Transforming Our Blocks Into Doorways

Transforming our Blocks into Doorways

Diana is a practitioner at Spiral Path Therapies, a BQH practitioner, as well as facilitates BQH surrogate sessions for those who feel... Read more »

Taking Back The Power

Taking Back the Power

Article by Mario Radinger On her Soul Journey, this client went back to a time before Ancient Egypt. She was... Read more »

What’s Really Going On With Neck Pain

What’s Really Going on with Neck Pain

Have you ever sat at a computer so long that your neck stiffens up and starts hurting?  Our strong necks... Read more »

Energetic Leash Resulting In Manipulation

Energetic Leash Resulting in Manipulation

Session Story by Ludmila Duhot The following session is about a client who has been feeling rather cold around her neck... Read more »

The New Wave of 2020: Children to Lead the way.

The New Wave of 2020: Children to Lead the way.

Article by Nina Morrocco The New Wave of 2020: Children to Lead the way.  I’m excited to share with you the... Read more »

When The Foundation Cracks A Tsunami Of Light Will Follow

When the Foundation Cracks, A Tsunami of Light will Follow

Editor’s Note: Ludmila is a Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner, as well as practicing light therapy, and facilitating light language intuitive sessions;... Read more »

Warning Labels And Dirty Guesses 3

Warning Labels and Dirty Guesses

Perhaps you find yourself in need of a new holiday tradition? My kids outgrew Santa awhile ago—and they didn’t care... Read more »

Neurodynamic Breathwork A Doorway To An Altered State Of Consciousness

Neurodynamic Breathwork; A Doorway to an Altered State of Consciousness

I recently participated in a Neurodynamic Breathwork session (an evolution of holotropic breathwork) and was inspired to share a bit about this... Read more »

A Cat Who Remembers Her Past Life

A Cat Who Remembers Her Past Life

Editors Note: The following story is of healing and transformation by Quantum Healer Hara Katsiki. This story is one of so... Read more »

The Time Travel Theory

The Time Travel Theory

Editor’s note: This is a great article to read if you are curious to know more about timelines, especially why exploring... Read more »

Diamond Light Code Explosion - DC Summit

Diamond Light Code Explosion – DC Summit

Editor’s note: Chrysilla Lewies is a Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner and medium based in Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom. She’s intuitive and we love... Read more »

2 Become 1


Article by Mario Radinger This recent Quantum Healing client had experienced much hardship and many challenging situations throughout her life... Read more »

Her Mysterious Hair Loss Connected To A World War Ii Sailor

Her Mysterious Hair Loss Connected to a World War II Sailor

THE KEY This recent client utilized her Soul Journey session in the most powerful way. One of her main issues... Read more »

Time Is Not Linear And You Have Already Ascended

Time is Not Linear and You Have Already Ascended

Editor’s note: Donna McMurtry, Quantum Healer and author at Spiral Path Therapies, is located in Colorado Springs, United States. She’s a... Read more »

Dancing with Gaia, Co-creating a New Story

Dancing with Gaia, Co-creating a New Story

Ever see a newborn? Notice how angelic they are? How they respond to Love? How they respond with Love?  ... Read more »

Et Abductee And 2 Implant Devices

ET Abductee and 2 Implant Devices

Nina Raphaella Morrocco, located in Peebles, Scotland is principally known for her Twin Flames and Quantum Healing work but writes the following... Read more »

Your Soul has Chosen this Experience

Your Soul has Chosen this Experience

The following article is information channelled by Harry Kroner, a Quantum Healing hypnosis practitioner who also has a Master’s degree in Psychology.... Read more »

Allowing for Healing

Allowing for Healing, and Respecting Sovereignty

Georgeanna is a talented and valued member in our Quantum Healing community, practicing Beyond Quantum Healing, as well as being an Ambassador... Read more »

Alternate Timeline Experience

Alternate Timeline Experience

The concept of timelines is a fascinating subject, and something we all experience. You will notice this yourself if you... Read more »

A Reincarnation Story

A Reincarnation Story

Susan Camilleri, is a BQH practitioner, as well as the first qualified Biofield Tuning Practitioner in the Maltese Islands. She was... Read more »

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