golden love, leaving a trail of sparkles and hearts as I walk around. After four years of dedicated effort, I am now getting down to the deepest and oldest pain left inside of me. The compacted, hard stuff that you really have to dig out with a chisel.
About a month ago, I decided that maybe I could use some extra help with my progress, so I started looking for a QHHT® practitioner in this area. That led me into learning about BQH, and as soon as I saw that there was an online course offered, I instantly knew it was for me. Not just the amazing course content, but even the logo, the coloring, the fonts (and the price!), it all was so pleasing to me. My heart and mind were in complete agreement on this one.
And Candace Craw-Goldman, the creator of BQH, has such a loving and peaceful presence. I could feel her energy imbued into her course. How could it not be amazing?? Not to mention the fact that I could complete it while being here in Thailand, at my own pace. It was perfect.
At that point in time though, I still wasn’t even thinking of actually becoming any type of practitioner at all. It felt totally right to take the class, but I was thinking I would use it just so I could help my friends and be able to communicate with higher forms of consciousness, to get answers to my own questions and help myself heal. Sort of like how I was with Reiki. I was absolutely called to get attuned to the master level, but never had any desire to do it professionally. It was just for my own spiritual growth and to help my friends and family.
But as I took the BQH course, I was quite surprised to find myself suddenly thinking “Oh my gosh, I could totally do this! I could be a practitioner! This is perfect for me!” The course was so comprehensive and well put-together, by the end I felt completely prepared to begin practicing and doing sessions. And if I’m doing sessions, what is to stop me from doing it professionally? Not only could I do it, I found that I wanted to do it! Really, really wanted to! Wow!
Just like that, doors were opening up for me. Only a few weeks ago, I had no possible career paths that sounded appealing, and now here is this absolutely gorgeous career that just appeared in front of me! My heart led me right to it, so easily and effortlessly. (Easy and effortless is kind of how the heart works.) And it’s so perfect for me in every way.
I love that BQH is a part of a field that is filled with compassionate, awake, kind people, who are all supporting and uplifting each other, with none of the toxic sense of competition you see in most other fields. It’s all about love and service to others. Helping and healing in every possible way. The corporate, rat-race type of scene repels me now, it’s completely intolerable. Like nails on a chalkboard. I cannot be a part of that.
Not only that, but unlike QHHT®, BQH offers new, unprecedented flexibility of having sessions in person, online, or even over the phone with no rules or limitations…seriously how could this get any better? The possibilities are endless!
Do you see why I feel like it just fell out of the sky, perfectly made for me? I don’t know what I ever did to deserve this amazing life and all these gifts, but I sure am grateful. And look at the timing! Just a year ago, this course wouldn’t have been in existence. I feel like there are worlds opening up in front of me, waiting to be explored. And my life-long passion of writing will be easily incorporated in this field, although I’m not yet sure exactly how it will all connect. I’m not sure of anything, and that is just fine with me! I will just continue to mosey along my path, smelling the roses, enjoying the views, and trusting the way forward will make itself known.
I enjoyed the BQH course so much, I decided to add some tools to my toolbox and have now signed up for classes in hypnotherapy, counselling, mindfulness, NLP, shamanic journeying, and others that I will slowly work through over time. No rush, no pressure. No stress. Just enjoying gaining knowledge and deepening my skills as a practitioner. How amazing that learning about things that fascinate me, can now be utilized to improve my professional abilities. At the risk of overusing this phrase…it’s all SO PERFECT!
My deepest gratitude goes out to Candace and her team for creating this beautiful healing modality. BQH has altered the course of my life, and I couldn’t be more excited to see what happens next! My life’s purpose, here I come!
Mary Elizabeth (And her very, VERY loud heart)
Click Here For Part One: Part One – I Was Creating My Own Hell
Click Here For Part Two: I Wake Up and Realize I Can Create Heaven
Click Here for part Three: Everything In My Life Changes Like Magic!
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