Dolores Cannon Assists Dorothea May in Group Event

Dolores Cannon Assists Dorothea May in Group Event


The following is a posting to our Original Quantum Healing Support Forum, edited and shared with permission from Practitioner Dorothea May who lives in Munich, Germany.

Dear Forum Family,

I recently had a very inspiring, amazing 2 days group session with 16 participants in Munich, Germany. The journeys were awesome and everybody was “changed” and happy afterwards.

But what I would like to share is this: In these German groups there are always older people – they find me through my articles in the magazine Raum&zeit.  They typically are about 40 – 70 years old.

So their English is often poor as are their computer skills. None of them read any of Dolores Cannon’s books, and only a few have listened to her on YouTube. So I always tell them a little about Pamela Aaralyn’s channelings and that Dolores will be present in each session. I feel Dolores always – but I cannot see her, nor hear her words.

In this workshop I had a participant, who started to describe Dolores being in our group, working with everybody in our group. This was after our first Past Life journey and she was talking to us as a group and addressing our individual subjects and concerns. He was able to see and hear her clearly. The way in which he described her power, her words and her humor – there was no doubt whatsoever. Dolores was present!

This man said that he saw her visibly and clearly next to him, kneeling down on the floor, working with each participant, all of whom lay on the floor, very intensely, telling him what to say to each of them, what to do, to listen to her specifically and to tell the group all of the messages from her!

The next morning, Dolores woke him up very early and then he had a few more new messages for the group. He told us she was so intense he couldn´t resist! Then later on that afternoon another three participants told us they saw and felt her guiding and words while traveling. Amazing!

Also- and this is so much fun to report,  we had a spontaneous physical healing during the group regression. A 72 year old manager who had a badly crippled small finger and had had the damage for 40 years- straightened up and was healed after our “regression” into the future! He can now bend and use this finger again.

Dolores Cannon and her wisdom, energy and assistance in healing is really available in a very big way to not only all of her quantum healing practitioners, but to everyone and anyone who is open to hearing or even seeing her from “beyond the veil.”

To learn more about Dorothea May and her practice you can find her Directory Listing Here

or find her on her website:

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