Allergic to Kisses?

Allergic to Kisses?

I had a lovely woman come for a session recently, primarily seeking spiritual and life-path oriented answers. She was quite... Read more »

Meet Practitioner Christi Clemons Hoffman!

Meet Practitioner Christi Clemons Hoffman!

Christi Clemons Hoffman is a Quantum Healing Practitioner located in Kansas City, Missouri. What was the event that led you to become... Read more »

Pamela Aaralyn on Vaccinations and Your Belief System

Pamela Aaralyn on Vaccinations and Your Belief System

Question of the day: “Do you think it’s possible to purify vaccinations through alchemy & intention?? I’m about to give... Read more »

A Seashore to Starship Journey

A Seashore to Starship Journey

A couple of days ago I uploaded to YouTube a guided journey/meditation that was channeled to me by my guides... Read more »


ET’s, Hybrids, and The Evolution of Human Design

An article by Hara Katsiki All humans are hybrids; designed and appearing in this version on our planet for over... Read more »

Choosing Our Words

Choosing Our Words

By Catherine Wyatt After a recent conversation I had with a fellow Quantum Healing practitioner, I felt the need to... Read more »

Feel the Galaxy with Samiksa Love's 'Galactic Bells'

Feel the Galaxy with Samiksa Love’s ‘Galactic Bells’

Samiksa Love is a Quantum Healer who lives in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. During her channeled music practice (which began spontaneously... Read more »

Anatomy of Spirit: A 4 Part Medical Mediumship Class by Pamela Aaralyn

Anatomy of Spirit: A 4 Part Medical Mediumship Class by Pamela Aaralyn

Have you ever wondered if you could use your intuition to assist someone in a specific medical situation? A medical... Read more »

I Thought I Was Healed What Happened

I thought I was healed…what happened?

By Jaci Sively Most practitioners of any quantum healing modality have heard those words from a client at one point... Read more »

Opening Portals

Opening Portals

Violeta Stoica dives deep into her QHHT® session facilitated by Kaleah LaRoche, both quantum healing practitioners. Here Violeta explains how Quantum... Read more »

Group and Individual Regressions - What's the Difference?

Group and Individual Regressions – What’s the Difference?

As Quantum Healers, we often get the question, “What is the difference between having an experience of a one-on-one individual regression... Read more »

Why It Is Important To Listen To Your Recording

Why It Is Important To Listen To Your Recording

Listening to Your Recorded Session When a person decides to have a QHHT® session, a recording will be given to... Read more »

Are you a "Session Junkie?"

Are you a “Session Junkie?”

Energy and Alternative Practitioners recognize this phrase very well. What do you think, could they be talking about you? Now... Read more »

Photo and Story by Patty Franklin O'Brien

It’s the Little Things that Matter

We all have an opportunity to make a difference in the world. You don’t have to be famous or have... Read more »

Spiritual Gaslighting

Spiritual Gaslighting

By Guest Writer, Chameice Daniel RH I am seeing a new “spiritual” trend emerging; people that consider themselves to be... Read more »

Forum Highlights July 21-27

Forum Highlights July 21-27, 2017

What a week for the Original QH Support Forum Community, July 21-27! Read on for a brief recap of the... Read more »

Animals Team Up to Deliver Soul Messages

Animals Team Up to Deliver Soul Messages

As a practitioner of Quantum Healing and QHHT it has become common if not expected to connect with the higher... Read more »

On Time Anomalies and Broken Glass

On Time Anomalies and Broken Glass

On Time Anomalies and Broken Glass Many of us are experiencing time anomalies. Clocks showing different times throughout the house,... Read more »

Aura's Akashic Journey with Isis

Aura’s Akashic Journey with Isis

Content removed at the author’s request.  We know it’s not why you clicked on our link, but here’s a picture... Read more »

The Level 3 Misnomer

The following observation was recently offered to our Support Forum Community: Having undertaken the Level 3 review, I feel the... Read more »

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