Dolores And Nostradamus Redux

Dolores and Nostradamus, Redux

Patricia Grootjans is a BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) practitioner and is well known within our community for facilitating surrogate Quantum Healing... Read more »

Free Energy Tesla And Timelines

Free Energy, Tesla and Timelines

BQH practitioner Dr. Allison Brown is located just outside of Charleston, SC.  In this article she shares a channeled message from April... Read more »

New Earth Updates

New Earth Updates

The following is the transcript from a recent BQH session facilitated by Hara Katsiki and her client Andrew.  H: From your perspective... Read more »

Merging With Your Guide – Multidimensional Encounters

Vera is a psychically gifted woman. She has been on the self-exploration path for many years. The „person“ she trusted... Read more »

Past Life Or Symbol – And Does It Even Matter?

Sometimes we encounter memories in sessions, in dreams or spontaneously during our day. Sometimes we identify them to be from... Read more »

The Angelic Clubhouse: A BQH Surrogate Session Segment

The Angelic Clubhouse: A BQH Surrogate Session Segment

I want to I share a little bit about an amazing session I had. We did something a little different... Read more »

BQH Surrogate Session: A Modern-Day Removal of Dark Entities

BQH Surrogate Session: A Modern-Day Removal of Dark Entities

I’ve only just begun the work of Quantum Healing, and this story highlights why I love it so much. I’ll begin to say that... Read more »

A Message For Lightworkers Accessing Working With 5d The End Game

A Message for Lightworkers: Accessing & Working with 5D – The End Game

I listened to a very powerful teaching by Matt Kahn last week that I want to share with you. I’ve... Read more »

Le printemps se fête... un nouveau départ

Le printemps se fête… un nouveau départ

Article de Chantal Anders Ça peut sembler étrange, avec tout ce qui se passe dans le monde à ce moment. On... Read more »

Step into Spring.... and celebrate

Step into Spring…. and celebrate

Article by This may seem a strange thing to say what with the lockdown going on all over the world.Why... Read more »

Carry The Light

Carry The Light

Article by Quantum Healing Practitioner  Mario Radinger  In today’s Quantum Healing session, the client’s Superconscious (=SC) agreed to share their... Read more »

How our imagination effects stress in our lives

How our imagination effects stress in our lives

Your Subconscious cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality.  Close your eyes and see a lemon slice in your... Read more »

Healing the Water Within

Healing the Water Within

July 2017 Star Energy Healing Teleconference: Healing the water within Facilitated by Barbara Becker & her Higher Self In 2003,... Read more »

Total Session Failure

Total Session Failure

I received a brief note from a highly respected and very successful quantum healing practitioner yesterday. She wrote, “I just... Read more »

“The Meaning of This” Coronavirus

“The Meaning of This” Coronavirus

For all those wondering what “the meaning of this” Coronavirus is, I would like to share with you what I... Read more »

Is There Room For Compassion When It Comes To Narcissists

Is There Room for Compassion When It Comes to Narcissists?

Is there room for compassion when it comes to Narcissists? Our society, in recent years, has begun to shine a... Read more »

9 Ways to Work With Fear

9 Ways to Work With Fear

Quantum Healer Donna McMurtry, author of the Golden Age Series of Atlantis, recorded a podcast a couple years ago titled “9... Read more »

Conversation With Shadow Entity

Conversation with Shadow Entity

Julie Aurora Wray is a practitioner of many modalities, and working with her she will help you find and heal old... Read more »

Corona Crisis Or Chance To Feel Connected

CORONA: Crisis or Chance to Feel Connected

One of my dear fellow Quantum Healer colleagues asked if ‘we’ as quantum healers, aren’t downplaying the reality of what’s... Read more »

Cher client cerveau gauche

Ce n'est pas de votre faute. Vraiment. Vous avez été programmé(e) depuis votre plus tendre enfance afin que vous n’utilisiez... Read more »

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