Holding a Space

Holding a Space


By Malka Ahern

After an initial coaching session with a new client I received an email containing the following…

“I have to tell you that the most impressive aspect of our session tonight was that you didn’t “give up” on us. If someone had told me what I told you about our marriage, I would have thought, ‘Not much hope’…”

So what do you do with a new client who has been married for forty years, started seeing a serious decline in the marriage twenty years ago and has been to a variety of therapists, counselors and religious figures over the past fifteen?

One of the most important things that we can do as coaches is to hold a space for our clients. A space where they can dream, feel free to explore, and know that the magic isn’t gone, it just took a detour.

Aligning with clients in this way is just the first step.

Most people tend to see things as all or nothing; everything else seems to be flyover country. Actually there’s a whole spectrum of choices to work with between the two poles. What a concept! How much easier can this make every aspect of life for our clients?

The metaphor of an angle can also be quite useful. When they come to understand that by increasing just a few degrees will put them in a completely different place ten miles out, it furthers the idea that extremes are not needed to make a significant difference.

Next is showing them that leaps and bounds are not needed but small steps which they can make some progress in every day. Starting today! Just one step a day accumulates to 364 over the course of a year. This can bring a sense of purpose and vitality into every aspect of their lives.

Holding a space, enabling the present through the future, and empowering them with tools for the journey; it can take so little to make such a big difference in someone’s life.

To learn more about Malka and her practice you can find her Directory Listing Here

and on her websites: http://www.QHHT.nyc  and   http://malkaahern.com/

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