The End Of Inner Conflict Matt Kahn

Is the New Age Dead?

“You’re not on a Spiritual Journey, your body is.” – Matt Khan “Stop being Spiritual!” – Andrew Martin “Is the New... Read more »

The Loving Connection Meditation Seminar LIVE on Facebook & YouTube

The Loving Connection Meditation Seminar LIVE on Facebook & YouTube

The Loving Connection Meditation Seminar LIVE on Facebook & YouTube Σεμινάριο Διαλογισμού “Η σύνδεση αγάπης” LIVE στο Facebook και YouTube... Read more »

Quantum Healers Recommend Their Favourite Books

Quantum Healers Recommend Their Favourite Books

Candace Craw-Goldman started a thread asking all QHHT® and BQH practitioners to give their Top 3 Recommended books that changed... Read more »


Visualization, Imagination and “I just made it all up”

There are some clients who after having experienced a Quantum Healing Session will deny the validity of their experience and... Read more »

Service to Others:  Awakened and Ready Summit

Service to Others: Awakened and Ready Summit

The Awakened and Ready Summit brings some of today’s most significant influencers in the fields of mind-body-spirit, sacred sexuality, health... Read more »

One Past Life Memory – Many Meanings

Tabea is a woman in her mid-fourties. She has been exploring past lifes for many years. When she set out... Read more »

Starseed Awakening – Embracing the Task To Be

Once you come closer to discovering your soul-biography also your cosmic family might be excited about it.  This is what... Read more »

Past Life Or Symbol – And Does It Even Matter?

Sometimes we encounter memories in sessions, in dreams or spontaneously during our day. Sometimes we identify them to be from... Read more »

From Metatron with Love - For compulsive Doodlers

From Metatron with Love – For compulsive Doodlers

You can share your gifts in many ways even by doodling. This is a story about Lara who discovered during... Read more »

Can't always get what you want—but you get what you need

Can’t always get what you want‚ but you get what you need

By Christina Lavers One of the aspects that make BQH sessions unique is that there is no formula or framework for how the... Read more »

Visualisierung, Phantasie und “Ich habe mir das alles nur ausgedacht”

Es gibt einige Klienten, die nach der Erfahrung einer Quantenheilung die Gültigkeit ihrer Erfahrung bestreiten und sagen: “Nichts davon war... Read more »

Tune into the Trees

Tune into the Trees

By Christina Lavers  It is not uncommon for a person in the midst of a BQH session to meet with, or find themselves... Read more »

Total Session Failure

Total Session Failure

I received a brief note from a highly respected and very successful quantum healing practitioner yesterday. She wrote, “I just... Read more »

Support Forum History and Highlights

'Quantum Healing Practitioners' is home for those who practice either Dolores Cannon’s pure and also evolving Quantum Healing Hypnosis method... Read more »



Article by Mario Radinger  A BQH and QHHT® practitioner based in Frankfurt, Germany. Signals Have you been seeing many double/triple/quadruple-digits and... Read more »

Myth Busters!

Myth Busters!

Quantum Healing facilitators often find themselves having to do some myth-busting before they are able to address individual client needs.... Read more »

Meet Practitioner Alexandra Kallos

Meet Practitioner Alexandra Kallos

Alexandra was born in Greece and grew up in Holland. An early career in Dance and Fine Arts allowed her... Read more »

Lieber Linkshirniger Klient

Es ist nicht deine Schuld. Wirklich nicht!   Du bist von Geburt an darauf programmiert, in erster Linie nur die... Read more »

If I Have to Choose

If I Have to Choose

Chrysilla is Quantum Healer, and multi-dimensional channel who based in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England. We love that she does in-person session, as... Read more »

Ich kann nicht hypnotisiert werden … und andere Hypnose-Mythen

Ich bin noch nie hypnotisiert worden, ich fürchte, ich kann nicht hypnotisiert werden. Wahrscheinlich verbringst du tatsächlich einen guten Teil... Read more »

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