Beyond Quantum Healing
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Published Monday June 26, 2017 by
UncategorizedMay 12th and 13th, 2017 QHHT Practitioners from around the world gathered in Mainz, Germany for our First European Practitioner Summit. I am happy to report that our first ever meeting to celebrate those who carry on Dolores Cannon’s work outside of the United States was a huge success with more people wanting to attend than we had room to accept.
22 people journeyed to Germany from eleven different countries and our farthest traveler came from Japan! This QHHT Reunion and Informational Summit provided an opportunity for practitioners whose hearts were connected with love and alignment and a shared history, often one encompassing years, and most over long distances, were able to put their physical hearts close together, some for the very first time.
Many thanks must go to the actual organizer of this event in Germany, the amazing Mario Radinger. Every tiny detail was thought out brilliantly and the 2-day event ran smoothly, efficiently and most of all, joyfully!
Although the forecast for Mainz was an 85% chance of rain and showers both days, we as a group decided we could clear the weather with our intention and that is exactly what happened. The skies were blue, the weather warm, the light exceedingly brilliant.
The first day together was a casual one for conversations and connection (or re-connection) to each other, our history and our planet. We took a tour to a lovely “energy spot” a former monastery ruins called Klosterruine Disibodenberg and spent the afternoon wandering the grounds telling stories and hearing ancient ones shared by the stones and trees in residence. There were animals and birds and an interested caretaker to welcome our group and we also discovered a labyrinth to walk.
The Summit itself, the following day, was first and foremost a celebration of QHHT Practitioners who are, and have been, practicing outside of the United States.
The focus of our meeting was primarily on the importance of a strong, supportive and independent Community. Practitioners need support, useful information, a safe and uncensored venue to communicate and also an actual physical connection and time together whenever possible and all across the planet. This idea was the very heart of our Summit!
Nina Craniac, a lovely practitioner, talked about specific French Community connection and outreach for practitioners and clients, the patterns and the commonalities between French Practitioners and their clients.
Mario Radinger gave an impressive informational presentation about the status of Quantum Healing is today, looking at its roots and foundation from teachers and consciousness leaders of the last century, current understandings and expansion into the future. He focused upon the work and influences of Edgar Cayce and Jane Roberts…his presentation was stunningly beautiful and poignant.
Hara Katsiki’s spent some time sharing a collection of incredible ET and Starseed session stories. Her session notes were so detailed, even though we as practitioners often have ET sessions like this ourselves, we found ourselves enthralled with specific stories of other planets and dimensions.
Clear conduit channel Pamela Aaralyn was a special guest and the group welcomed her warmly. Pamela has her own special connection to Dolores Cannon and we invited her to our Summit to be able to communicate to Dolores in a conscious way as a group! Apparently Dolores had already woken Pamela up early in preparation for the event with a message and a pretty profound physical experience for Pamela herself. We started by hearing a brief introduction from Dolores and then we all took turns asking detailed and sometimes very personal questions of our beloved teacher. It was wonderful.
The setting for this Summit was the home of Practitioner Khi Robertson. He does his QHHT session work here and the golden healing energy of the SC was palpable. The light in the apartment was sparkling. The snacks and food and tea and coffee were purely perfect, and every single spot of that space was blessed, glowing and welcoming. Khi even sculpted a new presentation podium for the event from the trunk of a tree. It had living plants on it!
We had a wonderful fresh gourmet lunch across the street and finished our time together at a fun African restaurant for dinner.
Some VERY special ADC (After Death Communication) connections happened during this summit also. Dolores was most present and very vocal and several of the practitioners had moving experience they are now beginning to share on our Forum. It is certain the gifts of the Summit will continue.
Finally, we viewed an extensive slide show from Practitioner Stephanie Shek who had been hard at work researching the logistics for our next year’s Worldwide Summit in GREECE! The dates and details are already worked out. We will meet May 25, 2018 for 5 days 4 nights of exploration, discovery, interaction with the local Greek Community and of course, connection with each other. Already there is excitement growing for next year’s trip. (Do you want to provide forum post link?
Many of our practitioners, old and new, hear Dolores Cannon’s unique voice and perspective guiding us from beyond the veil. Our Community welcomes and celebrates this “after death communication” as a skill that is one human’s have denied themselves for so very long. Our Forum is a place where one may safely share these communications without ridicule, denial or censure.
The Original Quantum Healing Support Forum is an independent Community that welcomes anyone who has ever taken a class or training with Dolores Cannon from 1998- until today. We have a wealth of information in our Forum, with more than 3 million page views and nearly 10,000 Discussions spanning more than 9 years of collected wisdom, we have served thousands of practitioners across the globe.
Permission to share this article is freely granted, as long as it remains complete, unaltered and all links are included.
Copyright 2017 Candace Craw-Goldman at
Tags: Dolores Cannon, Quantum Healing, Summit
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