
Noise, Noise and More Noise

The following is a “Session Story” that I posted on the Original Quantum Healing Support Forum for Practitioners of Dolores... Read more »

One Small Step - by Sharon Collins

One Small Step – by Sharon Collins

The following “flash fiction” story by my dear friend Sharon Collins was inspired by the past life regression I had... Read more »

Why does the Higher Self need a Quantum Healing Session to heal us?

Why does the Higher Self need a Quantum Healing Session to heal us?

Dear Candace Why is it that the Higher Self can heal us but only after a Quantum Healing? Why doesn’t... Read more »

Blue Star Kachina

Blue Star Kachina

I have heard of planet X and Nibiru for quite some time although I have never really put much thought... Read more »

Hurricane Irma - Collected Thoughts from Our Community

Hurricane Irma – Collected Thoughts from Our Community

Michelle Walling– Fires. Solar flares. Hurricanes. Flooding. Is it the end of the world? As I sit in a small... Read more »

Irma as the Physical Embodiment of Human Emotion?

Irma as the Physical Embodiment of Human Emotion?

As I sat in contemplation of the massive hurricane coming on to the shores of the state of Florida I... Read more »

Mario Radinger - Quantum Healing Outcomes

Mario Radinger – Quantum Healing Outcomes

Mario Radinger has been a member of the Original Quantum Healing Support Forum Community since 2014.  Mario was instrumental in... Read more »

Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma GoFundMe by Pamela Aaralyn

From Pamela Aaralyn– Welcome to my Heart space. I am Pamela Aaralyn, a spiritual teacher and alchemist, but who... Read more »

Quantum Healing Lifts Us Up In Tough Times

Quantum Healing Lifts Us Up In Tough Times

Happiness may seem like an impossible pursuit for millions of adults facing anxiety or depression. Sometimes, anxiety and depression can... Read more »

What Happens When You Live with A Quantum Healing Practitioner?

What Happens When You Live with A Quantum Healing Practitioner?

This is a funny inspirational story about what happens when you live with a Quantum Healing Practitioner. “You seem upset... Read more »

Meet Quantum Healer Dagny St John

Meet Quantum Healer Dagny St John

Recently we’ve caught up with Dagny St John, a Medical Intuitive and Quantum Healer who lives in Woolwich Maine. Dagny... Read more »

Why Quantum Healing is Made for Millennials

Why Quantum Healing is Made for Millennials

Why Quantum Healing is Made for Millennials By Jane Sandwood The power of quantum healing is set to benefit the health... Read more »

Observing the Channeler Countdown to Stephen Hawking

Observing the Channeler Countdown to Stephen Hawking

Article by Candace Craw-Goldman In just a few hours I will be watching and also assisting Pamela Aaralyn as she channels... Read more »

My Solar Eclipse Experience by Hara Katsiki

My Solar Eclipse Experience by Hara Katsiki

Hara Katsiki practices in Berlin, Germany. She was a presenter at our European Practitioner Summit In May 2017 in Mainz, Germany.... Read more »

Away with the Fairies

Away with the Fairies

Recently, Quantum Healing Practitioner Chrysilla Lewies asked the following question on Social Media: What do your “non-spiritual” family and friends... Read more »

Meet Practitioner Mae Fox!

Meet Practitioner Mae Fox!

Mae Fox is a nurse and Quantum Healing Practitioner and the creator of A-Mae-Zing Mind Body Soul Center, Canandaigua , New York. She is also... Read more »

A New Way to Connect with Your Spirit Guides - Pamela Aaralyn

A New Way to Connect with Your Spirit Guides – Pamela Aaralyn

Here is how to get a wonderful- and affordable Channeled Message from the incomparable Pamela Aaralyn, Spiritual Alchemist! Pamela offers... Read more »

Languages in Quantum Healing Sessions

Languages in Quantum Healing Sessions

Hi Candace,  I have a question for you which I am hoping to get an answer. Is it possible to... Read more »

Buffering Electromagnetic Frequencies - with David Manning

Buffering Electromagnetic Frequencies – with David Manning

I've been aware for a very long time that I work too much, and too hard and spend too many... Read more »

Healer: Can we Have a New Label Please?

Healer: Can we Have a New Label Please?

“Where words are used for division, they do not serve:Where words are used for distinction with Unity they can always... Read more »

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