A Reincarnation Story

A Reincarnation Story

Session Stories

Susan Camilleri, is a BQH practitioner, as well as the first qualified Biofield Tuning Practitioner in the Maltese Islands. She was introduced to sound healing therapy in 2014 and since then she has been practicing sound therapy and alignment of the human biofield (aura), through the use of Himalayan singing bowls and tuning forks. Susan started doing energy work since her introduction to Universal Energy therapy in 1993. In fact, after a two-year course in Universal Energy (UE) theory and practice, in 1995 she graduated as a Level 4 UE practitioner from the Open International University for Complementary Medicines (Colombo, Sri Lanca). 

A Short Story of the Reincarnation Events of a Dog Becoming the Cat

A family member moved from Malta to reside in Japan 10 months ago. She had no choice, and very reluctantly, had left her 13-year-old dog Timmy behind. We all knew that he would leave this plane once she had left, since he came into her life 12 years ago, while she was going through a very rough time in her life. He was her protector and soul mate. Sadly he passed away two months later.

Around 3 months ago, it was monsoon season in Japan, and heavy rains were pouring down. While she was waiting at the train station, a small kitten appeared and walked up to her. Those who were there waiting in line with her thought that it was, in fact, her kitten since it went straight up to her as if she was its mum. So she picked it up and started asking around to see if anyone had lost a kitten.

It was no ones! So, she decided that she couldn’t leave it there; she had to rescue it. The very next day she took it to the vet for a check-up and to see if it was chipped. She learned that it was a Scottish Fold cat, wasn’t chipped and that it was quite an expensive breed in Japan, so it was merely impossible that anyone would leave it there.

She named her Haru, which means Spring in Japanese.

A couple of days later, while Haru was sitting on the sofa, she saw Timmy sitting there instead of Haru! She called her mum (my sister) in awe to tell her that Timmy was back with her. Haru is indeed the reincarnation of Timmy (the dog). She was able to recognize Timmy’s old habits and behavior within her. So, for us, this is now common knowledge that Timmy is back with her.

Article by Susan Camilleri



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