Beyond Quantum Healing
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Published Thursday December 6, 2018 by
Common Questions and ConcernsDear Candace,
You are a well known quantum healer, which is why I am writing you today. I hope you can help me.
I had a QHHT ® session, but could not be hypnotized. I was told, ”these things happen from time to time,” and that I must be “blocking myself” somehow. I have no reason to believe otherwise and was told to return any time for another session free of charge, which is more than fair, and which I will do.
My question is, do you know of anything that I could do for myself to help facilitate a successful outcome in my follow up visit?
I must admit I am a bit frustrated. I am also not totally comfortable bothering you about this, let alone asking someone other than my intended practitioner, but could find nothing online from the greater online QHHT ® practitioners’ community on this subject. I was able to find a lot of information from other hypnotists using various other methods, but the QHHT ® community seems silent on this subject, at least from what I’m able to reference.
RW in Iowa.
Dear RW
Your situation and question is actually relatively common and I am happy to assist.
History of Quantum Healing
The following information comes from my experience as a QHHT ® and BQH practitioner since 2008. It also comes from my direct experience of assisting Dolores personally in her “live” courses up until her death in 2014.
The QHHT ® Community is, the last time I checked, focused only on all things “Dolores Cannon” and practitioners who have been trained by her will tend to repeat things that they learned from her course or from her lectures and interviews. The main idea that Dolores focused on was this statement of hers: “I take my clients to the somnambulistic state of trance,” and that she taught her students to do the same. Another idea that she focused upon was her tenacity with clients. She would not give up easily if a client was “resistant” to relaxing into the trance state. “No one gets away from me,” she famously said.
The first practical thing to discuss here is Dolores’ use of the word “somnambulism” or “somnambulistic.” She absolutely admitted that she used the term “differently” than most hypnotists. Somnabulistic states of trance are rather rare across the board for the general public according to conventional hypnosis practitioners. The state is very close to sleepwalking and the clients tend to rarely remember much of the experience. Dolores claimed that her definition of somnambulism was more accurately defined by the client “actually feeling all of the senses and sensations of being in a past life.” She would say in classes that some clients would remember parts or all of their sessions and some would not.
The following is a video Dolores and I made together addressing this very thing.
I actually have the unique perspective of being hypnotized by Dolores Cannon herself. It was a powerful and amazing experience and I did, feel all the sensations and story of my past life character. But I also knew at all times that I was laying on a cot and talking to Dolores at the same time. I had perfect recall of all of the details of the session. Was I in a “somnambulistic state of trance?” Dolores would say that I was. I am not so sure that a conventional or traditionally trained hypnotherapist would have said that I was.
Whose definition will we use?
Definition or not, my experience was a powerful one, memorable to this day, and changed my life forever. I don’t really care about word definitions when I think back to my own personal experience.
But you might be wondering why I am addressing somnambulism and not addressing the more basic idea of you “not being hypnotized” by your practitioner. I will do that shortly but it is important to start with Dolores and her definitions and these expectations not only of somnambulism, but of hypnosis and trance itself.
Hypnosis Definition
What is hypnosis anyway? It is in its most simple terms, a very relaxed physical state in combination with a very mentally focused state. Everyone experiences hypnosis. Everyone experiences hypnosis daily in a variety of situations. Various states of hypnosis are natural and common for everybody!
The confusion begins with the definition of the hypnotic state and the expectations of everyone involved with the idea of a quantum healing hypnosis session. Dolores Cannon herself, inadvertently in my opinion, is the source of these expectations! Practitioners to this day often find themselves trying to recreate “somnambulistic” experiences for their clients “just like the ones” Dolores herself facilitated. Even after facilitating more than 1100 sessions over more than a decade I must counsel and talk to my clients about these definitions and these expectations.
“Hypnosis is not anesthesia.” This is probably my most simple introductory statement about hypnosis. It is not anesthesia and it is not at all how it is portrayed in most movies, cartoons or even by stage hypnotists. My second most simple and used definition is “All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.” Truly the client must trust not only their practitioner but themselves to relax and focus enough to enter the state of hypnosis. It cannot be forced upon you.
Over the years I have traded sessions with a great many practitioners and so I have been on “both sides of the couch” as it were. I have learned a great deal from each perspective!
I Was Not Hypnotized
When someone says they were not hypnotized in a session there are a great many questions that need asking and answering to see if that statement is accurate or not. Let’s go over some of the more common statements.
“I wasn’t hypnotized because I remember the whole thing.” The fact that you remember your experience does not mean you were not hypnotized.
“My practitioner could not put me under.” All hypnosis is an agreement you have with yourself that you will allow a practitioner to guide you. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Did you trust and like your practitioner? Did you trust yourself or the process? Were you physically comfortable? Sometimes just being “too cold” or something similar can stop the process.
“But nothing happened.” What is your definition of “nothing?” This goes back to expectations. What were you expecting exactly? Some clients expect a movie to magically begin playing behind their eyelids. Does it happen that way? Well it might for some, but not for most. For most people it is more like a daydream or a memory. These are valid experiences.
“I was afraid of what might come up.” That fear can and often does stop relaxation and therefore can stall a session or thwart or hinder an experience. More talking and encouragement from a practitioner can help. Or a different practitioner. Or you simply might not be ready to have this kind of experience…yet.
“I didn’t see anything,” Did you hear anything? Feel anything? Remember anything? Have sensations or recollections of anything? Information comes in many many ways, seeing is just one way.
“No really I did not see a thing,” Not even in your “mind’s eye?” The definition of seeing can also derail a session. It’s not always that movie behind the eyelids experience. Even as a trained visual artist my own personal experience with Dolores Cannon hypnotizing me was a “mind’s eye” daydream.
“I only saw colored lights, so the session failed.” Not so fast. Some of the most spectacular and high-level sessions I have ever facilitated were described in this way! Sometimes inexperienced practitioners are not sure how to assist clients in this state (My own Beyond Quantum Healing course focuses on this and 8 other common experiences. Not everyone goes to a “past life.”)
“I had an experience but I made it up.” This is one of the hardest cultural “programs” to address. You see, from the moment you were born you were often told to mistrust or ignore your imagination as invalid or inconsequential. I can not state more strongly that if you eliminate your imagination from your experience you may eliminate your experience altogether. Your imagination is the language of your Higher Self!
Best Definition, Best Practices.
Over the years the very best way I have found to assist clients in BQH or QHHT ® sessions is to talk about daydreaming, getting lost in reading novels and watching movies, but daydreaming tops that list. Can you daydream? A quantum healing session can be simply described as a long-involved daydream! It’s one where you talk and describe all of what is going on in your daydream with a facilitator. It is really that simple.
Can’t daydream or don’t know exactly what a daydream is? You can practice, either with your practitioner or along with a video such as this one:
If you can daydream, play along with the video above and have an experience of any kind, if you trust yourself, if you can relax and trust your practitioner and the method, you can feel confident you can have a successful quantum healing session!
I hope this helps you RW. And I hope it helps anyone who is considering having a quantum healing session!
Candace has been involved in the Healing Arts since the year 2000. Notably, she worked closely with the late Dolores Cannon from 2008-2014, assisting her in her live trainings and workshops.
Candace is the founder of the ORIGINAL Quantum Healing Support Forum Community for Spiritual and Energy Practitioners and also the Worldwide Directory of Quantum Healers called Her course “Beyond Quantum Healing,” moves beyond dogma and limitation to break new ground for practitioners and clients alike who are ready to experience healing in a new way on the New Earth.
Copyright 2018 Candace Craw-Goldman. This article may be freely shared and posted as long as it is posted in its entirety with all links included.
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