Beyond Quantum Healing
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Published Friday April 6, 2018 by
Common Questions and ConcernsListening to Your Recorded Session
When a person decides to have a QHHT® session, a recording will be given to the client that will contain the Past Lives experienced and the discussion the client had with their Higher Self. It is an excellent and extremely helpful tool that we provide to our clients and it is the duty of the practitioner to do so. This is how Dolores Cannon trained her students and also how she did all of her sessions herself. She used to tell her clients and us, her students, that she recommends listening to their recording three to four times and I have said the same thing to my clients for the last seven years whilst working in this field.
Today I would like to share with you a part of my work. When a client leaves my office I would tell them to listen to their recording and to give me feedback if and when they feel like doing so. There is no obligation and there are clients that do give me feedback, and there are some that don’t. It is entirely up to them. In my experience, there are clients that never listen to their recording and a few who don’t even want it. Some people partially listen to it, and some might listen to it a couple of times.
There is nothing wrong with any of the above categories. Everyone has their own internal guidance system that will help them along the way. What I am trying to say is that the recording has tremendous value, for it holds so much more value than people might think.
I have had seven sessions of my own and I can tell you that it is pretty cool to know so much about myself. After each session, I was strongly convinced by the fact that I could remember my entire session, that I could recall the details. I thought I knew what I was doing and knew where I was as I thought I remembered everything! Well, that statement couldn’t have been farther from the truth. As the days passed, I was still convinced that I remembered everything. After a couple of weeks, I made time to listen to my recording and to my surprise I had forgotten half of it. “Where did it go?” I asked myself. How could I have forgotten so much and so soon after having a session?
Allow me to explain. In a quantum healing session when you are in a deep state of trance, you will see images and colors. This state of the mind is called the Theta level of trance and those images or stories that are shown to us are a dream-like image, which means that they will fade away like dreams tend to do. Have you ever awoken in the morning firmly believing that you remember your entire dream or parts of it, and then after a couple of minutes they seem to disappear? This is how it is with QHHT® sessions.
Some time passed when I listened to my recording again, and again I have found that I have forgotten some parts of it. The best part of listening to my recorded session was the feeling of re-reading a book or watching a movie for the second time where you get to notice and possibly understand some finer details that you didn’t take any notice of the first time around. You get a chance to more deeply understand the answers and the connections of your past life compared to the present one you are currently living. There is wisdom in those sessions and it is like having your session all over again, without the effort of going into the trance states. You can listen to it as many times as you like, in your own home or space.
The subconscious mind is in charge for the most part, and what better method to convince it to do what you want it to do than by listening to your recording repeatedly? The answers have come from the higher intelligence of ourselves after all.
Our conscious mind thinks it knows everything and wants to be in control, but researchers found that our subconscious mind is behind the wheel and in control 95% of the time in our daily lives.
The subconscious mind is very independent, has its own will and doesn’t listen to us or anybody else. It is known and proven that whatever deep beliefs we hold in our subconscious mind will manifest into our external reality. This is how our reality is created, from the depth of our subconscious mind and the best way to change old patterns and believes is through hypnosis.
Another way of changing old beliefs is to repeatedly tell our subconscious something that we want to change. It might be changing unwanted behaviours into new ones, changing old emotional reactions to certain situations into new and more balanced reactions that will lead to different outcomes or even unwanted thought patterns into more positive patterns of thoughts.
Look at the unconscious mind of a toddler that is absorbed completely into his own playing. To get his attention you may call the child’s name but he will not even hear you. If you call him the second time, he might hear you and look up but he will not be paying attention to you, and if you call him repeatedly he will probably hear you and look at you in acknowledgment. You have to keep telling him what you want him to do and the more you repeat it, the better the results. The same goes for your session recording, the more you listen to it, the more you’ll get out of it. This is a reinforcement of suggestions, some might call it self-suggestion or they may even call it the placebo effect. It doesn’t matter what we call it, what is important is the outcome.
Our brains function on many principles and one of them is a reduced energy consumption. To be able to do that the brain uses the same neural pathways which mean using old or known pathways because they require less energy. In the process of changing thought patterns or behaviours, new neuronal pathways are created by creating a new way of looking at things. This is called brain plasticity as new patterns, new neuronal pathways are created and by thinking these new thoughts, the pathways are strengthened, and the old ones are weakened.
Listening to your session recording is all it takes to change old patterns of thinking. Some people’s conscious minds might sabotage us by starting to judge or disregard the experience. Grass will start growing on a less travelled path, old ways of thinking will disappear and that is known as forgetfulness, a very natural and useful mind process. Without it, our minds will be flooded with useless memories. Every mechanism in our mind has its own role. Every emotion has its own place and use. By understanding how our minds function, we can make the changes we want and becoming empowered in our own lives where we can make better choices, better decisions.
Article by Violeta Stoica
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