Beyond Quantum Healing
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Published Monday August 14, 2017 by
UncategorizedVioleta Stoica is a Practitioner who has facilitated hundreds of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions, she recently moved to California from Romania. She is one of the many Practitioners offering Quantum Healing sessions during the Quantum Healing 5D and Beyond event in Sarasota this October, here’s her story:
How did you first hear of Dolores Cannon? Is she known in Romania?
No, Dolores was not known in Romania when I lived there but we are talking about more than 11 years ago now and there were no Romanian translations of any of her books or videos back then. Her only translated book now in Romanian is “The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth” and it came out only in December 2012. By that time I had been already practicing for over two years. Also, I had already been educating my clients about Dolores and her work. Even though a lot of people speak English in Romania, certainly not all of them did, so, until the book came out I was just speaking of her to everyone who would listen. The funny thing is that I never felt alone or isolated. I really, truly believed in her and I just kept going.
What was the event that led you to become a healer?
The event that influenced me in a major way was my inner unease and restlessness that was the result of another event. I had gone through my mother’s fight with cancer and in the end I was not able to be with her for her last days. The day I got on the plane to be with her, she had already passed. This situation left me emotionally wounded and because I did not acknowledge it, it started haunting me, and became my own un-processed trauma.
I could not continue to live with that commotion inside of me. I had to do something, so I started to work with my own mind. I dug up my inner thoughts. I wanted to understand all of it and become friends with this trauma to gain control of it. That was the moment when I realized that I can work with it and get great results.
Many people start to have a different view of their reality after an emotional shock. My shock kept me from sleeping. I was going downhill, getting close to depression. I knew the symptoms, I was observing them. I was my own guinea pig. I cannot say that I hit rock bottom, but sometimes it is very beneficial to do so, because only then the true change begins. It must come from deep inside, from a deep conviction. It is like a KNOWING without any doubt.
All this happened while I was studying psychology and for good reason! Helping myself out of my suffering, also helped me along the way in both my practices, psychotherapy and hypnosis. Because I was able to heal myself, I could help others.
The most influential authors in my life were, chronologically; Edgar Cayce, Louise Hay, Dr. Scott Peck, Dolores Cannon, Brian Weiss, Michael Newton, and Nasim Haramein. I also resonate with some parts of Buddhism. It helped me allow myself to stay on a moderate path in life. I believe in the balance and in respect for all.
I learn from every client that I work with and I am always learning from the world around me. One thing that I now know from moving around so much is that the differences that set us apart, as humans, are insignificant, versus the true resemblance between us all. I am in awe of how many things people can accomplish and how wonderful they are even if they are not aware of it, at least not quite yet.
And of course, I get the most amazing teaching from Nature, from Mother Gaia. I have a close connection with Her.
Has your background as a nurse/ psychologist, psychotherapist influenced your practice?
I have always been attracted to people and feel good being around them.
My work as a nurse helped me get close with suffering people. In my beginning years, I worked with children and later with adults. I always talked to them, listened and got to learn about them, not only from the medical point of view, but deeper from their story. Everyone has a story and to me, they are all fascinating. One can learn so much from someone else’s story. I gather information that I can help others later on. This is one way of how genuine knowledge is spread, from one to another.
As a psychologist and psychotherapist, I have come to an understanding of how the human mind works. It is intricate and I cannot say that I know it all. I am in a continuous learning mode. It is a life time task and I enjoy it. .
All of these experiences helped me working with QHHT clients especially when it comes to connecting with them. I listen, I do not judge, I understand their perspective because I can see where it comes from, either from the actual life or from a past life. I see the way their eyes light up during our conversation and it feels really special when they get one of those Aha! moments. I see the beauty in every client.
I have had so many clients tell me that they are so happy to talk to someone that understands them when they speak about their spiritual experiences. They had no one to talk to. They were afraid that they will be called lunatics. It’s therapeutic when someone tells their story because most of the time, when telling it, they realize something deeper that has to do with past decisions. Just understanding how they felt in that particular situation, or why they made a particular decision can bring healing.
How has your practice changed since you started?
In some aspects, my practice stayed the same and in others it has changed because I have changed. I have learned precious lessons along the way in these seven years of working with QHHT.
My now better understanding of all human beings and how the Universe works with me for the highest good of my clients and for this I must be in alignment with It has been a positive change. I have learned about the power of intention, mine and my clients and have learned to trust. I know now NOT to step over the free will of any being. I know that I am helped and guided always and that all these changes that I went trough can help my practice and my clients. I have come to an understanding that one’s life experience is more valuable that any dogma and that others can learn from it. I believe in the power of personal example.
Has your Practice changed or been influenced by your choice to move from Romania to the United States?
I have lived in the US before and after six years in the States my husband and I decided to go back to Romania.
This transition helped us to awaken, I would say, by pushing our limits. I believe that we become wiser not with aging, but with experience. People that are exposed to a variety of experiences are forced out of their comfort zone. We suddenly had a “hunger” for information, for truth. These were the early stages of awakening that we went through.
Now when I look back, I can see that we were guided to Dolores’ work.
My husband, Alex, was the one who initially discovered Dolores Cannon and we started listening to her on radio and watching her on YouTube. We both resonated with what was she saying. After a while, maybe a year, it was my husband once again, who learned that Dolores was teaching her technique and was coming to Europe to do so, and was coming to the United Kingdom.
After seven years of diligent practice in Romania, in which the first two years I was the only one there, I just recently moved to California.
Despite the low fee for healing sessions that is specific to Romania, I had a great experience with this type of therapy and I met many amazing people. I am very grateful and I am proud to say I had in total over 400 sessions in all this time. I am very proud of this accomplishment.
The last year I was there I was booked for three months in advance. Right now, there are only six practitioners in Romania, and it’s a small country! Dolores’ work is really becoming well known around the globe!
For myself as I am undergoing this big move and change in life for me I know that I have my Original Quantum Healing Forum Family here that will help support me in my practice as I begin anew and will be there for me as Family as well.
I haven’t started yet to work because I’ve been traveling for the past couple of months, but what I can already see happening is that here I get more exposure through social media and people here seem to know much more about Dolores and QHHT and that makes everything much easier. I can feel the energy is different here. Back in Romania I felt like I started something brand new, here I feel like I came back into a big, friendly and heartwarming community of high vibrating souls that I seem to have known forever…for INFINITY.
Lastly, is there anything else you’d like us or future clients to know about you and your practice?
I have this deep belief that QHHT can be a very empowering method for everyone if they are willing to allow and to release the mind’s need of control. QHHT puts people in touch with their highest Intelligence, their highest Wisdom, and when they realize how to stay connected, everything in their lives becomes smoother, like the way the Energy flows in the Universe. When there are no blockages from old, un-processed emotions, when peace has been made, when there is acceptance and the knowing that there is more to this reality then what people think, then they become empowered and they own their own lives.
To learn more about Violeta and her Practice, you can find her Directory listing here
you can also visit her personal website:
Tags: Meet the Practitioner
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