Beyond Quantum Healing
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Published Monday April 6, 2020 by
Metaphysical MusingsArticle by This may seem a strange thing to say what with the lockdown going on all over the world.Why celebrate you may ask ? Did you know that today is the day to celebrate Spring and it is called Ostara ? I find this a beautiful name and didn’t know it existed until this morning our very first official day of Spring.But let me share with you what happened to me Monday morning, very early, as the sun was rising and I was between the state of asleep and awake.I live in a very beautiful region in France where time has stood still: in terms of nature, houses and buldings and monuments solid after many hundreds of years of wars and revolution.There is a majestic tree so beautiful in my town of Cahors, I’m told it is 500 years old.I can never get enough of standing by it each time I go to the restaurant it shelters, feeling its force and protection as I imagine different people and lives of centuries past.I came here to this country in the Spring of my life 26 years ago.I was young then and excited about the unknown. I had just bought a house with a boyfriend and was wondering where life was going to take me.Several moves, a few heartaches and decades later much inner searching brought me to where I am today a spiritual guidance practitioner.Life has been good and I am very grateful for every difficult and joyful moment that has brought me to today.Then all of a sudden from one day to the next we all find out we are to be quarantined for 14 days in our homes with very minimal travelling, no seeing friends and forbidden to stand closer than several feet from each person.It feels surreal yet not at all surprising that this has come about.As if deep down we all knew something had to give.So…. I am sleeping Monday morning and sort of waking up when I hear the distant persistant meowing of my bossy Siamese cat Leo, becoming louder and more insistent.And suddenly I hear Leo my cat communicate with me.”Leo kept on talking though I fell asleep again but his message reverberated in every cell of my body the next day and the whole of this week.All the while the news continued their doom and people fist fought over toilet paper and pasta, everyone looking at each other suspiciously and fearfully.I immediately went to the garden centre before it emptied out and bought a bunch of plants. I cleaned out my garden and tried not to worry about finances and what could happen. I continued to feel grateful. Despite the worry of the unknown, amid all the doubt in front of us. The message is clearer than ever.Be ready to spring into a new step of life. Use this time wisely. This clearing is paving the way for something new and far better. For you. For each of us. Rejoice and keep moving. We are with you every step of the way.Dear friends on earth please hear this. Go towards your dreams of old & new. Believe in the possibility of all your hopes. Use this moment of silence as golden and god given Know this is not the ending but a new beginning of you and all of earth. We are here to heal you and guide you. A message from the Universe…Chantal Anders &You can find Chantal Anders here on Quantum Healers, or her Website
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