
ET’s, Hybrids, and The Evolution of Human Design


An article by Hara Katsiki

All humans are hybrids; designed and appearing in this version on our planet for over 200,000 years  not very long compared to the vastness of life in the cosmos. We are “the new kids” on the block in our galaxy! Genetic material from our native form was combined with extraterrestrial genetic material to create what we are now.

We Earth humans are the result of combined genetics and DNA seeding from Ape, Pleiadian, Sirian, Grey and a few other “humanoid” neighbor civilizations. Our DNA exudes with messages that it’s not from here and some of our scientists can now see this for themselves. They can see that something happened to us as a species that cannot be explained through the currently understood “normal” evolutionary process. It is actually counter-intuitive to known Earth evolution.

This grand “humanoid” design experiment is being done with the help of many different celestial civilizations and races. Their work involves genetic engineering, and an amalgamation of combining and seeding different genetic codes to create new species that we call “hybrids.”

There are many hybridization programs and many of us have actually given our permission to be a part of them, deciding to do so even before we incarnated.

Most of the children who are coming to the Earth the last several years are already a “new” species. They are being called starseeds, indigo, crystal and rainbow children. They carry altered genetics which are enhanced to carry more information, more light, their DNA consisting of more activated codons. Many have the ability to remember who they are and where they came from making them unique because they are now a part of a society that for many thousands of years previously, had forgotten its origins and interconnectedness as One.

Hybridization programs between Earth humans and other species also exist in laboratories on other planets and dimensions and the hybrid children that are being designed there are not yet on Earth. They function and vibrate at a higher frequency than the humans who are currently on our planet yet they carry just enough human biology to be able to co-exist and acclimate with us.

When these children do eventually come, adjust and integrate with us, they are going to speed up our progress and transformation, inspiring and assisting us to create the next step in the evolution of humanity.

When will they arrive? When we are ready. When we live from a space of love and compassion and we planet-wide raise our frequency, enough it will be much easier for them.

This time on Earth is not only approaching but accelerating, and we are now evolving to the point where we will soon be making contact with our galactic family!

Our brothers and sisters have been with us, and are visiting us every day. They care about us and they care about the Earth. How do we know this? Because if it were otherwise they wouldn’t appear in our skies for many thousands of years without trying to harm us.  They are peaceful, kind, evolved and spiritual beings and they are here to help us with our evolution, as they too, have been helped in their past.

The joy of creating and experimenting is an art and it is not going to stop anytime soon. There are, even now, new planets forming that are getting ready for life.

It is a continuous, eternal process as much as the evolution of life itself.

As for my own personal story, I have some of my own hybrid children in many laboratories and they are associated with several different kinds of hybridization programs.

I work with the YahYel, a lovely tall, graceful, telepathic race from our future who radiate very pure solar-golden energy, and are actually a close interstellar relative of humans. I work with their young children as a liaison, as a mediator, an integrator, a facilitator and an overseer. I actually “take care” of these particular children, even though I am not their mother. I am more of a teacher, a guide to them, assisting them in learning and in order to adjust smoothly on Earth when they arrive. How do I do this?  I visit their world, their dimension while am asleep, and I assist the children with different kinds of lessons, so that they can better acclimate and adapt to our society.

I’m also associated with the program from the Zetas (commonly known as the Greys), but more as a supervisor, I don’t actually have hybrid children with them.  Yet I do some overseeing of their programs as I have a lot of genetic engineering knowledge and background from other lives.

Hara Katsiki is a Quantum Healer based in Berlin, Germany. 

 (Are you a healer or practitioner of any kind? Do you assist clients who have ET or Hybrid experiences? Please consider joining us. Our Directory and Support Forum Community are here to help you help others. Hara will join me as Co-host for the first in our Live Discussion Series – ET’s and Hybrid Children for Practitioners/Experiencers in our Community this coming Monday, October 30. To Join us, first get listed right here on our Directory, then send an email to to get your webinar invitation)

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