Seeds of Source - A Story of Our ET Origins

Seeds of Source – A Story of Our ET Origins

Catherine Wyatt is a Quantum Healing Practitioner who lives near Houston, Texas. The topic of ET’s, Hybrid Children and Contact with our off-planet... Read more »

Spiritual Gaslighting

Spiritual Gaslighting

By Guest Writer, Chameice Daniel RH I am seeing a new “spiritual” trend emerging; people that consider themselves to be... Read more »

What is the Original Quantum Healing Support Forum?

What is the Original Quantum Healing Support Forum?

What is the Original Quantum Healing Support Forum? The Original QH Support Forum began in 2008, at that time focused exclusively... Read more »

Hybrid Children 'Dream' is in fact 'A Remembering'

Hybrid Children ‘Dream’ is in fact ‘A Remembering’

In just a few hours, today October, 30, 2017 at 1pm Central Time, the Original Quantum Healing Support Forum will host... Read more »

A Seashore to Starship Journey

A Seashore to Starship Journey

A couple of days ago I uploaded to YouTube a guided journey/meditation that was channeled to me by my guides... Read more »

Pamela Aaralyn on Vaccinations and Your Belief System

Pamela Aaralyn on Vaccinations and Your Belief System

Question of the day: “Do you think it’s possible to purify vaccinations through alchemy & intention?? I’m about to give... Read more »

Surrogate Session Success: A Quantum Healing Story

Surrogate Session Success: A Quantum Healing Story

The following is a session story written by Quantum Healing Practitioner Tara Davis. Dolores Cannon’s work, and becoming a Quantum... Read more »

Meet Practitioner Tara Davis

Meet Practitioner Tara Davis

Tara Davis is a Quantum Healing Practitioner located in Fairgrove, Missouri. What was the event that led you to become... Read more »

Allergic to Kisses?

Allergic to Kisses?

I had a lovely woman come for a session recently, primarily seeking spiritual and life-path oriented answers. She was quite... Read more »

Dolores Cannon - Three Years Since Leaving the Earth Plane

Dolores Cannon – Three Years Since Leaving the Earth Plane

Our beloved Dolores left the physical plane three years ago today. I remember getting the news as if it were... Read more »

Hawkins Scale of Consciousness

Hawkins Scale of Consciousness

In my Quantum Healing Sessions I often refer to the great Dr. David Hawkins and his scale of consciousness. The... Read more »

How Does a Shift in Consciousness Happen?

How Does a Shift in Consciousness Happen?

How does a shift in Consciousness happen? Sometimes we need to hear things more than once. With all that is... Read more »

Reality Creation Event - The 2 Minute Photoshoot

Reality Creation Event – The 2 Minute Photoshoot

As a Quantum Healer I speak often with clients about how their thoughts, intentions, emotions and internal feelings can shift... Read more »

Quantum Healing 5D and Beyond Conference Feedback and Recap

Quantum Healing 5D and Beyond Conference Feedback and Recap

I’ve been to many conferences and gatherings such as this one across the world since the year 2000. All of... Read more »

The End Of Inner Conflict Matt Kahn

Is the New Age Dead?

“You’re not on a Spiritual Journey, your body is.” – Matt Khan “Stop being Spiritual!” – Andrew Martin “Is the New... Read more »

A Question Regarding Consciousness Integration

A Question Regarding Consciousness Integration

Leeann asks, “Why isn’t it easier for us to integrate the Higher Self, Consciousness and Body then we would know... Read more »

"Why can't I connect to my Spirit Guides?"

“Why can’t I connect to my Spirit Guides?”

Question to Pamela Aaralyn: “I have meditated, prayed, bought Monroe CD's, books, guided meditations, begged and pleaded to connect. I... Read more »

Meet Quantum Healing Practitioner Allison Coe!

Meet Quantum Healing Practitioner Allison Coe!

Allison Coe is a Quantum Healing Practitioner who lives in Portland, Oregon. Allison offers Quantum Healing, QHHT®, One-on-One Guidance and Dream Interpretation. All... Read more »

Last Quantum Healing 5d And Beyond Conference Update

Last Quantum Healing 5D and Beyond Conference Update

This is the last update for the Quantum Healing 5D and Beyond Conference coming up in just 4 short days. I... Read more »


Intention, Frequency of Joy and the Light Grid

The following portion of a Quantum Healing session was facilitated by Violeta Stoica and the subject was Elena Blaj, both... Read more »

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